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I was wondering if there is a way to get my system restore to go back a month or so. It seems that it is set to make one for each day or time on power up. But there are only a few points there for one or two days.I would like to reset it back a month or more to get rid of some small but persistant little problems Going back one days is good when I down load something that doesn't work out and want to get back. But to go a bit deeper when it was healther and faster would be great if possible thanks Randell


It has been a while since I did it, but there is no problem going back a longer time, as long as there is a system restore point. Just look at the calender when you do a system restore and choose the appropriate date with a restore point.


Older restore points should still be there, scroll back through the calendar interface by month, however, points are overwritten as space becomes a premium or if System Restore is disabled and then restarted existing historic points are lost.


Typing and then on the phone see Mario has just said this too.


If the calendar has a system restore point available then yes it is possible. When the System Restore wizard starts just select the 'Restore my computer to a different time' (it is worded something like that) and then browse the calendar and pick the restore point you want.


Will give that a try thanks guys


Make sure that you have allocated enough storage space to go back a long time. Right click on My Computer then properties > system restore.



If it is a genuine Microsoft disc it will automatically restore at frequent intervals. if you do not ever update(which I do not) you get very infrequent restore points. You can create a restore point as many times a day you like manually. When I am doing a lot of fresh program installs or updates of any type I create a point to go back to in case there is a problem.

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