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Less Bs In Thailand?


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So your idea of a REAL MAN is one that chooses employees by their figure and skin colour.


I would have said that a REAL MAN is one that hires the best qualified secretary, and does not use his position as employer to get his jollies.

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So your idea of a REAL MAN is one that chooses employees by their figure and skin colour.


I would have said that a REAL MAN is one that hires the best qualified secretary, and does not use his position as employer to get his jollies.

I don't think he was talking about job adverts. I think what he means is that people in Thailand don't look down on men who seek company in the lonely hearts ads in the newspapers, or the internet, ...and presumably his specific criteria are that his ideal woman should be self-supporting, with a job that does not give her rough hands, but gives her free time in the evenings, but he doesn't want a woman who will earn more than him and make him feel inferior. That's our job


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one thing i love about Thailand is that men can still be men here. you can put ads in that require physical characteristics "seeking attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary"... you'd get fired for that back home.

How does that allow men to be men?

Job adverts?

Maybe it should read:

Male boss, with a complex about his manhood, is looking for an attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary.

More accurate.

Edited by TheWalkingMan
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Maybe it should read:

Male boss, with a complex about his manhood, is looking for an attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary.

More accurate.

At least he had the guts to start a thread, regardless of what people might say. That's more than most, some just sign up on TV and look from a distance.

I guess it's rather like jumping in the deep end, you either sink or swim.

Regards Bojo

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I think he's trying to say that the politically correct BS we see in other countries does not exist here, YET. Some years ago I was amused by a friend of mine. He is a partner in a refuse collection company. He asked me (tongue in cheek) what a sanitation engineer was. He then said that he was a garbage collector and certainly WASN'T an engineer.

I was criticized some time back here on TV for calling women girls. That's BS.

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Maybe it should read:

Male boss, with a complex about his manhood, is looking for an attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary.

More accurate.

why must all actions be explained in some kind of psychological/existential context?

Edited by dondraper
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Well...it is amusing to see these job advertisements. There is an argument to be made that an employer has the right to hire whomever they want to hire. If that extends to an attractive secretary, so be it.

However, it's more common to see an age-range requirement. Most of us here on TV would fall outside that range and therefore be somewhat unemployable.

Like Alan Greenspan said about the banks, that he did not believe they would ever do anything that was not in their best financial interests, but they did just that.

So if a presumably male employer would prefer a beautiful but dim secretary more than an efficient but plainer secretary, it's possible that the Darwinian process will soon see him uncompetitive.

But, until he goes bankrupt, there is no question his office environment will be very pleasant. :)

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Maybe it should read:

Male boss, with a complex about his manhood, is looking for an attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary.

Maybe he thinks that an attractive female will attract business.

I prefer to hire plain women, so we don't have a bunch of degenerates hanging around trying to pick them up.

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Terrible topic title however it got me to look and I wasn't surprised.

I agree with Gary A. that it had to do with the political correctness that those of us "not here" continue to be bombarded with. Dare I say the prime example would be the "Blackman" toilet plunger and associated products continue to be another example where political correctness is never considered and in this case thrown out the window.

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Maybe it should read:

Male boss, with a complex about his manhood, is looking for an attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary.

Maybe he thinks that an attractive female will attract business.

I prefer to hire plain women, so we don't have a bunch of degenerates hanging around trying to pick them up.

UG you have your reasons for your choice of help, (I will not mention this to them) but the auto showrooms, appliance dealers, shops in malls, etc seem to find/hire the better looking (my opinion) representatives to greet the customers. I tend to walk around the establishments where the help is coyote ugly, although in truth I can not remember this as being a part of the Thai employment scene ( ok, a few exceptions) You could always require individuals who park on property to pay a fee.

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Maybe it should read:

Male boss, with a complex about his manhood, is looking for an attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary.

More accurate.

why must all actions be explained in some kind of psychological/existential context?

Don' worry don. Inferior males 'getting tough' at their keyboards is common on TV! (Apologies to the sensitive ones) :)

Edited by beerchang
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Maybe it should read:

Male boss, with a complex about his manhood, is looking for an attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary.

More accurate.

why must all actions be explained in some kind of psychological/existential context?

Don' worry don. Inferior males 'getting tough' at their keyboards is common on TV! (Apologies to the sensitive ones) :)

Apparently, this is what is wrong with forums in general--people hide behind the anonymity of a 'username' rather than in 'good old fashioned' emails where we all knew who was who--or, at least, that's what I read about a week ago when someone was asking why so many forums turn into slagging matches.

Actually--my username is a little bit too close for comfort--maybe stops me getting too macho.

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Maybe it should read:

Male boss, with a complex about his manhood, is looking for an attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary.

More accurate.

why must all actions be explained in some kind of psychological/existential context?

