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Thai Wife Is Unbearable To Live With Sometimes


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I feel for some of you guys, I have had the silent treatment on several occasions but it's only lasted a day the last time I slept in the spare room which really p*ssed her off. She broke her silence and said that I/we should never sleep in seperate beds even after arguing/silent treatment, this made me feel better that she thought like that.

I do find that my continous chatter stops the mood before it gets out of hand, you really have to find out what has upset them and try to understand why (normally something really trivial) I also go into detail of why I said/did what upset her, she normally then opens up.

For me keep at her keep talking she will eventualy have to give in I know it's so much more difficult whan a child is involved but work at it.

You will know yourself when to walk away and call it a day.

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Well yes LaoPro,

even though the OP states his wife has a

bad temper and had problems with her previous

husband, you have diagnosed PND. That's

very convenient I must say. She wouldn't be

the first Thai female with a bad temper.

I just hope that you're not one of those hen-pecked

social misfits I was alluding to. Somehow I have my

doubts though.



I have not diagnosed the OP's wife with Postnatal Depression.

The possibility occurred to me since she delivered a baby recently and since I have seen 2 times in my life what it can do to a woman, the relationship and the health of the people involved, I thought it could be a good idea to inform the OP of such a possibility.

Apart from that we only hear the voice of the OP, and not his wife's, telling us that she is bad tempered and gives him the silent treatment...

It would be interesting if we could hear HER voice also but doubt that will happen.

Instead you tell the OP he should give her a caveman's treatment by using his feet...or, in your own words:

"Tell her to get her act together or you're gonna vote with your feet."

How civil of you..as civil as you're trying to address me with your so-called "hen-pecked social misfits".

Maybe this social misfit has a bit more experience in life than you do... :)

Your judgement is a caveman's worth and nothing more than an advise from a macho man and NOT in the interest of the couple's happiness or the Thai Lady's health. :D


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why is it that so many of you guys (mainly westeners) keep walking, nay, running into these bad marriages with women who have nothing to contribute to a successful marriage ie: a brain and some energy, work ethic, and a sense of fairness and all those other attributes that can go along way in ensuring a happy and successful relationship?

it's way too easy to put it all down this way, I know many love to speed down this path -

but the desire, the human wish to have a partner to share the drive to have sex, to have

children and the lot - can't be blamed for maybe a psychological defect or simple

human misbehavior, because one doesn't know better - it's too simple!

Life tends to be a wee bit more intertwined, twisted and by far not as predictable as many claim they can!

And so is human nature, a human does change, due to circumstances, experiences, trauma...

So before judging and yelling down the alley "I know it all!" check, find out, get to the bottom of things..

and then make a dicision!

"For every ailment there is a cure" - it says, well by today we know better, but at least we can try!

I would think...say and do!

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A qucik question. Most people have said that when their Thai GF or Wife shows the silent treatment that they move to another room or go out or whatever. I live in an apartment that only has one room so when my GF gives me the silent treatment what should I do? I cannot exactly go to a pub as I live in Salaya and do not really have many Farang friends to hang out with.



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My advise is - This Woman needs a Job or Hobby. Then she will be so tired, she won't have the energy to pick on you and argue.

My dad always use to say to me - Enjoy life while you can, coz you can't enjoy when your gone.

Dont let this bored Lady make you miserable, get out of it.

I feel sorry for you, but only you can do something about your situation. Hope it picks up.

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A qucik question. Most people have said that when their Thai GF or Wife shows the silent treatment that they move to another room or go out or whatever. I live in an apartment that only has one room so when my GF gives me the silent treatment what should I do? I cannot exactly go to a pub as I live in Salaya and do not really have many Farang friends to hang out with.



Have you flirted with the idea of living in Thailand? Sounds like she needs to go home in any case.

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The silent treatment being described is a common trait among Thai women.

When there is a loving relationship and the silent periods are infrequent and short most of us have learned to live with this juvenile behaviour.

However, when it is used frequently over extended periods it is psychological blackmail and is usually a sign that the woman wants out of the relationship. If that is the case nothing will save the marriage because no one could live under such constraints.

Sorry to say, the writing is on the wall.

