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Anything I Should Bring To Thailand?


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I'm coming to Bangkok soon and staying for a good few months maybe a couple of years.

Is there anything I should bring with me I can't get over there?

I guess most things can be purchased in Bangkok - they have Tesco don't they?

I'm bringing lots of t-shirts and shorts and some trainers and shoes so that should be ok.

I hear protein powder is hard to come buy but not sure if I want to bring that through customs!


Things to bring with you:

1. Inoculations against hepatitis A and B, typhoid fever, flu, and Japanese encephalitis (if spending any time in jungle areas).

2. Electronic items - computers of any type, cameras, stabilizing binoculars.

3. If you are a sports person, then bring your own equipment.

4. Shoes - for hiking, for running, and also your regular street shoes.

5. If you are going to be outside a lot, then bring along a supply of high-content deet repellent.

6. A small medical kit with a good supply of medicines you typically use, including antibiotic creams.

Just about all of this stuff can be substituted with local items, but what you lose is quality in the product, variety of selection, and sometimes significantly higher prices because of import duties. If you choose to substitute with local products, then consider the time you will need to spend searching and searching, sometimes in vain, for an item you could have easily picked up at your corner shop back home. Don't forget about those inoculations!


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the only thing i bring back from uk on my 2 yearly visits are tea bags tea bags and tea bags 100s,the are expensive here 5quid a 100,or lest you buy tescos,at 2/50.my mates are always talking about colemans mustard and oxos, not being available??

I agree with True Blue. Every time I return from the UK i bring boxes of Tea Bags as I am addicted, my day does not start without a couple of brews, the Lipton's T Bags I bought here in Foodland are awful.

I also bring back Chocolate, Swiss Rolls, Wine Gums, Licorice allsorts, Mars Bars, and of course Salt & Vinegar Crisps. These items are available here but more expensive and Thailand's Salt & Vinegar Crisps (if you can find them) taste awful.

So if your a sweet tooth, fill your suitcase with goodies, and as soon as you get here, don't forget to put the Choc Choc in the fridge.

Yummy, I am hungry now. :)

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Do you know what types of t-shirts are best for not getting too sweaty?

When I am in the gym I wear one of the Nike Dri Fit t-shirts as it keeps the sweat off. Cotton ones get wet and gross.

Something like this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nike-Dri-Fit-Total...t/dp/B001E5EULU

Do you think that would be of use whilst walking around in Bangkok?

Protein power is very expensive here. you better get it from UK.

I'm hoping as food will be cheap I won't need it.

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Protein power is very expensive here. you better get it from UK.

Totally agree.

This is one thing I always bring back to Thailand with me if I go on a trip to the UK. If you take supplements (protein, creatine, etc.), then I recommend bringing as much as you can over here with you. Supplements are way more expensive here and the choice isn't good at all.

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I'm coming to Bangkok soon and staying for a good few months maybe a couple of years.

Is there anything I should bring with me I can't get over there?

I guess most things can be purchased in Bangkok - they have Tesco don't they?

I'm bringing lots of t-shirts and shorts and some trainers and shoes so that should be ok.

I hear protein powder is hard to come buy but not sure if I want to bring that through customs!


Most items available in the UK can be obtained in Thailand.

Problem is that over here the quality of everything is total crap.

There is an old saying amongst manufacturers in Europe and the United States; if items is rejected because of inferior quality or below standard, sell it on cheap to Thailand.

My advice is, bring with you whatever you can carry or have stuff shipped over, you wont regret it.

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when going through long term travel you should try to to carry the least possible. worst case scenario u may find urself washing clothes once ever 2 days or so but you will be glad at the fact that you wont be carrying a heavy pack every time you decide to travel to another part of thailand. i wouldnt carry any jeans or clothes that take a while to dry up because it is tropical weather out there and you never know when that rain may come. I would recommend bringing some stomach medicine anywhere you go outside of your country because chances are you may get a bit sick the first few days there because the change in diet, different bacteria, etc. Aside from that most of the things you have at home are also sold in Thailand at a decent price so pack with the least possible, you will thank yourself once you are there.

Edited by Chanarong
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Do you know what types of t-shirts are best for not getting too sweaty?

When I am in the gym I wear one of the Nike Dri Fit t-shirts as it keeps the sweat off. Cotton ones get wet and gross.

Something like this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nike-Dri-Fit-Total...t/dp/B001E5EULU

Do you think that would be of use whilst walking around in Bangkok?

