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How Do You Feel In Thailand Today?


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Just to refresh your memory, this is what you wrote.

"How people can live so contently in a system so obviously flawed and disturbingly fuc_ked up, then have the gaul to pronounce they have some forms of national pride and dignity."

You are clearly have a problem exclusivly with Thai people. Why people like you come on this board I will never know...

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Just to refresh your memory, this is what you wrote. "How people can live so contently in a system so obviously flawed and disturbingly fuc_ked up, then have the gaul to pronounce they have some forms of national pride and dignity." You are clearly have a problem exclusivly with Thai people. Why people like you come on this board I will never know...

His opinion toward this nation may change if the Thai government pay back his money... :)

Edited by oldsparrow
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Just to refresh your memory, this is what you wrote.

"How people can live so contently in a system so obviously flawed and disturbingly fuc_ked up, then have the gaul to pronounce they have some forms of national pride and dignity."

You are clearly have a problem exclusivly with Thai people. Why people like you come on this board I will never know...

Perhaps his experience of Thailand is just different from yours, that is usually the reason why 2 people see the same thing differently, there is no truth or falsehood in perception.

So. The guy expresses a view that you don't happen to like or agree with so you make a very silly generalisation based on nothing at all but your own apparent prejudice, and then question his right to be here and comment at all. You are probably right that you will never understand why people like him come on a forum to express an opinion but that speaks only to your ability to understand things, not to his opinion as expressed.

Perhaps you should question your own behaviour, your response was petulant and juvenile. In my perception.


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Did "silly generalisation" come to your mind when you read JR post or the responses?



Many people come to this board because it is expat majority and opinion from foreign mindset are more appreciated than what they get from the local. For me I wonder more why they are still here in TL. It must be a very hard life to live in horrible environment like they perceived.

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Did "silly generalisation" come to your mind when you read JR post or the responses?



Many people come to this board because it is expat majority and opinion from foreign mindset are more appreciated than what they get from the local. For me I wonder more why they are still here in TL. It must be a very hard life to live in horrible environment like they perceived.

Hi there...

I had a problem with this from Sokal:

<em>"You are clearly have a problem exclusivly with Thai people."</em>

IMHO, it was a stupid thing for him/her to say.

Personally I like it here in Thailand but I grow weary of the 'Thai-centric' view, and my liking of Thailand does not obscure the numerous and obvious stupidities and childish behaviours one sees daily. In my view, many Thais need to get out more and not be so defensive.


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Many people come to this board because it is expat majority and opinion from foreign mindset are more appreciated than what they get from the local. For me I wonder more why they are still here in TL. It must be a very hard life to live in horrible environment like they perceived.

Like everything else in life, it is a trade-off. Sometimes the burden of wading through developing country shit outweighs the pleasure of being there. When that happens it is time to move on, however the momentum often takes a while to build up. For the poster to whom Sokal responded so poorly, that tipping point has not yet arrived.


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Just to refresh your memory, this is what you wrote.

"How people can live so contently in a system so obviously flawed and disturbingly fuc_ked up, then have the gaul to pronounce they have some forms of national pride and dignity."

You are clearly have a problem exclusivly with Thai people. Why people like you come on this board I will never know...

Well, it's right what he says, but still can love Thai people.... :)

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"You are clearly have a problem exclusivly with Thai people." (by sakol)

OK, I get your specific point. IMHO, sakol made it up by himself and JR may have problem with any people he encounters if same thing happens.

"Thais need to get out more and not be so defensive"

I wish too but who will be the sponsor? Less Thai centric view will benefit Thailand. However, I think of more international oriented mind. What I mean international oriented is not only western oriented. Because IMHO, the western mind is not only ego-centric and defensive but rather imposing.

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You don't look Thai. Korea?

Definitely not Korean. Cheekbones not prominent enough, face too classically oval where the Korean face is has more width compared to length. Perhaps Chinese Thai?

That's got to be the most racist, BS comments I've seen so far.

&lt;deleted&gt; are you going on about. Maybe you should think before you post.

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Hi Visible,

I am just finishing a 3 week holiday and it was great from start to finish.

I brought my Mom over for 2 weeks and she loved it. She has been many places in the world, and loved Thailand.

Of course I had to get a bit higher scale hotels than my usual!

I don't know why there seem to be alot of complaints by Farangs. We are guests in your country and I have almost always been treated well. :D

I think the answer to that is in the first sentence. What a load of saffron tinted BS. :)

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"You are clearly have a problem exclusivly with Thai people." (by sakol)

OK, I get your specific point. IMHO, sakol made it up by himself and JR may have problem with any people he encounters if same thing happens.

