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Most of religions are born from natural fear. Those are based on ignorance. On the other hand, Buddhism which as an atheistic religion, is a result of the human quest for the ultimate truth, an aspiration for that which is the highest and noble in life. It is based on the Buddha's wisdom, on his enlightenment, attained through the complete eradication of ignorance, fear and all other defilements from his mind. His teaching called Dhamma, have stood the test of time for more than twenty five centuries.

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Most of religions are born from natural fear. Those are based on ignorance. On the other hand, Buddhism which as an atheistic religion, is a result of the human quest for the ultimate truth, an aspiration for that which is the highest and noble in life. It is based on the Buddha's wisdom, on his enlightenment, attained through the complete eradication of ignorance, fear and all other defilements from his mind. His teaching called Dhamma, have stood the test of time for more than twenty five centuries.

Excellent answer!!!!


buddhisme, like communism and democracy, is a great idea in theory.

in the real world however...

thailand is one of the most buddhist countries in the world but still people are (much) more materialistic than in the west.

money is everything.

perhaps they follow a different buddha? :)

buddhisme, like communism and democracy, is a great idea in theory.

in the real world however...

thailand is one of the most buddhist countries in the world but still people are (much) more materialistic than in the west.

money is everything.

perhaps they follow a different buddha? :)

I have different opinion from you because of there are three administrations namely,

1.Supremacy of the world or public opinion.

2.Supremacy of Self

3. Supremacy of Dhamma

The Lord Buddha is not turn down the first two but he is admirable the third number.


May I raise Phra Dhammapitaka' saying that Buddhist religion has come into existence as a result of the human struggle to solve the basic problem of life, that is suffering. The Buddha said, if there were no birth, decay and death, the Enlightened One would not have arisen in the world and his teaching would not have spread abroad.

As I mentioned above, all of Buddhists should be based on the right attitude in Buddhism is deeply connected with understanding and knowledge under liberal framwork on the root of wisdom.


To reach Nirvana: next question please.

I learnt some Buddhist ideas / principles from Tibetan monks I taught in Mongolia, and I must admit to being deeply unimpressed by the Thai version...

To reach Nirvana: next question please.

I learnt some Buddhist ideas / principles from Tibetan monks I taught in Mongolia, and I must admit to being deeply unimpressed by the Thai version...

To reach Nirvana is difficult for practicing in current situation.

The way leading to the complete cessation of sufering is the Eightfold Path or summarized into the three admonitions:

Not to do any evil

To cultivate good

To purify the mind or clean your own heart and your onw mind.


sorry, i don't understand what that has to do with the fact that in thailand the more money you have the higher your status is.

i'm no buddhist and i don't know too much about it but i quite sure that the buddha didn't see it that way.


Bangla.... just because people claim to be buddhist, or come from a largely buddhist country, does not mean that their lifestyles and beliefs reflect the true teachings of the Buddha. Only a very small percentage of thais are serious about their practice and of keeping the five precepts. Do not judge a religion by its followers.

All Buddhas teach the dhamma..... the true dhamma which has been lost for a long period before the buddha gains enlightenment, re-discovers the lost, forgotten, misunderstood dhamma.... and teaches it.

All religions make the same mistake... they see their leader or messiah or prophet pointing towards the truth. But they look at the finger, instead of where it is pointing, then down the arm to the person and make a religion out of worshipping the person.

The dhamma exists always, but for hugely long period is unknown or misunderstood, by all beings struggling in Samsara..... they are ignorant of the truth. The Buddhas do not invent the dhamma or start a religion..... merely discover the truth, the forgotten and lost truth...then teach it... to those few who will listen.

i think that's what i said :)

Thank God or Buddha or Mother Nature that the majority of Thais embrace Buddhism..it is the only thing that really binds this country together and keeps it from disintergrating. I am speaking about the basic teachings of Buddhism..along the way there are those who manipulate the system to gain personal wealth and status and scams ..I am referring to those not so good abbots, monks and novices alike..as it is a tax free haven..one which the notorious Thaksin wanted to levy taxes on some years ago. Sounds like any other religion on the planet !


