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Thaksin's " Big Surprise " Still A Secret

sriracha john

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So the mod doesn't have the neutral stances with Thai politics? Fine by me. I respect that.

It's just unusual to me for the mod to reveal who's side he's on when the forum is clearly devided, just like Thailand.


Kudo to that.

You read his posts as you understand the world.

The mod removed a post referring to 'Toxin', as that is a fictional character or a non-polite version of Thaksin.

That could by anything perhaps be considered pro-red, but you read it as anti-red...interesting.

And the only mod or admin that has been very open about his political stance is pro-Red.

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My point is ligitimate government shoud came from the General Election. Hope you'd have mercy on me.

A legitimate government comes from a proper election and due process.

If you think Samak and the other puppets came to power via a proper election and due process, then the same automatically is said for the democrats.

You cannot both have and eat the cake.

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Also, i don't think you know about the advocate role of the general that did the coup in 1991 to support Abhisit neither, nor how well he was awarded. Or the mass killings cases the generals of the 2006 coup directly involved as well. ( 5 - 8 years ago)

As an aside, as you like to throw smoke bombs, could you clarify more on Thaksin's alleged human rights abuses?

Do go around in circle, you ought to reflect on the article first.

So the previous govt use tear-gas bombs to suppress the demonstrations and became the ftrst country in the world ever to be able to fully exploit the power of tear-gas bomb by tearing off few limbs with a few fatality and the Abhisit govt was heavily praise to suppress the demonstrations by using guns (war class) with rubber bullets. (Strange the gun use both live rounds and rubber rounds without having to switch the magazines)

Now, please go back to reflect the article first. Don't change the subject yet along with accomplices, if any.

Now, why don't you answer the question?

That might be a start, considering you were the one that originally starting throwing smoke bombs. Or are you going to start issuing the red cards that your dear leader used to show if he didn't like a particular question? :)

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You cannot both have and eat the cake.

Thaksin/reds accept the rules on when they are on the winning side. As soon as they lose, they throw the book out.

They want to scrap 2007 constitution, but not if there's a chance of winning snap elections.

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just a guess....and therefore he might offer peace to his opponents! The Greatest PR Stunt on Earth! I wouldn't put it past him.

Very big of him. Shame no one's told him the victor gets to set the terms of peace, not the loser. It's a bit like Hitler saying "I forgive you all, let's get together and be friends" as the Russians are hammering on the door to the bunker. Or maybe...


"Alright, let's call it a draw then".

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Hate to tell you guys this but the rest of the world pretty much thinks that Thaskin was ousted illegally and the current governement is an illegal one. Thailand lost this battle long ago. The average person outside Thailand just sees a government that wasn't freely elected over a government that was (and had ties to Thaskin) elected after a military coup ousted a governemnt that was elected by a Thai majority...now I'm confused. Putting 'fugitivie' before his name doesn't help the cause as the world doesn't see the media in Thailand as free but as being controlled by the state. I'm not saying this is true but everyone I talked to who asked me thinks this. Somehow, they lost the media battle.

People who love Khun Thaksin will organize ceremonies at wats & Birthday Parties for him all over Thailand from tomorrow. Many of them don't know how to open a computer. They won't read the "fugitive" in forums and won't worry. They know the charge for him is politically motivated and in country such as Dubai, nothing is wrong with signing/giving ID card for wife to buy a legal land.

They are the ones who will vote for him and his party if there's another election.

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Kwanchai to visit Thaksin in Brunei to give him birthday cards

Udon Thani - Kwanchai Sarakham, the chairman of Udon Thani Loving People club, said he would visit former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in Dubai to give him some 3,000 birthday cards.

Kwanchai said he and 16 members of his club would leave for Brunei on July 28 and return on July 31.

The cards have been signed by Udon Thani people.

He said no politicians would join the trip.

The Nation


It's good these guys know where they're going...............???not

Perhaps that's the "surprise"????

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So the mod doesn't have the neutral stances with Thai politics? Fine by me. I respect that.

It's just unusual to me for the mod to reveal who's side he's on when the forum is clearly devided, just like Thailand.


Kudo to that.

Actually there have been several polls conducted in several TV threads, and the forum isn't that divided. More than 60% support the current governement, as being the best for Thailand at this point in time. Its only a few rabid red shirts who make it appear that there is a bigger divide than there is.

I think your % is dead wrong. I think more than 85% of this website support the current illegitimate Government, leaving probably less than 15% of us in support of electoral democracy. I am amazed that there are even 15% of us supporting the pro-democracy Red Shirts considering the onslaught of anti-democracy rhetoric here. We may not be musicians but we have principles!

