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Thaksin Confident He Can Return To Thailand In 6 Months


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It is interesting to note the response to this short article about Thaksin's return. The endless stream of Thaksin haters shows the dominant make-up of this board. Makes one realize that the three years of the orchestrated Thaksin demonization campaign and media indoctrination is very difficult to counter. It becomes a little like the proverbial, "throwing pearls before the swine".

Trying to counter it is like p...... into the wind, like trying to push a string, like nailing jello to a tree, etc, etc. At least what you will read from Ferwert postings is an alternative perspective to this board dominance. There is nothing hidden about my agenda. You all know that I am pro-Thaksin and pro....pro-democracy Red Shirts. I also believe that due to my circumstances, I have more insight into that world than most. Obviously there will be some debate, but my primary focus will be to inform. Like the #$%^&*() Fox News says, "we inform, you decide.

With respect to the Petition, the foolish Government campaign against it is taking on a dubious life of its own. That reactionary notion of people signing to recant their petition signatures is a case in point. Apparently large number of PAD/New-old paternalistic politics types are signing to recant petition signatures they never even made in the first place. A very silly exercise. I am hearing of other Governor coercive activities, which serve to alienate many.

Allright, you Thaksin haters, commence your stream of vitriol.

Edited by Ferwert
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Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra is confident that he can return to Thailand in six months,


-- The Nation 01/08/09http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/30108858/Thaksin-confident-he-can-return-to-Thailand-in-6-m

i hope he does return, in a coffin, and the sooner the better........

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It is interesting to note the response to this short article about Thaksin's return.

The endless stream of Thaksin haters shows the dominant make-up of this board.

why stay then? theres plenty of other places to go where sufferers of redhead syndome would be more welcome.........

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It is interesting to note the response to this short article about Thaksin's return. The endless stream of Thaksin haters shows the dominant make-up of this board. Makes one realize that the three years of the orchestrated Thaksin demonization campaign and media indoctrination is very difficult to counter.

Trying to counter it is like p...... into the wind, like trying to push a string, like nailing jello to a tree, etc, etc. At least what you will read from Ferwert postings is an alternative perspective to this board dominance. There is nothing hidden about my agenda. You all know that I am pro-Thaksin and pro....pro-democracy Red Shirts. I also believe that due to my circumstances, I have more insight into that world than most. Obviously there will be some debate, but my primary focus will be to inform. Like the #$%^&*() Fox News says, "we inform, you decide.

With respect to the Petition, the foolish Government campaign against it is taking on a dubious life of its own. That reactionary notion of people signing to recant their petition signatures is a case in point. Apparently large number of PAD/New-old paternalistic politics types are signing to recant petition signatures they never even made in the first place. A very silly exercise. I am hearing of other Governor coercive activities, which serve to alienate many.

Allright, you Thaksin haters, commence your stream of vitriol.

Put aside for a moment anything to do with opponents of your red shirt friends & think about the so called democratic ideals the red shirts preach. If they are so hel_l bent on improving democracy how come they vigorously oppose any movements of government politicians on their home turf? Are they afraid these politicians could become more popular? They certainly do not want to allow any views other than their own. Why don't the reds admit to past mistakes & make genuine offers of reconciliation. There are many things they can do to show they are genuine in their desire for more democratic ideals.

Is Mr T's rampant corruption to be condoned because he did some so called good things for all of the people. He stated once that constituencies which did not support him would not receive extra funding. The 1 million Baht per village was a great scheme to allow people to accumulate more debt in order to buy phones, motorbikes etc from companies associated with him & his cronies.

When Mr T first came to power I thought he would be good for Thailand but I was soon disillsuioned after the whitewashing of his assets concealment case & right now he is pushing this country on the road to civil war just to perpetuate his own power.

I long for the day when someone will put on a shirt that says "I will not rest until I stamp out corruption, destroy crony politics & ensure equal justice for all". All past & prsent governments have not been perfect but there is no reason why they cannot aspire to be.

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It is interesting to note the response to this short article about Thaksin's return. The endless stream of Thaksin haters shows the dominant make-up of this board. Makes one realize that the three years of the orchestrated Thaksin demonization campaign and media indoctrination is very difficult to counter.

Trying to counter it is like p...... into the wind, like trying to push a string, like nailing jello to a tree, etc, etc. At least what you will read from Ferwert postings is an alternative perspective to this board dominance. There is nothing hidden about my agenda. You all know that I am pro-Thaksin and pro....pro-democracy Red Shirts. I also believe that due to my circumstances, I have more insight into that world than most. Obviously there will be some debate, but my primary focus will be to inform. Like the #$%^&*() Fox News says, "we inform, you decide.