Thanks Buddah for this religion, the Thai people think. We can cheat, we can lie and we can just treat

anybody else as we wish. Buddism is not a "blaming religion, so happy Thais!!!


Bangla.... just because people claim to be buddhist, or come from a largely buddhist country, does not mean that their lifestyles and beliefs reflect the true teachings of the Buddha. Only a very small percentage of thais are serious about their practice and of keeping the five precepts. Do not judge a religion by its followers.

All Buddhas teach the dhamma..... the true dhamma which has been lost for a long period before the buddha gains enlightenment, re-discovers the lost, forgotten, misunderstood dhamma.... and teaches it.

All religions make the same mistake... they see their leader or messiah or prophet pointing towards the truth. But they look at the finger, instead of where it is pointing, then down the arm to the person and make a religion out of worshipping the person.

The dhamma exists always, but for hugely long period is unknown or misunderstood, by all beings struggling in Samsara..... they are ignorant of the truth. The Buddhas do not invent the dhamma or start a religion..... merely discover the truth, the forgotten and lost truth...then teach it... to those few who will listen.

Fabianfred, the problem with your post is that you offer no more proof than do any of the other "faiths". In fact, what you are stating is your faith. That's fine. But it is very difficult to persuade another, even one with an open mind, that your faith is the "correct" faith.

Bangla.... just because people claim to be buddhist, or come from a largely buddhist country, does not mean that their lifestyles and beliefs reflect the true teachings of the Buddha. Only a very small percentage of thais are serious about their practice and of keeping the five precepts. Do not judge a religion by its followers.

All Buddhas teach the dhamma..... the true dhamma which has been lost for a long period before the buddha gains enlightenment, re-discovers the lost, forgotten, misunderstood dhamma.... and teaches it.

All religions make the same mistake... they see their leader or messiah or prophet pointing towards the truth. But they look at the finger, instead of where it is pointing, then down the arm to the person and make a religion out of worshipping the person.

The dhamma exists always, but for hugely long period is unknown or misunderstood, by all beings struggling in Samsara..... they are ignorant of the truth. The Buddhas do not invent the dhamma or start a religion..... merely discover the truth, the forgotten and lost truth...then teach it... to those few who will listen.

Yes, the Buddha is only rediscover Dhamma. Once The lord Buddha has ever said " I will be born or not, Dhamma always exists.

perhaps they follow a different buddha? :)

The topic is "What is Buddhism?" Buddhism is the teachings of the Buddha. If people don't follow the teachings, they are not practising Buddhists, whether they think they are or not. It's like any other system of thought: if you practise, it works, if you don't, it doesn't.

May I raise Phra Dhammapitaka' saying that Buddhist religion has come into existence as a result of the human struggle to solve the basic problem of life, that is suffering. The Buddha said, if there were no birth, decay and death, the Enlightened One would not have arisen in the world and his teaching would not have spread abroad.

As I mentioned above, all of Buddhists should be based on the right attitude in Buddhism is deeply connected with understanding and knowledge under liberal framwork on the root of wisdom.

To be unattached, including attached to "goals" (and to learn to love paradox). :)

Thanks Buddah for this religion, the Thai people think. We can cheat, we can lie and we can just treat

anybody else as we wish.

That's your own cynical opinion rather than what Thais think. To lie or steal is to break one of the 5 Precepts and will have karmic consequences. Everyone knows this. When people break the precepts, they do it because they are human, not because they are Buddhists.


Wrong assumption in the OP.

Buddhism in Thailand is not a religion.

A religion assumes the worship of a deity or the belief in the supernatural. Buddhism in Thailand is simply a secular philosophy which is atheistic. It has the trappings of religion (temples, ceremonies, etc.), but at its core is the opposite of religion. As a belief system, it's really closer to the secular "isms" (humanism, hedonism, materialism, etc.)

