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New World Currency

Why Is The Baht So Strong Aganist World Currency?  

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With all the talk of a new Global Currency and the Thai Baht it left me wondering if Thailand would ever accept a Global Currency. I was also wondering out loud if a currency exchange was already under way and part of the reason the Baht is holding so strong in such a unstable environment. I don't have any answers here and I don't believe in conspiracies or any of that mess, however its interesting to hear some of what Alex Jones and others shout into bullhorns after it is printed to hard copy minus the high volume. For those unfamiliar with any of this the new Global Currency coin was just held up and displayed by the current Russian President Medvedev this week. Here are some articles, pictures, and links.




The world in a coin. This is our vision, our hope. It is a necessity and a challenge. What seems an impossible dream becomes an inevitable historic, economic and social process. It is an event which is intertwined with the fate of human evolution.

A single currency becomes the premise for an increasingly global planet. A virtual currency capable of speaking a single, comprehensible language to foster humankind's innate desire to go farther, to surpass boundaries, and move towards true principles of peace, freedom, brotherhood and understanding beyond issues of race, political and religious beliefs and party interests.

We are presenting the peoples of nations, governments, institutions, intellectuals, ordinary people, pragmatists and idealists, scholars and, above all, young people - the real protagonists of the future - with a simple, ingenuous yet determined long-term vision for building an ideal bridge with tomorrow and interpreting a dream to transform into reality.

In this program, currency yet again assumes the principle goal which it has had since its invention centuries ago: to facilitate and codify human commercial and social exchange. And become a form of pure "communication" between different peoples - a communication of ideas, ideals, information and culture. This constitutes progress, development and well being.



ART. 1

"Unity in diversity" is the foundation that drives this initiative, which started up in 1996. Its aim is to bring people together and go beyond national stereotypes. Its historical importance is even greater than its economic one; it is a goal built on faith, common hope, and the unification of cultural and spiritual roots.

ART. 2

The relationship between Europe and America, and between the United States and many Countries from the five continents, is based on common cultural traditions and sustained by a parallel vision of the world. It is driven by the highest concepts of brotherhood and peace. These relations are cultivated through global dynamics whose purpose is to fulfill social, political and economic objectives, in full respect of the values and national identities that found countries' respective constitutions.

ART. 3

It is therefore our wish to bring to life the project for a common currency, which has been given the provisional names, "Eurodollar/Dollaeur" (initially), "United Money", then "United Future World Currency". It would symbolize not only the economic, but also the human, social, political, and spiritual bonds between the Nations of different Continents that hold similar ideals.

ART. 4

The common currency project is a highly important step towards bringing people together. It is a means of understanding, provides reference and reinforces different identities that share principle objectives. Competition in respective markets remains free, and the basic principles of participating countries' national identities will be safeguarded.

ART. 5

We are determined to raise awareness of this project among as many people as possible in all Continents. We are focused particularly on the active involvement of young people, especially from schools. Indeed, young people represent the strongest, most concrete vehicle for spreading this initiative. They are also the potential future beneficiaries of this large step forward towards unification and the creation of a world that responds better to the requirements of the new Millennium, as it gradually breaks down social and ideological barriers.

ART. 6

Renewed cultural interest in the Economy comes as a result of shifting perceptions of currency as a whole. This follows on from the debate opened by the introduction of the Euro. Through this Project, students, including from a very young age, can become familiar with basic economic issues. The latter are increasingly important in a new society of widespread wellbeing.

ART. 7

A joint Committee will be selected. It will include experts from a wide variety of disciplines. Everyone will be free to offer their own contribution to the project. This committee will also form the Jury that selects the most interesting ideas, proposals and projects demanded by different initiatives underway.

ART. 8

There will be an information and support campaign to coordinate working groups, committees and clubs, implemented through organizations, bodies and associations. There will be a consideration period for all contributions regarding the expansion, comparison and development of: issues and technical problems; optimizing legislative instruments and procedures; and fulfilling the obligations of the new Currency.

ART. 9

Trials will be carried out at important international events, aimed at awareness, education and promotion. "United Money" currency (banknotes and coins) trials will be entrusted to the best international professionals and experts in the appropriate fields.

Time will be set aside to explore technologically-advanced security and counterfeiting issues, which a future Currency will have to keep in check. This will involve the most prestigious and trustworthy public and private bodies, including universities and companies.

ART. 10

It will be the responsibility of the world's future citizens and the governments they put in place to make our Project a reality. This project is driven by a firm belief in the unification and co-existence of different peoples. It aims to promote an increasingly equal distribution of the planet's resources and human intellect.

Rome and Brussels, March 21st 1996

New York, January 12th 2000.

Milan, February 17th 2009


Medvedev sees single currency dream in G8 coin gift

L'AQUILA, Italy (AFP) — Even if Russia's call for a global currency failed to gain much traction at a G8 summit, President Dmitry Medvedev took home a coin meant to symbolize that the dream may one day come true.

The Russian leader proudly displayed the coin, which bears the English words "United Future World Currency", to journalists after the summit wrapped up in the quake-hit Italian town of L'Aquila.

Medvedev said that although the coin, which resembled a euro and featured the image of five leaves, was just a gift given to leaders it showed that people were beginning to think seriously about a new global currency.

"In all likelihood something similar could appear and it could be held in your hand and used as a means of payment," he told reporters. "This is the international currency."

Russia, along with China, has been a vocal proponent of diversifying the global currency system away from the dollar, which has dominated global finance and commerce since the end of World War II.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy at the summit joined the band in favour of dumping the dollar as the international currency of reference, insisting that "we cannot stick with just one single currency."