With respect to the Petition, the foolish Government campaign against it is taking on a dubious life of its own. That reactionary notion of people signing to recant their petition signatures is a case in point. Apparently large number of PAD/New-old paternalistic politics types are signing to recant petition signatures they never even made in the first place. A very silly exercise. I am hearing of other Governor coercive activities, which serve to alienate many.

Allright, you Thaksin haters, commence your stream of vitriol.

Put aside for a moment anything to do with opponents of your red shirt friends & think about the so called democratic ideals the red shirts preach. If they are so hel_l bent on improving democracy how come they vigorously oppose any movements of government politicians on their home turf? Are they afraid these politicians could become more popular? They certainly do not want to allow any views other than their own. Why don't the reds admit to past mistakes & make genuine offers of reconciliation. There are many things they can do to show they are genuine in their desire for more democratic ideals.

Is Mr T's rampant corruption to be condoned because he did some so called good things for all of the people. He stated once that constituencies which did not support him would not receive extra funding. The 1 million Baht per village was a great scheme to allow people to accumulate more debt in order to buy phones, motorbikes etc from companies associated with him & his cronies.

When Mr T first came to power I thought he would be good for Thailand but I was soon disillsuioned after the whitewashing of his assets concealment case & right now he is pushing this country on the road to civil war just to perpetuate his own power.

I long for the day when someone will put on a shirt that says "I will not rest until I stamp out corruption, destroy crony politics & ensure equal justice for all". All past & prsent governments have not been perfect but there is no reason why they cannot aspire to be.

Nicely put.

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It is interesting to note the response to this short article about Thaksin's return.

The endless stream of Thaksin haters shows the dominant make-up of this board.

why stay then? theres plenty of other places to go where sufferers of redhead syndome would be more welcome.........

I have always enjoyed being contrary, but with contrarian views that are substantiated. In this case, I know you Farangs dont have alternative sources to the only media you can linguistically read. That is why much of your commentary is made up of pontifical pronouncements and drive-by innuendo's bereft of supportive data. You just dont have access to anything else. For example the suggestion that money has exchanged hands for these five million, 300 hundred thousand petition signatories. Bald statements with absolutely not a shred of evidence----just pure brainwashed, indoctrinated drivel.

This is all the more surprising, considering the deep Democratic traditions many of you come from. You seem to find the old Paternalistic policies that the PAD is trying to re-package as something new, as a viable alternative to electoral Democracy. This is a phenomenon I dont understand.

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I long for the day when someone will put on a shirt that says "I will not rest until I stamp out corruption, destroy crony politics & ensure equal justice for all".

My dream as well but the unfortunate situation as I see it is the porkers with their snouts in the trough at the very top (on all sides) will only allow any potential fellow swill eaters to get to the top as well.

Plus I reckon any country where the army are ready to roll at a moments notice to stick their oar in politics is doomed from the off.

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It is interesting to note the response to this short article about Thaksin's return.

The endless stream of Thaksin haters shows the dominant make-up of this board.

why stay then? theres plenty of other places to go where sufferers of redhead syndome would be more welcome.........

I have always enjoyed being contrary, but with contrarian views that are substantiated. In this case, I know you Farangs dont have alternative sources to the only media you can linguistically read. That is why much of your commentary is made up of pontifical pronouncements and drive-by innuendo's bereft of supportive data. You just dont have access to anything else. For example the suggestion that money has exchanged hands for these five million, 300 hundred thousand petition signatories. Bald statements with absolutely not a shred of evidence----just pure brainwashed, indoctrinated drivel.

This is all the more surprising, considering the deep Democratic traditions many of you come from. You seem to find the old Paternalistic policies that the PAD is trying to re-package as something new, as a viable alternative to electoral Democracy. This is a phenomenon I dont understand.

and your Thai media is not bought and paid for?

its a well know fact that thickskin censored the media when he was in power

in a previous post you quote you say you are like Fox News

well theres a misnomor if ever there was one

Fox news is not news, its propaganda spewed forth by fascists and paid for by corporatists who want to rule the world

on reflection, maybe you are not so far from the mark after all.......

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There is so much injustice around the world, not just in Thailand. It would be good to see real justice being carried out for crimes that are commited. People with money and the right contacts can buy themselves freedom and once they have managed to secure that freedom by paying it becomes easier to corrupt

even more people with the money being offered.