Perhaps it's this absence of a deity which results in its adherents so weakly following the precepts of Buddha. There is no real accountability in daily life for one's actions. Only social pressure. Hence, Thailand has a deplorable reputation for respect for the individual, fair and empathetic treatment of others (especially strangers), corruption at all levels, and many more core problems which reflect the reality of skewed values in the practice of daily life.

Thai Buddhism is even facing a crisis of values and practice at its core--the behavior and morality of its monkhood. Corruption and malpractice within the temple system is rife. Thai social amorality has influenced Thai Buddhism, not the other way around.

To compound the situation of weak accountability for one's actions, there is the system of "making merit" where you can wipe your dirty slate clean at any time by tossing a few baht in a coffer or feeding breakfast to the monks. This is an additional unfortunate facade of a religious system--indulgences of the middle ages--which also contributed to rampant corruption and social injustice in the society of that time.

Thailand is politically on the brink of becoming a failed state. Societal security is hanging by a thread given the brewing war between social classes. Thai Buddhism is not holding it together. Rather it's contributing to the fragility of the entire social/political system.


Brand name of some sort of umbrella of a philosophical construct,

many zealots gather beneath, in the blind hope to be close or be something

they have absolutely no clue of, but claim to!

these open words reflect my point of view,

they are NOT meant to offend ANYONE,

if someone feels offended he/she only proves

that this view is right

Fabianfred, the problem with your post is that you offer no more proof than do any of the other "faiths". In fact, what you are stating is your faith. That's fine. But it is very difficult to persuade another, even one with an open mind, that your faith is the "correct" faith.

Unfortunately ALL religions have the same problem..... you might have faith in your belief...or even certain knowledge that it is true.... but you cannot share that proof with anyone else.

If I had experiences during meditation which convinced me absolutely of certain truths.... I could no more show them to others... nor convince them.... but only guide them to follow my methods and perhaps they could get similar experiences.

Unfortunately ALL religions have the same problem.....

Gandhi was a practicing Hindu, but not all Hindus are Gandhi like..

Mother Therese was a practicing Christian, not all Christians are like her...



The Dalai Lama.....



....well fill in for yourself!


I very much like the original description first posted by Visible.

From there the conversation has gone elsewhere. From my perspective Thailand is not a Buddhist country. Buddhism does not hold Thailand together and nor is there much understanding or real respect of Buddhist teachings in daily life. I probably wouldn't even go as far as describing many monks in Thailand as Buddhist. Buddhism in Thailand is the same as other religions in other places in this respect.

But moving back to the original posting - perhaps we can all learn and develop ourselves from this thought? If we can ignore fear and greed and ignorance and try to develop true understanding of the world - in your own way is fine - then perhaps you will be a better person and therefore the world will also develop into a better place?

I very much like the original description first posted by Visible.

From there the conversation has gone elsewhere. From my perspective Thailand is not a Buddhist country. Buddhism does not hold Thailand together and nor is there much understanding or real respect of Buddhist teachings in daily life. I probably wouldn't even go as far as describing many monks in Thailand as Buddhist. Buddhism in Thailand is the same as other religions in other places in this respect.

But moving back to the original posting - perhaps we can all learn and develop ourselves from this thought? If we can ignore fear and greed and ignorance and try to develop true understanding of the world - in your own way is fine - then perhaps you will be a better person and therefore the world will also develop into a better place?

Some very insightful observations. Thanks for sharing these thoughts.

Buddhism in Thailand is not a religion.

A religion assumes the worship of a deity or the belief in the supernatural.

Well, yeah, but belief in karma and rebirth in other realms definitely falls into the "supernatural" category. Making merit to secure a better future life - as set out in the Pali Canon - involves a supernatural aspect of Buddhism. It can be a religion or philosophy/psychology depending on the way you practise it and exactly what you believe. For me, the core teachings aimed at monks in the Pali Canon are not supernatural, but many of the others are.

Buddhism in Thailand is not a religion.

A religion assumes the worship of a deity or the belief in the supernatural.