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A qucik question. Most people have said that when their Thai GF or Wife shows the silent treatment that they move to another room or go out or whatever. I live in an apartment that only has one room so when my GF gives me the silent treatment what should I do? I cannot exactly go to a pub as I live in Salaya and do not really have many Farang friends to hang out with.



Buy a room divider screen that folds away when not needed, that way, you wont be able to see eachother.

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A qucik question. Most people have said that when their Thai GF or Wife shows the silent treatment that they move to another room or go out or whatever. I live in an apartment that only has one room so when my GF gives me the silent treatment what should I do? I cannot exactly go to a pub as I live in Salaya and do not really have many Farang friends to hang out with.



Agian I don't get the whole silent treatment thing ......... I'm just happy when mine finally sh*ts up, lol. Anyway, find a hobby/sports/a thing for yourself you can escape to or just make more friends ....

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My advise is - This Woman needs a Job or Hobby. Then she will be so tired, she won't have the energy to pick on you and argue.

My dad always use to say to me - Enjoy life while you can, coz you can't enjoy when your gone.

Dont let this bored Lady make you miserable, get out of it.

I feel sorry for you, but only you can do something about your situation. Hope it picks up.

From my (female) point of view, I would agree with the poster (I think they are also female) above.

If it is depression, exercise/sport is nature's best anti depressant as it tends to rearrange the hormones rather quickly.

I never suffered from PND but of the people I know it was mostly the inactive ones who did.

Hobbies also as mentioned above, job even better.

This may make things better, if she has a problem specifically in the relationship, it sounds more like she doesn't particularly like the situation she is in but has no "better alternative", so in her mind is stuck (but this could be a purely psychological thing rather than a problem with you). Somehow she has to learn to progress and engage in improvement rather than sitting and waiting for things to happen. For some Thais this is a hard thing to do.

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My advise is - This Woman needs a Job or Hobby. Then she will be so tired, she won't have the energy to pick on you and argue.

My dad always use to say to me - Enjoy life while you can, coz you can't enjoy when your gone.

Dont let this bored Lady make you miserable, get out of it.

I feel sorry for you, but only you can do something about your situation. Hope it picks up.

From my (female) point of view, I would agree with the poster (I think they are also female) above.

If it is depression, exercise/sport is nature's best anti depressant as it tends to rearrange the hormones rather quickly.

I never suffered from PND but of the people I know it was mostly the inactive ones who did.

Hobbies also as mentioned above, job even better.

This may make things better, if she has a problem specifically in the relationship, it sounds more like she doesn't particularly like the situation she is in but has no "better alternative", so in her mind is stuck (but this could be a purely psychological thing rather than a problem with you). Somehow she has to learn to progress and engage in improvement rather than sitting and waiting for things to happen. For some Thais this is a hard thing to do.

Yes I agree. What makes me feel more sorry for this Guy who has to put up with this treatment, is the fact that he has been begging her to make friends previously, so now she maybe is loving the situation, and it makes her feel important and good, when in fact she is being very cruel messing with someones heart.

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My advise is - This Woman needs a Job or Hobby. Then she will be so tired, she won't have the energy to pick on you and argue.

My dad always use to say to me - Enjoy life while you can, coz you can't enjoy when your gone.

Dont let this bored Lady make you miserable, get out of it.

I feel sorry for you, but only you can do something about your situation. Hope it picks up.

From my (female) point of view, I would agree with the poster (I think they are also female) above.

If it is depression, exercise/sport is nature's best anti depressant as it tends to rearrange the hormones rather quickly.

I never suffered from PND but of the people I know it was mostly the inactive ones who did.

Hobbies also as mentioned above, job even better.

This may make things better, if she has a problem specifically in the relationship, it sounds more like she doesn't particularly like the situation she is in but has no "better alternative", so in her mind is stuck (but this could be a purely psychological thing rather than a problem with you). Somehow she has to learn to progress and engage in improvement rather than sitting and waiting for things to happen. For some Thais this is a hard thing to do.

Yes I agree. What makes me feel more sorry for this Guy who has to put up with this treatment, is the fact that he has been begging her to make friends previously, so now she maybe is loving the situation, and it makes her feel important and good, when in fact she is being very cruel messing with someones heart.

