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But Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said there was "nothing to be worried about".

I'm sure Thailand will shortly be 'free' of missiles. Just like it's free from drugs, terrorists, stray dogs, garland sellers etc.


Don't want to stir up the bee's, but there was an occasion where *two* stinger shoulder launch missiles were found tied to trees in the flight paths of a very close to home carrier. one had 4 minutes on its auto-rigged timer to go before discovery.

More sickening, is that my wife was on that flight.

this did not happen in los by the way.




To Glen Tuk,

Super Bud, come on Glen. You do not know the answer to the problem? The "stinger missile", well there is an answer to this heat seeking missile. I'll tell you the same thing I told my Army chopper pilot's, who carried any of my men. Have a flare gun handy and loaded, up comes the missile, bang goes the flare gun. The missile hits the flare.

On an aircraft, same thing only hold on once you pop the emergency door. Poop off your flares and pray like ####.

To Phazy,

Who said, quote, "*two* stinger shoulder launch missiles were found tied to trees in the flight paths of a very close to home carrier. one had 4 minutes on its auto-rigged timer to go before discovery."

Sorry but unless things have been updated since I had railroad tracks and crossed rifles on my uniform. "Stingers" do not have auto rigged timers would be of no use, because these missiles need to be aimed at the aircraft, at the time the aircraft is in the area, so how does the auto timer know when the plane goes by?



Bud, I will never feel safe in an aircraft again unless you are there to protect me.

Bt the way,  how long did you spend in the A Team ?


The Genie is out of the Bottle

Might as well drop the link in, the two threads are on an identical topic.

Phazey - Bud will be too busy to worry about Tree Missiles in a couple of days - the only thing he'll have to worry about is whether or not to launch his "Trouser Missile"    :laugh:

Bud - stick to giving advice about relationships - you seem to be getting a good response from it.  I dont really care much for advice on military matters, and besides - with your current paranoia about Big Brother monitoring everything we say on the forum, perhaps it would be best kept quiet that you had "railraod tracks and crossed rifles" on your uniform?

Actually - I take that back - Bud go and ask the PM if he needs a security adviser for the upcoming APEC forum.  He can always use the help of a highly decorated ex-military officer with such a wealth of wordly experience.  



Dear Bud,

I guess one thing to bear in mind is how ingenious desperate people get...Alas, what i stated above, alough maybe not technically accurate, and indeed i am no military expert, is not heresay.

I'd gladly divulge my source, how they came to be discovered, and the impacts, but definatly not on an open web forum.




Yo Sea Vision,

Sea Vision says .. - {"Bud go and ask the PM if he needs a security adviser for the upcoming APEC forum."}

Actually having GW and his security crew in Thailand is quite comforting. My military skills have become rather out dated, last wore the uniform in 1986. A lot has change since then and so have I, the military brain washing as worn thin and the only thing I care about is making love not war.


the military brain washing as worn thin and the only thing I care about is making love not war.


I think Thai Airways have got competition for the "Smooth as Silk" title.    :D

I think i heard a rumour that BA might be investing in missile defence systems on their planes, So they will be even more expensive than they already are   :o

Guest IT Manager

......d to be aimed at the aircraft, at the time the aircraft is in the area, so how does the auto timer know when the plane goes by?


Now I know Bud is there for every single meat eating god fearing man-jack among us.

We love you Bud, no shit man... I won't let my son read it again though...

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