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I just perused the forum as I do every month. Please, somebody tell me how the forum has become a USA bashing and conspiracy theory hot bed. Can't rational minds prevail or is the forum a lost cause for those interested in sane debates. For the love of God, why do a few of the intelligent posters still try to contribute when their arguments have no chance of penetrating the "THICK" cranial bones of many forum contributors.

Oh well, I guess without small minded complainers it would be more challenging to be successful.

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I just perused the forum as I do every month. Please, somebody tell me how the forum has become a USA bashing and conspiracy theory hot bed. Can't rational minds prevail or is the forum a lost cause for those interested in sane debates. For the love of God, why do a few of the intelligent posters still try to contribute when their arguments have no chance of penetrating the "THICK" cranial bones of many forum contributors.

Oh well, I guess without small minded complainers it would be more challenging to be successful.

Well, it's made itself a pretty easy target hasn't it? One reads that the banking executive elite is helping formulate national financial policy. I see the insurance and pharmaceutical companies are crafting Americas new health care policy. One wonders if the KKK might be called in to draft civil rights legislation or Beavis and Butthead will lead a Blue Ribbon panel to overhaul the education system.

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I would not disagree with most of your comments but would say that the main nationality that gets bashed on TV is certainly not american but Thai. The USA does get a fair amout of bad press but do you really believe that a lot of it is not in some way justified.

Any country that involves itself in so many other countries business whether the intention is good or not will undoubtably upset a lot of people.

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I just perused the forum as I do every month. Please, somebody tell me how the forum has become a USA bashing and conspiracy theory hot bed. Can't rational minds prevail or is the forum a lost cause for those interested in sane debates. For the love of God, why do a few of the intelligent posters still try to contribute when their arguments have no chance of penetrating the "THICK" cranial bones of many forum contributors.

Oh well, I guess without small minded complainers it would be more challenging to be successful.

Well, it's made itself a pretty easy target hasn't it? One reads that the banking executive elite is helping formulate national financial policy. I see the insurance and pharmaceutical companies are crafting Americas new health care policy. One wonders if the KKK might be called in to draft civil rights legislation or Beavis and Butthead will lead a Blue Ribbon panel to overhaul the education system.

I agree, apart from the "USA bashing and conspiracy theory" because I recall mr. siamamerican being overly sensitive when it comes to critics on American financial crooks and the American financial system in general.

It has nothing, but nothing, to do with USA bashing. It has to do with greed in the US financial system but to cool the hot water here: there are also financial crooks in Europe, Asia, Pacific and Africa.


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The forum is a lost cause for those interested in sane debates. Forums, in the same vein as "letters to the editor," are the domain of the idle, the unemployed, the infirm and the aged. I have squeezed into the last category. And am trying to fight it. You do not find too many thought or business leaders in forums. Still, it does pass the hours......

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I just perused the forum as I do every month. Please, somebody tell me how the forum has become a USA bashing and conspiracy theory hot bed. Can't rational minds prevail or is the forum a lost cause for those interested in sane debates. For the love of God, why do a few of the intelligent posters still try to contribute when their arguments have no chance of penetrating the "THICK" cranial bones of many forum contributors.

Oh well, I guess without small minded complainers it would be more challenging to be successful.

:):D ....because my colonial cousin, generally persons of the US, generally take themselves far too seriously, leave themselves open to ridicule, as they go around sticking their noses in other peoples business and trying to play the worlds policeman.. :D

Edited by Soutpeel
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The forum is a lost cause for those interested in sane debates. Forums, in the same vein as "letters to the editor," are the domain of the idle, the unemployed, the infirm and the aged. I have squeezed into the last category. And am trying to fight it. You do not find too many thought or business leaders in forums. Still, it does pass the hours......

Idle - check

Unemployed - check

Infirm - check

Aged - yep, it's official now - check

Enjoying the information - check

Enjoying the good-natured banter - check

Zero cost - check

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Could it be because it's all true?

As other posters have offered, perhaps over reaction to criticism of foreign and domestic policies that have gone wrong, were ill conceived, have caused misery for millions and death for many in the ME of late. perhaps the war on terror was just a veil for the US government, and many others to eat away at our civil liberties and scare/divide the world.

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I just perused the forum as I do every month. Please, somebody tell me how the forum has become a USA bashing and conspiracy theory hot bed. Can't rational minds prevail or is the forum a lost cause for those interested in sane debates. For the love of God, why do a few of the intelligent posters still try to contribute when their arguments have no chance of penetrating the "THICK" cranial bones of many forum contributors.

Oh well, I guess without small minded complainers it would be more challenging to be successful.

Well, it's made itself a pretty easy target hasn't it? One reads that the banking executive elite is helping formulate national financial policy. I see the insurance and pharmaceutical companies are crafting Americas new health care policy. One wonders if the KKK might be called in to draft civil rights legislation or Beavis and Butthead will lead a Blue Ribbon panel to overhaul the education system.

Entertaining post! One hears a lot of things and most are just crap. Case in point - this forum. Funny post nonetheless.

Anyhows, it really doesn't matter. Just a stupid American expressing an opinion.

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I just perused the forum as I do every month. Please, somebody tell me how the forum has become a USA bashing and conspiracy theory hot bed. Can't rational minds prevail or is the forum a lost cause for those interested in sane debates. For the love of God, why do a few of the intelligent posters still try to contribute when their arguments have no chance of penetrating the "THICK" cranial bones of many forum contributors.