Bit of a sad situation though , if that is all she has to make her feel important.

Actually the attitude isn't all that different from some teenagers who have self esteem issues and not much to keep them occupied in life regarding interests, sports, studies etc. I think surly is the word that is often used to describe them and the silence is all part of the teenage problem scenario. This sounds quite similar. She wants interaction to be on her terms because she feels more secure.

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Is it good idea that she should go school and learning English ?

Then she will have more friends and sharring life style there. More social life, when she have her own friends she will be more confidence to do thing on her own.

I met Thai woman here she been living here for 4 years home or go out only with her husband. She just start going to school last month to learn Dutch.

Problems is...its difficult to start a leson progress, she dont even know how to use computer.

You can help her teaching english. Talk more about socialize, watch tv together, listening more English song.

I hope you 2 go and do grocerry together, teach her what and how to do, what those things call.

You 2 should make a social group together when she feel more comfortable then she can do alone with kid.

Well, that what I can think of now.

Good luck and best wish to you and your family.

And how aboutb learning Thai and learning her culture

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I have also been in your situation , fortunately no children and I finished the marriage before a disaster happenned .

It is far to common a problem with a lot of thai ladies and there is only one answer get out of it and stay single.

I agree.

these are cultural differences.

nothing to do with post natal depression!!! omg, some posters

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Sounds like a lot of these Thai women have some serious temper problems.. I've been thru one of these relationships 1st hand.. It can be like having a great sports car that breaks down a bit too often.. Is it really worth it?........ tough one. I received the silent treatment for a few hours at most... but a few days ?! That's a bit over the line, especially being married with a kid! That's downright juvenile ! But, what u gotta realize is that you are the prize, not her. You are the one holding up the household, bringing in the money, food, water, and shelter. Compare that to her assets.. Are things close to equal? Keep your confidence & good luck..

If you get woman of equal asset you get worse temper woman. However, you feel better in defeat as you don't have to regret that your material superiority is useless in household fighting. :)

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Well yes LaoPro,

even though the OP states his wife has a

bad temper and had problems with her previous

husband, you have diagnosed PND. That's

very convenient I must say. She wouldn't be

the first Thai female with a bad temper.

I just hope that you're not one of those hen-pecked

social misfits I was alluding to. Somehow I have my

doubts though.



I have not diagnosed the OP's wife with Postnatal Depression.

The possibility occurred to me since she delivered a baby recently and since I have seen 2 times in my life what it can do to a woman, the relationship and the health of the people involved, I thought it could be a good idea to inform the OP of such a possibility.

Apart from that we only hear the voice of the OP, and not his wife's, telling us that she is bad tempered and gives him the silent treatment...

It would be interesting if we could hear HER voice also but doubt that will happen.

Instead you tell the OP he should give her a caveman's treatment by using his feet...or, in your own words:

"Tell her to get her act together or you're gonna vote with your feet."

How civil of you..as civil as you're trying to address me with your so-called "hen-pecked social misfits".

Maybe this social misfit has a bit more experience in life than you do... :)

Your judgement is a caveman's worth and nothing more than an advise from a macho man and NOT in the interest of the couple's happiness or the Thai Lady's health. :D


Calm down , Laopo

Your posts tend to incite. Listen to other views and don't be so opinionated. It may be your writing style but it gets peoples backs up

