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Hi all

I have my daughter for visit 8 weeks. I wanted her to become mobile so when she arrived she started the procedure to get a motorbike driving license.

First obstacle was the question test. She is only 18 and not too familiar with some English words. She was not allowed to bring a lexikon to the test. This means that all farangs who cannot read English VERY good cannot pass? In my home country that is discrimination.

Also seems to me that many questions have multiple possible answers. Not easy, even for me having had a european driving license for 40 year.

Anyway, she passed and time to do the driving test. She lined up and the instructors gave som good advice to all students. IN THAI.

Now, my daughter do not understand thai, which means she used the brake when she svirwled around the cones. Did not pass, of course.

Next week she tries again, but missed 30 cm at the end of the long board. Did not pass, of course.

Many thais put down their foot during the test, but they passsed.

Now heres the questions I hope someone can answer.

I have a bad feeling that thais pass easily but farang must pass 110%. I hope I am wrong.

When driving the long board test there are yellow lines to the left up to 70% of the length. To me that means you have to be on the board as far as the lines. My daughter went off AFTER the lines. What are the lines for.

Now, finally they tell me she cannot do a new test until 6 months. Means she is effectively stopped.

All this trouble for nothing. My daughter have more than two year experience of a so called EU-motorbike in Sweden but cannot pass a thai test though trying several times.

I am against bribing but this is one of the times that I might consider it. I feel my daughter have been jurked around and that the system do whatever they can to stop farangs getting a driving license.

Can anyone answer me?

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Hi all

I have my daughter for visit 8 weeks. I wanted her to become mobile so when she arrived she started the procedure to get a motorbike driving license.

First obstacle was the question test. She is only 18 and not too familiar with some English words. She was not allowed to bring a lexikon to the test. This means that all farangs who cannot read English VERY good cannot pass? In my home country that is discrimination.

Also seems to me that many questions have multiple possible answers. Not easy, even for me having had a european driving license for 40 year.

Anyway, she passed and time to do the driving test. She lined up and the instructors gave som good advice to all students. IN THAI.

Now, my daughter do not understand thai, which means she used the brake when she svirwled around the cones. Did not pass, of course.

Next week she tries again, but missed 30 cm at the end of the long board. Did not pass, of course.

Many thais put down their foot during the test, but they passsed.

Now heres the questions I hope someone can answer.

I have a bad feeling that thais pass easily but farang must pass 110%. I hope I am wrong.

When driving the long board test there are yellow lines to the left up to 70% of the length. To me that means you have to be on the board as far as the lines. My daughter went off AFTER the lines. What are the lines for.

Now, finally they tell me she cannot do a new test until 6 months. Means she is effectively stopped.

All this trouble for nothing. My daughter have more than two year experience of a so called EU-motorbike in Sweden but cannot pass a thai test though trying several times.

I am against bribing but this is one of the times that I might consider it. I feel my daughter have been jurked around and that the system do whatever they can to stop farangs getting a driving license.

Can anyone answer me?

500 baht in a sealed envelope will solve all problems. TIT

500 baht in a sealed envelope will solve all problems. TIT

Not anymore it doesnt.... :)

To the OP...

Was going to give you some constructive advice Re this...but it appears your post is not to get information, but more to have a Whinge, conspiracey theories again against Farangs.

..but will say this...the Thai DL system is not geared to fail or penalise farangs as you put it, in fact its one of the easier places in the world to get a DL for someone who not a national of a country....you just have sour grapes because you cant get your own way...

Would suggest your daughter gets her DL in your own country, then gets an IDP based on this license then comes to Thailand and converts her IDL/License for a Thai DL and doesnt need to do any practical or written tests

The the 6 month wait...you have been told about is wrong...


I got my Thai DL last year. Stupid me allowed my US state license to expire, so I had to take the computer and practical test. The good thing is that you are allowed to take the test as many times as you want until you pass, and you do not get charged anymore because you fail, the first, second, or third time, etc., so whoever is giving you this information is giving you wrong information. Have your daughter keep taking the test until she passes. The laws of averages will be in her favor. :)

I was under the impression that you could just keep trying the tests until you get it.

You are correct, My Mrs failed the written part of her car license twice in the same week and went back a third time the following Tuesday and passed...so no 6 month wait

I got my Thai DL last year. Stupid me allowed my US state license to expire, so I had to take the computer and practical test. The good thing is that you are allowed to take the test as many times as you want until you pass, and you do not get charged anymore because you fail, the first, second, or third time, etc., so whoever is giving you this information is giving you wrong information. Have your daughter keep taking the test until she passes. The laws of averages will be in her favor. :)

Yes, correct, she could take the theory test several times but she was told she cannot do the practical test more than twice, then wait 6 months.

