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Hillary Clinton Arrives In Bangkok, En Route To Asean Meet


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I'll decide what I'm for or against, but thanks for your help anyway, Pubis.

I'm not a fan of Hillary, although her husband was OK. Obama is probably the fourth best candidate, but got elected anyway. I'm OK with that, too. I'm glad to be living in Thailand at the moment because I see some very major bad decisions being made and I don't want to have to witness it.

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Regional affiliation?

The colors aren't regional. Neither is the style.

Lots more cowboys in california than texas.

Expat -- maybe my name's tom or tim or tony -- Texpat. Who knows. The persuasive power of a little image and a pseudonym are too powerful for some to see through. Hilarious.

The only thing I'm refuting are the assumptions.

Ah yes,

Big Hat No Cattle.

Worked way to many Line Dancing shows...

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Prez Obama and Sec Clinton want to engage ASEAN as a whole rather than pursue bilateral relations with each of the ten ASEAN nations as the previous administration did in its divide and conquer policy.

In another radical change, O and C will also listen to ASEAN countries rather than combine preaching with armtwisting. Another referesing change, as many foreign leaders alread have pointed out, especially after O's very recent visit to Russia.

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I'll decide what I'm for or against, but thanks for your help anyway, Pubis.

I'm not a fan of Hillary, although her husband was OK. Obama is probably the fourth best candidate, but got elected anyway. I'm OK with that, too. I'm glad to be living in Thailand at the moment because I see some very major bad decisions being made and I don't want to have to witness it.

Your colors don't run!!!!! Hey, Obama was a community organizer in chicago...that is like, a lot of hard work, and stuff, I think......yeah! He organized things.

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^ ^ Referring to the visit where he took a vicious dressing down by PM Putin?

This after weeks of sucking up to Medvedev and admonishing Putin as old school?

Yeah, there's that.

Edited by Texpat
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^ ^ Referring to the visit where he took a vicious dressing down by PM Putin?

This after weeks of sucking up to Medvedev and admonishing Putin as old school?

Yeah, there's that.

So says the blowhard right-winger Rush Linbaugh cheese who has a complete disregard of the facts. Rush says Judge Sonia Sotomayor is a "racist!" Is Rush your kind of guy?

I'd be interested in your brief reference about voting for Bill Clinton once. Also, would you mind to say in which state you voted? You said you haven't set foot in Texas since 1984. Mind saying to which state(s) you went to?

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I haven't listened to Rush Limbaugh in at least 10 years. A Grade-A blowhard. Equally narrow-minded as some of the Democratic pundits and followers of the Messiah.

You don't have to listen to the far right extremist Linbaugh to think or sound like him, or to share his attitudes especially about the "Messiah" and his "followers." Whether it's Prez Obama or some vague spirit, I am free of having any nature or kind of messiah--or any other one and only true god in my life entirely and completely.

Concomitantly, separation of church and state is a vital principle of democracy in the US. Freedom from religion is another central principle. Can you deal with that?

Anyone who refers to some presumably nefarious gang such as the "east coast liberals" of the US is typically and by nature stereotyping a segment of the population and singling out a falsely identified group for the concentration camps the right wingers would love to send us to.

(My native state, Massachusetts, is the place the Reagan administration spokesperson referred to as the "People's Republic of Massachusetts", i.e., the enemy. Massachusetts has a health care program Obama substantially uses as a reference point. FYI, PRChina hasn't any national health program as ordinary Chinese must pay all out of pocket, except for the priviledged few Party members.)

Returning more to the central point, how would you "analyze" the fact that several previously long term "Red" states voted for Obama? Indiana and Virginia hadn't voted for the Democrat for president since 1964. North Carolina the same since 1976. Colorado the same since I forget how long ago. Red state Nevada in the desert West voted for Obama.

North Carolina adjacent to Virginia to its south an East Coast liberal state? Indiana in the 'hearland', between Ohio and Illinois, an East Coast liberal state? Colorado 1,500 miles inland in the Rockies?

Blue states such as California,, Washington State, Oregon on the West Coast? New Mexico in the southwest adjacent to Texas? Iowa in the corn field 'heartland' west of Illinois?

Like the guy in Brokeback you're a man of few words. (I'd recommend a vocabulary builder whether electronic or hard cover, or a social skills expert advisor.) Indeed, as with the other guy in the movie I express myself expansively and with some passion. We however should expect a different outcome to this one sided exchange.

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Barkin' up the wrong tree here, Rufus.

"East coast liberals?"

Never used that term in my life.

Maybe you missed the part where I said I was OK with Obama being president. He's making some bad decisions but all presidents do. I don't get emotional about it, but I can see you do. Get your chase somewhere else.

