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The Thai Memory


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Years ago, on my first visit to Thailand. I could not decide on where to go and what to see. So I stayed short times in Bangkok, Pattaya and Chiang Mai. I moved from hotel to hotel. I spent a few days in Bangkok and then took a private car to Pattaya.

While in Pattaya I explored the city from the back of a baht bus. In the mornings I was on the beach; lounging under the shade of an umberella, getting massages on the sand, buying snacks and trinkets from the mobile vendors walking the tourist areas and talking with the staff that ran the beach chairs I was renting. I enjoyed everything and everyone so much I didn't want it to end and I promised I would remember as much of it all as I could. The sounds, the smells, the people, the foods. Even now my mind is feasting on the memories. Well, while there on the beach, I purchased a gift for a freind. When I left, I forgot the gift I purchased and left it there under the little table where I was sitting.

Once my Pattaya stay was over, I went back to Bangkok to catch the sleeper train to Chiang Mai. If you have never been to Chiang Mai, I highly recommend it! I think of Chiang Mai as Thailand garden. I had such a good time in Chiang Mai and met some truly wonderful people! I wondered into a private party by mistake and they would not let me leave until I ate and drank with them! Truly a wonderful experience!

Far too soon my Chiang Mai trip was over and off I was! Back to Bangkok for a few days and then off to Pattaya again. I went back to the beach and was sitting in my chair when one of the staff walked up to me and handed me the forgotten gift I had purchased over a week ago! I was happily surprised! I gave them some money to show my appreciation and noticed that they dissapeared into the distant crowd of chairs, umberellas and people.

I thought it was simply a fluke to be remembered in such a way till I came back the following year only to find that hotel staff remembered me and were able to remind me of past conversations I had with them! AMAZING!

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Its YOU, Paul, not the Thais. Who could fail to remember Paul?

I don't know if it is just me. I wish that were so, but I have read stories of others who talked about visiting Bangkok and forgetting something in their hotel room when they checked out and returned home. When they returned the following year, they checked back into the same hotel only to be presented wtih the item that they had forgotten there the previous year!

I think things like that are Amazing!

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It IS true that many Thais remember you. I've had that happen to me as well. It's kind of nice... like an unexpected phone call from an old friend. Thai people who can't read or understand a map can seem to find there way anywhere in Thailand with no problem. They will remember strangers who did them some small favour a year or more before. I just accept it for what it is and have no explanation.

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Some of it is blind luck/coincidence. Went searching for a long lost property hunt - on the verge of reaching 10 years without a visit (guarding against squatters, etc.) and the entire area that they understood to be mostly jungle and farmland was now a developing urban area with no dirt roads left. Asked what they used as a point of reference, 'oh, there's a really old tamarind tree at upper corner of the property.'

'Hmm, old people logic. Another wasted day. Will likely have to call out the land dept. diggers with this one' I thought until we came upon the tree with our property (now about 5 meters high x hundred+ meters covered in construction waste) sandwiched between two construction projects. Yet, no one had cut down the tree apparently because "some older trees might have spirits," no idea how logging companies figure out which is which.


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I disagree Heng. My husband has an astonishing memory for people who have eaten at our place ten or fifteen years ago, or who have stayed at our place. For me, after awhile, all the white people look the same :) But he remembers people and their names quite clearly. I suspect its the education system. Rote memorization does have some pluses.

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I disagree Heng. My husband has an astonishing memory for people who have eaten at our place ten or fifteen years ago, or who have stayed at our place. For me, after awhile, all the white people look the same :D But he remembers people and their names quite clearly. I suspect its the education system. Rote memorization does have some pluses.

I also agree.

As I get older :) , I just cannot remember names of 'loose' aquaintences.

Yet I can go back to a hotel/bar/ restaurant, after several years, see someone who I vaguely remember, and then feel guilty when they call me by my first name.

Its different at these 5 star establishments, where it is there business to remember you, but in a small bar or restaurant, its uncanny.

