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Airport Scam Or Tourists Shoplifting At King Power Tax Free, Suvarnabhumi?


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I have too seen the grainy video an it does appear that those idiots tried to steal from the duty free. They should be happy to be able to pay and not be prosecuted for the crime. I am sure that Winona Ryder would have gladly paid a bribe rather than the trial and community service and fines she was made to do.

I must be the luckiest man alive. Of the multitude of trips to LOS and a year straight there, apart from the dodgy taxi now and again, I have never been scammed.

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Smoke and mirrors again they are not addressing the Danish tourist situation. So they pick the British couple since they think they might be able to do something with that. Maybe they could if we were only talking about that incident Bit, that is not the situation. Now isn't the time to worry about your reputation it was before all this happened.

I think they forget just how small the internet made the world. What went unnoticed not that long ago, becomes a worldwide mention in a matter of hours. If hey are really serious about this maybe they should be talking to people who can do something about it. What do they think the Brittish Embassy can about their Country men complaining of unfair treatment by Government official's here. Not much it's really democracy.

They do more harm then they realize, but they do it to themselves. In a recent report from the nation Thai; think it is OK to have a corrupt government. Well this is the cost of that attitude and there i nothing they can do about it. I doubt either of these couples care less about being black balled here after the treatment they received. Thailand was just tried convicted and the sentence executed in the world court of the information highway. No one fault but their own.

Now it will take thousands of wonderful advertisement for people tio forge this. Me I never will, I won't shop there under any circumstances.


King Power concerned over damage to reputation

By The Nation

Published on July 22, 2009

Will ask embassy what action it is taking on UK pair

King Power International plans to submit a request to the British Embassy asking what action it plans to take regarding a disgruntled UK couple.

Deputy chairman Chulchit Bunyaketu said the group last Wednesday asked the embassy to explain the facts to the British press following a theft in Suvarnabhumi Airport's duty-free area, which is under King Power's management.

A British couple was charged with stealing a wallet. They have since complained to the UK media they had to pay Bt200,000 extra on top of Bt200,000 bail to have the charges dropped and urged British tourists not to patronise King Power duty-free shops.

Chulchit told a press conference yesterday that the case had caused damage to both King Power and Thai investigators.

He insisted King Power's closed-circuit TV clearly showed the couple at the scene and said the footage could be viewed on King Power's website. Regarding their complaints about being cheated out of extra money, he said this happened the world over whenever people sought help from the wrong channels. False reports will tarnish Thailand's image.

He said the company's duty-free shops had experienced a few cases of shoplifting each month this year.

At a Cabinet meeting yesterday, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva reportedly expressed concern over a BBC report on this most recent case.

Airports of Thailand president Serirat Prasutanond supported King Power's assertion that the couple did steal an item but said their bribery complaint was outside of AOT's responsibility.

Regarding remarks by the prime minister about reports of lost or damaged luggage, Serirat said AOT's responsibility was limited to the check-in and loading process inside the terminal. Airlines load the bags onto the planes themselves, and that is where the losses and damage occur. Therefore, airlines must be held responsible for that, not AOT.

Meanwhile, King Power is suffering a decline in sales volume, due to the domestic political turbulence and type-A (H1N1) influenza. This year's sales are down 30-40 per cent so far.

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nobody is so idiot to steal something from a duty free shop when it is well known there are security cameras everywhere.The fact the security did not find the wallet is rather significative.

In times of financial hardness, thais are not new to this kind of shit......

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From the numbers on the poll it looks like most of us agree. Shoplifting happens everywhere at every shop. In western cultures they either turn the perp over to the police or they give them a stern talking to and let them go. In Asian cultures there can often be a reversal where the store decides to take matters into their own hands to gain a profit. None of us know the real story because we weren't there. Who knows, maybe a few shop owners DO scam tourists when sales are down. I believe the rent for the stalls is probably excessively high and the owners need a profit to stay in business. One thing IS for certain though, shopping in so called "duty free" shops is mostly a scam. The savings are miniscule and most often the same item could be purchased cheaper at home when it comes on sale.

a few shop owners DO scam tourists when sales are down. I believe the rent for the stalls is probably excessively high and the owners need a profit to stay in business.