Hillary? That woman's worse than 40 miles of bad road. :)

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She's a divisive, abrasive woman.

Perfect candidate for a novice community organizer to choose as chief diplomat.

You say "woman" and not person.

Then clearly you're referring to Prez Obama, the first African-American prez.

However, later in the thread you say you're ok with O as prez which is hardly an endorsement or affirmation.

The logical and reasonable conclusion is that you don't like either. Or you're confused.

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Get your story straight.

You say you're ok with O as prez but you refer to the "Messiah" and his "followers". You need to speak clearly and consistently.

You're asociated with the "east coast liberals" statement. You decline to comment on my analysis and reaction to the statement. You haven't separated yourself from the statement or the extremist right wing views of Limbaugh.

You present a username that clearly suggests one thing and too cutely by a half claim to be something else.

You misrepresent the meeting between Russian PM Putin and Obama, intersecting with the line of the extremist right wingers such as Limbaugh who have a reckless disregard of the truth for their own extremist agenda.

The "birthers' continue to claim Obama was not born in Hawaii and thus not a natural born citizen of the US, therefore is an illigitimate prez. Where are you on that nonsense which has been demolished by court after court and rejected by the US Supreme Court?

Can you say anything positive about the many accomplishments and achievements of Hillary Clinton? Exactly how do you account for your intense dislike of her? You present deductive statements which lack any basis, foundation or analysis. It would be positive if you could present some edifying information concerning your views.

Of course you needn't do any of the above. Perhaps I simply expect too much. So if I'm being to demanding of you do let me know.

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You want me to be wild-eyed, emotional and confrontational?

Hopping mad and defending each and every position, lathering at the mouth?

Sorry to disappoint.

You're desperately trying to fit me into a mold you've created in your mind. But I don't fit. Maddening, isn't it? The RW&B cowboy hat and username just scream out to you who I am and what I'm about, eh?

Take a hike.

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She's a divisive, abrasive woman.

Perfect candidate for a novice community organizer to choose as chief diplomat.

The carpet-munch ..... uh ...... carpet-bagger in chief.

She is a hate-filled scheming snake, make no mistake about it. The Clintons don't take a dump without a plan. Their modus operandi goes back 25 years to their days in Arkansas. She could have had a cushy Senator-for-life gig, courtesy of the suckers in New York, but she didn't. She became SoS for one and only one reason. In her cold, calculating and self-serving mind, B-Hussein-Obi-wan is going to screw things up so badly that he will be a 4 and outer. Things will be so bad by 2012 that the GoPs won't be able to fix things in the 4 years after than. And in 2016, it's here comes the Ice Queen to save the day. The scary part is that the scheme makes sense and is entirely possible. Some people say that Barry is keeping her at a distance on purpose. I think it is the other way around. It's the only thing that explains her keeping flabby flapping gums sealed.

I doubt anyone will be seeing her flee from a hotel roof in a chopper. But it would be interesting to see if the unhappies are going to try to conduct a similar protest in Phuket. With many of the ASEAN nations being in various states of chaos, it would be interesting to be a fly on the wall to hear the Hildabeast give her speech.

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Her outfittings are closer to yellow than they are to red. :D (A clever post above that MAY say a thousand words!)

Primary colors Yellow and Red mixed together = Orange.


She looks as though she's just been released from Guantanamo Bay :)

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Well Texpat, another poster took you up on your hat and username. I did not. I make reference to the fact that I (and others) thought you too cute by a half in your response to it.

However, you have the choice of username and avitar and of how your represent yourself in your posts; as to whether you are direct or indirect, straightforward or what perhaps could be considered evasive or enigmatic.

More important and central to the thread is the visit of Sec Clinton to Thailand and the long standing relationship between the US and the Kindgom of Thailand, which dates to 1833 and which was significantly enhanced by the birth in the USA of the current reigning monarch.

All else aside, the present reigning monarch of the Kingdom of Thailand was born in the US as was his older brother and predecessor on the throne. Which technically makes the current reign a natural born citizen of the United States, even if his parents were not such. This of course technically makes or made the current reigning monarch of Thailand eligible to the presidency of the United States.

I cheerfully wonder how many reigning monarchs, present or past, have or had had such eligibilty, if any others? I'm also curious whether the current reigning monarch of the Kingdom of Thailand retains his natural born citizenship of the US and thus would continue technically to be eligible for the presidency of the United States (POTUS).

With all due respect, I think it's a fascinating question.

Based on his promise as a younger leader, I'd have been pleased to consider him for the office of POTUS. He certainly has proved to be a true friend of the US during his long and magnificent reign in Thailand. The mutual respect, warmth and frendship between he and the leaders of the US has been reciprocal over these score of years since.