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good to see im not alone ,,,,i went out sat nite,,then tried talk to her sunday,,no talk...then again i went out sun nite,,,monday no talk so went out monday all day....have sat in house from tues and today ,,,no talk!!!!!! i dont need this,,i too feel like im only here for a convenience and to help her with "her "life....was going to build house in october when we go for 3 mths but theres not a hope in hel_l im putting my life saving sinto her house when she can treat me like this,,she is driving me into wanting to be with another woman...i need a woman who has drive and ambition,,i couldnt help falling in love with her at the time,,i was badly hurt by my x falang wife and took myself to thailand and fell in love with my present wife,,she is funny and she has good sense of humour most times,,but she has violent fiery temper and its the silence i cannot do with....im now balancing everything up...are thai woman really better wives than their falang counterparts ???? that is a new topic altogether eh???? over 2 yrs we have been maried now and every single time its me who cannot stand the silence so i go throw my arms round her and litterally beg her to come round,,,she has took her wedding ring off also this time...im stinking to my guns and not running to her and begging her ...its every time and i noticed she has a couple letters just came today,,usually i take care but not this time,,also ive taken myself out for my own food and eaten out,,thee isnt much food in the house left so im waiting to see what she is going to do about that...she has a very large social group of friends too ,,thai friends,,and she has everything,,nice house,,car ,,£9,000 pounds in her bank account in one year,yes from me.....she has friends and i have friends with good jobs who cant save that in a year .......anyway as i say its her way and its her ways that is going to be her downfall in the end if she doesnt change her attitude,,she is baby like... and i dont think she learns lessons easily ...........
I feel sorry for you, i had one like this, i say had as i had to end it for my sanity,..i saw somewhere that a lot of thai women are like 5 year olds, the more i looked at that the more i agreed,..i think you need to pull yourself together and think of your self a bit more,this sort of situation is much more common than you can imagine and i know no cure apart from distance yourself for a while,( if not fo good ) she has become complacent, a real problem with some thai women, good luck, :)
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This is what you get most likely get with a thai wife not saying all of them but I have never been lucky enough to have one that doesn't do one or all of these things.

Temper Tantrums " like a 3 year old baby

knives threatening to kill themselves or cut their wrists.

Ringing the mother and crying and calling you every name in the book.

Regular threats of trying to get there name on all your property.

Screaming so everyone in the building can hear they never care who hears.

Money for mum , buffalo next doors neighbours cousins buffalo,

Walking out and not coming back for hours or days.

Getting advice from corrupt friends of how to rip you off more.

Enough for me thanks stuff them all , I will never be trapped by one of these people again now I do want I want when I want.

Edited by saintofsilence
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Living with somebody who has a temper is tough. My first Thai wife had the most vicious temper I had ever experienced, absolutely explosive for the slightest reason. Screaming so loudly at me until she was hoarse. During her episodes I actually feared for my safety, thinking maybe she would pick up a knife and use it against me. I hadn't seen the temper problem until after she had come to live with me in the States, but her boys later told me she was the same way in Thailand with their father. When it first happened I sadly realized our relationship was doomed because I knew it would happen again and again, but it turned out not to be our primary problem. But I never thought of this as a Thai thing, just her own personal issue.

Edited by Lopburi99
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Calm down , Laopo

Your posts tend to incite. Listen to other views and don't be so opinionated. It may be your writing style but it gets peoples backs up

I'm perfectly calm and my comment wasn't addressed to you but if someone like Will27 advises the OP to kick his wife, I do comment because I think it's scandalous to do so.

No need for you to step in and tell me what to do.


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Calm down , Laopo

Your posts tend to incite. Listen to other views and don't be so opinionated. It may be your writing style but it gets peoples backs up

I'm perfectly calm and my comment wasn't addressed to you but if someone like Will27 advises the OP to kick his wife, I do comment because I think it's scandalous to do so.

No need for you to step in and tell me what to do.



Are you that dumb?

"Vote with your feet" means to walk away!!!!

Never have I advised any kind of violence so

get your facts right before mouthing off please.



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my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

what is the age gap between you and your wife ?

age gap is 9 years,,,i am 41 she is 32....we been together around 3 yrs now...its now thursday and still no speak,,,up to her !!!!!!! fk her,,,food is running out and im waiting for her to come ask me to take her to tesco...its breaking my heart to see my kid in all this,,,i want so much to throw my arms around her this morning but im sticking to my guns,,as i say its allways me who has to go running back,,,she needs to start behaving like an adult and not a baby..its her childlike attitude that puts me right off her,,i may go to england tomoro for a few days to get away and make her realise,,i want one of her thai friends to sit her down and try make her understand that she needs to behave like an adult woman....and knock this sulking and huffing on the head for good .....

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Try googling Thai Ireland Association. They run a range of activities for Thais living in Ireland. Basically its a load of Farang with Thai wives and families, just like you. They also have a newsletter that you can subscribe to, and they will post it out to you. They even organise monks to come over from time to time !