Protein power is very expensive here. you better get it from UK.

I'm hoping as food will be cheap I won't need it.

Dude, just bring a few of your favourite tops from home, sports gear is available here from all the major departments stores the Adidas shops (i used to buy gear here as some styles not available in UK)

I love watching and playing sports, golf, badminton and used to play football, basketball and a little boxing here.

I buy all my clothing from the department stores they have all you need....

cheap running vests for sweaty sports start from £2 !

When in Bkk you won't be outside much..your own car/taxis/restaurants/bars/shopping malls/condo/home/work = AIR CON !

don't kill your luggage allowance by bringing your wardrobe! guaranteed you won't wear half the stuff....

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I'm coming to Bangkok soon and staying for a good few months maybe a couple of years.

Is there anything I should bring with me I can't get over there?

I guess most things can be purchased in Bangkok - they have Tesco don't they?

I'm bringing lots of t-shirts and shorts and some trainers and shoes so that should be ok.

I hear protein powder is hard to come buy but not sure if I want to bring that through customs!


It never ceases to amaze me how people try to reproduce their home country when they move to Thailand. The most liberating realization is that, other than personal items (pictures of Granny, the dog, etc.), YOU DON'T NEED ANYTHING! You may prefer certain clothes, brands of toiletries, etc. My advice is to learn to use locally available solutions to ALL those problems. Learn to live like Thai people, and to the extent you do, you will be rewarded richly. You will gain self-confidence, have the satisfaction of self-sufficiency, and transcend your cultural limitations.

Or, bring Jaffa Cakes, Tetley's, and hang out at the local expat bar, paying 10x the price for a meal and a drink. At least you'll FEEL at home...


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To sum up this thread, 100% cotton clothing is the only clothing that you will be comfortable in. Food wise, if you like cheese, most cheeses are imported, and all imported items are expensive. The UK Mustard's you are use to are all available here, but expensive. If you smoke, do not bring cigarettes, as they will nab you at the Bangkok Airport, and you will end up paying big money. Most things are available here, but as I say the things you are use to are more expensive in Thailand.

As said before, best bet is to take a vacation over here, say three months, to see where you want to settle. Most people from the UK settle on the Eastern Seaboard Pattaya. You'll find plenty of your mates their, and not as expensive as Bangkok.


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Things to bring with you:

1. Inoculations against hepatitis A and B, typhoid fever, flu, and Japanese encephalitis (if spending any time in jungle areas).

2. Electronic items - computers of any type, cameras, stabilizing binoculars.

3. If you are a sports person, then bring your own equipment.

4. Shoes - for hiking, for running, and also your regular street shoes.

5. If you are going to be outside a lot, then bring along a supply of high-content deet repellent.

6. A small medical kit with a good supply of medicines you typically use, including antibiotic creams.

Just about all of this stuff can be substituted with local items, but what you lose is quality in the product, variety of selection, and sometimes significantly higher prices because of import duties. If you choose to substitute with local products, then consider the time you will need to spend searching and searching, sometimes in vain, for an item you could have easily picked up at your corner shop back home. Don't forget about those inoculations!


:D:D ....Another seasoned international traveller.... :) ...me thinks you read too much Lonely Planet.

Toto....most of the items you talk about buying in a cornershop back home were most likely made in Thailand or China anyway... :D

Will agree with an eariler poster....Passport, Credit cards and cash....and thats all..

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Unless you have a job to come to and have the proper work permit/visa etc your stay will only be for max 90 days anyways. If you get the 90 day visa in your country great but if not you will be doing border runs after 30 days every 15 days.

<deleted>???? Another seasoned visa 'expert' with absolutely no idea.

He's coming from England mate, 1yr non-O visas are 2 a penny from Hull (well 100 quid actually).

Plenty of patience, and you will be fine, and yes there is plenty of Heinz sauce but no Heinz beans. It might be a good idea to take a vacation here first for a few weeks before you burn your bridges .

Seen Heinz beans in Villa Pattaya once, didn't buy any though I think they were about 200 bt a can!

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For me....shaving foam/cream....in Carrefour it's 4 quid, in UK, Tesco's own brand gel only 1 whole UK pound!

Also, PS3!

Get to Boots Boots own gel 100 baht same as gillette but half the price!

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Thanks people. Have found some Heinz tomato ketchup already!