So how do we get the answer to the question???

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Her outfittings are closer to yellow than they are to red. :D (A clever post above that MAY say a thousand words!)

Primary colors Yellow and Red mixed together = Orange.


She looks as though she's just been released from Guantanamo Bay :)

As I said, the color is closer to yellow than to red (but that well might be in the eye of the beholder).

I suported her candidacy for the nomination of my party, the Democratic Party, to be POTUS. Since I was in college in the 1960s and the feminist movement coalesed, I'd always thought a woman would be elected POTUS before a black man would. So I'd thought I was flowing with the trend of history and that Hillary was the natural choice at the time.

However, Obama outorganized her and increasingly impressed us during the campaign. I wasn't ever opposed to Obama; I'd simply thought his time was in the future and that Hillary's and a woman's time was now. I'd said throughout O's rise that as a Democrat I'd be pleased to vote for him for prez, which I was. I certainly was elated by the outcome.

Another factor against Hillary was that Bush the father had been VP under Reagan (aka Bozo the Clown) from 1981 until Bush the father was elected prez in 1988. Then Bill Clinton was elected and served as POTUS from 1993-2001 (January-January). Then Bush the son was prez from 2001 to 2009 (Jan). Then we had Hillary Clinton seeking the presidency in 2008.

So fatgue was a factor. From the elections of 1980 to 2008 we'd had Reagan-Bush, Bush, Clinton, Bush and then the prospect of a copresidency of Clinton and Clinton potentially through 2016.

I take nothing away from the remarkable accomplishments of Prez Obama during his long campaign, during which he proved himself, or of the integrity of the great majority of voters in the US. But that inbred succession was getting to be too much.

So anyway, given the golden history of relations between the sovereign ruling monarch of the Kingdom of Thailand and the United States Government for going on two centuries, and the fact that the current reigning monarch of the Kingdom was born in the US, I'd say I see more yellow than anything else.

If anything in the photo above, Sec Clinton looks happy to see that the airport isn't under seizure by anyone, same as the rest of us. The humor however is well taken, as long as it's directed against George Dumbya Bush.

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Her outfittings are closer to yellow than they are to red. :D (A clever post above that MAY say a thousand words!)

Primary colors Yellow and Red mixed together = Orange.


She looks as though she's just been released from Guantanamo Bay :)

As I said, the color is closer to yellow than to red (but that well might be in the eye of the beholder).

I suported her candidacy for the nomination of my party, the Democratic Party, to be POTUS. Since I was in college in the 1960s and the feminist movement coalesed, I'd always thought a woman would be elected POTUS before a black man would. So I'd thought I was flowing with the trend of history and that Hillary was the natural choice at the time.

However, Obama outorganized her and increasingly impressed us during the campaign. I wasn't ever opposed to Obama; I'd simply thought his time was in the future and that Hillary's and a woman's time was now. I'd said throughout O's rise that as a Democrat I'd be pleased to vote for him for prez, which I was. I certainly was elated by the outcome.

Another factor against Hillary was that Bush the father had been VP under Reagan (aka Bozo the Clown) from 1981 until Bush the father was elected prez in 1988. Then Bill Clinton was elected and served as POTUS from 1993-2001 (January-January). Then Bush the son was prez from 2001 to 2009 (Jan). Then we had Hillary Clinton seeking the presidency in 2008.

So fatgue was a factor. From the elections of 1980 to 2008 we'd had Reagan-Bush, Bush, Clinton, Bush and then the prospect of a copresidency of Clinton and Clinton potentially through 2016.

I take nothing away from the remarkable accomplishments of Prez Obama during his long campaign, during which he proved himself, or of the integrity of the great majority of voters in the US. But that inbred succession was getting to be too much.

So anyway, given the golden history of relations between the sovereign ruling monarch of the Kingdom of Thailand and the United States Government for going on two centuries, and the fact that the current reigning monarch of the Kingdom was born in the US, I'd say I see more yellow than anything else.

If anything in the photo above, Sec Clinton looks happy to see that the airport isn't under seizure by anyone, same as the rest of us. The humor however is well taken, as long as it's directed against George Dumbya Bush.

Name ONE thing Obama has accomplished on his own? The joy for me is the lates poll has him at 51%, awsome, he is falling fast. It is the fastest slide of any elected president in history.

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Her outfittings are closer to yellow than they are to red. :D (A clever post above that MAY say a thousand words!)

Primary colors Yellow and Red mixed together = Orange.


She looks as though she's just been released from Guantanamo Bay :)

As I said, the color is closer to yellow than to red (but that well might be in the eye of the beholder).

I'm English. We treat our politicians with a great deal less respect than you do. For once I think we may be right.

