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"login Name Expired"


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Every time I try to log on to the internet(hi speed TTT maxnet) I get a page from the ISP saying my log in name has expired etc

I have tried to explain to my ISP the problem but there currently a communication difficulty with them.

1. I have recently moved my home and my user name and phone changed but the computer,modem etc is the same; at my new place with new phone number and connection at first all worked fine , though when I cancelled my old internet connection that seemed to coincide with the present problem starting.

2.I have a TT & T modem used at the old address.

Or are these factors 1. and 2. irrelevent?

I will go to see the ISP next week to try and resolve the matter, but does anyone have any idea what is going on?

I am a computer dummy so bear with me, as I am writing this in the internet cafe in Pattaya where I live.

Thanks any input.

Edited by Zodiac
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It reads as if you have been using your old name at your new location and there was no number check so it worked OK. Then you terminated that old contract so you now need to use the new contract name - but you have not put it into your modem/router or computer and are still using the old name which is invalid.

Or have I misunderstood and you did not change names? That would probably cause a problem and you will probably have to ask them for a new log in name/password.

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^ "simply change the username and password..." umm.... to what?

You are in Pattaya so pop in to any TT&T MaxNet branch (biggest one upstairs at Carrefour) and explain your situation. It will be really, REALLY handy if you have a copy of that printout with your ORIGINAL username and password. Once they get everything input and corrected, they will give you a NEW username and password which may be effective immediately or up to 4 hours later, depending on the network update schedules. Note that part or your username is your land line number (with area code).

Here's hoping you have also kept and filed the IP address for your modem/router setup as different brands/models have different access addresses and just because you are using the TT&T provided modem/router, don't count on them to have that IP address information on file. You can ask anyway and maybe get lucky!

File that printout away as it becomes pretty important when you change ANYTHING on your service including upgrading an existing account.

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Sincere thanks to everyone who took the trouble to reply to my post, namely, lopburi3, verydumbubba,NHJ,Nanlaew and PoeDogg.

To let you know the outcome:

As a result of your helpful and astute posts I went along to the TT&T office in Carrefour, Pattaya and took my modem/router.

I will try to keep the answer uncomplicated if i have it correct.

Bottom line being that the user name and password given to me(I am a tenant) was out of date, and so the TT& T shop put in the new username and password and gave me a copy of these new details.

Not quite sure how my computer managed to work for about 5 days at the new place before the "login name expired" came up but TiT, and my computer now working ok at least for the moment.

Just as a FYI for those who do move home and take their computers with them but get a different phone line, I also wanted to retain my TT& T email address and after my move there was a problem sending not receiving emails with my TT&T email address.

Fortunately on another posting on this forum I read a similar problem and rather than phone 1103 as I have done numerously without success because of language difficulties I emailed the company in simple English and they then phoned me later the same day having fixed the problem saying it was something to do with "spam"(?).

My point is that one way of dealing with TT&T if one cannot communicate with them in Thai is send them an email in simple English.

It gives them time to understand the problem and avoids them losing face re admitting they do not understand some of our language.

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