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Steven Gerrard.....


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I hit him....

Thats ok Stevie, run along now son.....xxxxx :D

Gerrard cleared of affray

Sky Sports.

Liverpool and England midfielder Steven Gerrard has been found not guilty of affray at Liverpool Crown Court.

Gerrard admitted hitting Marcus McGee, 34, in a Southport bar last December and a jury at the city's Crown Court accepted his explanation that it was in self-defence.

The 29-year-old was the only one of seven defendants to be cleared :) over what the judge described as an "explosion of violence" at the Lounge Inn during which McGee lost a tooth and suffered facial cuts.

The trial heard that Gerrard was at the Lounge Inn in Southport, Merseyside, on 29th December to celebrate Liverpool's 5-1 demolition of Newcastle United hours earlier.

The Reds' captain, who scored twice in the game, was enjoying a night out with a party of friends including Anfield legend Kenny Dalglish, 58.

CCTV footage from the bar showed Gerrard and his friends drinking beer, downing shots and dancing round while chanting football songs.


But trouble flared at around 2am when the father-of-two wanted to change the music on the CD player.

Gerrard apologised for what happened, telling the jury: "I am sorry about the whole incident."

CCTV footage showed that Gerrard's friend, John Doran, actually struck the first blow.

Five of Gerrard's friends who accompanied him that night admitted affray.

They are Ian Smith, 19, of Hilary Avenue, Doran, 29, of Woodlands Road, and Paul McGrattan, 31, of Linden Drive, all Huyton, and Accrington Stanley footballers Robert Grant, 19, of Enstone Avenue, Litherland, and Ian Dunbavin, 28, of Guildford Road, Southport.

Another friend, John McGrattan, 34, of Rimmer Avenue, Huyton, admitted threatening behaviour


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With rulings like this, it's no wonder the once great Country is in such a mess..

& please Liverpool people, just cos he's one of your own Players, please don't try to justify this absurd ruling...

An incredibly contradictory case if what we've been reading over the past week is true..

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Liverpool and England midfielder Steven Gerrard has been found not guilty of affray at Liverpool Crown Court.

bent scouse judge.

Its a jury that found him not guilty, but one law for the rich another for the poor, fair play to Gerrard though but he clearly joined in a fight 2 v 1 after his mate hit him, im sure many on here have had enough bar fights to know what goes on.

The law is wonderful in this country if only you have money or influence, not that much different to Thailand really.

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With rulings like this, it's no wonder the once great Country is in such a mess..

& please Liverpool people, just cos he's one of your own Players, please don't try to justify this absurd ruling...

An incredibly contradictory case if what we've been reading over the past week is true..

it's quite clear that the News-agencies ...make their own interest...writing too much...

it''s more clear that this dj tried to make his pensionfund....taking the chance to annoy a drunk-Mr. Gerard !

PS: Liverpool is not my favourite team..

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If it had been Joey Barton the jury would have found him "guilty" but Gerrard had a few mates come in and help him, like the Priest and also Daglish, talking about what a nice guy he is.

One rule for Joey another for the England captain.

Edited by beano2274
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Some of you need a reality check, how many incidents in night clubs in the UK do you see like this... its almost every other night.

How many people involved in a small scuffle even get arrested? The police are not even interested in these types of incidents and your average Joe is never going to see a day in court for this.

Guess the Lawyer and the Man U fan come DJ saw the chance for a big pay day and a picture in the paper.

Its over the law has ruled, so get over it.

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How many people involved in a small scuffle even get arrested? The police are not even interested in these types of incidents and your average Joe is never going to see a day in court for this.

I did, and many tens of thousands of average Joes are in court for this type of offence every year.

In feb 09 i walked down a street of a quiet market town looking all scruffy in my gym gear ..... anyway the police stop me and ask me if im such and such a person who i wasnt ... so after a minute or so of this prick copper playing the tough guy i turned around and tried to walk away ....... within seconds im in handcuffs but they cant get me on the floor so one coward pigs punches me in the face a few times whilst im in handcuffs (he admits in his statement to hitting me once.)