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I disagree Heng. My husband has an astonishing memory for people who have eaten at our place ten or fifteen years ago, or who have stayed at our place. For me, after awhile, all the white people look the same :) But he remembers people and their names quite clearly. I suspect its the education system. Rote memorization does have some pluses.

Bingo. Never had consider that to be a factor previously...

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I disagree Heng. My husband has an astonishing memory for people who have eaten at our place ten or fifteen years ago, or who have stayed at our place. For me, after awhile, all the white people look the same :D But he remembers people and their names quite clearly. I suspect its the education system. Rote memorization does have some pluses.

Perhaps. It depends, as anything else. I haven't noticed much of a difference in name/face recognition between my friends in other countries and friends and family here. Some are good at it, some aren't.


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i went in to a bar down in silom a few months back for the first time dressed in a suit and looking smart and had a bit of small talk with the bar staff etc........ anyway.......... i went back in a few weeks later dressed in shorts and a t shirt with hair a mess and they remembered my name and what i drank......... which i was really impressed with.

Think they say that eating alot of fish helps with memory......... and Thais do love to eat fish alot!!!!!!!

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Look at the shape of Thailand - it resembles an elephant...

Actually, we are taught that thailand resembles an axe :)

and I have to say it quite does... with the southern provinces being the handle and the top bit being the blade

elephant on the other hand? ermmmm :D

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I've also noticed this and put it down to the higher importance of interpersonal relations to Thais.

The reason why most of us westerners don't remember names is because we're not really paying attention when the other person first tells us their name, we're too busy thinking about what we're about to say when they stop talking. For Thais they need to get more info than just the name in order to gauge relative social status and decide how to behave and what words to use, so simply put, they pay a lot more attention initially which leads to much better memory formation and retention.

However, test them on something that doesn't have a social aspect and you'll notice they're just as good at not paying attention and having poor recall as any nationality

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I've also noticed this and put it down to the higher importance of interpersonal relations to Thais.

The reason why most of us westerners don't remember names is because we're not really paying attention when the other person first tells us their name, we're too busy thinking about what we're about to say when they stop talking. For Thais they need to get more info than just the name in order to gauge relative social status and decide how to behave and what words to use, so simply put, they pay a lot more attention initially which leads to much better memory formation and retention.

However, test them on something that doesn't have a social aspect and you'll notice they're just as good at not paying attention and having poor recall as any nationality

Interesting logic,i agree.

Another point maybe that we are more focused on the future,so we tend to exclude 'useless' informations from our memory.But anyway,could be just an individual issue rather than a difference between Thais and Westerners.

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Wish my Thai better half had a good memory, Get in the car to go anywhere and 5 minutes later he will have driven right past where we want to go. This happens at least twice a week.

He is hopeless at remembering names, dates etc, but can remember a face from 40 years ago and tell you where it was he last saw the person.

He wouldn't have a clue when the childrens birthdays are or how old they are, just keeps guessing until I supply the answer. I guess we are lucky that he remembers there are 4 of them.

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All you folk look the same to me....

That's what my Missus told a group of my friends when she was living in Oz,brought the house down.

Cracked me up just to read about it. Great times I'm sure. I and my Thai wife don't forget faces. Just can't put names with them :) .

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Reminds me of a conversation i overheard on the sidewalk at suk the other day..

Large farang lady was talking to another, marvelling at the memory of a tout who remembered her name after she had bought a bht1500 backpack off him just a week ago :)

Its a no brainer,if you are in business and are doing it tough of course you will remember who butters your bread..

Be under no illusions, when it comes to farang money Thais are not silly..they have no trouble remembering WHO is attached to the hand that might feed them some day.

The OLDEST trick in the business book :D

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My wife has an amazing memory for faces and phone numbers.

She has to put stickers on the light and fan switches because she can't remember which is which.

A weird and wonderful thing the Thai memory.

And how come she always remembers when I owe her a hundred baht but forgets the other way around.

Edited by apetley
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:) I have noticed this phenoenom as well. Years ago I was buying a shirt on Sukumvit and the thai guy tells me I remeber you you bought a shirt from me before. I said no you must be mistaken. He said look you bought a shirt just like this one. Sure enough I had a shirt just like that and bought it on sukumvit 3 or 4 years before.