Don' worry don. Inferior males 'getting tough' at their keyboards is common on TV! (Apologies to the sensitive ones) :)

Apparently, this is what is wrong with forums in general--people hide behind the anonymity of a 'username' rather than in 'good old fashioned' emails where we all knew who was who--or, at least, that's what I read about a week ago when someone was asking why so many forums turn into slagging matches.

Actually--my username is a little bit too close for comfort--maybe stops me getting too macho.

Well, William Hay, anonimity or not, boys will be boys and we will have pissing contests.

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So true. It keeps it interesting though doesn't it? Imagine every post saying 'hmm, yes I agree....me too...we are such gentlemen...I simply adored your opinion' !! I'm macho enough anyway. Ex SAS now mercenary doing black ops for the CIA...but pleeease don't tell anyone. (Well this thread is about BS in Thailand. Seems like there's more all of a sudden!) :)

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one thing i love about Thailand is that men can still be men here. you can put ads in that require physical characteristics "seeking attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary"... you'd get fired for that back home.

Why are you looking for 45 kilo white men?

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one thing i love about Thailand is that men can still be men here. you can put ads in that require physical characteristics "seeking attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary"... you'd get fired for that back home.

Why are you looking for 45 kilo white men?

Some people are into Dwarfism!

P.S.I'm not quite William Hay but, that'll do for here.

I'm up for a pissing contest anyday.

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one thing i love about Thailand is that men can still be men here. you can put ads in that require physical characteristics "seeking attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary"... you'd get fired for that back home.

Why are you looking for 45 kilo white men?

Some people are into Dwarfism!

P.S.I'm not quite William Hay but, that'll do for here.

I'm up for a pissing contest anyday.

Oh yea? You're gonna get one if you keep writing that kind of drivel. What gives you the right to say some people are into dwarfism? Utter BS! (note the on topic mention of BS by the way. Pretty clever of me even if I do say so myself!) :)

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Why are you looking for 45 kilo white men?


Anywho, I can agree with another poster who mentioned auto showrooms, appliance dealers, shops in malls, racing queens and so on as places which tend to hire better looking chicks. :D

I did not consider that when looking at the mock advertisement. Having eye-candy around the office can be nice and is popular with male office workers. Once I spoke with a temp staff supplier here in Tokyo and she told me that many offices ask for young cutesy temp workers to "increase the harmony" of the office.

I just think that going for something nice and shiny and not going for substance does not help the workings of the company. But you know how we men are... visual, visual, visual. :D

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one thing i love about Thailand is that men can still be men here. you can put ads in that require physical characteristics "seeking attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary"... you'd get fired for that back home.

Why are you looking for 45 kilo white men?

Some people are into Dwarfism!

P.S.I'm not quite William Hay but, that'll do for here.

I'm up for a pissing contest anyday.

Oh yea? You're gonna get one if you keep writing that kind of drivel. What gives you the right to say some people are into dwarfism? Utter BS! (note the on topic mention of BS by the way. Pretty clever of me even if I do say so myself!) :)

Step out from behind that username and say that--incidentally, I'm a 6'6" black guy whose married to a 2'9" Laotian lady--so now, who's 'into' dwarves!

BS rules!

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Thais don't beat around the bush with PC..............

One thing for sure is that you would not be able to use your quote in so called developed, PC obsessed countries.

"...they will call a spade a spade" would get Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and other out of work loud mouths a cause celeb and maybe some beer at the White House.

Edited by grantbkk
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Come on, all us guys who like to admire beautiful girly women love it in Thailand, because they're everywhere, and it's OK to oggle them.

Back in PC UK men are afraid to even admit that they like to look at women, reading Playboy in front of females would have you tarred and feathered, and choosing female staff on the basis of their looks would have you in maximum security for the rest of your life.

Anyway, most of the women I see around look like men, in their jeans, frumpy t shirts and ugly shoes; definitely not eye candy. In fact, whenever I see an attractive woman, dressed like a real woman, and not a wannabe man, I can guarantee she's not English ( French women still look gorgeous ).

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one thing i love about Thailand is that men can still be men here. you can put ads in that require physical characteristics "seeking attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary"... you'd get fired for that back home.

Why are you looking for 45 kilo white men?

Some people are into Dwarfism!

P.S.I'm not quite William Hay but, that'll do for here.

I'm up for a pissing contest anyday.

Oh yea? You're gonna get one if you keep writing that kind of drivel. What gives you the right to say some people are into dwarfism? Utter BS! (note the on topic mention of BS by the way. Pretty clever of me even if I do say so myself!) :)

I'd lend you one of my dwarves except I'm a little short right now.

No flames if you please, not while dwarf-throwing is still considered amusing on Thai TV. When in Rome...


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