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Help About A Girl I Met


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Ok so if i was going to phuket and wanted to meet a NICE girl.. id have to what speak to the girls at Junceylon??!! Try and chat up the girl working at Fuji restaurant?? haha i got no idea.. but ive got my khun suai jang loei covered so that should help hahah :)

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hook a brother up man! Im not one of those guys thats gonna leave a bad taste in any thai girls mouth (no pun intended) I just wanna go and have a good time and if I meet someone special thatd be awesome. I like the lifestyle and the attitudes the people have over there. So much less complicated than where I am.. so yeah any help would be greatly appreciated Limey. My game in Aus isnt too bad but im like a fish out of water over there! pvt msg me when u start the next thread :)

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as far as meeting good uni girls, most of the REALLY good ones dont actualy go out at all untill theyve finished their studies.. so i wouldnt say that if u meet an uni girl at RCA, that she's a catch.. (unless u just wanna have fun with a really pretty girl who isnt uneducated)

I really don't think this is true for most any more, no more than it is true of uni students in the US or UK. If you're talking about drinking till 5am every night then maybe, but on a friday going out with some friends, no way. It's normal.

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I think a new thread is required for this. If someone hasnt already, ill start one in the morning.

You just need to learn how to play the game here mate. There are loads of great girls here :D

Do you mean great as in tall. :)

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Dude your about 30 posts behind

hel_l yes interestin topic huh haha same old shit story innocent farang (or not) and bar girl drama queen oops id give em my oscar bleh it reminded me of my brit friend he came to see thaigal in Khon Kane near my city he rent a car drove from BKK all the way to KK then to UDON. she took her parents and her son 10yo who kept lookin at my brit friend wallet with her that was funny. they visited me here he enjoyed the trip it seemed i talked to her i asked her "oh he stayed in ur house did u cook for him?" can he eat issan food? anchovy stuff like that he doesnt like...she answered me "i dont know and i dont give a dam_n no choice coz my home is far away from city so i fed him wot i got" woah haha i said ok u go gal:P

Then ....he came back to the UK i talked to him on msn i asked him about his thai sweetheart he said "we broke up" haha girls dont look down on em farang aint stupid and dont expect em to be submissive just bcoz u got pu ssy that doesnt mean u rule the world!

wot? buffalo died, mum is in hosp, bro got car accident...these problems will come later !

Good Luck


Edited by kitiya1980
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You can take the girl out of the bar , but you can never take the bar out of the girl !

You can take a Farang out of the West, but you never can take the West out of a Farang !

RFE: :)

Edited by Birdman
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You can take the girl out of the bar , but you can never take the bar out of the girl !

You can take a Farang out of the West, but you never can take the West out of a Farang !

RFE: :)

You can take the farang out the airport,and sometimes not let them back in!

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You can take the girl out of the bar , but you can never take the bar out of the girl !

You can take a Farang out of the West, but you never can take the West out of a Farang !

RFE: :)

You can take the farang out the airport,and sometimes not let them back in!

:D right, my friend, you can take the farang out of the Viennese Schnitzel, but you never can take out the Viennese Schnitzel out of a Farang :D

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That would be Wienerschnitzel. But it normally comes out w/in 24 hours...

Thanx for the English lesson, dumbie, but you are wrong regarding the 24 hours rule...

Yes the 24 hours rule is only for 7/11,and IMO threads like these are nails in the coffee for the tourism in Laos :)

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If you really like the girl, The best advice you can have is play it by ear over the next few months.

Not all bar girls do that sort of work becourse they want to. Many have to do it to support the family.

Maybe and it is a big maybe she is ok.

But you have to come to that conclusion by yourself and take somethings said on here with a pinch of salt.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh and when you come back here don't forget the running shoes. (always be prepared) :)

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That would be Wienerschnitzel. But it normally comes out w/in 24 hours...

Thanx for the English lesson, dumbie, but you are wrong regarding the 24 hours rule...

Yes the 24 hours rule is only for 7/11,and IMO threads like these are nails in the coffee for the tourism in Laos :)

... :D perfect :D

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hook a brother up man! Im not one of those guys thats gonna leave a bad taste in any thai girls mouth (no pun intended) I just wanna go and have a good time and if I meet someone special thatd be awesome. I like the lifestyle and the attitudes the people have over there. So much less complicated than where I am.. so yeah any help would be greatly appreciated Limey. My game in Aus isnt too bad but im like a fish out of water over there! pvt msg me when u start the next thread :)

Only you can know what you want out of life. You CAN'T have a long distance relationship with women ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and not expect some problems. If you don't have some means of supporting yourself in Thailand while living there then that means you'll have to go home to earn a living. Some women who work in bars CAN make good wives or girlfriends, but you can't leave them for long periods of time and expect they aren't going to stray... because they will. If they've worked in bars then they've already been trained to do so. Most Thais do not consider the future. The future to a Thai is about 5 minutes from now. Despite previous plans with you, if some new offer comes along in the meantime then they will take it.