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However, Obama outorganized her and increasingly impressed us during the campaign. I wasn't ever opposed to Obama; I'd simply thought his time was in the future and that Hillary's and a woman's time was now.

Yes, I too have often made my voting choices on the basis of race and gender. If it were on qualifications alone, I'd still be waiting for Barry to visit the 57th state, where I live. (Yes, I'm obviously being facetious.)

Jeezus, you're as bad as the Thais who sell out their vote for a few satang.

Reagan (aka Bozo the Clown)

Disregard the above. Anyone who calls one of the great conservative leaders of all time a clown must have left all their marbles in a Haight & Ashbury dope den during the summer of love.

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I'm English. We treat our politicians with a great deal less respect than you do.

So when is someone going to swat Brown in the head with a stupid stick and wake him from his socialist slumber.

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Interesting to see how a visit by an American dignitary can elicit such strong emotions from expat Americans.

I'm also an expat Yank. I actually preferred Hillary to Obama for the top job, though I've come to accept Obama. He took the helm at a time when the ship of state was listing badly. He was probably right to continue to push through hundreds of billions of bailout dollars to bloated mistake-prone Wall Street corporations. AIS was just too big to fall. Even so, I would still like to have seen AIS and Goldman Sachs and all the other bloated money manipulators suffer the consequences of their unmitigated greed and their faulty business decisions.

Dear Secretary Clinton, Welcome to Thailand. I hope your visit goes smoothly. May I suggest you continue to make as clear as possible the need (For ASEAN members) to ramp up pressure to compel the Burmese junta to do what's right. If left to their own devices, ASEAN delegates will go and play golf, eat spicy food, mumble to each other about business investments and pretty girls, ....essentially avoid the serious issues, as they always do. They need someone smart and dynamic (like Hillary) to give a glimmer of how things can get done outside of the insular 'don't rock the boat' world of Asian leaders. P.S. don't stop to shop at duty free shops at the airport.

You go girl!

addendum: Some day, possibly 45 years in the future, ASEAN will consider a common currency for SE Asia - heck, maybe even lighten up their tin pot mentality on borders. SE Asia is smaller than Alaska, but it's balkanized like a dozen little byzantine fiefdoms, each distrusting each other. When will they grow up?

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Thailand isn't the only politically divided country in the world, ha ha. As far as Obama's poll numbers, all popular presidents suffer a nosedive once reality hits the fan. He is banking that there are some good results by 2010 midterm elections and he has a shot at that. Economists are already claiming that we were in serious danger of entering another great depression, and now are saying that danger has passed. Obama can claim a lot of credit for that already. He is not a go with the flow guy, he is trying to effect real change, so of course he is going to have enemies. Let me know when he gets to Bush 20 percent approval levels. I bet you that NEVER happens. Also note republos have lost the most important rapidly growing political demographic in the US, Latinos, are they will never get them back.

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Thailand isn't the only politically divided country in the world, ha ha. As far as Obama's poll numbers, all popular presidents suffer a nosedive once reality hits the fan. He is banking that there are some good results by 2010 midterm elections and he has a shot at that. Economists are already claiming that we were in serious danger of entering another great depression, and now are saying that danger has passed. Obama can claim a lot of credit for that already. He is not a go with the flow guy, he is trying to effect real change, so of course he is going to have enemies. Let me know when he gets to Bush 20 percent approval levels. I bet you that NEVER happens.

Why are people still talking about Bush, on a Thailand news forum. Lets move on...

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Why are people still talking about Bush, on a Thailand news forum. Lets move on...

Not really talking about B. Another poster claimed President O is in the dumps but no he is not in the dumps, compare to Bush, is all. Of course with her honorable Madame Hillary visiting Thailand, the political juices of Americans in Thailand are hotted up. It is our nature.

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Her husband Bill Clinton has often been cited as the best Republican president of the 20th century - his administration's devotion to Big Business and Bubble Economics was extraordinary. It looks as though Obama is trying to become the best Republican president of the 21st century with his devotion to the Bush-Cheney-Obama doctrine in foreign policy by escalating the war in Afghanistan (a BIG mistake) and his handouts to Wall Street fraudsters.

When will a true liberal be allowed anywhere near the White House?

We need Change now more that ever!

Bye, bye Obama!

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Why are people still talking about Bush, on a Thailand news forum. Lets move on...

Not really talking about B. Another poster claimed President O is in the dumps but no he is not in the dumps, compare to Bush, is all. Of course with her honorable Madame Hillary visiting Thailand, the political juices of Americans in Thailand are hotted up. It is our nature.

Why are people comparing Bush to Obama on a Thailand news forum. Lets move on....

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