Anyway long story short, they offered to drop this to the lowest charge where the max i could get was a fine, i refused this and went to trial last week and was found guilty by the magistrate, in what could only be described as a kangaroo court where they were allowed to use my 1 past conviction as evidence (called a bad character reference). (Because the maximum sentence i could get was 6 months i am refused the right to a trial by Jury both these new aspects that stop a fair trial are Nulabour legislation, so i had some up her ass middle class female Magistrate)

Its illegal for the police to stop and ask you for your name, and is perfectly legal to walk away if youve done nothing wrong, i had over 15 cuts and bruises on me, between the coppers they had none, CCTV footage shows me crouched over in handcuffs for 5 minutes, the coppers said i was on the floor.... complete fcuken joke.

Harry Roberts is my friend!

Edited by sanmiguellight
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How many people involved in a small scuffle even get arrested? The police are not even interested in these types of incidents and your average Joe is never going to see a day in court for this.

I did, and many tens of thousands of average Joes are in court for this type of offence every year.

In feb 09 i walked down a street of a quiet market town looking all scruffy in my gym gear ..... anyway the police stop me and ask me if im such and such a person who i wasnt ... so after a minute or so of this prick copper playing the tough guy i turned around and tried to walk away ....... within seconds im in handcuffs but they cant get me on the floor so one coward pigs punches me in the face a few times whilst im in handcuffs (he admits in his statement to hitting me once.)

Anyway long story short, they offered to drop this to the lowest charge where the max i could get was a fine, i refused this and went to trial last week and was found guilty by the magistrate, in what could only be described as a kangaroo court where they were allowed to use my 1 past conviction as evidence (called a bad character reference). (Because the maximum sentence i could get was 6 months i am refused the right to a trial by Jury both these new aspects that stop a fair trial are Nulabour legislation, so i had some up her ass middle class female Magistrate)

Its illegal for the police to stop and ask you for your name, and is perfectly legal to walk away if youve done nothing wrong, i had over 15 cuts and bruises on me, between the coppers they had none, CCTV footage shows me crouched over in handcuffs for 5 minutes, the coppers said i was on the floor.... complete fcuken joke.

Harry Roberts is my friend!

sad to hear that mate,that sucks!

if you have money and you are famous you get off :)

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Will be fun listening to the terraces when the season starts, am sure he is going to get some stick.

Probably but it's not like he killed someone, so I don't think he's going to get anything worse than some of the stuff he gets already.

Somebody must have thought he had a chance of getting off for him to plead not guilty. I'm a bit surprised, but even guilty it shouldn't have been more than a fine.

Edited by KhaoNiaw
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Some of you need a reality check, how many incidents in night clubs in the UK do you see like this... its almost every other night.

How many people involved in a small scuffle even get arrested? The police are not even interested in these types of incidents and your average Joe is never going to see a day in court for this.

Guess the Lawyer and the Man U fan come DJ saw the chance for a big pay day and a picture in the paper.

Its over the law has ruled, so get over it.

1... :)

Why do people feel the need to defend others even when they're in the wrong, just because they play for the Team they support ?? It's absolutely pathetic & massively immature.

Some exerts, all from teh BBC..

Self defence my arse...

Liverpool footballer Steven Gerrard admitted throwing three punches during a row over music in a club, but said only one connected, a court has heard.

"He was shouting back and I didn't know what he was saying but he started arguing and I thought he was going to hit me so that's why I threw a punch."

Mr Gerrard admitted throwing three punches but told the police only one connected.

He added he was "gutted about what happened and wanted to round my mates up and get out of there".

John Doran, 29, of Woodlands Road, Ian Gerrard Smith, 19, of Hilary Avenue, and Paul McGrattan, 31, of Linden Drive, all Huyton, have all admitted affray.

