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Making A Will


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I know this has been covered before but searching on this forum rarely seems to be useful (you'd think that +making +will +layer would work, wouldn't you?), anyway I've been advised that I should make a will in Thailand to cover assets here and a separate one for the UK which I already have. Anyone done this recently and can suggest a lawyer - it's a very very simple one so I don't feel I need to go to huge expense.

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I know this has been covered before but searching on this forum rarely seems to be useful (you'd think that +making +will +layer would work, wouldn't you?), anyway I've been advised that I should make a will in Thailand to cover assets here and a separate one for the UK which I already have. Anyone done this recently and can suggest a lawyer - it's a very very simple one so I don't feel I need to go to huge expense.

I've been wanting to do the same thing, and was hoping one could write one will to cover Thailand and the home country. I would think that would be possible. My fear is that if you have two wills, there might be something on one that causes problems with the other.

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I know this has been covered before but searching on this forum rarely seems to be useful (you'd think that +making +will +layer would work, wouldn't you?), anyway I've been advised that I should make a will in Thailand to cover assets here and a separate one for the UK which I already have. Anyone done this recently and can suggest a lawyer - it's a very very simple one so I don't feel I need to go to huge expense.

I've been wanting to do the same thing, and was hoping one could write one will to cover Thailand and the home country. I would think that would be possible. My fear is that if you have two wills, there might be something on one that causes problems with the other.

Have a look at the CM expats club site. They have a chap called Tom who helped me a lot on an unrelated issue a few months ago. I have friends here who have made 2 wills, with Toms assistance for the Thai one. They keep the Thai and the OS assets seperate, but, fortunately, has yet to be put to the test. PS, PM me for his phone number if you have problems.

Edited by drfang
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I know this has been covered before but searching on this forum rarely seems to be useful (you'd think that +making +will +layer would work, wouldn't you?), anyway I've been advised that I should make a will in Thailand to cover assets here and a separate one for the UK which I already have. Anyone done this recently and can suggest a lawyer - it's a very very simple one so I don't feel I need to go to huge expense.

I've been wanting to do the same thing, and was hoping one could write one will to cover Thailand and the home country. I would think that would be possible. My fear is that if you have two wills, there might be something on one that causes problems with the other.

I was told to mention but exclude assets held in Thailand from my UK will and cover them separately with another here - it happens that this works out easily for me but I guess if you wanted to leave stuff you had here to people somewhere else then trying an all in one approach might be the answer. I confess I'd be nervous having anyone here draw up a valid set of instructions to be carried out elsewhere!

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I have made a couple of wills here in Thailand. The only help a lawyer gave to me was as a perso to deliver a copy of my will, and pick up a Thai copy of the will. Everything else was standard and typical. I don't think you need a lawyer to do it :)

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I had a lawyer draw up a will covering my assets in Thailand (bank accounts, vehicles, property). Its a simple document, in both Thai and English versions. Cost was 5000 bht. You can PM me for the lawyer's name if you like, but I think you could probably get this done more cheaply elsewhere. I have a bank account in another country in Asia, not my home country, but was told by the lawyer that a will made in Thailand might not be recognized by that country. He suggested I update the designation of beneficiary form that I have on file with that overseas bank.

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For a will made in Thailand to be valid the will must contain specific information and follow a recognised format. Just downloading a form off the internet and translating it into Thai will not do.

Suggest you PM Sebastian members name "Isaanlawyers" who are a TV sponsor.

I imagine a lawyer told all of that to you. I don't think his help is needed to write a simple Thai will.

The wills I wrote were copied from another farang. He died and his will was no problem at all, and he wrote it himself too.

Edited by Ajarn
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For a will made in Thailand to be valid the will must contain specific information and follow a recognised format. Just downloading a form off the internet and translating it into Thai will not do.

Suggest you PM Sebastian members name "Isaanlawyers" who are a TV sponsor.

I imagine a lawyer told all of that to you. I don't think his help is needed to write a simple Thai will.

The wills I wrote were copied from another farang. He died and his will was no problem at all, and he wrote it himself too.

Any one can write a will but will it be valid according to Thai law?

If you are confident your wishes will be carried out by all means copy a will from the internet or any other source.

Alternatively spend a few baht and get professional advice.

By the way dear teacher, who witnessed your will, how many originals are there and where are they being kept?

Edited by malcolminthemiddle
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For a will made in Thailand to be valid the will must contain specific information and follow a recognised format. Just downloading a form off the internet and translating it into Thai will not do.

Suggest you PM Sebastian members name "Isaanlawyers" who are a TV sponsor.

I imagine a lawyer told all of that to you. I don't think his help is needed to write a simple Thai will.

The wills I wrote were copied from another farang. He died and his will was no problem at all, and he wrote it himself too.

Any one can write a will but will it be valid according to Thai law?

If you are confident your wishes will be carried out by all means copy a will from the internet or any other source.

Alternatively spend a few baht and get professional advice.

By the way dear teacher, who witnessed your will, how many originals are there and where are they being kept?

I'm not a teacher anymore.

My neighbors were witnesses, 2 originals, one kept with me, one is at my lawyer's office. Why do you ask?

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I'm not sure about Thailand, but I know you can buy them in CD form for computers. Then you just alter them to fit your needs. Years ago I just copied out our Canadian one onto my computer and changed it as I saw fit over the years.