Ah, so that makes corruption acceptable. I had not realised.

You are cherry picking what I wrote, caf, and using it out of context. Nowhere did I say that corruption is acceptable. When you use someone else's words out of context then you lose any credibility in your own statements.

What I did say is that corruption and shoplifting happens everywhere. It is well known that authorities in third world countries are often corrupt. Foreigners have to be aware of that fact and take precautions. I also said that anyone purchasing any expensive item from duty free shops is foolish. Snack food or magazines is another thing entirely and helps to pass the time while waiting for planes.

I did not cherry pick. I quoted your entire post.

You accept that "the owners need a profit to stay in business" I would argue that that is acceptable only if they are running an ethical business.

You also say a few shopkeepers scam business "when sales are down" . Scamming is wrong whether sales are down or not.

You also said "From the numbers on the poll it looks like most of us agree." But if you look at the main poll on Thaivisa most disagree (80% the last time I looked) I think you are the one cherry picking.

As I said I like Thailand and you have said the same in posts. But don't defend everything they do.

Anyway this is only a forum and you do not want to lose face. Most posters see the reality and have made up their mind to be open-minded.

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Smoke and mirrors again they are not addressing the Danish tourist situation. So they pick the British couple since they think they might be able to do something with that. Maybe they could if we were only talking about that incident Bit, that is not the situation. Now isn't the time to worry about your reputation it was before all this happened.

I think they forget just how small the internet made the world. What went unnoticed not that long ago, becomes a worldwide mention in a matter of hours. If hey are really serious about this maybe they should be talking to people who can do something about it. What do they think the Brittish Embassy can about their Country men complaining of unfair treatment by Government official's here. Not much it's really democracy.

They do more harm then they realize, but they do it to themselves. In a recent report from the nation Thai; think it is OK to have a corrupt government. Well this is the cost of that attitude and there i nothing they can do about it. I doubt either of these couples care less about being black balled here after the treatment they received. Thailand was just tried convicted and the sentence executed in the world court of the information highway. No one fault but their own.

Now it will take thousands of wonderful advertisement for people tio forge this. Me I never will, I won't shop there under any circumstances.


King Power concerned over damage to reputation

By The Nation

Published on July 22, 2009

Will ask embassy what action it is taking on UK pair

King Power International plans to submit a request to the British Embassy asking what action it plans to take regarding a disgruntled UK couple.

Deputy chairman Chulchit Bunyaketu said the group last Wednesday asked the embassy to explain the facts to the British press following a theft in Suvarnabhumi Airport's duty-free area, which is under King Power's management.

A British couple was charged with stealing a wallet. They have since complained to the UK media they had to pay Bt200,000 extra on top of Bt200,000 bail to have the charges dropped and urged British tourists not to patronise King Power duty-free shops.

Chulchit told a press conference yesterday that the case had caused damage to both King Power and Thai investigators.

He insisted King Power's closed-circuit TV clearly showed the couple at the scene and said the footage could be viewed on King Power's website. Regarding their complaints about being cheated out of extra money, he said this happened the world over whenever people sought help from the wrong channels. False reports will tarnish Thailand's image.

He said the company's duty-free shops had experienced a few cases of shoplifting each month this year.

At a Cabinet meeting yesterday, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva reportedly expressed concern over a BBC report on this most recent case.

Airports of Thailand president Serirat Prasutanond supported King Power's assertion that the couple did steal an item but said their bribery complaint was outside of AOT's responsibility.

Regarding remarks by the prime minister about reports of lost or damaged luggage, Serirat said AOT's responsibility was limited to the check-in and loading process inside the terminal. Airlines load the bags onto the planes themselves, and that is where the losses and damage occur. Therefore, airlines must be held responsible for that, not AOT.

Meanwhile, King Power is suffering a decline in sales volume, due to the domestic political turbulence and type-A (H1N1) influenza. This year's sales are down 30-40 per cent so far.