When and if she gets the license, she will then get to deal with all the BIB moto-traps!

What is BIB motor traps? Police check points asking for "fine" money?


Also, its not geared against foreigners.. Some Thai clown on a motorbike pulled out infront of the car I was driving while we were both taking the test, it was my right of way but I was close to nocking them off their bike.. I passed, they failed. :)

500 baht in a sealed envelope will solve all problems. TIT

Not anymore it doesnt.... :)

To the OP...

Was going to give you some constructive advice Re this...but it appears your post is not to get information, but more to have a Whinge, conspiracey theories again against Farangs.

..but will say this...the Thai DL system is not geared to fail or penalise farangs as you put it, in fact its one of the easier places in the world to get a DL for someone who not a national of a country....you just have sour grapes because you cant get your own way...

Would suggest your daughter gets her DL in your own country, then gets an IDP based on this license then comes to Thailand and converts her IDL/License for a Thai DL and doesnt need to do any practical or written tests

The the 6 month wait...you have been told about is wrong...

OK, I urge you to read again.

"I have a bad feeling that thais pass easily but farang must pass 110%. I hope I am wrong"

I am not an English native speaking person, I come from Sweden so I might be expressing myself wrongly.

Of course I get sour grapes when I see thais pass but actually fail the test, but may be they paid the 500.

About the conspiracy theory I truly beleive and can also support that many things are NOT in favour to farangs. To me it is not a question of conspiracy, in some matters it is a fact and I think you know it too but I do understand what you mean.

Where do you draw the line between questioning and whinging? If you beleive something in the system is wrong, is that the same as whinging? Please teach me how to sort this issue out without whinging.


Having taken more foreigners than I care to count out to Soi 99 for their Thai Driver’s License; I can concur with the other posters opinions that it’s pretty frickin' easy to get your license here as opposed to other countries. I also concur your post sounds like you just want to whine about the injustice of it all, rather than actually try to get her a license.

Be that as it may; at Soi 99 the only english word I seem to recall written in the entire place is “Toilet”. So my first question is; Being in thailand, where the national language (last time I checked, which I do often, was thai), why didn’t you take someone who could at least marginally translate the directions. I have seen translators standing with groups of foreigners all the time explaining the various tests, and helping them fill out the thai language only forms.

One of the things that makes getting a thai license so easy is you must already possess a valid license from what ever country you’re from. This way they will issue you a thai one without the driving, or multiple choice testing.

It has been several months since I was last out there, but the people I took had to take 4 sorts of “tests”.

*Color blindness test; where the officer pointed to red, yellow, or green circles, and you identified the color, (even if you spoke english it was fine).

*Depth perception test; where you used a controller to move a stick in a shoe box type dealy so it was next to a stationary stick, then raised your hand.

*Braking test; where you used a gas/brake pedal to stop a speedometer before it red lined.

*Peripheral vision test; where you looked into a pair of goggles and the officer lit up red, yellow, or green lights at the edges, and you identified the color and the side they were on.

Recently a thai friend said that now, to renew your license (not swap a foreign one for a thai one) you must now sit thru a movie (in thai), and a talk (also in thai). I can’t confirm that foreigners who are renewing licenses must do this or not, but as I have to go out there to swap out my old style thai license for the “smart card” one written in english and thai, I’ll get back to you on that next week .

Interestingly enough, when I take people, the driver’s license clerk ALWAYS asks if the license from the person’s home country is for a car, a motorcycle, or both. I always tell them to say both, (even if in reality, that may not be the case). Most driver’s licenses are obscure enough to read in your native language, and gleaning which class of license you actually have can be difficult at best. The thais take the answer at face value and have always issued both a motor-bike and a car license.

My advice; take a thai next time, good luck

Why does she need a licence? It's only a motorbike which doesn't exactly require insurance...

Because I cannot even think of doing something illegal in Thailand

Why does she need a licence? It's only a motorbike which doesn't exactly require insurance...

Because I cannot even think of doing something illegal in Thailand

Whether she has a licence or not, the police will still decide she's doing illegal if their pockets are feeling a little light...

I can't confirm that foreigners who are renewing licenses must do this or not, but as I have to go out there to swap out my old style thai license for the "smart card" one written in english and thai, I'll get back to you on that next week .

I can confirm this one now....just swopped my old style 5 year Thai DL for the new "smart card" last week and didnt have to do anything, just fill in form, show my WP and paid THB 205 and got the new one two hours later..no video or other tests

I get sour grapes when I see thais pass but actually fail the test, but may be they paid the 500.