We dont really have a say about what goes on in this country to make any difference, its hard enough to open our mouths in our own countries with the corruption and lies being told on daily basis . The problem can only be solved if those involved in any form of deciept or corruption are dealt with a rod of Iron. Heavy fines , assests seized and a long spell in prison but this will never happen due to the old boy networks, secret societies and money , keeping all of those in the power jobs safe.

Toxic Thaksin is no less a crook than anywhere else but what he is doing now is beyond what he has done in the past. The communication broadcasts to his supporters is nothing less than insighting civil war for one goal and that is to be ruler of this country .

I am sure he will return but will justice really be given to him. If he returns and is jailed you can imagine the protests , the clashes with police etc etc .

It will end up like before with the Army on the streets and civil unrest. The present government have a lot to consider and its possible that they really dont want him back at all. Arrest warrents issued , interpol on the look out , yet no sooner he is found hiding he gets away . His passports for Thailand have been revoked so there is no real option for him to travel unless he is buying himself out of every country he visits or even buying himself in. Having many different passports is of no real use , as the one he really wants to use is his Thai passort and he cant.

I say let him rot somewhere else, never let him back and put a blanket ban on any communication from him. Stop him from making the broadcasts , stop reporting anything about him in the press, then maybe people will just forget about him and move on, it may take time but maybe he will be classed as a lost cause.

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Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra is confident that he can return to Thailand in six months, Kwanchai Praiphana, chairman of the Udon Thani Loving Club, said Saturday.

How he seems himself....


Poster for Kwanchai Praipana


It would seem that Kwanchai (seated right) has added a few pounds since his poster was published...


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What a great name, 'Udon Thani Loving Club' :)

Kwanchai and their actions are definitely not great...

On July 24, 2008, in the most serious incident to date, police stood by while pro-government thugs beat and critically injured at least 13 PAD supporters and destroyed public property at a rally in Udon Thani province.

"Thai authorities have failed to protect their citizens' basic right to peaceful assembly," said Elaine Pearson, Deputy Asia Director at Human Rights Watch.

"By allowing pro-government thugs free rein to unleash violence, the authorities are putting Thailand's fragile democracy at risk. Officials should investigate these attacks and hold to account those responsible for the violence, as well as any officials who failed to stop it."

On July 24, Kwanchai Praipana and Uthai Saenkaew, the younger brother of Deputy Agriculture Minister Theerachai Saenkaew, led some 1,000 members of the pro-government Khon Rak Udorn Club to forcibly break up a peaceful rally of about 200 PAD supporters at Nong Prajak public park in Muang district, Udon Thani province. Local radio station FM 97.5 reportedly urged pro-government supporters to carry out violence against the rally. Pro-government supporters were armed with swords, axes, knives, iron clubs, wooden clubs, and slingshots.

News footage and eyewitness accounts show that local authorities made no effort to stop the violence. Some 500 police and district defense volunteers at the rally did not try to perform their duties even when thugs beat PAD supporters nearly to death right in front of them. And they made no attempt to arrest those who destroyed property at the rally.

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Hello, Santa Claus will go to Thailand in the next 6 months too. This is another load of manure from a Thaksin supporter that might be paid for his loyalty.

Kwanchai receiving his fees from a disinterested Thaksin via Samak...

He was an actual paid member of Samak's official government at the time he led a bleeding carnage attack...:) who quit in order to take to his violence full-time... :D


Kwanchai and Thaksin

Udon Thani group Leader resigns from government post, promises to pursue PAD to fullest

Leader of the Udon Thani Enthusiasts group Kwanchai Phraipana has declared his resignation from his government post as an employee of the Office of the Secretary-General of the Prime Minister.

Kwanchai received the position 2 months ago from a Cabinet decision, but stated today that he will resign from the post so that his activity with the Udon Thani Enthusiasts will not affect his job.

Kwanchai's resignation follows his receiving of charges from police based on a violent clash between his group and the People's Alliance for Democracy. He said that his resignation will allow him to fully pursue the PAD and deal with them on equal terms. Kwanchai was one of 12 employees of the Office.

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three years of the orchestrated Thaksin demonization campaign

Maybe you should check pre-2006 threads on TV. There has been hardly any change, except he's got even less supporters now.

pro-democracy Red Shirts


As if April "revolution" wasn't enough,

"Former supreme commander General Chaiyasit Shinawatra yesterday threatened opponents of ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra not to block the move to seek a Royal pardon for his cousin otherwise there could be use of force."