"sought help" !!! they were arrested

Why does AOT allow unauthorised people, with identification badges, to be at the airport. It IS within their area of responsibility to stop this

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We'll see what AOT has to say later on today. They've invited us press later on today to discuss on the airport scam. I'll pass on the info as soon as I have it. I will have to translate it English as AOT press release are all in Thai.

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Its a scam and its been running a long time.............

Next time you go through the airport check out how well the different shops are seperated - they are not. Its easy to pick something up and wonder from one retail area into another retail without realising it.

And the guy that turns up each time negotiate "release" ... the translator attached to the Sri Lankan embassy - odd isn't it that the police call him - and he spins the same story each time. It'll go something along the lines of, "well, this can all be deal't with if you pay over x amount..... blah blah, blah blah .....".

The moral of the story: if you pick something up off a shelf in the duty free sales area, be carefull that you do not accidentaly walk into the retail space of an adjoining retailer before you've paid for it - and don't put it in your bag while walking around.

To learn from the moral of the story, I recommend shopping elsewhere - there is too much of a pattern to be ignored and put down to petty theft by tourists. After all, we are talking of responsible adults with reputations. Though many have risked their reputations over the years and have paid dearly for it, I doubt if any have been kidnapped and or had thousands of dollars extorted from them by the threat of a protracted incarceration in the Bangkok Hilton - a hel_l hole by any scale you wish to use. KP is thick in the middle of an outrageous scam and should be given a very wide berth :)

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I don't think even the Thai police would be stupid enough to be involved in a scam that sets up innocent tourists in their major international airport.

There are plenty of other scams they are involved in outside of the airport.

I'm afraid that they are in the thick of most scam and nefarious activities in the realm - scamming innocent tourists and abducting them and holding them against their will until thousands of pounds can be extorted is small fry for the mafia element of the BIB. :)

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A friend sent me this - very disturbing and lower than whale shit:

I've had my own headache with Thailand: My flight on day 30 was scheduled to leave at 11:40PM. The quota-hungry petty bureaucrats said, "You'll still be in our airspace after 12AM! You have to pay the fine for overstaying!" They held me for more than half an hour, and I barely made it to the gate to get on the flight.

I told them at the gate (politely, to avoid further trouble) that I wouldn't be going back to their country ever again for that reason. If the pricks had not been scrounging for every foreign dollar they could extort for government coffers, I might have gone back several times. The Thais were, on average, the nicest people I've met in any country I've been to.

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King Power International plans to submit a request to the British Embassy asking what action it plans to take regarding a disgruntled UK couple.

Deputy chairman Chulchit Bunyaketu said the group last Wednesday asked the embassy to explain the facts to the British press following a theft in Suvarnabhumi Airport's duty-free area, which is under King Power's management.

A British couple was charged with stealing a wallet. They have since complained to the UK media they had to pay Bt200,000 extra on top of Bt200,000 bail to have the charges dropped and urged British tourists not to patronise King Power duty-free shops.

Chulchit told a press conference yesterday that the case had caused damage to both King Power and Thai investigators.

He insisted King Power's closed-circuit TV clearly showed the couple at the scene and said the footage could be viewed on King Power's website. Regarding their complaints about being cheated out of extra money, he said this happened the world over whenever people sought help from the wrong channels. False reports will tarnish Thailand's image.

This quote really shows what a goon, buffoon, and truly ignorant man the King Power Chairman, Chulchit Bunyaketu is. The issue is not about whether or not there is stealing taking place. This happens with all retailers. The issue is whether or not there is also a scam taking place, and if the Thai "so called Royal" police are taking advantage of tourists for their own profit. Does he address this? Of course not? Does he debate this? Of course not. Does he profit from this? Or course. Could this be happening without his knowledge and blessing? Probably not. The disingenuous manner in which he addresses the complaints shows how indifferent he is to the problem. In any other civilized country in the world, he would have already been fired without compensation, and the police chief in charge of the airport would be in jail. But, not in Thailand. The Thai authorities how little interest in stopping corruption. While neighboring Malaysia has a full scale corruption commission, and is making daily arrests, Thailand continues to ignore the problem, and hopes it will just do away. The only think that will go away from all of this, is the tourism industry.