Not been to the TESCO yet but hear they have lots of interesting items.

What are those eggs on skewers they sell on the street?

Interesting thread..so you made it here... how much stuff have you bought over?

Have you been here before or just decided to move here after a few holidays?

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I used to pack the suitcase with thousands of Tea bags and cartons of Bisto gravy. Very, very sad indeed.

The wife now makes her own gravy which is delicious from local ingredients and I drink locally grown 'Green Tea' . With Milk & sugar ofcourse :)

Only thing I can't seem to get here are decent quality loose fitting Cotton Shirts that fit and last more than a few weeks, and trousers; the Casual comfy travelling type stuff. I'm sure its available in bangkok though if you know where to look.

Shaving Cream !? .. 4 quid !? ...... whats wrong with Soap, any soap.

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There seems to quite a difference of opinion from the posters. I personally find there are so many things I like that cannot be found in Thailand. Everytime I go back to the States my bag is jammed full of merchandise I can get CHEAPER back home! Yes, you can get cheap low quality clothes anywhere in Thailand, but the decent quality name brands will cost you more here. That is also true for department store quality cooking, home decor, etc. However, I don't know about the U.K.

I like to cook and every year I go home I fill my bag full of cooking items. Last month I brought back lots of cheese and some Masa Harina. Real Masa is not available here. Airport security even opened my bag for inspection. I guess they thought I was packing C4 explosive.

Thailand has lots of things but the selection is pathetic. If you have favorite toothpaste, deodorant, etc, bring it in bulk. Why not? I really do not like the white gym socks here. They are too small and hurt, so I always pack myself with a year supply from home.

This is my opinion and others may not miss items from home, but I do. Especially the selection.

You are correct. Many things in the UK are now of better quality and cheaper than in Thailand Its not the wonderland it once was

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I am not sure if anyone mentioned it yet, but if you take any mid range pain killers for an ailing back or whatever best go to your doctor & stock up. They only carry aspirin Tylenol- Tramadol & codein. after that you can get either morphine- or a fennaril patch if needed- so if you take any hydrocodone products(Vicodin- Loricet) stock up before you get here. Morphine or the patch is great if your next to death or have cancer & codeine is a joke & tramadol spaces most people out & does not do much for pain. Antibiotics a different story. The country you can get all the antibiotics that you usually have to go to the Dr. to get right over the counter.

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................................ Condoms from home....first priority. You can't get western size here, they will hurt. But the last 5 boxes I brought back said "Made in Thailand" :)

I don't know whether the condom situation has changed relatively recently, but it seems like one of those myths to me. 7/11s and many pharmacies stock a full range of all colours and sizes including the Durex range up to size 56, which I'm told is the largest they make anywhere?

It is true that if you leave it to the lady she is likely to produce a cheap Thai make, which will be small size and for both reasons they break easily.

The 56 size Durex are about 68 baht (£1.20) for 3 I think. If you reckon it's worth bringing a suitcase full then up2u, but I don't know why.

The same applies to most pharmaceuticals and medicines.

With the possible exception of Marmite, Bisto Gravy Granules, HP Sauce etc. etc. (though they are all available too) I am in the cabin luggage only camp. You can't lose it then and no waiting around at the carousel.

If you want to take stuff back just buy a cheap canvas/nylon bag here and leave it there next time. Or maybe next time you won't know what to bring so you'll pack it in your hand luggage to fill it up.

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Interesting thread..so you made it here... how much stuff have you bought over?

Have you been here before or just decided to move here after a few holidays?

Not been before but came with girlfriend who has got a job over here.

I bought a 20kg suitcase with my stuff and we shared a 32kg box with both of our stuff in. T-Shirts in Tesco are cheap but apart from that most branded items are the same price as the UK. Haven't had a proper look though.

Books seem to be the same price too. Any good second hand book stores with English language books?

Haven't seen a toaster yet, are these easy to find? Or Hellmans Mayonnaise.

I'm loving the Thai food at the moment so not too bothered but am glad I brought all my clothes with me!

Is there a store in Bangkok that has plain t-shirts and shorts that are not too expensive but ok quality, sort of like a Gap or Next quality?

Edited by HalfSquat
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I had trouble finding flipflops, T-shirts and condoms that were big enough. (And that's not a brag by stealth, I mean normal condoms). I'm not particularly big: 183 cm, 85 kg.

If your talking size for fitting a condom, your hung like a bull elephant ! :)

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