There has been some good advice here, but only you can make the decisions that fit your life style. My only advice to anyone who can't live full time in Thailand is to NOT FALL IN LOVE! That might be difficult to do when you are young and surrounded by lovely willing ladies, but you WILL get stung if you weaken.

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My only advice to anyone who can't live full time in Thailand is to NOT FALL IN LOVE! That might be difficult to do when you are young and surrounded by lovely willing ladies, but you WILL get stung if you weaken.

Sounds like good advice regardless of whether one can live full time in Thailand. Falling in love is wonderful, but the problem is it never lasts, and sometimes you get your heart broken, and sometimes that heartbreak can be more intense and a lot longer-lasting than the love!

But easier said than done... any tips?

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Hi I am new to these forums and found it whilst I was trying to get a grasp of the whole farang-thai relationship.

Ok let me break down the situation for you guys and hopefully someone can give me some advice as to what to do.

Firstly im a young guy in his early 20's and was recently in Phuket for my 2nd time. Now im a pretty clued on kind of guy but I am just really confused about this whole situation.

I met a girl in a bar during my stays there, she is 20 and very nice. We danced, we drank, we kissed.. her older sister (mid 20's) asked me when I was leaving if i was taking her back to my hotel. Now because I am new to the whole situation I was taken aback and declined, more so because I was rooming with a female relative so as you can imagine it would have been impossible. I freaked out a bit because from her demeanor and the way she acted she DID NOT seem like a stereotypical prosititute. I replied with, "I am not paying for anything", and her older sister laughed and said "no no you werent going to, its not like that". The girl (younger sister) seemed to like me very much, more than one would presume if you were after someone for money. Now I met with these girls again the next 3 nights at the same bar.

The second night in particular was strange because I turned up 2 hours after our predetermined time and she was still waiting for me albeit not happy at the start :D .

Her older sister stated that she had many "customer but she wait only for you", in broken english which again freaked me out. We danced kissed etc and myself and my female relative walked her and her older sister back to their hotel. The older sister seemed to open up a bit, saying that yes she sometimes goes to bed with foreign men for money but she doesnt like it. Told me how much she got paid, spoke to me about her distaste for thai men and that she wanted to meet a nice foreigner to take care of her and her child. She has a daughter showed us photos etc. It was a pretty in depth conversation for us not knowing them very well. The younger sister said she had never been with a man for money unlike her sister and that she had no job and got money off her sister. They were in phuket to get some money and live in a town in the North east of the country. I had arranged to see her during the day and she asked if her sister could come with her, im not sure if that has any significance but im including it incase it does!

I have kept in contact with her over the last couple of weeks and I have already penciled in that I will be back to Phuket in January. She calls my mobile almost daily, sends me messages and emails on a daily basis. My friends and family think I am gonna get taken for a ride and are making sure I dont fall for this girl! She never asked for money off me even when I offered to give her some (testing the water). My question to you guys is how would I be able to know if I am going to get played. I dont want to get my feelings hurt, nor do I want to hurt hers. I also dont want to miss out on the opportunity of knowing if this girl is actually legit. She said that night she saw me in the club was the first time she had been there.

What should I say to her? Is 5 months too long to hold onto something that was built in 4 nights? Please help me out... this farang is confused :)


some good advice on here, if i was you i would just take each day as it comes and enjoy it as thai girls know how to have fun.

the problem you will eventually have is that you if you decide to get serious then it will cost you ££ and if you are not in the country you paranoia will kick in and in most cases you will be 95% correct in what you think.

some comments say forget a girl from Issan and only go for the educated uni ones. Well in my experience some uni ones are just as bad

so i would say each lady is different regardless of birth place and education but just remember to be always BEWARE.

your young so take advantage of it, one thing i have learnt being young and living here is that you dont always have to pay for sex, some girls you will never see again but in most cases you will do. Ok... you will end up spending money on her for food and drinks when you go out or when you go out for the day and in the long run will be more than if you just paid her in the morning BUT you will certainly have a lot of fun.

just out of interest where did you meet the girl? I take it it was somewhere in patong? Which bar or club?


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But, you should also consider looking other places. A lot of Thai uni chicks would love to have a 20 something year old farang boyfriend.

Yeah, but don't ever tell her you kissed a bargirl! :)

By the way, what other places should he be looking? Where (aside from a university campus) would he find a uni chick? And how would a newbie to Thailand be able to tell her apart from a bar girl (or a regular working girl, etc.)?

if he is in Phuket then go to Phuket town on a Saturday night, still a great night out and plenty of sexy ladies. Totally different to patong and actually have to put the effort in and you may well get the odd phone number for a genuine girl :D

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I met a wonderful girl while teaching there and married her.

She died young but no regrets here.