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From the numbers on the poll it looks like most of us agree. Shoplifting happens everywhere at every shop. In western cultures they either turn the perp over to the police or they give them a stern talking to and let them go. In Asian cultures there can often be a reversal where the store decides to take matters into their own hands to gain a profit. None of us know the real story because we weren't there. Who knows, maybe a few shop owners DO scam tourists when sales are down. I believe the rent for the stalls is probably excessively high and the owners need a profit to stay in business. One thing IS for certain though, shopping in so called "duty free" shops is mostly a scam. The savings are miniscule and most often the same item could be purchased cheaper at home when it comes on sale.

a few shop owners DO scam tourists when sales are down. I believe the rent for the stalls is probably excessively high and the owners need a profit to stay in business.

Ah, so that makes corruption acceptable. I had not realised.

You are cherry picking what I wrote, caf, and using it out of context. Nowhere did I say that corruption is acceptable. When you use someone else's words out of context then you lose any credibility in your own statements.

What I did say is that corruption and shoplifting happens everywhere. It is well known that authorities in third world countries are often corrupt. Foreigners have to be aware of that fact and take precautions. I also said that anyone purchasing any expensive item from duty free shops is foolish. Snack food or magazines is another thing entirely and helps to pass the time while waiting for planes.

I did not cherry pick. I quoted your entire post.

You accept that "the owners need a profit to stay in business" I would argue that that is acceptable only if they are running an ethical business.

You also say a few shopkeepers scam business "when sales are down" . Scamming is wrong whether sales are down or not.

You also said "From the numbers on the poll it looks like most of us agree." But if you look at the main poll on Thaivisa most disagree (80% the last time I looked) I think you are the one cherry picking.

As I said I like Thailand and you have said the same in posts. But don't defend everything they do.

Anyway this is only a forum and you do not want to lose face. Most posters see the reality and have made up their mind to be open-minded.

I'm not losing face at all. I said you took something out of context and highlighted it.

I said... Quote: "Who knows, maybe a few shop owners scam tourists... etc"

You left off the "Who knows" and the "maybe". There is a big difference when you highlight ONLY the part you are interested in.

Maybe they AREN'T scamming the tourists... other than their inflated prices.

They could ALL be crooks and scammers for all any of us here know. We were not there and didn't see it happen.

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<br />I guess thieves make all sorts of excuses for their bad behavior. King Power is expensive more so then outside the airport proper and why anyone would even consider shopping there is beyond me. The only mistake that was made - not tossing these two in jail instead of allowing them to buy their way out.<br />
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />King Power may be expensive. But to be fair, it is no more expensive than Duty Free shops in HK, SIN, LHR, LAX, etc.

Singapore is cheaper for booze

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I seem to remember someone in the UK was charged with shoplifting for spraying some perfume on themselves in a store.

The excuse was the bottle wasn't the 'sample' bottle.

Shoplifting is theft, its that simple, and the definition of theft in the uk is 'when a person dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving that person of it'.

If any one part of this definition is missing then it is not theft, although the scenario you mention could be construed as theft depending on whether the person acted dishonestly, I doubt very much that this would have seen the inside of a UK court as the CPS would have not put this before a court, this would not be in the public interest and would probably have a very low chance of conviction anyway.

One thing many people do not know is that in a shop they are not offering to sell anything (UK law), it is in fact an 'invitation to treat'. This means that you make an offer and they accept the offer. The reason for this is that as an example, supermarkets who sell alcohol would in fact be offering to sell the alcohol to underage drinkers, so to get round this the 'invitation to treat law' was brought in. (not relevant here I know but interesting nonetheless :D )

I don't know the definition for theft in Thailand, but surely crossing some invisible boundary in a store does not constitute dishonesty or an intention to permanently deprive the owner of the property.

I was only borrowing it. I was gonna bring it back next time i come to the shop. Honest, Guv. :D:)

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MF, I have to ask, why would anyone put something they had not yet purchased into their bag? Does this not constitute shoplifting anywhere in the world?