Edited by Ferwert
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Hate to tell you guys this but the rest of the world pretty much thinks that Thaskin was ousted illegally and the current governement is an illegal one. Thailand lost this battle long ago. The average person outside Thailand just sees a government that wasn't freely elected over a government that was (and had ties to Thaskin) elected after a military coup ousted a governemnt that was elected by a Thai majority...now I'm confused. Putting 'fugitivie' before his name doesn't help the cause as the world doesn't see the media in Thailand as free but as being controlled by the state. I'm not saying this is true but everyone I talked to who asked me thinks this. Somehow, they lost the media battle.

People who love Khun Thaksin will organize ceremonies at wats & Birthday Parties for him all over Thailand from tomorrow. Many of them don't know how to open a computer. They won't read the "fugitive" in forums and won't worry. They know the charge for him is politically motivated and in country such as Dubai, nothing is wrong with signing/giving ID card for wife to buy a legal land.

They are the ones who will vote for him and his party if there's another election.

Abhisit and his militia guards, ------------- Thaksin with nation-wide birthday celebrations, an electoral majority in waiting, over a million signatory petition----------Hmmmmmmm!

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So, beaming in is not considered big surprise. Maybe he'll fly in to meet the fans. Shall we start taking bet?

yes kuu82 i agree "beaming in" is hardly any big surprise.

I will take you up on the offer and say that the big surprise is he will unveil to the fans some type of generous education package , which will include the 2 things he already mentioned (6000 scholarships and tutor TV) plus some vision/framework and other related things.

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So, beaming in is not considered big surprise. Maybe he'll fly in to meet the fans. Shall we start taking bet?

Please fly in Mr Toxin so you can be arrested - think about it in positive manner, once arrested you won't be a fugitive anymore.

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Maybe he has a pardon lined up. Wouldn't that be nice.

Certainly put a stop to the endless moaning and gnashing of teeth.

When hel_l freezes over he might be given the opportunity to ask for a pardon, in the meantime forget your idiotic dreaming.

Edited by Artisi
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Maybe he has a pardon lined up. Wouldn't that be nice.

Certainly put a stop to the endless moaning and gnashing of teeth.

You seriously believe that a pardon will cease the division that currently exists here? Might dampen it down for a short period of time, and then it will back to the same issues, creating the same divisions.

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Kwanchai to visit Thaksin in Brunei to give him birthday cards

Udon Thani - Kwanchai Sarakham, the chairman of Udon Thani Loving People club, said he would visit former prime minister<a href="http://"http://www.nationmultimedia.com/search/adsearch.php?keyword=+Thaksin+"" target="_blank"> Thaksin Shinawatra </a>in Dubai to give him some 3,000 birthday cards.

Kwanchai said he and 16 members of his club would leave for Brunei on July 28 and return on July 31.

The cards have been signed by Udon Thani people.

He said no politicians would join the trip.

The Nation


It's good these guys know where they're going...............???not

Perhaps that's the "surprise"????

It seems The Nation is not sure where he is , Dubai or Brunei or maybe Shanghai or Nong Khai? :)

Edited by ratcatcher
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Maybe he has a pardon lined up. Wouldn't that be nice.

Certainly put a stop to the endless moaning and gnashing of teeth.

You seriously believe that a pardon will cease the division that currently exists here? Might dampen it down for a short period of time, and then it will back to the same issues, creating the same divisions.

I think it will have an immediate effect and help in the medium and long term, provided the imbalances in society are seriously addressed and the existing power structures are weakened as these are the underlying causes. But yes, I think a pardon could trigger a mood of reconcilliation in all but the most hardened anti thaksin hyenas.

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Maybe he has a pardon lined up. Wouldn't that be nice.

Certainly put a stop to the endless moaning and gnashing of teeth.

You seriously believe that a pardon will cease the division that currently exists here? Might dampen it down for a short period of time, and then it will back to the same issues, creating the same divisions.

he imbalances in society are seriously addressed and the existing power structures are weakened as these are the underlying causes. But yes, I think a pardon could trigger a mood of reconcilliation in all but the most hardened anti thaksin hyenas.

On that part we agree, however isn't Thaksin also one of those power structures that has continued to divide society?

BTW, I thought I was on your ignore list? :)

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The man is a criminal. He should be in jail. People who don't understand that can be forgiven, for being uneducated. People who do understand that, but want him back anyway, should go join in Nicaragua, Chad, or wherever the hel_l he is hiding these days.