Accrington Stanley footballers Robert Grant, 19, of Enstone Avenue, Litherland, and Ian Dunbavin, 28, of Guildford Road, Southport, have also admitted affray.

John McGrattan, 34, of Rimmer Avenue, Huyton, has admitted threatening behaviour after denying affray.

Liverpool footballer Steven Gerrard "totally lost it" and hit a man "with the style and speed of a boxer" during a row over music, a court has heard.

The footballer, who denies affray, told police he hit out in self-defence.

One of Mr Gerrard's friends, John Doran, who has admitted affray, pushed Mr McGee away but "could not resist following through with his right elbow into Mr McGee's face," said Mr Turner.

"We say at this stage Gerrard totally lost it," he told the court.

"Almost immediately after the blow from John Doran, in fact within seconds, Steven Gerrard joined in the attack with a succession of well aimed uppercut punches delivered with the style and speed of a professional boxer rather than a professional footballer."

The victim lost a tooth and suffered cuts to his face in the ensuing violence.

& finally..................

"I'd like to say a big thank you to my legal team, my friends and family and everyone at Liverpool Football Club for supporting me."

I bet you would Stevie Lad....;thumbsdown;

Edited by MSingh
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Sweet, next time i get drunk and beat up someone who has already been knocked down by my mate i'll just say:

"I remember swinging my right hand two or three times."

And i'll get off :D:)

Maybe him an OJ could start a club. Who want to bet that Stevie G gets locked up for stealing his own memorabilia in 20 years?

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Liverpool and England midfielder Steven Gerrard has been found not guilty of affray at Liverpool Crown Court.

bent scouse judge.

the jury found him not guilty not the judge

The defence lawyer: "Steeeevie G in't it laaaaaa? Proper good lad"

The jury: "Sound. Not guilty then"

Gerrard: "Boss"

Gotta love the British Justice System.

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Liverpool and England midfielder Steven Gerrard has been found not guilty of affray at Liverpool Crown Court.

bent scouse judge.

Its a jury that found him not guilty, but one law for the rich another for the poor, fair play to Gerrard though but he clearly joined in a fight 2 v 1 after his mate hit him, im sure many on here have had enough bar fights to know what goes on.

The law is wonderful in this country if only you have money or influence, not that much different to Thailand really.

its only because who he is that it got to court, been a bloke skint it would have been thrown out

yes one law for the rich

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Liverpool and England midfielder Steven Gerrard has been found not guilty of affray at Liverpool Crown Court.

bent scouse judge.

the jury found him not guilty not the judge

The defence lawyer: "Steeeevie G in't it laaaaaa? Proper good lad"

The jury: "Sound. Not guilty then"

Gerrard: "Boss"

Gotta love the British Justice System.

Yeah, <deleted> isn't it? This was always going to be the outcome, don't know why they even bothered wasting the moment on the trial.

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Some of you need a reality check, how many incidents in night clubs in the UK do you see like this... its almost every other night.

How many people involved in a small scuffle even get arrested? The police are not even interested in these types of incidents and your average Joe is never going to see a day in court for this.

Guess the Lawyer and the Man U fan come DJ saw the chance for a big pay day and a picture in the paper.

Its over the law has ruled, so get over it.

1... :)

Why do people feel the need to defend others even when they're in the wrong, just because they play for the Team they support ?? It's absolutely pathetic & massively immature.

Some exerts, all from teh BBC..

Self defence my arse...

Liverpool footballer Steven Gerrard admitted throwing three punches during a row over music in a club, but said only one connected, a court has heard.

"He was shouting back and I didn't know what he was saying but he started arguing and I thought he was going to hit me so that's why I threw a punch."

Mr Gerrard admitted throwing three punches but told the police only one connected.

He added he was "gutted about what happened and wanted to round my mates up and get out of there".