"Russian President shows reporters example of “united future world currency”

Medvedev Unveils “World Currency” Coin At G8

Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet.com

Friday, July 10, 2009

In a highly symbolic moment at the G8 summit in Italy today, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev unveiled to reporters a coin representing a “united future world currency”.

“We are discussing both the use of other national currencies, including the ruble, as a reserve currency, as well as supranational currencies,” the Russian leader said at a news conference.

However, those who have downplayed the formulation of a world currency by dismissing it as merely a progression of SDR’s (Special Drawing Rights) and not something that would physically be used by citizens in a system of world government, were contradicted when Medvedev clearly outlined that the new currency would be “used for payment” by citizens as a “united future world currency”.

“This is a symbol of our unity and our desire to settle such issues jointly,” Medvedev said.

“Here it is,” Medvedev told reporters today in L’Aquila, Italy, after a summit of the Group of Eight nations. “You can see it and touch it,” reports Bloomberg.

The question of a supranational currency “concerns everyone now, even the mints,” Medvedev said. The test coin “means they’re getting ready. I think it’s a good sign that we understand how interdependent we are.”

Medvedev explained that the coin had been minted in Belgium and bears the words “unity in diversity”. An RIA Novosti report noted that the coin represented an example of a “possible global currency”.

China and Russia have repeatedly called for a new global currency to replace the dollar.

When confronted about plans to supplant the dollar with a new global currency, both Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner denied that such an agenda existed.

However, just days after he told a Congressional hearing that there were no plans to move towards a global currency, Geithner sought to please the elitist CFR by assuring them that he was “open” to the notion of a new global currency system.

The scandal-ridden and highly secretive Bank For International Settlements, considered to be the world’s top central banking power hub, released a policy paper in 2006 that called for the end of national currencies in favor of a global model of currency formats.

The global currency would be a key central plank of a future system of world government. Earlier this week, Pope Benedict called for a “world political authority” to manage the global economy.

Edited by Mai Krap
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A good idea but could not happen , look at the EU one currency but different countries needing different interest rates and policies , so worldwide practically impossible - However I could envisage fewer world currencies - An Asian Currency , African , European etc . I cannot see the US$ as remaining where it is and a lot of debate over the next years to see how and with what it is replaced .

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I can't really see Thailand being in a position to do anything about it IF such a currency comes about - they are not a big enough player to either influence one being implimented or, being an export based economy, resist using one even if only for international trade.

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I can't really see Thailand being in a position to do anything about it IF such a currency comes about - they are not a big enough player to either influence one being implimented or, being an export based economy, resist using one even if only for international trade.

Blake's 7's omniscient computer nailed it.

And yeah, not enough options. :)

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I can't really see Thailand being in a position to do anything about it IF such a currency comes about - they are not a big enough player to either influence one being implimented or, being an export based economy, resist using one even if only for international trade.

You hit the nail on the head "Orac" Thailand is a very small player in the global economy. If ASEAN has its way, it is just a matter of time before Thailand gets absorbed into the new world "Asian Union", and the Yen will replace the baht. ASEAN rides on China's back. :)

Edited by mizzi39
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They look much better than the


to coin a phrase :)

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

One of the leaf's looks allot like a maple leaf... but one looks like a part of a pot leaf..... what does Mr Jone's make of that????

For the record, I am a bit of a anti-globle elitist, with a major distrust of world dominating Corporations...... We are all just wage slaves for the machine.... kept in perpetual fear, so we will look upon our Masters as our saviour's........ We do have a choice, but we are all to docile, and divided, to do anything about it...... Enjoy the ride..

Edited by SlackJawChef
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Talk of a world currency and world government is hardly 'conspiracy theory'. It is quite clear that these are being pushed at the very highest levels of government throughout the world. The sad thing is that most people would see them as a positive development.

More and more power in fewer and fewer people's hands - absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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I can't really see Thailand being in

Blake's 7's omniscient computer nailed it.

And yet the galactic gov't prevailed, and the seven died. A sad day for Blake, and a sad day for us all as we will allow our "leaders" to lead us down the primrose path to inconsequece and a dreary sameness of life to our children. All hail Obama the first candidate running for world leader. :)

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Talk of a world currency and world government is hardly 'conspiracy theory'. It is quite clear that these are being pushed at the very highest levels of government throughout the world. The sad thing is that most people would see them as a positive development.

More and more power in fewer and fewer people's hands - absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Yes. The more diverse our options are the more we can control our destiny. Having said that the world has always been interconnected - look at earthquakes/volcanoes/tectonic plate movements etc. Just because a piece of paper has a different man/woman on the front doesn't change the fact that it is just a medium of exchange. We are all buying into the Emporers new clothes :)

Gold and diamonds make the most sense as they have intrinsic value and physical longevity - paper money has been a big con since they broke with the gold standard. Look at the the UK/USA - they force weaker countries to seek a bailout from the IMF while they just print more of the paper - 'quantative easing' they call it. that's just bu$%sh@t :D

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It will happen as the bible predicts. Also there will be a world government.

China has trillions invested into US treasury notes and bonds. China has replaced Japan in backing up our national debt. The dollar will fall from grace and I believe will be replaced by gold or some other form of precious metal (maybe platinum). China is racing now to put more gold into their reserves. :) .

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It will happen as the bible predicts. Also there will be a world government.

China has trillions invested into US treasury notes and bonds. China has replaced Japan in backing up our national debt. The dollar will fall from grace and I believe will be replaced by gold or some other form of precious metal (maybe platinum). China is racing now to put more gold into their reserves. :) .

When the dollar falls from grace it will be replaced by the Chinese wan

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They look much better than the


to coin a phrase :)

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

That is the 'Summer' 2 Euro that you are showing on the right hand side which lastest for about a day or two in Euro-land, hence folks come to Thailand :D to spend it over here all year round. :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

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