Oh well, I guess without small minded complainers it would be more challenging to be successful.

Well, it's made itself a pretty easy target hasn't it? One reads that the banking executive elite is helping formulate national financial policy. I see the insurance and pharmaceutical companies are crafting Americas new health care policy. One wonders if the KKK might be called in to draft civil rights legislation or Beavis and Butthead will lead a Blue Ribbon panel to overhaul the education system.

I agree, apart from the "USA bashing and conspiracy theory" because I recall mr. siamamerican being overly sensitive when it comes to critics on American financial crooks and the American financial system in general.

It has nothing, but nothing, to do with USA bashing. It has to do with greed in the US financial system but to cool the hot water here: there are also financial crooks in Europe, Asia, Pacific and Africa.


Agree, but it sure seems we get more than deserved share of bashing. Hey, some just have more time on their hands to complain and the US is the easiest target.

Edited by siamamerican
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I just perused the forum as I do every month. Please, somebody tell me how the forum has become a USA bashing and conspiracy theory hot bed. Can't rational minds prevail or is the forum a lost cause for those interested in sane debates. For the love of God, why do a few of the intelligent posters still try to contribute when their arguments have no chance of penetrating the "THICK" cranial bones of many forum contributors.

Oh well, I guess without small minded complainers it would be more challenging to be successful.


Tell us how you really feel buddy......

Kind of the pot calling the kettle black isn't it?

You come back every few months with the same complex.

Then you usually escalate into swearing & calling names....Then the mods come & delete your posts...Then you say you dont want to play anymore & your taking your marbles elsewhere.......

Rinse & Repeat

Good to see you again. :)

Hope you will stick around & show us what

a rational mind looks like....Really

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I just perused the forum as I do every month. Please, somebody tell me how the forum has become a USA bashing and conspiracy theory hot bed. Can't rational minds prevail or is the forum a lost cause for those interested in sane debates. For the love of God, why do a few of the intelligent posters still try to contribute when their arguments have no chance of penetrating the "THICK" cranial bones of many forum contributors.

Oh well, I guess without small minded complainers it would be more challenging to be successful.


Tell us how you really feel buddy......

Kind of the pot calling the kettle black isn't it?

You come back every few months with the same complex.

Then you usually escalate into swearing & calling names....Then the mods come & delete your posts...Then you say you dont want to play anymore & your taking your marbles elsewhere.......

Rinse & Repeat

Good to see you again. :)

Hope you will stick around & show us what

a rational mind looks like....Really

Probably not going to see me around much. Too busy having fun in Thailand with the wife. I'll leave it to you to educate TV on America's sinister hidden agenda. Don't relax though the world is coming to an end and I for one don't want to miss your sage advice.

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Probably not going to see me around much. Too busy having fun in Thailand with the wife. I'll leave it to you to educate TV on America's sinister hidden agenda. Don't relax though the world is coming to an end and I for one don't want to miss your sage advice.

Glad to hear your chilling with the wife...really

We just got back from 3 months there. We had left our place locked up for almost a year so it was good to get back & do maintenance. Plus it is always nice to see the family.

I am no educator & as I have said many times I find it interesting & we are living in interesting times to be sure.

I know you have called it America bashing but as an American I see it as exercising our normal every day right. You know the one called the first amendment of our constitution?

I guess if a non American was talking <deleted> you could call it bashing...That is if it were not as LB pointed out. :)

You might even say a good American keeps an eye on their declaration of Independence & Constitution in times such as these.

Enjoy your vacation...chill...have a Singha or 3 :D The world as we know it is not ending as far as I can tell. Corruption & prostitution have been around longer than we have eh?

Edited by flying
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I'm not sure Americans are bashed as such, it is really the rest of the world looking on with disbelief at some of the things your government gets up to. Americans themselves are generally very pleasant.

If anything Americans should be mob angry with the crooks and swindlers running their government, it is amazing you are not. Is it because you agree or just live in denial fed by brain dead TV? Is there anyone in your government not tainted by Goldman Sachs?

Multi-trllion deficits enriching the banks and Fed, what ever happened to your constitution or is that now just a quaint tourist attraction? Clean up your own house rather than moan about the understandable criticism. Mind you the UK is little better these days.

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I'm not sure Americans are bashed as such, it is really the rest of the world looking on with disbelief at some of the things your government gets up to. Americans themselves are generally very pleasant.

If anything Americans should be mob angry with the crooks and swindlers running their government, it is amazing you are not. Is it because you agree or just live in denial fed by brain dead TV? Is there anyone in your government not tainted by Goldman Sachs?

Multi-trllion deficits enriching the banks and Fed, what ever happened to your constitution or is that now just a quaint tourist attraction? Clean up your own house rather than moan about the understandable criticism. Mind you the UK is little better these days.

You know since I was a boy I have heard political figures from other countries say that quite a few times over the years.

Sadly I agree with your assessment. Hopefully folks will continue to wake up.

I think Americans are actually active much more than the news is showing. Confronting their supposed reps etc. But what is obvious by watching the congressional hearings & meetings is....They, our Reps were all ill equipped. Most of them did not really understand the whole financial system of our own government. Now the learning curve is proving very steep with not much in the way of alternatives.We will see how it plays out here.

Personally? No I do not think there is anyone in high government untouched by Goldman. They were also the 2nd largest Campaign Contributor to our current President O ...2nd only to a Strawman ...The University of California?

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