About the conspiracy theory I truly beleive and can also support that many things are NOT in favour to farangs. To me it is not a question of conspiracy, in some matters it is a fact and I think you know it too but I do understand what you mean.

OK to answer your responses...THB 500, highly unlikely these days...if tea money was payable...would be lot more than THB 500... :D

You are in Thailand, laws/rules and regulations are not written with a Farang in mind, they are written for Thai's, not perpetual tourists so why should they favour a farang, Farangs start shouting conspiracy simply because they feel they should be treated differently from everyone else when they cant comply with some rule or regulation.

Trust me if Thailand wanted to stop farangs getting Thai DL's, they would not entertain issuing a Thai DL based on an overseas DL and IDP and they would make everyone take a written test in THAI.

Remember English is not an offical language in Thailand...

Remember years ago working in southern China, where this exact topic came up...Chinese officials didnt want anybody on the site we where working to drive a car on a public road in the area.

They would would not recognise our IDP's, but said no problem you can drive on the roads here provided you pass the Chinese drivers test, Which was as you guessed..... in Chinese... :)

Out of a sum total of about 600 farangs, one guy passed, as although he was an Aussie, his mother was Chinese and he spoke and wrote the language...

So please dont try and convince that Thailand tries to make it hard for farangs to get Thai DL's...They dont, you have just an equal chance as a Thai national...


This story doesn't sound very good... In Thailand foreigners and Thai are treated differently, so it wouldn't surprise me if OP's daughter has to pass "110%"

But I see people (foreigners) driving bikes without having a permit, she wants to do the test for extra safety?

This story doesn't sound very good... In Thailand foreigners and Thai are treated differently, so it wouldn't surprise me if OP's daughter has to pass "110%"

But I see people (foreigners) driving bikes without having a permit, she wants to do the test for extra safety?

That is how I "feel" it. She want a driving license because she do not want to brake the thai law.

I get sour grapes when I see thais pass but actually fail the test, but may be they paid the 500.

About the conspiracy theory I truly beleive and can also support that many things are NOT in favour to farangs. To me it is not a question of conspiracy, in some matters it is a fact and I think you know it too but I do understand what you mean.

OK to answer your responses...THB 500, highly unlikely these days...if tea money was payable...would be lot more than THB 500... :D

You are in Thailand, laws/rules and regulations are not written with a Farang in mind, they are written for Thai's, not perpetual tourists so why should they favour a farang, Farangs start shouting conspiracy simply because they feel they should be treated differently from everyone else when they cant comply with some rule or regulation.

Trust me if Thailand wanted to stop farangs getting Thai DL's, they would not entertain issuing a Thai DL based on an overseas DL and IDP and they would make everyone take a written test in THAI.

Remember English is not an offical language in Thailand...

Remember years ago working in southern China, where this exact topic came up...Chinese officials didnt want anybody on the site we where working to drive a car on a public road in the area.

They would would not recognise our IDP's, but said no problem you can drive on the roads here provided you pass the Chinese drivers test, Which was as you guessed..... in Chinese... :)

Out of a sum total of about 600 farangs, one guy passed, as although he was an Aussie, his mother was Chinese and he spoke and wrote the language...

So please dont try and convince that Thailand tries to make it hard for farangs to get Thai DL's...They dont, you have just an equal chance as a Thai national...

Yes, you are right. THis is Thailand and the country is for thai people and farangs must adapt to thai laws.

That does not mean we have to accept all wrong doing.

I do not agree that farangs are being treated equal thai's. I have too many of my own experiences to beleive that. I am convinced that the thai people in general accept us but the authorities want's us only as long as we provide money to the country.

I also feel bad about this knowing that my country have put many triillions into this country in support up to 1990, and I am one of them who paid for this by paying taxes. I really beleive that the authorities should respect what we did to the thai people for many years. I never got any thank you or even recognition ever once.

Anyway, it looks like the general idea is that the DL procedure for farangs are OK and that we have to accept that my daughter who is a full and well trained motorbike driver in my home country is not in Thailand and that thai motorbikers have a better training since they can easily pass the test. (I have big problems beleiving that looking out on 3rd road). Am I whining again???

I also feel bad about this knowing that my country have put many triillions into this country in support up to 1990, and I am one of them who paid for this by paying taxes. I really beleive that the authorities should respect what we did to the thai people for many years. I never got any thank you or even recognition ever once.

