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When You Find A Hair In Your Food


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The Thai food is usually that good that a hair don't bother me too much.

A bug would though.

Why? Because they charge extra? You can get a whole bag full at a reasonable cost.



You're gotta get your arse back here Ian. I need to speak to you about the girl in the photo.

Was it one of her "hairs" in your soup. ??

I would not be objecting either way :)

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Hair is the least of your worries. I recall a waiter squeezing a dead rat's 'juice' into the food of some rude customer in one of our restaurants back in Texas when I was a kid.

Yes, it's still open, just under different family management now.


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Hair is the least of your worries. I recall a waiter squeezing a dead rat's 'juice' into the food of some rude customer in one of our restaurants back in Texas when I was a kid.

Yes, it's still open, just under different family management now.


:) Poor (dead)Rat who had to go down the "drain" of a rude customer instead of go back to earth :D

cruelty to thee animal i say.

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I've never had in hair in my food in Thailand ( to the best of my knowledge ) but if it is only a hair, well I expect it won't kill you.

Reminds me of a time I was in a 5 star hotel in Australia, beautiful looking buffet laid out, I was looking at the cake selection and there was a big fat blow fly trapped in the cream. A blow fly drops maggots. I quickly called a staff member expecting her to remove the cake, oh no, she just picked out the blow fly and left the cake there. Naturally I took this matter further, I never went there again. Makes me goosebumpy just remembering.

Insects and maggots are considered a supplemental source of protein in some cultures..... :)

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Insects and maggots are considered a supplemental source of protein in some cultures..... :)

Yup. The aborigines in Australia would eat those HUGE big grubs that were as thick as my thumb and twice as long. We used them for fishing.

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Insects and maggots are considered a supplemental source of protein in some cultures..... :)

Yup. The aborigines in Australia would eat those HUGE big grubs that were as thick as my thumb and twice as long. We used them for fishing.

There you have it.

One man's pest. Another man's protein. :D

But a hair is stretching it a bit.

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Insects and maggots are considered a supplemental source of protein in some cultures..... :)

Yup. The aborigines in Australia would eat those HUGE big grubs that were as thick as my thumb and twice as long. We used them for fishing.

There you have it.

One man's pest. Another man's protein. :D

But a hair is stretching it a bit.

Hair is a make-up of pure protein....

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Ok ok its only a hair.

I have found one in my food from different places three times in the last week.they range from a long hair to a eyelash.

I'm easy eating here in thailand but whats with this extra hair in my food.

It's driving me crazy with paranoia looking for the next hair.

Had some khao mon gai today and yep a hair in it,so pointed out the hair to the girl cooking and she just took the hair out and walked away expecting me to continue eating :) .

Take it easy mate, if it bothers you then FARANG GO HOME!

You dont worry about hairs in your food unless they are short and curly

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Insects and maggots are considered a supplemental source of protein in some cultures..... :D

Yup. The aborigines in Australia would eat those HUGE big grubs that were as thick as my thumb and twice as long. We used them for fishing.

There you have it.

One man's pest. Another man's protein. :D

But a hair is stretching it a bit.

Hair is a make-up of pure protein....

But not near as tasty... :)

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