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Sexual Harassment


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One of our senior office mates (middle-aged) comes down to my floor and "fraternizes" with my staff (who are mostly women). These informal visits often involves verbal banter touching (putting his arm on the girl's shoulders). My staff seem to tolerate it - but they have let me know what they felt about this person. Thing is they feel powerless to do anything about it.

Would appreciate you comments here.

People working at beer bars and similar establishments need not comment (heh heh).

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One of our senior office mates (middle-aged) comes down to my floor and "fraternizes" with my staff (who are mostly women). These informal visits often involves verbal banter touching (putting his arm on the girl's shoulders). My staff seem to tolerate it - but they have let me know what they felt about this person. Thing is they feel powerless to do anything about it.

Would appreciate you comments here.

People working at beer bars and similar establishments need not comment (heh heh).

After teaching Management courses over here and researching regarding ethical behaviors, I sorry to say that I have found, there are no law regarding sexual harassments over her the best would be to either have the guy fired of they have to quit..

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Right, insufficient infos here. Anyway, you can fabricate an anonymous letter and leave that on his/her table, IF he/she is your superior or similar. Otherwise speak to him...

Edited by Birdman
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I had this happen at my office about a year ago.

The guy was farang Ops mgr. I took him aside and talked to him, yadda yadda, thailand conservative society, no touching yadda ydda yadda, they will not sy anything 'cos you are boss yadda yadda yadda.

He did not listen and after 1 more week, I fired him.

LOS may not have sexual harrasment policies but I have my principles.

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If he's the same level, or junior to you, in the organisation simply ask him not to distract your Staff when they are working because it is interfering in their performance, if he continues, take it up with your Senior management using the same argument.

No need to mention the Sexual Harassment issue - that would only embarrass him ............... and probably cause problems with / for your Staff.


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One of our senior office mates (middle-aged) comes down to my floor and "fraternizes" with my staff (who are mostly women). These informal visits often involves verbal banter touching (putting his arm on the girl's shoulders). My staff seem to tolerate it - but they have let me know what they felt about this person. Thing is they feel powerless to do anything about it.

Would appreciate you comments here.

People working at beer bars and similar establishments need not comment (heh heh).

Sorry to say but when in Rome do as the Romans. I don't think it will be worth your trouble or change anything. If it is not your company you may be ostracized for taking action against it. Unless of course you have a senior manager willing to provide a course on sexual harassment to all employees which is a good idea in any progressive work setting.

Edited by losworld
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If he's the same level, or junior to you, in the organisation simply ask him not to distract your Staff when they are working because it is interfering in their performance, if he continues, take it up with your Senior management using the same argument.

No need to mention the Sexual Harassment issue - that would only embarrass him ............... and probably cause problems with / for your Staff.


very good approach

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One of our senior office mates (middle-aged) comes down to my floor and "fraternizes" with my staff (who are mostly women). These informal visits often involves verbal banter touching (putting his arm on the girl's shoulders). My staff seem to tolerate it - but they have let me know what they felt about this person. Thing is they feel powerless to do anything about it.

Don't you just hate office politics anywhere in the world. Personally I couldn't work in one and would probably also be guilty of sexual harressment, however only in my mind.

Moving on, I'm assuming he's Thai, as you mention 'my staff' from which I assume you hold a position over them but not him. As a previous poster has mentioned...when in Rome, I would say let it be if it's not really causing any major hassle. If something was to happen, say you having a word either directly or indirectly, it wouldn't surprise me if it backfired on you.

You could try waiting for him to make a wrong move that will get noticed by others and thus shifting the burden of intervention to somebody else.

The non-confrontation aspect of Thai life is something I really find hard to get to grips with.

Regards Bojo

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If your staff will put a complaint in writing, which I doubt, then you can approach the guy with confidence and ask that he is a little less familiar....

Otherwise you run the risk of putting yourself in a postion where it looks like you are making the complaint, and therefore carry any fall out that may accompany that situation......it is not unknown for staff to suddenly 'not mind' if their future employment could be at risk......sad but true.....

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If he's the same level, or junior to you, in the organisation simply ask him not to distract your Staff when they are working because it is interfering in their performance, if he continues, take it up with your Senior management using the same argument.

No need to mention the Sexual Harassment issue - that would only embarrass him ............... and probably cause problems with / for your Staff.


Patrick's reply is the proper one given the lack of information in the OP's topic. It is a losing proposition if you get personally involved with other people's problems. It is you that will get hung out to dry while everyone else ducks for cover. The only advice I can give is think it out very clearly and GO SLOW!

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One of our senior office mates (middle-aged) comes down to my floor and "fraternizes" with my staff (who are mostly women). These informal visits often involves verbal banter touching (putting his arm on the girl's shoulders). My staff seem to tolerate it - but they have let me know what they felt about this person. Thing is they feel powerless to do anything about it.

Would appreciate you comments here.

People working at beer bars and similar establishments need not comment (heh heh).

take on the good cop routine. outside of the office, mention that a few of the staff want to tell you that they are not sure if you are aware but touching them is a taboo in Thai society....

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One of our senior office mates (middle-aged) comes down to my floor and "fraternizes" with my staff (who are mostly women). These informal visits often involves verbal banter touching (putting his arm on the girl's shoulders). My staff seem to tolerate it - but they have let me know what they felt about this person. Thing is they feel powerless to do anything about it.

Would appreciate you comments here.

People working at beer bars and similar establishments need not comment (heh heh).

Don't know much about office policy in Thailand as I'm new here, but if they are "your" staff, all dealings with them have to go through you. Now it's up to you to put it in a diplomatic form. Actually it's a good test for you to know if you deserve a management position.

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Maybe you can divert his attention onto more available girls outside your office, show him a few places to meet women etc.

Sounds to me like he needs some assistance.

Agree with the previous poster, maybe a book on Thai culture left discreetly on his desk might help also.

Good luck.

Edited by smokie36
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Unfortunatly you have to do something, if your staff has mentioned it to you especially... Thai staff will loose all respect for you and any authority you hold, if they feel like you arent willing or unable to look out for their well being, thats the way it works. just tell the guy strait, no nonsense letters either it will be ignored or upset the guy even more. Just a 2 minute conversation and its done with as long as you use a little tact when speaking to the offender.

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Employ a temp ladyboy - pay it plenty to really embarrass the cr_p out of the perp - I will leave the penalty phase

'up to you' - it should, if appropriately handled, nip it in the bud.

Of course, having it on camera as backup aint a bad idea either, in case he is real thick.


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Re: mates....Understood.

To open such a thread here implies either managerial ineptitude, or frustration with a system that permits abuse to pass unchallenged.

I'll assume the latter.

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To open such a thread here implies either managerial ineptitude, or frustration with a system that permits abuse to pass unchallenged.

I'll assume the latter.

i think more likely is the conflict between personal interest and respect of and responsibility to those below him, ie, a rock and a hard place.

Edited by dondraper
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Sorry for this.

Thai office

Thai superior from another office harrassing my girls.

The girls being harassed (as I see it) report to me.

Thai superior flirts with the girls.

He is around 50 years of age.

He looks at it as something like harmless fun.

He has had an affair with one of the girls at the office. She is now gone. Affair was not a well-kept secret.

I think you need to set the scene a little better to get good advice.

Senior officer is Thai? Farang?

Female staff are Thai?

You carry what position?


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