Once you have the final manuscript, print a couple of copies and have them witnessed by a JP or a lawyer. Even a registered doctor can witness one in Canada. I don't know about Thai law.

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I'm not sure about Thailand, but I know you can buy them in CD form for computers. Then you just alter them to fit your needs. Years ago I just copied out our Canadian one onto my computer and changed it as I saw fit over the years.

Once you have the final manuscript, print a couple of copies and have them witnessed by a JP or a lawyer. Even a registered doctor can witness one in Canada. I don't know about Thai law.

I really do understand the ins and outs of making a will and was just after a lead on a specific lawyer to contact here in town. In a country where every law as it applies to farangs has a random discretionary element I think I'd sooner not leave anything to chance, thank you.

By the way, for very simple situations drawing up a DIY document may be enough but, as anyone who has ever been executor for a poorly drawn up will involving significant assets and/or relations with expectations will tell you, there can be a score of unexpected and expensive pitfalls for those left behind. You may feel it's possibly good way of getting back at your former friends and relations but if you believe in the after-life be prepared to spend eternity looking over your shoulder at the Pearly Gates since they'll be after you for sure. :)

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... if you believe in the after-life be prepared to spend eternity looking over your shoulder at the Pearly Gates since they'll be after you for sure. :)

You certainly have a way with words my friend. LOL!

I really need a will too. Maybe you, I, and T Dog can get a group discount.

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You may feel it's possibly good way of getting back at your former friends and relations but if you believe in the after-life be prepared to spend eternity looking over your shoulder at the Pearly Gates since they'll be after you for sure. :D


Not much hope for me in visiting the Pearly Gates... unless my charitable life style the past 10 years or so have earned me enough brownie points and some atonement for past sins. :D

Good luck with the will, and it's a reminder that I need to update mine if I can ever find what disk I put it on.

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... if you believe in the after-life be prepared to spend eternity looking over your shoulder at the Pearly Gates since they'll be after you for sure. :)

You certainly have a way with words my friend. LOL!

I really need a will too. Maybe you, I, and T Dog can get a group discount.

Good idea. I have a friend who is an attorney from the USA, and as for a Thai attorney, there was that fellow that spoke at the expats club as a representative of Immigration. He is well respected and a straight-shooter from what I understand.

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There a few threads in here that might help:


But there is good info in the web sites of many of the Thai law firms (useful legal background type stuff) ... like thailawonline.com, samuiforsale.com, tillekeandgibbins.com, etc

Yes you can do it yourself and it might be OK, but it is a gamble that could result in your wishes not being carried out and/or friction in your family (legal challenge, etc). I have been through the process of Will preparation/update several times, initially doing in myself, then using a kit, and then using a solicitor - I would recommend anyone to use a solicitor.

Still (for people who have the time and inclination) I would suggest preparing the necessary list of info (perhaps even a first draft Will) yourself and then giving this to a solicitor as this will save them some time - and you some money. This list would include details of ALL assets and liabilities including insurance policies etc etc - everything - so the solicitor isn't making call after call to get the missing pieces.

Another poster mentioned "nominated beneficiaries" - just be sure that you don't need to regular confirm/renew the beneficiaries (in some case the nomination may only last for e.g. 3 years)

The Will process looks deceptively simple but it is not - and the ongoing changes in law and legal precedent means that even a properly-prepared Will needs to be revised on a regular basis.

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... if you believe in the after-life be prepared to spend eternity looking over your shoulder at the Pearly Gates since they'll be after you for sure. :)

You certainly have a way with words my friend. LOL!

I really need a will too. Maybe you, I, and T Dog can get a group discount.

Good idea. I have a friend who is an attorney from the USA, and as for a Thai attorney, there was that fellow that spoke at the expats club as a representative of Immigration. He is well respected and a straight-shooter from what I understand.

He doesnt seem to be there anymore. What happened?

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... if you believe in the after-life be prepared to spend eternity looking over your shoulder at the Pearly Gates since they'll be after you for sure. :)

You certainly have a way with words my friend. LOL!

I really need a will too. Maybe you, I, and T Dog can get a group discount.

Good idea. I have a friend who is an attorney from the USA, and as for a Thai attorney, there was that fellow that spoke at the expats club as a representative of Immigration. He is well respected and a straight-shooter from what I understand.

He doesnt seem to be there anymore. What happened?

I will PM his information to you.

Edited by venturalaw
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I know this has been covered before but searching on this forum rarely seems to be useful (you'd think that +making +will +layer would work, wouldn't you?), anyway I've been advised that I should make a will in Thailand to cover assets here and a separate one for the UK which I already have. Anyone done this recently and can suggest a lawyer - it's a very very simple one so I don't feel I need to go to huge expense.

I am in the process of having wills made up,by a local Thai lawyer, for both my Thai wife and myself. I initially made contact with him after seeing an advertisment in one of the local publications. If I fall off the perch its not really a problem as my assets are few and the house is in my wifes name. The problem is if she should go before me or we go together in an accident. We have had 2 meetings and the wills are now being drafted. I believe under Thai law that you need witnessing by a Dr and the lawyer to show that you are both of sound mind and body at the time of making the will which could be problem for some ,including me !

if you want his contact no please PM me.

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