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It was mentioned on another thread the problem of Thai women being bra obsessive.

Few men who come to Thailand for any length of time are not in one way or another exposed to a Thai breast. Few also fail to be impressed with the symmetry and perfection of the above mentioned body part. Why then, with their obvious assets should Thai women choose to layer their chests in padding, foam and all sorts of artificial disenhancements?

There is a villain in the story and his name is Colonel Luang Phibun Songgram. He was in power initially during the 1930's before and during WW II.

Phibun was responsible for the Victory Monument, in that he started the war against the French which got 44 or so Thai's killed and prompted the building of the monument. Of course it didn't take long to beat the French because the Thai's had Ford model T truck engines in their tanks among other things.

Phibun also arranged the alliance with the Japanese which led Thailand to declare war against the UK and the United States. Thailand wanted the poppy growing regions in Burma because back in the good old days Bangkok had more opium dens per capita than almost anywhere in the world and the Japanese supported the Thai aggression against Burma. In Burma, opium production increased from 8 tons in 1936 to an approximate 36 tons in 1942 under Thai rule.

Thailand came out of WW II almost unscathed with only a few hundred civilians killed compared to the hundreds of thousands dead everywhere else both among their allies (the Germans, Japanese and so on) and their enemies (US, UK, Burma, Vietnam, China, and almost everyone else).

But Thailand did not emerge from this period undamaged and the bra was one of the consequences of this era.

Phibun was a social manipulator. He was unhappy with the relatively idyllic stat of Thai womanhood.

Thai women before WW II were topless. Men wore skirts. Everyone ate five times a day. Opium was legal. Men didn't have to kiss their wives. People ate with their hands.

Phibun didn't like it. He mandated that women wear shirts and bras and that men wear pants. He insisted men kiss their wives goodbye in the morning (on the lips!). He ruled that Thai people should eat with spoons and forks and only three times a day.

Phibun was arrested for war crimes but returned to power shortly thereafter.

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Bras? If you have man boobs try and lose a bit of weight.

Eating with your hands? Sit at the table and use crockery and cutlery like other human beings.

Kissing your wife on the lips? That's disgusting, it's a family member.


"Phibun also arranged the alliance with the Japanese which led Thailand to declare war against the UK and the United States."

I thought the story was that the Thai's procrastinated and never actually got around to declaring war.

"Why then, with their obvious assets should Thai women choose to layer their chests in padding, foam and all sorts of artificial disenhancements?"

Western ads - bigger is better?

I daily see people eating with their hands. I can't say I've ever seen anyone eat sticky rice with a fork or spoon.


"Phibun also arranged the alliance with the Japanese which led Thailand to declare war against the UK and the United States."

I thought the story was that the Thai's procrastinated and never actually got around to declaring war.


Thailand was asked by the Japanese to allow the entry of Japanese troops and twelve hours lated signed an alliance with Japan thus declaring war on the allied forces.

It must be difficult to get so much wrong in one post.

It is a little hard from your post to decide what is wrong.

Is it the 12 hours

Is it that the alliance was signed allowing safe passage for the troops 8th Dec 1941.

Is it that Thailand declared war on 25 January 1942 (against Japanese advice)

Can you please expand your criticism so that a more meaningful reply can be made.

My sources are mainly

A HISTORY OF THAILAND Baker C & Phongpaichit P Cambridge University Press 2005 (Page 135 and others)

THAILAND'S POLITICAL HISTORY Terweil B.J River Books 2005 (Page275 aqnd others.)


Went to eat in a Real Indian Restaurent a while back, they brought big green leaves to be used as the plate.. no knife, fork or spoon, we had to eat with our fingers. Give me a good old knife and fork anyday.

My favourite shop is the Bra shop, and I love kissing on the lips (snogging) Not in public though, only behind closed doors.