Well, yeah, but belief in karma and rebirth in other realms definitely falls into the "supernatural" category. Making merit to secure a better future life - as set out in the Pali Canon - involves a supernatural aspect of Buddhism. It can be a religion or philosophy/psychology depending on the way you practise it and exactly what you believe. For me, the core teachings aimed at monks in the Pali Canon are not supernatural, but many of the others are.

Points well-taken. There does seem to be a broad disconnect in Thai Buddhism between the secular and supernatural. The way Buddhism is taught in our university, students come out of the courses 100% secularists. Even ideas like Karma and rebirth are relegated to the "superstitious" realms. They attempt to explain all things and all processes by natural means (evolution, etc.). Perhaps this is a fluke rather than the norm. However, all course content is directed by the central Ministry of Education in Bangkok.

For this reason, I think these students are pulling away from much of the traditional ceremony and observance at the local temples. Merit-making and attendance at weekly temple teaching sessions are not very well-attended.

- perhaps we can all learn and develop ourselves from this thought? If we can ignore fear and greed and ignorance and try to develop true understanding of the world - in your own way is fine - then perhaps you will be a better person and therefore the world will also develop into a better place?

Isn't "Ignore fear, greed and ingnorance" - Ignorance - or am I simply ignorant?

Mother Therese was a practicing Christian, not all Christians are like her...

Well, we can certainly thank God for THAT! Mother Theresa exposed.

Well, taken it literally I agree, then who knows...

maybe Stalin and A.H. were reincarnaitons of Kali -

if it's not all a big show, the greatest show on earth?

What does this really matter, for most it's only idle

talk, to keep the mind going and fuel for the ego!


Wrong assumption in the OP.

Buddhism in Thailand is not a religion.

A religion assumes the worship of a deity or the belief in the supernatural.

That depends on which definition of a religion you use. All definitions do not require the worship of a deity or the belief in the supernatural.

Perhaps it's this absence of a deity which results in its adherents so weakly following the precepts of Buddha. There is no real accountability in daily life for one's actions.

That is not true, either. There is karma.

Hence, Thailand has a deplorable reputation for respect for the individual, fair and empathetic treatment of others (especially strangers), corruption at all levels, and many more core problems which reflect the reality of skewed values in the practice of daily life.

Hence this statement is invalid.

Thai Buddhism is even facing a crisis of values and practice at its core--the behavior and morality of its monkhood. Corruption and malpractice within the temple system is rife. Thai social amorality has influenced Thai Buddhism, not the other way around.

Which religions can you think of that are not experiencing a crisis of values? And is it a crisis, or is it a constant and necessary reflecting on principles?

Thailand is politically on the brink of becoming a failed state. Societal security is hanging by a thread given the brewing war between social classes. Thai Buddhism is not holding it together. Rather it's contributing to the fragility of the entire social/political system.

Too early to make that prediction. Is it a risk, yes. Or do you have a crystal ball?

I would say, rather, that Thai society is changing so rapidly that its values are in flux.

Fabianfred, the problem with your post is that you offer no more proof than do any of the other "faiths". In fact, what you are stating is your faith. That's fine. But it is very difficult to persuade another, even one with an open mind, that your faith is the "correct" faith.

Unfortunately ALL religions have the same problem..... you might have faith in your belief...or even certain knowledge that it is true.... but you cannot share that proof with anyone else.

If I had experiences during meditation which convinced me absolutely of certain truths.... I could no more show them to others... nor convince them.... but only guide them to follow my methods and perhaps they could get similar experiences.


From there the conversation has gone elsewhere.

That's what conversations do.

Buddhism does not hold Thailand together

I believe you are very wrong here. It is one of forces of cohesion, though not the only one. The monarchy is another.

I probably wouldn't even go as far as describing many monks in Thailand as Buddhist.

And what are your qualifications to make such a judgment about what is in the heart or mind of an individual you have never met?

But moving back to the original posting - perhaps we can all learn and develop ourselves from this thought? If we can ignore fear and greed and ignorance and try to develop true understanding of the world - in your own way is fine - then perhaps you will be a better person and therefore the world will also develop into a better place?

So we should all gather in a circle, hold hands, and sing "Put A Little Love In Your Heart"?

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