No it does not..... Simply placing something in your bag does not constitute the offence of theft. If you left the store without making any attempt to pay then that may be theft. In Australia the police have to prove beyond resonable doubt that the accused intended to permanently deprieve the owner of the property. It appears that in Thailand that police only need to tell you that you intended to steal. Yes I am a police officer.

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I seem to remember someone in the UK was charged with shoplifting for spraying some perfume on themselves in a store.

The excuse was the bottle wasn't the 'sample' bottle.

Shoplifting is theft, its that simple, and the definition of theft in the uk is 'when a person dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving that person of it'.

If any one part of this definition is missing then it is not theft, although the scenario you mention could be construed as theft depending on whether the person acted dishonestly, I doubt very much that this would have seen the inside of a UK court as the CPS would have not put this before a court, this would not be in the public interest and would probably have a very low chance of conviction anyway.

One thing many people do not know is that in a shop they are not offering to sell anything (UK law), it is in fact an 'invitation to treat'. This means that you make an offer and they accept the offer. The reason for this is that as an example, supermarkets who sell alcohol would in fact be offering to sell the alcohol to underage drinkers, so to get round this the 'invitation to treat law' was brought in. (not relevant here I know but interesting nonetheless :D )

I don't know the definition for theft in Thailand, but surely crossing some invisible boundary in a store does not constitute dishonesty or an intention to permanently deprive the owner of the property.

I was only borrowing it. I was gonna bring it back next time i come to the shop. Honest, Guv. :D:)

exactly the same in Australia. Police have to prove beyond all resonable doubt thier intention to permenantly deprive.

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Smoke and mirrors again they are not addressing the Danish tourist situation. So they pick the British couple since they think they might be able to do something with that. Maybe they could if we were only talking about that incident Bit, that is not the situation. Now isn't the time to worry about your reputation it was before all this happened.

I think they forget just how small the internet made the world. What went unnoticed not that long ago, becomes a worldwide mention in a matter of hours. If hey are really serious about this maybe they should be talking to people who can do something about it. What do they think the Brittish Embassy can about their Country men complaining of unfair treatment by Government official's here. Not much it's really democracy.

They do more harm then they realize, but they do it to themselves. In a recent report from the nation Thai; think it is OK to have a corrupt government. Well this is the cost of that attitude and there i nothing they can do about it. I doubt either of these couples care less about being black balled here after the treatment they received. Thailand was just tried convicted and the sentence executed in the world court of the information highway. No one fault but their own.

Now it will take thousands of wonderful advertisement for people tio forge this. Me I never will, I won't shop there under any circumstances.


King Power concerned over damage to reputation

By The Nation

Published on July 22, 2009

Will ask embassy what action it is taking on UK pair

King Power International plans to submit a request to the British Embassy asking what action it plans to take regarding a disgruntled UK couple.

Deputy chairman Chulchit Bunyaketu said the group last Wednesday asked the embassy to explain the facts to the British press following a theft in Suvarnabhumi Airport's duty-free area, which is under King Power's management.

A British couple was charged with stealing a wallet. They have since complained to the UK media they had to pay Bt200,000 extra on top of Bt200,000 bail to have the charges dropped and urged British tourists not to patronise King Power duty-free shops.

Chulchit told a press conference yesterday that the case had caused damage to both King Power and Thai investigators.

He insisted King Power's closed-circuit TV clearly showed the couple at the scene and said the footage could be viewed on King Power's website. Regarding their complaints about being cheated out of extra money, he said this happened the world over whenever people sought help from the wrong channels. False reports will tarnish Thailand's image.

He said the company's duty-free shops had experienced a few cases of shoplifting each month this year.

At a Cabinet meeting yesterday, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva reportedly expressed concern over a BBC report on this most recent case.

Airports of Thailand president Serirat Prasutanond supported King Power's assertion that the couple did steal an item but said their bribery complaint was outside of AOT's responsibility.