Went to eat in a Real Indian Restaurent a while back, they brought big green leaves to be used as the plate.. no knife, fork or spoon, we had to eat with our fingers. Give me a good old knife and fork anyday.

My favourite shop is the Bra shop, and I love kissing on the lips (snogging) Not in public though, only behind closed doors.


I have always prefered the contents to the container.


I've never been able to resist looking at a young gal's bra outline under her shirt/blouse. Or even from the back I always even look at the outline of the straps. Genetic flaw of mine. :) Do I gain dirty old man status?

I've never been able to resist looking at a young gal's bra outline under her shirt/blouse. Or even from the back I always even look at the straps. Genetic flaw of mine. :) Do I gain dirty old man status?

Men are Men.

I've never been able to resist looking at a young gal's bra outline under her shirt/blouse. Or even from the back I always even look at the straps. Genetic flaw of mine. :) Do I gain dirty old man status?

Men are Men.

Oh, and add to that looking at panty lines. My eyes immediately and instinctively go there. I find them very sexy. :D

I think most men do. It's harmless enough and I doubt the ladies mind.

It must be difficult to get so much wrong in one post.

It is a little hard from your post to decide what is wrong.

Is it the 12 hours

Is it that the alliance was signed allowing safe passage for the troops 8th Dec 1941.

Is it that Thailand declared war on 25 January 1942 (against Japanese advice)

Can you please expand your criticism so that a more meaningful reply can be made.

My sources are mainly

A HISTORY OF THAILAND Baker C & Phongpaichit P Cambridge University Press 2005 (Page 135 and others)

THAILAND'S POLITICAL HISTORY Terweil B.J River Books 2005 (Page275 aqnd others.)

I was referring to the original post, not yours. Sorry. :)


Evidently, your bra obsession theory isn't much in practice. One just needs to familiarize oneself with rural/countryside settings and you'll find that an overwhelmingly percentage of Thai {within certain age perimeters} female are typically braless - around the home and neighborhood, even in public - in good taste of course. Such repressive dressing manners are reserved for those city slicker types. By the way...thanks for the historic tidbit and analysis. Those whom are quite familiar with Siam/Thai contemporay history, are quite aware of such seemingly obscure material.

It must be difficult to get so much wrong in one post.

It is a little hard from your post to decide what is wrong.

Is it the 12 hours

Is it that the alliance was signed allowing safe passage for the troops 8th Dec 1941.

Is it that Thailand declared war on 25 January 1942 (against Japanese advice)

Can you please expand your criticism so that a more meaningful reply can be made.

My sources are mainly

A HISTORY OF THAILAND Baker C & Phongpaichit P Cambridge University Press 2005 (Page 135 and others)

THAILAND'S POLITICAL HISTORY Terweil B.J River Books 2005 (Page275 aqnd others.)

It's nice to see that you've an interest in Thai contemporary historic matters. Though, I could easily extend some admiration to Professor Phongpaichit and her work in general, I'd be hard pressed to give such kudos to this edition " A History of Thailand". Though well thought out and prepared, this smallish book is embarrassingly brief and lacks background. Never wanted to push the envelope. Mr. Terweil's fine tome is quite well-researched and historically inspiring, if not subliminal in scope. If you really want to imbibe into Thai historic content, you'd have to search for the material that isn't available here or has been castigated by the Thai establishment. This is the sort of working material that is quite enjoyable to imbibe.

I thought the story was that the Thai's procrastinated and never actually got around to declaring war.


Thailand was asked by the Japanese to allow the entry of Japanese troops and twelve hours lated signed an alliance with Japan thus declaring war on the allied forces.

Well documented that {Dictator for Life} Field Marshall Phibun was quite the contemporary admirer of the period political philosophies of 1930s/1940s Germany, Italy, and Japan. He had also established a quasi-fascist theory designed to fit Siam. His seemingly contradicting cultural admirations towards a modern Anglo/American were quite apparent as this 'borrowed' modern societal fashions were the cornerstone of his famous campaigns to have the Thai society emulate these cultural fashions, hence the broad propagandic campaigns in which he is well known for.

