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Some Advice Needed Please

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can any body help us and give some advice pls.about 3 rai has come up for sale in my wifes village,good land ,on the main drag through the village,although the road is not tarmac,just dirt road electricity close by,and the village water supply is at the rear of the land.heres the problam we or should i say my thai wife wants to buy this land,but there is no chanote or nor so sam that comes with the land,all the guy says is that every year that he gets a land tax bill, in his name ,whats the crack does he own this land or notand if we bought it could my wife put it in her name and get a chanote or nor sor sam,or should we just steer clear of this altogether,also the land is at the right price 110,000bt for 3 rai,any advice please thx jp

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but there is no chanote or nor so sam that comes with the land,

He should have some sort of paperwork, I would say it is a Bor Bor Tor 5, which is a possessory right.

Firstly find out what paperwork he has and come back to us.

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If it's a Bor Bor Tor 5 it won't be registered at the land office as it is not a title. Nor will a Sor Kung Nung be registered. But he should have some paperwork showing the land area and record of owners on the back thereof.

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I wouldn't want to own any land without a land title - too risky .

Well it's not your decision to make is it? Once the OP is in possession of all the facts he will undoutedly decide for himself.

Some areas of Thailand are predominently Bor Bor Tor 5 as the land was predominently Army land. hundreds of thousands of homes have been built on this type of land with no problems.

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I wouldn't want to own any land without a land title - too risky .

Well it's not your decision to make is it? Once the OP is in possession of all the facts he will undoutedly decide for himself.

Some areas of Thailand are predominently Bor Bor Tor 5 as the land was predominently Army land. hundreds of thousands of homes have been built on this type of land with no problems.

OF COURSE - It is not my decision but the OP asked for opinions and advice , which I gave - What has got up your nose and what constructive advice have you got to give !

From your reply I expect you have some of this untitled land and in who's name? - Can you sell it ? What happens when you die ? can your children family inherit it etc etc .

Can the local Land office decide at some stage in the future to take it back , because it is public land ? or or ??

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I wouldn't want to own any land without a land title - too risky .

Well it's not your decision to make is it? Once the OP is in possession of all the facts he will undoutedly decide for himself.

Some areas of Thailand are predominently Bor Bor Tor 5 as the land was predominently Army land. hundreds of thousands of homes have been built on this type of land with no problems.

well heres a slight update what weve found out so far,he has been farming the land himself now for about 15 yrs,and the land has been passed down from his mother who has owned?used the land for approx 70 yrs+no problams,but there still saying no paperwork?not sure about that but thats tha answer were getting,they only get the yearly tax bill that the land dept issue after they have come out and taken measurement.also the land was approx 5 rai about ten year ago 2 rai sold and thai houses built,no problam these people went to the local umper and the tabien baan book issued,and the electric water supply was applied for no probs.also if we was to buy this land the top guy in the village,has said he has to issue a proper contract of sale and puchase i spose we keep a copy and he the seller keep a copy.also what it turns out is that the wholevillage and all the surrounding villages and land is in the same situation no definite land title,even the father in law and he has ALOT of land.have spocken to father in law about the whole situation and he say the local land department dont want to help on the land title thing?

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I wouldn't want to own any land without a land title - too risky .

Well it's not your decision to make is it? Once the OP is in possession of all the facts he will undoutedly decide for himself.

Some areas of Thailand are predominently Bor Bor Tor 5 as the land was predominently Army land. hundreds of thousands of homes have been built on this type of land with no problems.

well heres a slight update what weve found out so far,he has been farming the land himself now for about 15 yrs,and the land has been passed down from his mother who has owned?used the land for approx 70 yrs+no problams,but there still saying no paperwork?not sure about that but thats tha answer were getting,they only get the yearly tax bill that the land dept issue after they have come out and taken measurement.also the land was approx 5 rai about ten year ago 2 rai sold and thai houses built,no problam these people went to the local umper and the tabien baan book issued,and the electric water supply was applied for no probs.also if we was to buy this land the top guy in the village,has said he has to issue a proper contract of sale and puchase i spose we keep a copy and he the seller keep a copy.also what it turns out is that the wholevillage and all the surrounding villages and land is in the same situation no definite land title,even the father in law and he has ALOT of land.have spocken to father in law about the whole situation and he say the local land department dont want to help on the land title thing?

By all means carry out full due dilligence but if all village the same, father in law has a lot of land etc then why not? Its only a 330,000thb gift from you to her (though that may or may not be a fair price for the particular land).

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I wouldn't want to own any land without a land title - too risky .

Well it's not your decision to make is it? Once the OP is in possession of all the facts he will undoutedly decide for himself.

Some areas of Thailand are predominently Bor Bor Tor 5 as the land was predominently Army land. hundreds of thousands of homes have been built on this type of land with no problems.

well heres a slight update what weve found out so far,he has been farming the land himself now for about 15 yrs,and the land has been passed down from his mother who has owned?used the land for approx 70 yrs+no problams,but there still saying no paperwork?not sure about that but thats tha answer were getting,they only get the yearly tax bill that the land dept issue after they have come out and taken measurement.also the land was approx 5 rai about ten year ago 2 rai sold and thai houses built,no problam these people went to the local umper and the tabien baan book issued,and the electric water supply was applied for no probs.also if we was to buy this land the top guy in the village,has said he has to issue a proper contract of sale and puchase i spose we keep a copy and he the seller keep a copy.also what it turns out is that the wholevillage and all the surrounding villages and land is in the same situation no definite land title,even the father in law and he has ALOT of land.have spocken to father in law about the whole situation and he say the local land department dont want to help on the land title thing?

