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Blacklisted By Thai Authorities

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I have sitting here and think about been blacklisted by Thai authorities and i was thinking what will happen if you got back to thailand and then been takeing by Thai authorities again... will you go to jail or do they just send you home?

If it is jail.. are we talking years?

How long time do a blacklisted hold.. 5 years, 10 years or what?

Would like to know if somebody know anythink about it or have try it.

Edited by damslund
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Are you saying you were in Thailand without a passport and were deported?

I come to thailand with a legal passport and when i was there my passport was cancel and that mean i dont have a legal passport anymore and they have rights to deport me and then i got blacklist.

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I take it that you were forced to leave rather than leaving yourself and you did not pay for your exit? Believe that is normally a black listing offense. As for time seem to recall 30 years being mentioned but not sure there is any set figure.

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Are you saying you were in Thailand without a passport and were deported?

I come to thailand with a legal passport and when i was there my passport was cancel and that mean i dont have a legal passport anymore and they have rights to deport me and then i got blacklist.

The obvious question now is, Do you now have a legal passport?

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Are you saying you were in Thailand without a passport and were deported?

I come to thailand with a legal passport and when i was there my passport was cancel and that mean i dont have a legal passport anymore and they have rights to deport me and then i got blacklist.

The obvious question now is, Do you now have a legal passport?

it have been legal all the time but you just not have right to in thailand with out a valid passport but have all the visa so that it no problem. yes i have a legal passport now but under a new name but still blacklist

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So....is your name false and your passport OK or....is your name OK and your passport false or.....???

Very difficult to have two different last names in one's home country,I suppose.

Strange story

Edited by dutch
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So....is your name false and your passport OK or....is your name OK and your passport false or.....???

Very difficult to have two different last names in one's home country,I suppose.

Strange story

The other question is why a new name? Did you change it in your country legally?.

Why did you change it what did you hope to gain?

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He needs to leave Thailand and not return, or else it is the lockup. BTW Thailand does not pay the airfares of deportees.

I am not sure he is in Thailand, He did say if you get to thailand not that he was actually here. Nor as far as i am aware did he say Thailand paid for his return aforehand.

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He needs to leave Thailand and not return, or else it is the lockup. BTW Thailand does not pay the airfares of deportees.

I am not sure he is in Thailand, He did say if you get to thailand not that he was actually here. Nor as far as i am aware did he say Thailand paid for his return aforehand.


I have just read your previous posts, In one you said you were arriving Thailand on the first or second august on a one way ticket.

If that is true and you are here now, Then leave Thailand now by whatever means you can.

What dr pat pong says is true, It's the lockup for you and not short time if you have not the funds to pay repatriation.

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i have change my name and passport legally... so notthing is false..

i change my name so i could get back to thailand and what i need to know is what happen if the immigration see my passport and take my fingerprint and my old name come up at the computer?

then they find out i am one the blacklist and in top of that my passport have a other name.. i just thinking how they would take it and what happen to me.

Edited by damslund
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They will probably investigate you to see why you have a different name. In addition they will expell you and you will have to wait till they deport you in the immigration jail. There you will have to wait till you have arranged for a plane ticket out of the country.

Don't think they will prosecute you for being in the country if you entered legally.

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I guess you have a fake passport with the original owner's name and your photo stuck to it; in Thailand there are several gang groups who fix a stolen passports perfectly and sell it to people in trouble.

If this is the case, then you could be arrested, prosecuted, served your sentence, deported and blacklisted for life again.

If you have a legal passport with a different name legally changed, then your old name will be mentioned in your new passport as "Alias: ..", and in this case you are still blacklisted.

The blacklist usually for life, unless your government clear it with Thai authorities, after you have paid your debt to your society, but that is unlikely to happen.

I wonder why someone wants to be in a place, he knows that he will never be welcomed there.


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Several years ago a guy, was arrested in Koh Phangan, long overstay and no more passport.

As he was wanted at home he got deported on behalf of his own country.

After doing his time in jail, he came back to Thailand just to realize that he was not wanted here anymore.

At the airport, immigration didn't let him in and put him back in the next day flight.

As he was traveling with Malaysia Airlines, he left the plane in Kuala Lumpur and reached Sungai Kolok through an illegal river/border crossing.

Few weeks later, he was arrested again in Phangan selling ketamine!

Never heard about him anymore...

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i have change my name and passport legally... so notthing is false..

i change my name so i could get back to thailand and what i need to know is what happen if the immigration see my passport and take my fingerprint and my old name come up at the computer?

then they find out i am one the blacklist and in top of that my passport have a other name.. i just thinking how they would take it and what happen to me.

If everything done legally as you said, and there is nothing suspicious about you, then why do you thing that the Thai government would take your fingerprints? Have you heard any tourist claimed he was fingerprinted?