It was mentioned on another thread the problem of Thai women being bra obsessive.

Few men who come to Thailand for any length of time are not in one way or another exposed to a Thai breast. Few also fail to be impressed with the symmetry and perfection of the above mentioned body part. Why then, with their obvious assets should Thai women choose to layer their chests in padding, foam and all sorts of artificial disenhancements?

There is a villain in the story and his name is Colonel Luang Phibun Songgram. He was in power initially during the 1930's before and during WW II.

Phibun was responsible for the Victory Monument, in that he started the war against the French which got 44 or so Thai's killed and prompted the building of the monument. Of course it didn't take long to beat the French because the Thai's had Ford model T truck engines in their tanks among other things.

Phibun also arranged the alliance with the Japanese which led Thailand to declare war against the UK and the United States. Thailand wanted the poppy growing regions in Burma because back in the good old days Bangkok had more opium dens per capita than almost anywhere in the world and the Japanese supported the Thai aggression against Burma. In Burma, opium production increased from 8 tons in 1936 to an approximate 36 tons in 1942 under Thai rule.

Thailand came out of WW II almost unscathed with only a few hundred civilians killed compared to the hundreds of thousands dead everywhere else both among their allies (the Germans, Japanese and so on) and their enemies (US, UK, Burma, Vietnam, China, and almost everyone else).

But Thailand did not emerge from this period undamaged and the bra was one of the consequences of this era.

Phibun was a social manipulator. He was unhappy with the relatively idyllic stat of Thai womanhood.

Thai women before WW II were topless. Men wore skirts. Everyone ate five times a day. Opium was legal. Men didn't have to kiss their wives. People ate with their hands.

Phibun didn't like it. He mandated that women wear shirts and bras and that men wear pants. He insisted men kiss their wives goodbye in the morning (on the lips!). He ruled that Thai people should eat with spoons and forks and only three times a day.

Phibun was arrested for war crimes but returned to power shortly thereafter.

Kissing the wife on the lips! That`s disgusting, but on the other hand, anyone who declares war on the French, Can`t be all that bad.


This thread is wandering into a historical debate but you asked for it, more than your initial questions about Bras....

Why then, with their obvious assets should Thai women choose to layer their chests in padding, foam and all sorts of artificial disenhancements?[/font]

But to answer your question, above:

It's not just in Thailand where women try to -visually- increase the size of their boobies. It's all over Asia where the lingerie departments are filled with millions of padded Bras.

It probably started since movies, television and female tourists showed their Asian counterparts that they were "given" considerably more size in boobies. It's a bit like admiring not only the size of -western- boobies but also the (whiter) skin of the Farang female.

That's a bit odd since most western women feel themselves so large in comparison with an Asian girl/woman and wish they would be so tiny and slim.

What a world :)


I've never been able to resist looking at a young gal's bra outline under her shirt/blouse. Or even from the back I always even look at the outline of the straps. Genetic flaw of mine. :) Do I gain dirty old man status?

You and me both mate. If you want to see a Thai woman's naked breast just go to the nearest karaoke or or girlie var. As foor the content of the original post I have never read such a lot of crap in my life!


Thailand came out of WW II almost unscathed with only a few hundred civilians killed compared to the hundreds of thousands dead everywhere else both among their allies (the Germans, Japanese and so on) and their enemies (US, UK, Burma, Vietnam, China, and almost everyone else).

You obviously have no idea on this subject, there where thousands of British, Australian etc. Soldiers that died as prisoners of war building the Burma railway. But there where the Thai "Coolies" that where treated much worse and died in the of hundreds of thousands.

There is a villain in the story and his name is Colonel Luang Phibun Songgram. He was in power initially during the 1930's before and during WW II.

