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" Farang Murder Trial In Final Stages - Dale Henry"


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Let us hope justice is served and these evil people are placed behind bars soon and for a long time.

Prosecution is asking for the rest of the gunman's life. That is expected to be weeks, i.e. the death penalty.

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I don't know if this is correct. However since the 8th I haven't see the gunman. Vicki at the Secret Garden told me he was remanded after the 2nd trial. I hope this info is correct.

Wow, that would be good news; maybe Richard could double check via his contacts with the Prosecution office ? Surely they must have the possibilities to check that.


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Thanks everyone...Sorry for not posting too often but my laptop bit the dust the other day...This phone sure is coming in handy now. Tomorrow I will phone the prosecutor in Ranong but I dont think he will know Jinda's status as this other murder trial is in Lang Suan closer to Surat Thani but I will try... As the verdict date gets closer I begin to get nervous...although the evidence against them is overwhelming...This Is Thailand and anything is possible...

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Thanks everyone...Sorry for not posting too often but my laptop bit the dust the other day...This phone sure is coming in handy now. Tomorrow I will phone the prosecutor in Ranong but I dont think he will know Jinda's status as this other murder trial is in Lang Suan closer to Surat Thani but I will try... As the verdict date gets closer I begin to get nervous...although the evidence against them is overwhelming...This Is Thailand and anything is possible...

Yes, please try; I'm sure these prosecutor chaps have their contacts and ways in other courts as well. For them it must be just one phonecall away to find out what happened to/with Jinda.

(sorry: jinda...this guy doesn't deserve a capital letter in front of his name... :) )


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Thanks everyone...Sorry for not posting too often but my laptop bit the dust the other day...This phone sure is coming in handy now. Tomorrow I will phone the prosecutor in Ranong but I dont think he will know Jinda's status as this other murder trial is in Lang Suan closer to Surat Thani but I will try... As the verdict date gets closer I begin to get nervous...although the evidence against them is overwhelming...This Is Thailand and anything is possible...

Hang in there bro... don't take sh*t from anybody, Dale never did !! I hope it goes your way and know that we're thinking of you.

PS: Get your lap-top fixed or get a new one if you can... you'll go blind reading and typing on that little phone : )

Your Bud

Mike :)

Edited by MJONES66
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My TGF just got off the phone with the prosecutor and he knew nothing of jindas incarceration and to push him to find out is difficult so we had to leave it at that...It is hard to get used to dealing with things here...in Canada we would be able to find out easily...but...This Is ThailandI was given full executorship of my brothers estate on August 10, 2009 and was told by the court clerk the papers would be ready in 3or4days...we reluctantly hung around Ranong to wait for these and went into the court on the Friday and guess what...no papers...then it is we will call you when they are ready...still no call yet...The court clerk doing the paperwork actually sat in the court corridor chatting with Nee(accused murderer) for about 10 minutes one day during the criminal trial which I thought was rather odd...

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My TGF just got off the phone with the prosecutor and he knew nothing of jindas incarceration and to push him to find out is difficult so we had to leave it at that...It is hard to get used to dealing with things here...in Canada we would be able to find out easily...but...This Is ThailandI was given full executorship of my brothers estate on August 10, 2009 and was told by the court clerk the papers would be ready in 3or4days...we reluctantly hung around Ranong to wait for these and went into the court on the Friday and guess what...no papers...then it is we will call you when they are ready...still no call yet...The court clerk doing the paperwork actually sat in the court corridor chatting with Nee(accused murderer) for about 10 minutes one day during the criminal trial which I thought was rather odd...


Your TGF?

Thought the last thing to enter your mind would be a Thai girlfriend......

And no, I'm not tarring all Thai females with the same brush but still.....better safe than sorry.

Don't fall into the old "But my girl is different" routine.

Lots of temporary company available.

The only reason I am saying these things is due to the circumstances of your stay in Thailand.

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Let us hope justice is served and these evil people are placed behind bars soon and for a long time.

Prosecution is asking for the rest of the gunman's life. That is expected to be weeks, i.e. the death penalty.

That sort of begs a question. One never hears of the death penalty being carried out and I know HMK grants pardons and some years ago (iirc) suspended all executions.

Is Thailand still in the world of the barbaric stone-age? Are executions still being carried out? How long should someone expect to be on death row before their 2 hours notice?


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Let us hope justice is served and these evil people are placed behind bars soon and for a long time.

Prosecution is asking for the rest of the gunman's life. That is expected to be weeks, i.e. the death penalty.

That sort of begs a question. One never hears of the death penalty being carried out and I know HMK grants pardons and some years ago (iirc) suspended all executions.

Is Thailand still in the world of the barbaric stone-age? Are executions still being carried out? How long should someone expect to be on death row before their 2 hours notice?



The last execution was carried out on 11th December 2002.


