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50,000 Baht Per Month And Still Not Satisfied....


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Here is a story for you lads...

See if anyone can top this one for stupidity, both mine and hers.

I had been giving my ex-wife of 6 years money every month in support of my two kids via the MiL.

I had been giving her 100k per month (via MiL).

And I gave her the three houses (4mill, 6 mill and 15 mill +/-) that is I didn't contest them in the divorce.

I wanted my kids to live a good life, want for nothing, go to the good schools, live in nice house etc etc.

She has two houses rented out at 35k/mnth each (total 70k/mnth).

But this was not enough for her, she wanted 200k/mnth and a new Benz.

I told her to get f..ked for about 6 months and then she started the death threats towards me.

Still get f..ked. With explainations that if she keeps this up I will cut her off.

Then the death threats towards the kids started.

Upon inspection I find she doesn't even live with the kids, but some single room sh1thole with her boyfriend in Sriracha. Her parents and my kids want nothing to do with her. The money I had been sending her Mother was being hijacked by one of her friends who changed her name to the same as my Mother in Law's name.

She had hocked the houses to the local loan shark for 800k, paying 19k per month interest alone.

Before we split up I quit my extremely well paid (oil and gas) job in Russia to come home and mend the marriage, but it was too late, she was hooked on Ice and spreading her legs.

To sum it up, instead of getting the help I offered in the way of rehab, marriage repair etc she traded (read emptied) our joint bank account and traded all future earnings for about 18 months of fun.

Now she has sweet f. all.

No houses, no car, I no longer give a cent, any money my kids need I pay direct to the source ie the school or to my Brother in Law who is Scottish and he takes care of their needs.

Last I heard she was on the way to HK to sell what she thinks is her best asset, that diseased thing between her legs.

(mind you, I like a drink so I doubt I was a walk in the park, But I was on a 6+2 rotation so she didn't have to put up with me much, and I never hit her or treated her poorly, my only vice was I liked to play golf on saturdays when I was home)

Anyway, I now live in Indo. I have rebuilt my bank account. I have a fantastic wife, we are expecting a kid in the next month.

There is no joint bank account. There is no family payments, there are no sick buffaloes.

I spent about 15 mill Rupiah (1k5USD) and bought the wife a small shop and what she earns there is all hers (nothing monthly from me) to what she likes with. She uses the money to pay for herself to attend Business College and has bought a 50% share in a food store. Her next target is a Mom and Pop type shop.

The contrast between the two woman are amazing. And life has never been better. May I just add, I offered all this to the ex-wife monthly over 6 years. Business, Shophouse for parents to start business, Go back to school to better herself, but the answer was always, I am Hi-So now, I dont need to work.

Good Riddance to bad rubbish :D:D

blooming 'eck, I thought i'd been dragged over the coals :)

frog and the scorpion story again it looks like.....

so apparent with many thai/farang relationships :D

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There are a few around on TV that can verify what I said. But there is a heck of a lot more to it. I could easily have become like that Canadian guy in the newsclippings, RIP Dale Henry.

Never mind though, sure it was an expensive lesson, but lesson well worth learning as it changed my life.

I am glad it happened to be honest.

Re the kids, I am working on it. But my life is not totally stable enough yet for me or the new wife to provide a stable environment for them.

They are safe and well loved where they are at the moment. We talk regularly and they know Daddy loves them.

This thread reminds me that I owe Davethailand 10,000 baht. Crap. (Dave if you read this I will be in touch, I am offshore at the moment, as soon as I get back mate).

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What is odd to me is why a girl who has a good thing going - Bt50,000 a month for a token appearance - would want to wreck the whole deal by ripping him off. Bt50,000 a month puts her in the top 10% of earners and she doesnt probably have to do much.

He can obviously get a new chick at that price, she will be very lucky to get a new sponsor.

My bet is gambling debts, hers or her b/fs. (like GaryA said, should read b4 post)!

I have not seen it in a post, But how much was stolen from him?.

I bet in didn't amount to more that two or three months of what he was giving her.

Stupid woman i think.

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What is odd to me is why a girl who has a good thing going - Bt50,000 a month for a token appearance - would want to wreck the whole deal by ripping him off. Bt50,000 a month puts her in the top 10% of earners and she doesnt probably have to do much.

He can obviously get a new chick at that price, she will be very lucky to get a new sponsor.

My bet is gambling debts, hers or her b/fs. (like GaryA said, should read b4 post)!

I have not seen it in a post, But how much was stolen from him?.

I bet in didn't amount to more that two or three months of what he was giving her.

Stupid woman i think.

The report in Pattaya Today says the Japanese discovered 365,000 baht in total had been stolen.

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From the motorbike drivers who don't wear their crash helmets "because no police about" (never mind serious injury or death)

Off topic i know but in England before they brought in a law where it was compulsory to wear a helmet, many people never bothered!

Travelling all over the world -and Thailand stands out by a mile for this stupidity

Nowhere else in SE Asia do you see so many motorbikes ridden by helmetless idiots. It doesn't help you to avoid accidents, but it may save you from serious harm in such an accident.

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Yep HB, even here in Indo it is very rare to see someone without a helm.

You still get the 8-12 yr olds riding their bikes but even they wear the skid lid.

Funny story, my company HSE dept. had a "wear your Helm." campaign and put up big banners everywhere throughout town. The picture was a Dad, a Mum and two kids all on their little motor, all wearing helmuts.

Well I guess they got it half right, they all wore helmuts, shame they were promoting 4 on a bike.

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if s.o. meet a nice thai girl, coming close to her, and ask her later,

to do a housekeeping job in his home in Pattaya, while he is away, in europe,

so, whats the deal -

she said, I have a good job in a company, earning 30.K per month,

you want me, to give up this job,

you have to take care for me.

He is calculating, that he is spending 5.000 k a month, for the police, to check his home,

to be covered by his house insurance, while beeing away more than 7 days from his home in Pattaya,

and he is calculation, what he is spending for the house cleaning,

so he is starting not a normal sponsership, but a relation with someone, who is taking care of his proporty in Pattaya.

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Goodluck to you Tuky, and maybe it does happen in thailand more than in other places. But not only there. In the years i studied i lived together with a woman who turned out to be a drug addict as well.

I did find out after loan sharks started to harras me about loans she took on my credibility. In the end i wasnt able to deny all loans, because of good forgery. The whole time (a period of around 2 and a half year, which did cost me around 50.000 Euro in the end) i never did notice anything of her drug habbits. Drug addicts are everywhere and are (forced) great liars...

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