Phibun was responsible for the Victory Monument, in that he started the war against the French which got 44 or so Thai's killed and prompted the building of the monument. Of course it didn't take long to beat the French because the Thai's had Ford model T truck engines in their tanks among other things.

Is there anybody who HASN'T beaten the French? :)

There is a villain in the story and his name is Colonel Luang Phibun Songgram. He was in power initially during the 1930's before and during WW II.

Phibun was responsible for the Victory Monument, in that he started the war against the French which got 44 or so Thai's killed and prompted the building of the monument. Of course it didn't take long to beat the French because the Thai's had Ford model T truck engines in their tanks among other things.

Is there anybody who HASN'T beaten the French? :)

Shhh !! You will upset our wonderful, friendly French neighbours again, they hate to be thought of as losers :D

Kissing on the lips? I love it. The swapping of saliva salivates me tremendously.

Padded bras? I quite like to see a nice curvy outline too. Seems it makes the woman feel more confident too when she has such a delicious outline. Only problem is, it makes the eyes sooooo tired, all that wandering eye trouble :D


Is there anybody who HASN'T beaten the French? :)

Search: "french military Victories."

GOOGLE: No entries did you mean french military defeats.

I've never been able to resist looking at a young gal's bra outline under her shirt/blouse. Or even from the back I always even look at the outline of the straps. Genetic flaw of mine. :) Do I gain dirty old man status?

You and me both mate. If you want to see a Thai woman's naked breast just go to the nearest karaoke or or girlie var. As foor the content of the original post I have never read such a lot of crap in my life!

Going out of your way just to be able to see young girls naked breasts is obscene and immoral.

Can you tell us the names and locations of these bars? Just so that we are able to avoid these places of sin.

Going out of your way just to be able to see young girls naked breasts is obscene and immoral.

Can you tell us the names and locations of these bars? Just so that we are able to avoid these places of sin.

I'm making a big list of all the ones in Pattaya so I'll know where not to return. There's lots more to find and I'm still doing my research, so I'll let you know when I'm complete. :):D


Is that how they lost part of Laos to French Indo-China? As for kissing, I thnk his ideas have gone by the wayside. I have found many Thai women don't like to kiss. Some totally refuse.

Going out of your way just to be able to see young girls naked breasts is obscene and immoral.

Can you tell us the names and locations of these bars? Just so that we are able to avoid these places of sin.

I'm making a big list of all the ones in Pattaya so I'll know where not to return. There's lots more to find and I'm still doing my research, so I'll let you know when I'm complete. :):D

I hate to be a bother, but could you also list the GPS coordinates?

Thank you


Is there anybody who HASN'T beaten the French? :)

Search: "french military Victories."

GOOGLE: No entries did you mean french military defeats.

Which reminds me of an old joke...

An elderly British gentleman of 83 arrived in Paris by plane.

At the French customs desk he took a few minutes to locate his passport in his carry-on bag.

'You have been to France before, monsieur?' the customs officer asked sarcastically.

The elderly gentleman admitted he had been to France previously.

'Then you should know enough to 'ave your passport ready,' the customs officer said.

The elderly gentleman replied, 'The last time I was here, I didn't have to show it.'

'Impossible! The British always have to show their passports on arrival in France !'

The Man gave the Frenchman a long hard look. Then he quietly explained;

'Well, when I came ashore on the Beach on D-Day in 1944, I couldn't find any f***ing Frenchmen to show it to!

Going out of your way just to be able to see young girls naked breasts is obscene and immoral.

Can you tell us the names and locations of these bars? Just so that we are able to avoid these places of sin.

I'm making a big list of all the ones in Pattaya so I'll know where not to return. There's lots more to find and I'm still doing my research, so I'll let you know when I'm complete. :):D

I hate to be a bother, but could you also list the GPS coordinates?

Thank you

Don't go here... 12 55 .600 North, 100 52 .406 East

And most certainly don't go here 12 55 .667 North, 100 52 .576 East


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