"Thais need to get out more and not be so defensive"

I wish too but who will be the sponsor? Less Thai centric view will benefit Thailand. However, I think of more international oriented mind. What I mean international oriented is not only western oriented. Because IMHO, the western mind is not only ego-centric and defensive but rather imposing.

I would have agreed years ago and might agree that some western people still display racist behalviour. As a psychologist I can tell you that tribalism is one of our most deep-seated instincts, and it is this which is the cause of racism. We are all racist to some degree. Of course, that will infuriate some.

In general (and it is a generalisation) Thais are quite the most racist and xenophobic people I have ever encountered. It's not their fault, they are the victims of how they have been educated and of their culture, much of which I find charming and pleasant, but which is based on fear and a fundamental inequality (Sakdina). It is, in my opinion, a millstone around the necks of Thais.

The answer to Thailand is education and sufficient resentment by the poor to say "there must be change".

Just an opinion, I am still on the staying side of the balance.


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You don't look Thai. Korea?

Definitely not Korean. Cheekbones not prominent enough, face too classically oval where the Korean face is has more width compared to length. Perhaps Chinese Thai?

That's got to be the most racist, BS comments I've seen so far.

&lt;deleted&gt; are you going on about. Maybe you should think before you post.

I fully agree, I had enough of this paranoid politically correct BS when I was in UK. You can remark on national characteristics without being racist surely? Is it wrong to say that many Scots have red hair? Or many Welsh have black hair? Of course it isn't.

What rubbish.


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Well maybe i will be the first to actually answer what the topic is about :D

I love Thailand personally, i don't follow politics. I love thailand because of the people, they are nice, funny and have great personality. I also love that you can swim in the ocean all year around and it has one of the best diving spots in the world. Was planning on buying a vacation house there until my girlfriend broke up, now i am not sure anymore.

:) .....look hard enuf in the mirror n u will find the answer ...to the non-replies to the messages, keep on swimming, continue diving, buy your vacation home for yourself....n don't forget to continue to love thailand for there is a lot to love about thailand. i know because i've travelled far n wide enuf.... n long enuf.......... :D

I have thought about reasons for 1 week and there can be several reasons. I feel i am not the typical farang who is blinded by thai girls, i have been to thailand before where i have not even touched a thai girl, i have ignored them because i have heard so many bad stories. So i thought i was different somehow, and also tested her several times about money. That she could get whatever she wanted but didnt, i sneaked money in her bag and she returned it. So she wasnt the typical "trickster" you read about.

I find it weird though, even though we had a fight because of the misunderstanding of the land, is that enough to get her so angry that she leaves me. She never was the same after this fight, she was really hurt. But we both said we were sorry and thought it was fixed. But back in my country i felt something was wrong since she didnt contact me as she used to. And suddenly it was over ... she must be really angry for not wanting to talk to me or even answer my text messages. Always told her she can be open with me, if any problem just tell me. It was just to avoid situations like this.

What you've heard about some Thai girls someone picked up in a bar and their families is true but you have to learn how to know people. Did you ever thought that the way you tested her is might be considered offensive... by sneaking money in her purse you're desrespecting and bringig her to a very low position unless she is/was in that line of business. There are better ways!!!

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"...a millstone around the necks of Thais"


It is very much ingrained into the Thais that even the majority of exploited people want to be the exploiter rather than changing the system for every body average benefit. Resentment they have but they practice differently from ideal solution. Many exploited people even exploited other more when they have a change. Similar to what I heard that people with parents having an affair and resent it have higher possibility of ending up having an affair by themselves.

So I can't expected the exploiter and exploited to trigger the practical social dynamic for the change for equal society. The middle class may be the answer. After a century we will see. We are not so bad compare to late 19 Cen UK I think. And we even have younger parliamentary system than your at that time.

Most approach can be fruitful only when deployed at the right time. Western style tax for more welfare today, I vote no, only the responsible politicians will get better standard of living.

All people need to be responsible, both for the public affair and for their livelihood. And we have the problem of Chicken or egg comes first? I thank heaven no one took redical / violant approach so we didn't have bloody history like Cambodia or wasteful history like USSR. Enverything goes slow in the old Thai way..

As a kid I went to collect the rent for our land. Back then the farmer tanents still really use buffalo. The house was thatched the floor dirty board. They hadn't always acquired all basic need and were very glad if we give used clothes. However, I remember them having bigger colour TV than us, the landlord.

Anyway, this sample doesn't influence me that much sir Mr. psychologist!

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1215, The Farang Barons forced King John to grant them the Carta.

1932, the Thai Barons forced the King to grant them the Consitution. Later on a villager asked "Who the heck is this Mr. Constitution we have to respect? Is he a son of Praya (Lord) Pahon? (one of the Democratic Reformists leaders).

Waste your time thinking Kev.?