BTW Paul just come on over you wil be fine.


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Like Paul's story about the forgotten article under the beach chair (my memory's so bad i can't even remembe what he forgot - a book??!!!), a colleague at work left some DVDs in a taxi by accident. THREE months later he got in a taxi and the driver said, 'ah I've got your DVDs!" Sure enough, he got them back the next day. Not only is this an amazing piece of customer recall, but also of honesty.

OK, for sure my colleague bunged him some money, but the driver can't have kept them all that time just on the hope that he might possibly get in the taxi again - just too improbable.

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I remember returnng to Phuket after not being there for 7 years. (Had visited Phuket many times and lived there for a year) It was work related and I was with a Thai colleague, after we checked into the Hotel I suggested a walk on Patong Beach to see if I recognised anyone.....in 10 minutes there was Thai girls and guys running over, calling my name and giving me hugs. I was stunned!! My Thai colleague just said I must be a nice person for everyone to remember me after so long. It was great and beleieve me I could remember only a few of them, until they told me who they were and what they did: the massage girl, the soft drink seller, the girl whose husband died, the Thai guy that first took me parasailing etc.

They do have good memories for faces and names and there really is no explanation.

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. Well, while there on the beach, I purchased a gift for a freind. When I left, I forgot the gift I purchased and left it there under the little table where I was sitting.

I went back to the beach and was sitting in my chair when one of the staff walked up to me and handed me the forgotten gift I had purchased over a week ago! I was happily surprised! I gave them some money to show my appreciation and noticed that they dissapeared into the distant crowd of chairs, umberellas and people.

I thought it was simply a fluke to be remembered in such a way till I came back the following year only to find that hotel staff remembered me and were able to remind me of past conversations I had with them! AMAZING!


Yes.. it is great for us western people, to experience people that have an interest of remember us. I myself have an possible explanation how this can be!!

here in thailand among the most of them, there has ALWAYS been that information is NEVER written down, it has been by remembering things..... It is the same in Africa or everywhere in the world where people doesn´t have the mean of any technique. And it was the same for us guys from the west too, for a long time ago.

Human memory when trained is very good, maybe even excellent, but it slows down as soon as we do not use it.

So Paul enjoy it and do not be surpriced, it is just natural.


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. Well, while there on the beach, I purchased a gift for a freind. When I left, I forgot the gift I purchased and left it there under the little table where I was sitting.

I went back to the beach and was sitting in my chair when one of the staff walked up to me and handed me the forgotten gift I had purchased over a week ago! I was happily surprised! I gave them some money to show my appreciation and noticed that they dissapeared into the distant crowd of chairs, umberellas and people.

I thought it was simply a fluke to be remembered in such a way till I came back the following year only to find that hotel staff remembered me and were able to remind me of past conversations I had with them! AMAZING!


Yes.. it is great for us western people, to experience people that have an interest of remember us. I myself have an possible explanation how this can be!!

here in thailand among the most of them, there has ALWAYS been that information is NEVER written down, it has been by remembering things..... It is the same in Africa or everywhere in the world where people doesn´t have the mean of any technique. And it was the same for us guys from the west too, for a long time ago.

Human memory when trained is very good, maybe even excellent, but it slows down as soon as we do not use it.

So Paul enjoy it and do not be surpriced, it is just natural.


Agreed, Thais are not big on reading and rote learning is the only methodology applied in education. consequently, they do rely a lot more on memory which does pay-off in certain situations. My wife has a phenomenal ability to hear a new English word spoken to her once or twice and she will soon be incorporating it into her vocabulary. Amazing :)

As for being recognised, I lived full-time on Samsen soi 1 and 7 for around 4 years 1996-2001 and spent a lot of time walking around the area - Khao San Road was my back yard and obviously full of tourists. Yet going back, 7 or 8 years later, with a Canadian chick looking for accomodation for her its was amazing how often I was stopped on the streets by friendly locals who were asking after me and what I been up to etc. Earned a lot of kudos from that and really had my heart warmed :D

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