So far I understand this land should be in a rural area where NS3G or Chanote so far havent been issued. Without any of these 2 land titles, its not registered in land office. New posessor can be registered in Or Bor Tor or Amphur.

The land may be lost if its not beeing used for agriculture. If someone else occupy it for a year, they have taken over it. If someone move the propertylines for a year (with some bushes), they have taken over this part of the land.

To get a land title could take years. In Phuket land titles for land like this are not issued any more.

My gf owns land like this, and exept for discovering one neighbor moved the propertyline for 10 months and we had to move it back with the help of police, its been hasslfree for 5 years. Its just been upgraded to Chanote.

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I wouldn't want to own any land without a land title - too risky .

Well it's not your decision to make is it? Once the OP is in possession of all the facts he will undoutedly decide for himself.

Some areas of Thailand are predominently Bor Bor Tor 5 as the land was predominently Army land. hundreds of thousands of homes have been built on this type of land with no problems.

well heres a slight update what weve found out so far,he has been farming the land himself now for about 15 yrs,and the land has been passed down from his mother who has owned?used the land for approx 70 yrs+no problams,but there still saying no paperwork?not sure about that but thats tha answer were getting,they only get the yearly tax bill that the land dept issue after they have come out and taken measurement.also the land was approx 5 rai about ten year ago 2 rai sold and thai houses built,no problam these people went to the local umper and the tabien baan book issued,and the electric water supply was applied for no probs.also if we was to buy this land the top guy in the village,has said he has to issue a proper contract of sale and puchase i spose we keep a copy and he the seller keep a copy.also what it turns out is that the wholevillage and all the surrounding villages and land is in the same situation no definite land title,even the father in law and he has ALOT of land.have spocken to father in law about the whole situation and he say the local land department dont want to help on the land title thing?

By all means carry out full due dilligence but if all village the same, father in law has a lot of land etc then why not? Its only a 330,000thb gift from you to her (though that may or may not be a fair price for the particular land).

fair point,now after the advice, i cant realy see aproblam as everbody else in the whole tambon seems to be in the same boat,as for the price is 110,000 bt for 3 rai,it would also come with all the surgar beat that is currently being grown on it,which should fetch something back on the initial outlay of the land.the land is already clearly marked out ie barbed wire wood staked all the way around,the wife says she will get her family to take care of land and replant,until she see fit to start construction of new house on the land. thanks for your input on this chaps

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I wouldn't want to own any land without a land title - too risky .

Well it's not your decision to make is it? Once the OP is in possession of all the facts he will undoutedly decide for himself.

Some areas of Thailand are predominently Bor Bor Tor 5 as the land was predominently Army land. hundreds of thousands of homes have been built on this type of land with no problems.

OF COURSE - It is not my decision but the OP asked for opinions and advice , which I gave - What has got up your nose and what constructive advice have you got to give !

From your reply I expect you have some of this untitled land and in who's name? - Can you sell it ? What happens when you die ? can your children family inherit it etc etc .

Can the local Land office decide at some stage in the future to take it back , because it is public land ? or or ??

You didn't give advice, only stated what you would not do. As to what I have it's irrelavent and none of your business.

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can any body help us and give some advice pls.about 3 rai has come up for sale in my wifes village,good land ,on the main drag through the village,although the road is not tarmac,just dirt road electricity close by,and the village water supply is at the rear of the land.heres the problam we or should i say my thai wife wants to buy this land,but there is no chanote or nor so sam that comes with the land,all the guy says is that every year that he gets a land tax bill, in his name ,whats the crack does he own this land or notand if we bought it could my wife put it in her name and get a chanote or nor sor sam,or should we just steer clear of this altogether,also the land is at the right price 110,000bt for 3 rai,any advice please thx jp

for that price ? i would run a mile,,its obviously not his,,why is he selling too cheap? land near roadside near water and electricity i hear goes for 150-000 200-000 per rai up country..........dont touch it m8

i mean initial gamble of 110,000 baht is ok and i could live with that,,but if and when u built a 2 mill baht home on this land is some greedy villiage elder or government official going to see rich falang home and try some way to take it off him ?????

Edited by dmax
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If it's a Bor Bor Tor 5 it won't be registered at the land office as it is not a title. Nor will a Sor Kung Nung be registered. But he should have some paperwork showing the land area and record of owners on the back thereof.

cheers liones for the pm.

also dmax yes this is the actual price of this land ,beleve it or not.

what i will guess wil happen is the missis will buy this land(she has her own money) and then there will be no problam because there will be no farang involvement, just thai dealing with thai,and they have no worrys at all about purchasing land in this way,the family that are selling this land are good friends with my mrs family,so the chances of being knocked are possibly zero, and then the mrs can do what she see fit with this land,up to her i spose, :)

thanks again


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You can put a "dwelling" on any type of land, this is allowed by the authorities, but its normally on un-titled land classed as a place to sleep while the crops are planted or harvested,

There are many posts about this i the Farming Forum, try a search there,,

Mrs has 3 rai of hillside land for sale, nor sor sam, concrete road access,water and electricity, 1 k from town center, good view over the town and mountains,with papers, 200k a rai, thats the going rate here in Namsom,,

Cheers, Lickey..

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