And even if they found out that you have been blacklisted before, and your entry to Thailand was a legal one, then they will do as "Mario 2008" said above.


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i have change my name and passport legally... so notthing is false..

i change my name so i could get back to thailand and what i need to know is what happen if the immigration see my passport and take my fingerprint and my old name come up at the computer?

then they find out i am one the blacklist and in top of that my passport have a other name.. i just thinking how they would take it and what happen to me.

If everything done legally as you said, and there is nothing suspicious about you, then why do you thing that the Thai government would take your fingerprints? Have you heard any tourist claimed he was fingerprinted?

And even if they found out that you have been blacklisted before, and your entry to Thailand was a legal one, then they will do as "Mario 2008" said above.


Read the posts he was deported. (finger prints automatically taken)

He is still blacklisted so how can he enter Thailand legally?

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By entering Thailand with a valid, real, passport at an oficial border crossing. That is what constitutes a legal border crossing.

The fact that they shouldn't have let him in is something different and is reason to deport him as unwanted here.

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There is no legal entry for such a person in my reading. If he were allowed entry it would not make it legal - it wold be a mistake.

11. According to the Immigration Act of Thailand B.E. 2522 (1979), foreigners who fall into any of the following categories are prohibited to enter Thailand:
(11) Being deported by either the Government of Thailand or that of other foreign countries; or having been revoked the right of stay in the Kingdom or in foreign countries; or having been expelled from the Kingdom by competent officials at the expense of the Government of Thailand unless exemption is provided by the Minister on an individual basis.
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i have change my name and passport legally... so notthing is false..

i change my name so i could get back to thailand and what i need to know is what happen if the immigration see my passport and take my fingerprint and my old name come up at the computer?

then they find out i am one the blacklist and in top of that my passport have a other name.. i just thinking how they would take it and what happen to me.

If everything done legally as you said, and there is nothing suspicious about you, then why do you thing that the Thai government would take your fingerprints? Have you heard any tourist claimed he was fingerprinted?

And even if they found out that you have been blacklisted before, and your entry to Thailand was a legal one, then they will do as "Mario 2008" said above.


Read the posts he was deported. (finger prints automatically taken)

He is still blacklisted so how can he enter Thailand legally?

I am not saying that they do not have his fingerprints, I am saying that if he enter with a new passport and new name, then why anybody would take his fingerprint again.

Actually, unless someone suspect him of something such as his picture for example, or otherwise an informer told about him, no one will ask him to do a fingerprint.


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Also realize that they have the facial recognition technology.

If they had the little camera's up at the airport immigration counters when you got deported, you can enter on whatever passport you like, your previous name and blacklist will pop up the moment the little camera takes your picture!

Not sure if they ever digitized any paper pictures they might have on your (and other black listed persons) file...

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I have sitting here and think about been blacklisted by Thai authorities and i was thinking what will happen if you got back to thailand and then been takeing by Thai authorities again... will you go to jail or do they just send you home?

If it is jail.. are we talking years?

How long time do a blacklisted hold.. 5 years, 10 years or what?

Would like to know if somebody know anythink about it or have try it.

What keeps you coming back in Thailand? what was the offense anyway?.

If you use other passport that's " FRAUD- double offense as you betray your home country too" subject to severe punishment under thai law.(surely, you will get jailed for more or less 10 years), depends upon your money for bail or some cases you will get extorted and pay huge amount for release..

Blacklisted stays forever until you clear it out. Some people I have known used use other passport under different name yet ended to jail until now as thailand authorities now having better campaign against criminals, incl. fraud, etc.

i dont tolerate wrongdoing, so sorry to tell you this. stay where you belong and have a better living.

If you urged to comeback then, face hel_l. :)

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i have change my name and passport legally... so notthing is false..

i change my name so i could get back to thailand and what i need to know is what happen if the immigration see my passport and take my fingerprint and my old name come up at the computer?

then they find out i am one the blacklist and in top of that my passport have a other name.. i just thinking how they would take it and what happen to me.

boy, you must really want to go to thialand............some free advise...fix your passport and go to cambodia if you have no problems there. i assure you thai jail would be worse than a free man in cambodia

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Also realize that they have the facial recognition technology.

If they had the little camera's up at the airport immigration counters when you got deported, you can enter on whatever passport you like, your previous name and blacklist will pop up the moment the little camera takes your picture!

Not sure if they ever digitized any paper pictures they might have on your (and other black listed persons) file...

I am not sure the technology is that sophisticated.

They take the photos but I seriously doubt there is any immediate checking.

That takes serious computer power. :)

As far as I know, being on the blacklist simply means a turnround at the airport.

I do know of a case, but the person was still using his old name.

In our case with a new name and passport I doubt you will have any problems.

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