Regarding remarks by the prime minister about reports of lost or damaged luggage, Serirat said AOT's responsibility was limited to the check-in and loading process inside the terminal. Airlines load the bags onto the planes themselves, and that is where the losses and damage occur. Therefore, airlines must be held responsible for that, not AOT.

Meanwhile, King Power is suffering a decline in sales volume, due to the domestic political turbulence and type-A (H1N1) influenza. This year's sales are down 30-40 per cent so far.

"sought help" !!! they were arrested

Why does AOT allow unauthorised people, with identification badges, to be at the airport. It IS within their area of responsibility to stop this

It is about time to put the British Embassy on the spot.

They refuse to help in the first place.

Why didn't they send a lawyer that the embassy trust. Instead they sent an ex-colony guy who I am not sure if he has a work permit to perform translation in this Thailand.

There is a big question that many of us has forgotten to ask. Why a Sri Lanker guy involved in translating Thai <--> English? There are 65 million Thai in Thailand, and none of them speak English? Something smell here.

Say the English police need a Thai <--> English translator. Would they call up the Sri Lanker embassy for help? Just a thought.

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Well I watched the tape now. Inconclusive, shows her walking toward the cash register and the front door. Creative editing?

Clearly both her hand wee occupied so did she go to the cash register and pay pull it out of her bag and pay?

Why was the husband arrested, he was not shown doing anything but checking out wallets on the other side of the display?

In the other tapes the counter was clearly shown I have watched three times and I still don't see anything.

Even if D all the above is true it does not justify the shake down that followed.

You know in seven years of living in Udon I have never been approached for a bribe I have gotten a ticket paid and was issued a receipt. On the other had I have never felt comfortable in Bangkok, from the crooks and the cops. The one time I did get stopped driving there I ran a red light nothing to talk about I had to pay. Cop still had to go through his threats. when all he was asked was how much do I pay. 500 baht no ticket no receipt No threat was needed or called for I knew I was wrong and told him so. Only question was how much.

Where the tape of the Danish couple with the lipstick that one is being swept under the rug, and the Danish embassy was much harsher then the British Embassy. Why are they not talking about that?

You know the government representatives have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar simple as that.

Me I carry my Attorney's phone number in my phone and wallet. But a tourist is really stuck. if the embassy won't help them. Lets say they did shoplift is 400K a reasonable fine for that? What would a Thai have had to pay, cause that is exactly what happens in Udon you pay the same fine as anyone else.

This isn't the first time we have seen this and it's not just the airport. Remember the Aussie lady she was eventually forced to say she was guilty and paid a fine. It was that or wait for a trial date. Was her explanation reasonable hey you got people drinking was the friend playing a misguided joke, she said she was as I recall. No no one ever does that booze consumed eventually leads to stupid if keep at it. No that would never happen would it.

This plain and simple overkill with Thai businesses being the victims of those terrible farrangs. Who asked them to come here and spend the money in the first place? This country is getting terrible reputation and they have earned it.

Name one group of people who you can trust in a tourist area? Sure ain't the cops is it. If I had not came to Udon years ago on a vacation I would never have settled here in Thailand

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All reports I've read and heard is that the supposedly stolen wallet was not found on the British couple. As a matter of fact no item belonging to King Power was found on the couple. How can they be charged with stealing? GUILTY TILL PROVEN INNOCENT! Who was it that called "Tony the Extortionist".? :)

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Almost every service at Suvarnabhumi Airport is a disgrace, tainted by corruption.

Working in the travel business, a couple of years ago I was waiting the arrival of a delegation of Chinese Doctors to attend an International Congress in Pattaya, 45 of them [note that the trip was sponsored by a large International Pharmaceutical Firm].

5/6 of Doctors did stop to buy packs of cigarettes at the Duty Free and then, they decided to put them all inside one single bag [they kept the receipt!]

Well, once the guy carrying the bag was about to come out, he got stop by the Customs and searched [who did tell them about the bag??]

They fund 12 packs of cigarettes and charged him with breaching the law regulating the amount of cigarettes and liquor allowed per person.

The Doctors tried to explain that they bought them together as a group, but the Customs did not care to see the receipt and kept repeating the charge!