Might help her to socialise as well, and at least you are trying to help.

hi sponge,,,yes we allready have that kinda thing here in belfast,,the monks come over from oxford to belfast every few months,,its a great day out ,,and they all go to pray then parade outside,we just hand in a donation.and free food ,there is like 100 odd thais the last time i was there,,,....anyone reading this then the next time its on is 23rd august at the bo tree resturaunt belfast lisburn road...

thanks for the advice m8

Edited by dmax
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my wife who is thai has a horrible temper and screams in front of our 4 mth old baby daughter,,,i went through something similar with my x wife and dont want arguments in front of the child,,anyway that was saturday morning,,its now wednesay night,,ive tried to talk to her but she wont talk....she is not like a western woman who will sit down and talk our problems through,,instead she gives me the silent treatment and its this i cannot handle anymore,,ive been with her 2 yrs and only for my child i would walk away i think this time....she used to say that when she had problems with thai husband before that he had to leave the home,,well this is my home and i aint leaving it ,,ive nowhere else to go anyway,,,if she would sit and talk we could work it out but she wont and cant look at me,,it was just a silly arguent on sat nothing important like another woman or man or anything,,,im beggining to wonder wot all the fuss is about thai woman making good wives,,shes putting my bloody head away,,she doesnt go out the door to buy food or take baby a walk,,in 2 yrs she has never been out without me taking her in the car..she has no ambition to better herself and no drive for future,,she seems content to sit take care of baby and eat...im at the end of my tether and its just a pity on the baby,i wont walk out on my kid...if she was alone i would ask her to get her own place because she is like another baby,,we dont go to restraunts as her language is not the best so therefore we cannot have good indepth talks...i do all her chores,,opening letters,,taking care of banking etc etc ...it really does get you down when u dont have a woman who can even go post a letter for u when ur at work....she does like cooking and eating as they all do...but even the house is filthy and i clean it as she doesnt do it properly,,is anyone else having these kind of problems with their thai wives and what is my best way of dealing with her...she is good with baby and i want it to work but the silence is pulling me down and making me miserable..it seems to be all the time and even when she has her period once a month.....advice needed on how to deal with thai woman

what is the age gap between you and your wife ?

Good question. As well as the education gap and the language gap. I wonder how long he knew her before they got married. Sounds like he's got her living in Ireland with him and likely did not spend considerable time with here before marriage, not a good idea. Seems like quite a few gents here have similar problems. I really don't understand why someone wants to get "roped" into relationship with such "pain in the a$$" women. I realize that if you want a lady to take back to your country, you have no other option than marriage.

i was with her a year before we married.....she was like this from the start,,i was in getting a massage one day in phuket when we went down there on holiday,,,next thing i knew my wife had threw open the curtain and told the girl that if she touched me she would boxing her lol...also in kuala lumpar we went on hols,,she had a bad temper and we argued,,i told her to piss off back up to thailand,,she says ok i go,,,but she hadnt a penny in her pocket,,i ran after her up the road from the hotel where she was making her way to train station or somewhere with her suitcse,,i pleaded with her to come back,,i was sorry,,i explained that she was thousands miles from home with no money and to com back to hotel with me,,she just snapped "up to me,,,i not care" she wouldnt even take money off me for plane fares etc,,,head strong as they come and no fear of anything!!!! so after an hour ofbegging i got her to come back,,,thats the type of woman she is,,stubborn!!!!!!! anyone know a cure for stubborness lol?

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Well yes LaoPro,

even though the OP states his wife has a

bad temper and had problems with her previous

husband, you have diagnosed PND. That's

very convenient I must say. She wouldn't be

the first Thai female with a bad temper.

I just hope that you're not one of those hen-pecked

social misfits I was alluding to. Somehow I have my

doubts though.



I have not diagnosed the OP's wife with Postnatal Depression.

Well LaoPo, this is what you said in a previous post

"The fact that your wife gave birth in a far away country, away from her family, she probably feels very lonely; the fact that she has many friends amongst Thai isn't enough for your wife to feel happy and comfortable and probably suffering from a PD.

That's pretty close I suggest.