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"...a millstone around the necks of Thais"


It is very much ingrained into the Thais that even the majority of exploited people want to be the exploiter rather than changing the system for every body average benefit. Resentment they have but they practice differently from ideal solution. Many exploited people even exploited other more when they have a change. Similar to what I heard that people with parents having an affair and resent it have higher possibility of ending up having an affair by themselves.

So I can't expected the exploiter and exploited to trigger the practical social dynamic for the change for equal society. The middle class may be the answer. After a century we will see. We are not so bad compare to late 19 Cen UK I think. And we even have younger parliamentary system than your at that time.

Most approach can be fruitful only when deployed at the right time. Western style tax for more welfare today, I vote no, only the responsible politicians will get better standard of living.

All people need to be responsible, both for the public affair and for their livelihood. And we have the problem of Chicken or egg comes first? I thank heaven no one took redical / violant approach so we didn't have bloody history like Cambodia or wasteful history like USSR. Enverything goes slow in the old Thai way..

As a kid I went to collect the rent for our land. Back then the farmer tanents still really use buffalo. The house was thatched the floor dirty board. They hadn't always acquired all basic need and were very glad if we give used clothes. However, I remember them having bigger colour TV than us, the landlord.

Anyway, this sample doesn't influence me that much sir Mr. psychologist!

Very insightful. A culture is merely an expression of 'the way we do things around here'. The Thai culture is what the pooyay say it is, hence the 'Ministry of Culture'. To change the Thai nation, a change in culture is a prerequisite, as with any country which has or is in the process thrown off the yoke of feudalism.

The problem is. Check the history books for what happens when the feudal barons resist the change...


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1215, The Farang Barons forced King John to grant them the Carta.

1932, the Thai Barons forced the King to grant them the Consitution. Later on a villager asked "Who the heck is this Mr. Constitution we have to respect? Is he a son of Praya (Lord) Pahon? (one of the Democratic Reformists leaders).

Waste your time thinking Kev.?

Time spent thinking is never wasted.

Yes, the UK was a long way ahead but surely the essence of human progress is that not everybody has to invent their own wheel. Thais are taught that they are unique. Special. And the history taught to Thai kids reflects that dogma rather than fact, so they are reluctant to learn from the hated foreigner. Oh that they were similarly reluctant to steal from him!

Thais take the knowledge (and anything else they can get) from the west as it suits them, while pretending that they are somehow a special case because of some imagined and mythical history. They aren't special at all, they are the same as everyone else; the Brits, the Yanks, the Aussies, the Laos and the Khmer, and until they realise this then they will still be an emerging nation while Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia take all their Sanuk away and are laughing at their poor deluded Thai friends.

We can see the beginnings of this happening right now. Even Laos has a 3G comms system of sorts. Not Thailand, they are much too special. :)

The thing about westernisation which is undeniable, is that it brings wealth. Now Thais are disingenuous as a rule (another generalisation but what creates generalisations is sometimes the observation of trends), so they are adept at creating the appearance of conforming to the component parts of westernisation, in order to get access to the global village, whilst actually being determined not to change.

In the west, we call this deception and dishonesty. Nobody gets away with it forever.


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Certainly that is a real picture of her! Are you asleep at the screen?

You don't look Thai. Korea?

Definitely not Korean. Cheekbones not prominent enough, face too classically oval where the Korean face is has more width compared to length. Perhaps Chinese Thai?

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Your menu offer great variety. I will check how much money I have and how hungry I am then I will call the waiter. Oh, don't worry! I have personal MD if digestion problem occurs.

Nice day living abroad mate.


Why thank you kind sir. It has long been my belief that the major problem with the world is that there is not enough grey hair. In contrast, I recall that when I was young I believed the problem was that there were too many old folk.

Odd how the situation has changed as I have grown older...


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I too have fallen victim to the wiles of a beautiful Thai lady and now languish in my apartment with a broken heart, have I let that influence my opinion of ALL Thais? Not a chance, I went into the relationship knowing the pitfalls and with a more than rudimentary grasp of the Thai language and culture, yet I still fell for the two card trick. Fortunately there was no great financial downside but the emotional scars will last a lifetime.

For me, Thailand is a wonderful place with good climate, tasty and varied foods, mostly kind and happy people, good infrastructure in the major urban areas, good lifestyle, relatively cheap cost of living and very beautiful women. On the down side there is rampant corruption (but this is evident in my own country, only covered in the cloak of respectability), poverty, pollution, bad traffic and draconian Visa rules.

For me the Pros outweigh the cons so I will be staying for as long as I can. By the way, I forgive my girlfriend of two years for chasing the money in order to provide for her parents and niece and hope that she has a long and happy life. (just wish I was still part of it!).

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