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Hate to tell you guys this but the rest of the world pretty much thinks that Thaskin was ousted illegally and the current governement is an illegal one. Thailand lost this battle long ago. The average person outside Thailand just sees a government that wasn't freely elected over a government that was (and had ties to Thaskin) elected after a military coup ousted a governemnt that was elected by a Thai majority...now I'm confused. Putting 'fugitivie' before his name doesn't help the cause as the world doesn't see the media in Thailand as free but as being controlled by the state. I'm not saying this is true but everyone I talked to who asked me thinks this. Somehow, they lost the media battle.

People who love Khun Thaksin will organize ceremonies at wats & Birthday Parties for him all over Thailand from tomorrow. Many of them don't know how to open a computer. They won't read the "fugitive" in forums and won't worry. They know the charge for him is politically motivated and in country such as Dubai, nothing is wrong with signing/giving ID card for wife to buy a legal land.

They are the ones who will vote for him and his party if there's another election.

Abhisit and his militia guards, ------------- Thaksin with nation-wide birthday celebrations, an electoral majority in waiting, over a million signatory petition----------Hmmmmmmm!

So sir,praytell the price per signature..baht 100,200??

Maybe the names of same townsfolk that got paid 500 to come and protest down south and then found themselves stranded in Bangkok??..

More likely the 5000 faithfull signed up under 200 different names. :)

Anyway, I think this BIG SUPRISE will indeed be a fly-in visit from your beloved leader....or should i say fly over...

fly over long enough to throw bucketfulls of money out of his private jet,then fly back to over to never never land.

Goodness me, where DID he get all this money from..

My oh my LOS is kind to their prime ministers...must have the highest paid in ALL the world!!! :D

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Seems Ferwert is on an anti-musician roll these days.

Guess his mommy couldn't afford that triangle and lessons he wanted as a child.

Funny boy, musicans are typically NOT stuck in one place, but react to new input

and must think quickly on their feet. And analyze complex relationships accurately

and quickly. Qualities apparently valued by Kuhn Fur Wart.

But this roll is clearly directed in one direction.

Based on information gotten by deception and duplicity.

But what could we expect otherwise? Same as it ever was.

But using that purloined hook has left your current incarnation less a secret than you think.

P_D HvT, DaleB and now FW.

Hey mods time to check those login ISP addresses for a week or so randomly.

FOUR different handles in one year, and three banishments, must be a record.

Edited by animatic
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Hey mods time to check those login ISP addresses for a week or so randomly.

FOUR different handles in one year, and three banishments, must be a record.

I'm sure he can make it to 5 in the coming months. :)

Edited by mrtoad
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Seems Ferwert is on an anti-musician roll these days.

Guess his mommy couldn't afford that triangle and lessons he wanted as a child.

Funny boy, musicans are typically NOT stuck in one place, but react to new input

and must think quickly on their feet. And analyze complex relationships accurately

and quickly. Qualities apparently valued by Kuhn Fur Wart.

But this roll is clearly directed in one direction.

Based on information gotten by deception and duplicity.

But what could we expect otherwise? Same as it ever was.

But using that purloined hook has left your current incarnation less a secret than you think.

P_D HvT, DaleB and now FW.

Hey mods time to check those login ISP addresses for a week or so randomly.

FOUR different handles in one year, and three banishments, must be a record.

Discuss communism in former Eastern Germany (DDR) and you will know who is who...

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Hey mods time to check those login ISP addresses for a week or so randomly.

FOUR different handles in one year, and three banishments, must be a record.

I'm sure he can make it to 5 in the coming months. :)

could that not be seen as CORRUPTION of thai visa rules??

Oh well,the fruit dont fall far from the tree


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You cannot both have and eat the cake.

Thaksin/reds accept the rules on when they are on the winning side. As soon as they lose, they throw the book out.

They want to scrap 2007 constitution, but not if there's a chance of winning snap elections.

Seams to have escaped you again. TRT, Thaksin, and all its reincarnations didn't lose. Even after the gerrymandering and barrings and party disbandments (NOT Democrats (sic) or PAD) they managed to keep Abhisit in the minority.

How long before the weak PM is perceived as too weak by his masters?

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So, beaming in is not considered big surprise. Maybe he'll fly in to meet the fans. Shall we start taking bet?

yes kuu82 i agree "beaming in" is hardly any big surprise.

I will take you up on the offer and say that the big surprise is he will unveil to the fans some type of generous education package , which will include the 2 things he already mentioned (6000 scholarships and tutor TV) plus some vision/framework and other related things.

Will this be paid for from his frozen assets or the contents of his suitcases?

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