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I usually give chocolates/busicuits etc for younger kids.

Football stuff for boys (MUFC or Liverpool).

Whisky (Scotch) for older men (or smokes if they do).

Make up for the teenage girls. Argos do some lovely all inclusive kits for twenty quid (they do from about eight quid, but they are a bit limited) - with brushes, lipsticks, nail varnish, eye shadow etc in a mirrored and lit box.

I can never pick good perfume - my nose just doesn't smell in the same way female's do - I like; to them it stinks and vice-versa.

I am actually always worried of getting older girls gold because of the possability of it being misconstrued. I have bought gold for young kids, but let the wife give any to her friends or family.

PS: Mobile is gonna be expensive or not impressive. I just bought the new Nokia 7710 in BKK and it cost the equivalent of 420 quid!

Good luck.

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I have, in the past, bought the sets of perfume, 5 or 6 different small perfume bottles in the one pack, by Dior or Estree Lauder etc. The cost is 20-25 pounds and can easilty be picked up at the airport. Although she might not like them all she will like some. A relatively small outlay to cheer someone up. Of course her mother still wants the Chanel No.5....Doh

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Football stuff for boys (MUFC or Liverpool).

No one in their right mind will thank you for that

PS: Mobile is gonna be expensive or not impressive. I just bought the new Nokia 7710 in BKK and it cost the equivalent of 420 quid!

you are shopping in the wrong stores..."you know when you have been in Thailand to long"...... when you are proud of being overcharged

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I would second getting her a harrod's bag. Its been popular in bkk for years and i'm sure its popular in the provinces as well. If you want to get gold a chain for a 15 year old girl it would only be about 1/2 a baht so about 4000-4500. The heavier ones wouldn't suit a teenager.

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Like the idea of harrods bags. But siht when I set up my account here I select UK. I am actually in Ireland - any ideas on what I could get her here in Ireland which would be original. Leprechaun jokes not allowed ladies and gentlemen.

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You have never met the daughter so what can be expected from/of you? For me giving gold expresses a bond with the person or it expresses concern for their welfare and future. She is not family yet. Nor is it her wedding. I would buy her something that expresses 'hello from my country', some Sara Nelson's Grasmere Gingerbread(something she can share) and a more personal gift. Something to accent her beauty but not makeup. She is still a kid. I'd say a quality comb to put her hair up? Haircomb, hair picks or barrete? This may sound fuddy duddy but you don't know her yet. Once introduced you will have time to get up to speed as to who she is and what interests her.

edit: ok Irish gingerbread.

Edited by aughie
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I bought my 15 year old cousin (female) a water-proof quality jacket from Nike (red). She loves it.

She said it's easy to carry it out with her, in case it rains it won't matter.

She also wore it to the cinemas that are almost at sub-zero degrees and still enjoy her movie warm and cosy.

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Incredible generosity here from members (who admittedly aren't the ones doing the buying)

Mobile Phone, MP3, gold......

...for a girl out in Prachuap Kiri Khan !

My wife's 15 year old cousin is a quiet little mouse, and she's from a reasonably middle class Bangkok family.

Get this girl a t shirt or something.......

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Golds too much, 70-80 quid for a "hello, nice to meet you present?"? Save it for her 16th birthday.

The perfumes from the airport are a good idea, not too pricey and get a good selection box of all the fashionable names, dior, calvin etc.

Last a long time, and something she can show off and share with her friends, and still seems like a present from abroad so that's special.

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I think you get dior with those little perfume sets and it's only cheap.

Maltesers you can buy in Thailand, at least go for some cadburys flakes and a galaxy bar! lol.

Well Mad Cherry if you still cant decide after all these suggestions I recommend just shaking her hand, saying hello, then going down the local bar to p.iss her 'present' money up the wall. lol

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He's right. Beer is always a good present and you can drink it if she doesn't.

I bought Mrs Moog a Playstation 2 for Xmas. For Valentines Day she got a new iron.

You have to think laterally.

LOVE THIS ONE - Blollcks I am going to ask her Ma when I arrive in Bangkok - Final decision on this one. Thanks everyone for their thoughts/ideas and witty comments.

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When I was 15, I wanted to get two lovely ducks.

Why not give her a pet?

I love ducks too I do them with bramble forcemeat stuffing and red onion marmalade...you got any left anna?

Do your ducks love what you feed them?

I fed my ducks earthworms that I digged out near litter bins and took them go swimming once a week. But at last, my mom gave them to her friend. And I heard they were eaten. I still miss them tho'.

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When I was 15, I wanted to get two lovely ducks.

Why not give her a pet?

I love ducks too I do them with bramble forcemeat stuffing and red onion marmalade...you got any left anna?

Do your ducks love what you feed them?

I fed my ducks earthworms that I digged out near litter bins and took them go swimming once a week. But at last, my mom gave them to her friend. And I heard they were eaten. I still miss them tho'.

I meant thats how I cooked them :o

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When I was 15, I wanted to get two lovely ducks.

Why not give her a pet?

I love ducks too I do them with bramble forcemeat stuffing and red onion marmalade...you got any left anna?

Do your ducks love what you feed them?

I fed my ducks earthworms that I digged out near litter bins and took them go swimming once a week. But at last, my mom gave them to her friend. And I heard they were eaten. I still miss them tho'.

I meant thats how I cooked them :o

Toastwars...I always thought that you were a genltle person with a heart....poor ducks....poor anna...yum yum!! prefer cranberry sauce myself :D

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