That's the second time they want to grab power by force.

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Chaisit is a former Supreme Commander, and even though he was promoted by Thaksin, I'm sure he has enough officers under his patronage to create some real trouble. Like assassination attempt, or a bombing campaign.

I don't think he's capable of organising an outright coup, but come critical moment, like that Sunday during Songkran riots when reds went for Abhisit, police were nowhere to be seen and the army hadn't arrived yet, even a little numerical support from Chaisit loyal troops could be crucial.

It depends on how Thaksin plans to use them. Perhaps only as weapons/training suppliers, perhaps more.

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That's the second time they want to grab power by force.

Unfortunately for them they haven't got the army to back them up. :)

Ermmm this is something that I wouldn't bank on. Most army regulars come from the poor areas, the Shinawatra's powerbase. I wouldn't be to surprised if part of that army would side with the Thaksin loyal (former) Gernerals when push comes to shove ...


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overthrow of my legitimately elected government

When did that happen then? Must have missed that one in the press. :D

19 September 2006 :)

I started a new diet the other day - it's called the whisky diet, it's very good.

Last week I lost 3 days!

Not liking something doesn't make it not so
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You all know that I am pro-Thaksin and pro-democracy

Oxymoron if ever there was one.

I thought he and his government was elected by the populace?

Perhaps I missed something.

Personally I don't think he is doing his country of birth any favors by his current shenanigans but he is just a little like Aung San Suu Kyi in the respect that the Burmese Junta know she and her party would win any "free and fair' elections much the same that the current powers that be know that despite his convictions/corruption etc he and his party whatever name they chose would also likely win any "free and fair" elections here in Thailand should be allowed to come back for whatever reason.

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overthrow of my legitimately elected government

When did that happen then? Must have missed that one in the press. :D

19 September 2006 :)

Thanks seri. Guess our eyes must be failing us. I confused those voting booths for battle tanks. :D

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Thaksin is like Aung San Suu Kyi, right.

The junta didn't ban him from running for PM again and they are not the ones stopping him now. His beef is not with coup makers.

Easy to choose what you want to read.

I think I said a "little" like- you don't think he and his faction would win a "free and fair" election, much like Aung San Suu Kyi and her party would given the opportunity?

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Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra is confident that he can return to Thailand in six months, Kwanchai Praiphana, chairman of the Udon Thani Loving Club, said Saturday.

Kwanchai said he met Thaksin in Dubai and he expressed the confidence that the political situation would change and the Democrat-led government would collapse so he would be able to return in six months.

Kwanchai said Thaksin also promised that he would return to serve the people by returning to politics.

The Nation


-- The Nation 01/08/09http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/30108858/Thaksin-confident-he-can-return-to-Thailand-in-6-m

why 6 months this guy have international warrent why he still free yes Money Talk all country is corrupt

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you don't think he and his faction would win a "free and fair" election, much like Aung San Suu Kyi and her party would given the opportunity?

Actually, a recent popularity poll (for what it's worth!) put the PM & Thaksin both between 30 & 33% in terms of personal popularity, with Thaksin having a slight edge. I strongly suspect that election results would be in the same rough range for their parties if elections were held now.

So, the 'winner' would be whichever one of them could put together a stronger coalition! Of course, once either of them did so, he would proclaim to all & sundry that he had a

'sweeping mandate from the people!'. :)

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Here's to Thaksin returning in 6 months time....to serve his prison term!

The dude has a major ego problem...if he had started serving his prison term since last year he would have only 1 more year left to serve and then he'd be free to proclaim he is like Mandela, etc. Instead, he chose to flee and really mess this country up from afar.

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You all know that I am pro-Thaksin and pro-democracy

Oxymoron if ever there was one.

I thought he and his government was elected by the populace?

Perhaps I missed something.

Yes you did miss something.

Democracy doesn't begin and end at the ballot box. It's not a device to be used to get into power and then to be forgotten about.

Thaksin did indeed come to power by democratic means, but then once in power he didn't act on behalf of the people, rather himself, his friends and family. In addition, he set about dismantling and interfering with all the agencies and bodies that were there to keep him in check and ensure all democratic values, such as freedom of the press, freedom of speech etc, remained intact.

Whilst in power he effectively silenced anyone who spoke out against him, using million baht law-suits and general intimidation and bully-boy tactics.

This isn't how democracy works; in fact it's not democracy at all, and anyone who points to merely success at the ballot box as being proof of the existence of a functioning democratic system is sadly misinformed.

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