Anyway, it looks like the general idea is that the DL procedure for farangs are OK and that we have to accept that my daughter who is a full and well trained motorbike driver in my home country is not in Thailand and that thai motorbikers have a better training since they can easily pass the test. (I have big problems beleiving that looking out on 3rd road). Am I whining again???

Will answer you last question first....Are you Whinging again ??....Yes you are

I will re-state my opinion that farangs who start declaring conspiracies against farangs in Thailand is because they cant their own way...and you first paragraph sort of confirms it...."My country has put many trillions....I am one because I paid tax.......I never even got a thank you"......

You have an impression that Thailand owes you something...it doesnt...It a typical arrogant, old Colonial sort of comment I have come to expect on TV "just look what we did for the natives and get no thanks...

If your daughter is a a "full well trained motorbike driver in my home country" then this suggests she already has a license in your own country, if this is the case then all she needs to do is convert her current foreign bike DL to Thai one....its as simple as that...

If she is trying to do a car DL in Thailand then I would ask what has having a foreign bike license got to do with the price of eggs ??...there is no relevance..


Yeah - really - let me me wax liberal for just a brief second - who was it who invented HIV/AIDS again?


just look what we did for the natives and get no thanks...


Getting my Thai Motorcycle and Vehicle license was by far the easiest and accommodating piece of bs i have had to take on. Dealing with the DMV back home is much more unpleasant.

Showed up at 9am

nice lady looked at my docs and gave me a ticket for the foreigner only window #14

the wait for this window went very fast compared to all the poor thais

i had a valid drivers license from California but not a motorcycle one...so had to take a test.

laughed my way thru vision and reaction tests

practiced the written test on an English speaking kiosk

took the test on a computer in English...passed

took the driving test...passed....lady grading the test.....really hot!!

done by 3pm....both licenses for about 500 baht

all in all....not a bad business day off work.


I had to take my motorbike test after getting fined too many times for not having one. I was the only farang there and no one could speak English however the tests were incredibly easy to figure out by just watching others do it and I find it hard to believe you think she got treated unfairly. Why did she brake going round the cones because they are so close together you dont get chance to, she is also in a diffent country so she needs to learn their highway code to pass the multiple choice questions. These questions are all picture questions e.g. where can you not park (then four pictures of different signs)so she may be telling you what she wants to believe and that is she failed fair and square.

Also while I was there a Thai woman failed the brake test and two young thai men failed the multiple choice questions and suprise, me the farang passed.


The OP must be pretty thin skinned.

Getting a DL is one of the more painless, and efficient things you can do here in Thailand.

And for a foreigner, as long as you have a home license, proper visa and an IDP, you don't even have to sit the test!!! Having the DL also helps you get 'local' prices at a range of places.

If that is the OP's definition of xenaphobia, then he's got some issues. Maybe he needs the ladies at the DL centre to yell out to him "mister, you so handsum, so sa-mard". I swear, some people want the locals to given them a tickertape parade in thanks everytime they leave the front door.

If that is the OP's definition of xenaphobia, then he's got some issues. Maybe he needs the ladies at the DL centre to yell out to him "mister, you so handsum, so sa-mard". I swear, some people want the locals to given them a tickertape parade in thanks everytime they leave the front door.


Why does she need a licence? It's only a motorbike which doesn't exactly require insurance...

1 She does need a driving license to legally be allowed to drive a motorbike.

2 A motorbike does need to be insured under Thai laws.

Try driving past one of the many Thai police road blocks on an uninsured motorbike without a Thai license. Then wait to see what happens !

And I guess you could try the same test in any Western country with same results.

2 tickets one for not having a driving license and one for driving an uninsured motorbike.

Or worse cause an accident and then have no insurance !

Thailand is very easy to give foreigners a license based on their homecountries one and even if you take the driving test here its still much easier then in the West.

Best advice I read here for OP is take a Thai speaker with you next time she does the test to help her understand what they want her to do.

I just renewed my Thai 5 driving license for the new creditcard type with no problems at all.

Try driving past one of the many Thai police road blocks on an uninsured motorbike without a Thai license. Then wait to see what happens !

And I guess you could try the same test in any Western country with same results.

I must have been pulled over 100 times on motorbikes for one reason or another, not once has insurance ever been mentioned, or for that matter, being so drunk I could hardly stand up straight.. :)


Your home country driver license with IDP is sufficient to comply with the law and insurance requirements.

A Thai driving license is only good for the game of one-upmanship foreigners play against each other or their unfulfilled desire to be accepted.

Of course as another poster pointed out you might be able to use it to get into the many over-rated and rubbish strewn National Parks and some other places that if they have a dual-pricing policy I'd warrant probably aren't worth visiting.

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