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I don't know if this is correct. However since the 8th I haven't see the gunman. Vicki at the Secret Garden told me he was remanded after the 2nd trial. I hope this info is correct.

Wow, that would be good news; maybe Richard could double check via his contacts with the Prosecution office ? Surely they must have the possibilities to check that.


So much for that source. I am sorry to say, I saw him Friday night as I was off into town to see the lads.

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Let us hope justice is served and these evil people are placed behind bars soon and for a long time.

Prosecution is asking for the rest of the gunman's life. That is expected to be weeks, i.e. the death penalty.

That sort of begs a question. One never hears of the death penalty being carried out and I know HMK grants pardons and some years ago (iirc) suspended all executions.

Is Thailand still in the world of the barbaric stone-age? Are executions still being carried out? How long should someone expect to be on death row before their 2 hours notice?


This killer is from the barbaric stoneage. He is said by a source in his family responsible for some 200 deaths. People around here will be well shut of him. No one dare criticize him. The thought of this guy (if found guilty) getting a royal pardon at some time in the future is too terrible to contemplate.

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Thanks for the update Mosha...I still wonder how he was released from jail in the first place...temporary leave ?? No bail as far as I know...As the verdict day approaches I don't know what to think...All the evidence points to a guilty verdict...but...TiT...I made a promise to make sure justice is served...5 more days to go...

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Just to clarify, the verdict will be read on August 27 at 9:00 am. in the Ranong Provincial Courts. Thai time so maybe 10...maybe 11.... ?? Its been such a long tough struggle I feel like I' ve run out of jai yen yen....Sitting in the same hallways in the court with these people laughing and looking at me as though they already won the case...stealing all my brothers assets, her mother telling me that my brother owed her money and that was why she didn't give me anything...then in crminal court how much she loved my brother...now I'm finally sole executor of nothing...they've sold everything...I tell people in court and the police and they say that they aren't allowed to and they will be in trouble...It is just crazy all the crap I've put up with...but god forbid if I get angry...I'm going to need a lot Jai Yen Yen on tbursday...A funny post I read on this forum a while back was mentioning Jai Yen Yen in thai life but you put them behind a steering wheel and all is forgotten... never in my life exept Thailand have I been tailgated within inches at 120 kph... Soon I shall begin the mad rat race back to Ranong...

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Richard...I bid you a very safe trip back to Ranong!! It's been a very long exhausting ride .

From the source I have written to you about earlier tonight, she says we are going to win. This source was the first Thai contact for us after Dale's murder.

I plea to the Thai system to pave the way for change in this very beautiful Country. I believe corruption is the only barrier to the true everlasting prosperity of your Country.

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Just to clarify, the verdict will be read on August 27 at 9:00 am. in the Ranong Provincial Courts. Thai time so maybe 10...maybe 11.... ?? Its been such a long tough struggle I feel like I' ve run out of jai yen yen....Sitting in the same hallways in the court with these people laughing and looking at me as though they already won the case...stealing all my brothers assets, her mother telling me that my brother owed her money and that was why she didn't give me anything...then in crminal court how much she loved my brother...now I'm finally sole executor of nothing...they've sold everything...I tell people in court and the police and they say that they aren't allowed to and they will be in trouble...It is just crazy all the crap I've put up with...but god forbid if I get angry...I'm going to need a lot Jai Yen Yen on tbursday...A funny post I read on this forum a while back was mentioning Jai Yen Yen in thai life but you put them behind a steering wheel and all is forgotten... never in my life exept Thailand have I been tailgated within inches at 120 kph... Soon I shall begin the mad rat race back to Ranong...

Hire a bodyguard or two mate - what are you thinking?

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Let us hope justice is served and these evil people are placed behind bars soon and for a long time.

Prosecution is asking for the rest of the gunman's life. That is expected to be weeks, i.e. the death penalty.

That sort of begs a question. One never hears of the death penalty being carried out and I know HMK grants pardons and some years ago (iirc) suspended all executions.

Is Thailand still in the world of the barbaric stone-age? Are executions still being carried out? How long should someone expect to be on death row before their 2 hours notice?



The last execution was carried out on 11th December 2002.


Not any more.


Some coincidence in timing huh?

Thailand continues its downward slide.

Very sad.

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Richard - I'm sure a positive result will happen. However I think you should be concerned about the Thai authorities sticking with what punishment they administer. Quite common for these lads to be released quietly after all the publicity has died down. I'd keep a ever watchful and vigilant eye on these lot. :)

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Verdict is Tomorrow morning.... I will post results as soon as I can in the NEWS forum....keeping my fingers crossed....

Good luck tomorrow.

As for news clippings, only moderators can post there. Post by other members in news clippings have been moved there by a moderator. I can only advise you to just open a new topic with the verdict in general, that will highlight that there is a verdict.

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