John Doran, 29, of Woodlands Road, Ian Gerrard Smith, 19, of Hilary Avenue, and Paul McGrattan, 31, of Linden Drive, all Huyton, have all admitted affray.

Accrington Stanley footballers Robert Grant, 19, of Enstone Avenue, Litherland, and Ian Dunbavin, 28, of Guildford Road, Southport, have also admitted affray.

John McGrattan, 34, of Rimmer Avenue, Huyton, has admitted threatening behaviour after denying affray.

Liverpool footballer Steven Gerrard "totally lost it" and hit a man "with the style and speed of a boxer" during a row over music, a court has heard.

The footballer, who denies affray, told police he hit out in self-defence.

One of Mr Gerrard's friends, John Doran, who has admitted affray, pushed Mr McGee away but "could not resist following through with his right elbow into Mr McGee's face," said Mr Turner.

"We say at this stage Gerrard totally lost it," he told the court.

"Almost immediately after the blow from John Doran, in fact within seconds, Steven Gerrard joined in the attack with a succession of well aimed uppercut punches delivered with the style and speed of a professional boxer rather than a professional footballer."

The victim lost a tooth and suffered cuts to his face in the ensuing violence.

& finally..................

"I'd like to say a big thank you to my legal team, my friends and family and everyone at Liverpool Football Club for supporting me."

I bet you would Stevie Lad....;thumbsdown;

PLEASE DO READ MY POST Mr Singh! since you replied to my post in particular I wanted to clear this...

Wasn't defending his actions or say he didn't do anything!

I talked about how what seems to me hand bags at two paces and as completely blown out of proportion from what I see as a regular occurrence in clubs. But because its Gerrard its made out to be murder in the papers and on this forum.

I forgot you southerners were big softies and don't get in to or see fights in clubs :D

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Before people start crying one rule for rich and poor etc. The law is very complex and yet can be quite simple, especially in common law. It all seemed so complex to me until I did my Masters and then the penny dropped on many things. IMO, Case law can be the most complex one, especially if you are trying to go against something that has already been ruled in it's favour.

Anyway, affray is common law and is well established in the legal system. Now I don't know the in's and out's of the actual case and I also wasn't at the hearing, like the rest of you on here. Therefore, why does anyone here than think they know better than the legal minds that were actually present at the court, is beyond me.

One definition is "A person is guilty of affray if he uses or threatens unlawful violence towards another and his conduct is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety.

Yes, you could say that Gerrard used this but was there mitigating circumstances? i.e. Gerrard feared for his own personal safety and so acted in self defence (using reasonable force of course).

I'm not on anyones side personally but he got found not guilty, end of.

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I'm not on anyones side personally but he got found not guilty, end of.

How many hours a day does your arse hurt for, do you have to soak it when you get home....! :)



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I'm not on anyones side personally but he got found not guilty, end of.

How many hours a day does your arse hurt for, do you have to soak it when you get home....! :D

It's called being impartial Red, something United fans can't comprehend :D

Yes sir sorry sir, course it is sir sorry sir, won't forget next time sir.... :)


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I dont think cases like this should end up in court as the guy only had a couple of cuts and bruises, but as it was caught on CCTV it would have gone to court if it was someone famous or not.

And fair play to Gerrard for doing whatever he can to get himself off, we all would in his situation.

But after being in more then my fair share of rucks as a youngster, i do not believe in this situation Gerrard would have turned away for 1 second when they went to confront this man. And as he admitted to hitting him 3 times after his mate give him a sneaky elbow shows that he's a fcuken spineless coward .... he's similar to your average Thai male in this situation.

But out of the 7 accused the one who seems to have been in the centre of everything that went on is the only one that isnt guilty!

PS It would have only taken 1 jury member to say he wasnt guilty for him to get off, now for Liverpools greatest ever Scouse player there was always going to be one .... this and the fact there arent 12 honest people in all of Liverpool to form a Jury!

Edited by sanmiguellight
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