The possibility occurred to me since she delivered a baby recently and since I have seen 2 times in my life what it can do to a woman, the relationship and the health of the people involved, I thought it could be a good idea to inform the OP of such a possibility.

You're not listening to the OP. He has said she had the temper

before the baby was born. She even admitted to having problems

with the ex Thai husband to the extent where he had to leave the house.

This guy has bent over trying to help her. She has a nice house, a car,

a large network of Thai friends and money in the bank. Now I can

understand a Thai local who works 13 days a fortnight, 12 hours a day

for 5000 Baht per month being depressed.

Apart from that we only hear the voice of the OP, and not his wife's, telling us that she is bad tempered and gives him the silent treatment...

It would be interesting if we could hear HER voice also but doubt that will happen.

That is a ridiculous thing to say. He's asking for help, not

slagging her off.

Instead you tell the OP he should give her a caveman's treatment by using his feet...or, in your own words:

"Tell her to get her act together or you're gonna vote with your feet."

Exactly, sometime you have to know when to cut your losses and go.

What else would you like him to do? Oh yeah, get some professional

because she's acting like a spoilt child.

How civil of you..as civil as you're trying to address me with your so-called "hen-pecked social misfits".

Maybe this social misfit has a bit more experience in life than you do... :)

You don't know enough about me to make statements like that. Also, I

don't know much about you but I don't think age has got anything to do

with it.

Your judgement is a caveman's worth and nothing more than an advise from a macho man and NOT in the interest of the couple's happiness or the Thai Lady's health. :D

I'm interested in the OP's welfare as he is the one who asked

for help. And there you go again bringing up the health issue

for someone who is acting like a petulent child.

Mate, you can have common sense and still have a set

of balls.




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she has the baby and the house now she just needs to get rid of you...

the house is privately rented and she can have it,,no probs,,i can get an apartment cheaper than this place,,so no its not the house mate...

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i was with her a year before we married.....she was like this from the start,,i was in getting a massage one day in phuket when we went down there on holiday,,,next thing i knew my wife had threw open the curtain and told the girl that if she touched me she would boxing her lol...also in kuala lumpar we went on hols,,she had a bad temper and we argued,,i told her to piss off back up to thailand,,she says ok i go,,,but she hadnt a penny in her pocket,,i ran after her up the road from the hotel where she was making her way to train station or somewhere with her suitcse,,i pleaded with her to come back,,i was sorry,,i explained that she was thousands miles from home with no money and to com back to hotel with me,,she just snapped "up to me,,,i not care" she wouldnt even take money off me for plane fares etc,,,head strong as they come and no fear of anything!!!! so after an hour ofbegging i got her to come back,,,thats the type of woman she is,,stubborn!!!!!!! anyone know a cure for stubborness lol?

Hi dmax,

sorry to say mate but you've set the groud rules early.

By continuing to beg and crawl after her, she just expects

it now.

You should've called her bluff ages ago and said "up to you,

If you want to go, here's money for a ticket".

Mate, you're still young enough to get out and have a good

life. Stop wasting your time.



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dmax. Just a quick thought, you say the monks come over from Oxford soon and I assume you and your wife will be off to see them. Maybe a quiet word to an older monk who can then maybe have a chat with the wife? BTW, I'm from just down the road, Carrick. Good luck

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I can't believe I'm reading this.

The guy is getting crapped on big

time and yet the majority of the

replies are how to help or pacify her.

Some of the replies "I'm sitting here

shaking like a rattlesnake" and "I

throw my arms around her and beg

her to talk to me". Where's your self-

esteem man?

And all of this PND crap....please!

I'm sorry but you need to grow some

balls. Tell her to get her act together

or you're gonna vote with your feet.

Having said that, I imagine a lot of the

sympathetic replies are from guys in the

same boat.

Most of the guys that put up with this pureile

behaviour have done so all of their life so

ain't gonna change now.

And for the ones that put up with this

crap who actually live in Thailand.....

read Disneyland, you guys

are worse.

Life is too short to be unhappy and to put up

with constant crap.

By all means be fair but don't be a doormat.

Good luck, you're gonna need it.

Let the barrage begin.



Shees, I thought that this kind of thinking was extinct, but still some Neanderthals exist so it seems.

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