My tour guide could not help [did not want to help vs the Police] so me and the Chinese Tour Leader tried to work out a solution.

Customs were willing to let him go with a fine of 60,000 baht.

Since they Customs was already holding his passport, the poor guy just gave up, almost in tears and told us to just pay and let him go free and join the rest of the delegation.

I did call the Immigration Police officer who usually takes care of my Vips at the Airport to assist and his answer was "So sorry, I cannot help....this is Customs, not Immigration, it's their case and they are not willing to be reasonable..[in other words, they decided to have a party and they needed money!]

So, I ended up paying the fine on behalf of the Doctor.

Oh, forgot to mention that during the accident was taking place, I did also ask assistance from the TAT Booth right in front of the gate.....they did not want any part on it [TAT = Tourism Authority of Thailand = Supposed to help tourists!]

If they are ready to pull this kind of tricks with a delegation of Doctors [not cheap charlies in flip flops] then don't be surprised if bigger shit happens to normal people at the Pride of Bangkok, Suvarnabhumi Airport!

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"Why was the husband arrested, he was not shown doing anything but checking out wallets on the other side of the display?"

According to my wife here in LOS if a wife or husband does something against the law then they are both arrested as they are treated as "One person". I believe it's so they can get double the tea money :) .

Udon is one of my favorite cities as is Ubon. ONLY live in Bangkok because most of her family lives here. :D

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It is my understanding as i heard from my lawyer (correct me if i am wrong) that under Thai law if a shoplifter is caught by the store owners, the owners have the right to demand anything up to 50 times the value of the item as compensation for the theft.

I am not saying that these people caught in Kingpower are guilty or not as i do not know the whole story, but from my experience, dealing with foreigners stealing clothing from my stores in Thailand, the guilty people continue to lie through their teeth and/or try to run away until the evidence is brought out.

I would not be suprised if these people did shoplift the items, as i have seen in many times in thailand before, but at the same time i would not be suprised if it was a scam for the same reason!! the fact of the matter is that we dont know without all the evidence.

It is very easy for the accused to cry scam when they have to pay a seemingly extortionate amount of money for shoplifting, but they obviously prefered that option rather than going through the judicial system to clear their names.

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King Power concerned over damage to reputation

By The Nation

Published on July 22, 2009

..... Chulchit told a press conference yesterday that the case had caused damage to both King Power and Thai investigators.

He insisted King Power's closed-circuit TV clearly showed the couple at the scene and said the footage could be viewed on King Power's website. Regarding their complaints about being cheated out of extra money, he said this happened the world over whenever people sought help from the wrong channels. False reports will tarnish Thailand's image.

Wonder what Chulchit or the AoT is doing to eradicate the "wrong channels" present within the secure area of an international airport ....

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This is fascinating stuff. The aspect that is not getting mentioned much, is why Thailand has so little interest in addressing it's

staggering level of corruption. Malaysia has set up a corruption commission, and is making DAILY arrests of top officials,

ministers, local politicians, and businessmen. Indonesia has set up a corruption commission, and so far their antigraft commission

has achieved a 100-percent conviction rate in 86 cases of bribery and graft related to government procurements and budgets. And

where is Thailand in all of this. Why aren't men like Newin, and others, who are coming up with expensive schemes to line their

pockets being arrested, and tried? Why is the CEO of King Power still employed? Why is the Police Captain in charge of the airport

still in his position? Does anyone really think there is even a chance that the King Power scheme is not real? That they are arresting

only guilty shoplifters? Does all King Power have to do is post one video on the internet, of a guilty party, for all of us to let them off

the hook? Is that all it takes?

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It all goes to 'motive' - with a typical guilty, copout plea


MF, I have to ask, why would anyone put something they had not yet purchased into their bag? Does this not constitute shoplifting anywhere in the world?

Under Dutch law for instance you have to leave the store, or at least have past the register on your way out, for a court can find you guilty. An important part for the reason of this is that they want people to have time to reconsider their action. They might decide in the end not to steal, or it might be a mistake, so you have to actualy try to take it out of the store.

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