One important point though, she was Cambodian and I have never met a Thai girl with the same

quailities and strength of character that she had.

OP, you're getting good counsel for free here - think with your head and not with your heart - and shop

around, otherwise you'll be an easy mark.

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Hi I am new to these forums and found it whilst I was trying to get a grasp of the whole farang-thai relationship.

Ok let me break down the situation for you guys and hopefully someone can give me some advice as to what to do.

Firstly im a young guy in his early 20's and was recently in Phuket for my 2nd time. Now im a pretty clued on kind of guy but I am just really confused about this whole situation.

I met a girl in a bar during my stays there, she is 20 and very nice. We danced, we drank, we kissed.. her older sister (mid 20's) asked me when I was leaving if i was taking her back to my hotel. Now because I am new to the whole situation I was taken aback and declined, more so because I was rooming with a female relative so as you can imagine it would have been impossible. I freaked out a bit because from her demeanor and the way she acted she DID NOT seem like a stereotypical prosititute. I replied with, "I am not paying for anything", and her older sister laughed and said "no no you werent going to, its not like that". The girl (younger sister) seemed to like me very much, more than one would presume if you were after someone for money. Now I met with these girls again the next 3 nights at the same bar.

The second night in particular was strange because I turned up 2 hours after our predetermined time and she was still waiting for me albeit not happy at the start :D .

Her older sister stated that she had many "customer but she wait only for you", in broken english which again freaked me out. We danced kissed etc and myself and my female relative walked her and her older sister back to their hotel. The older sister seemed to open up a bit, saying that yes she sometimes goes to bed with foreign men for money but she doesnt like it. Told me how much she got paid, spoke to me about her distaste for thai men and that she wanted to meet a nice foreigner to take care of her and her child. She has a daughter showed us photos etc. It was a pretty in depth conversation for us not knowing them very well. The younger sister said she had never been with a man for money unlike her sister and that she had no job and got money off her sister. They were in phuket to get some money and live in a town in the North east of the country. I had arranged to see her during the day and she asked if her sister could come with her, im not sure if that has any significance but im including it incase it does!

I have kept in contact with her over the last couple of weeks and I have already penciled in that I will be back to Phuket in January. She calls my mobile almost daily, sends me messages and emails on a daily basis. My friends and family think I am gonna get taken for a ride and are making sure I dont fall for this girl! She never asked for money off me even when I offered to give her some (testing the water). My question to you guys is how would I be able to know if I am going to get played. I dont want to get my feelings hurt, nor do I want to hurt hers. I also dont want to miss out on the opportunity of knowing if this girl is actually legit. She said that night she saw me in the club was the first time she had been there.

What should I say to her? Is 5 months too long to hold onto something that was built in 4 nights? Please help me out... this farang is confused :)

hello buddy, alot of people on here have got burnt by thai women before and posted their stories up here but thats not to say that a thai and farang cant have a good relationship.

i met my girlfriend 2 years ago when she worked in carrefour, she was beautiful she was young and i was young i was so nervous i asked her out and since then we have never looked back. i have been out to thailand 4 times since then for a period of 6 weeks each time. when i go out we have a lot of fun togther, go to the cinema, bowling, eating go to see her friends or go to see my friends. i would often stay at her parents house as well and babysit for her sister, we have a good relationship and money has never been mentioned.

we are young though ( both of us are 19 ) so im keeping my feet firmly on the ground and although sometimes i may feel like shes the one and want to ask her to marry me i havent. we have had several relationship talks and we have both said that we are in love but we are young and should just let life shape itself out.

i am going out to thailand in january for a who long ( only time will tell maybe a year or 2 ), and well see how it goes from there,

before you go back id just arrive with out telling her, give her a suprise, if shes genuinely excited and wants to be with you then you should get the feeling the relationship is genuine.

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Hi I am new to these forums and found it whilst I was trying to get a grasp of the whole farang-thai relationship.

Ok let me break down the situation for you guys and hopefully someone can give me some advice as to what to do.

Firstly im a young guy in his early 20's and was recently in Phuket for my 2nd time. Now im a pretty clued on kind of guy but I am just really confused about this whole situation.

I met a girl in a bar during my stays there, she is 20 and very nice. We danced, we drank, we kissed.. her older sister (mid 20's) asked me when I was leaving if i was taking her back to my hotel. Now because I am new to the whole situation I was taken aback and declined, more so because I was rooming with a female relative so as you can imagine it would have been impossible. I freaked out a bit because from her demeanor and the way she acted she DID NOT seem like a stereotypical prosititute. I replied with, "I am not paying for anything", and her older sister laughed and said "no no you werent going to, its not like that". The girl (younger sister) seemed to like me very much, more than one would presume if you were after someone for money. Now I met with these girls again the next 3 nights at the same bar.

The second night in particular was strange because I turned up 2 hours after our predetermined time and she was still waiting for me albeit not happy at the start :D .

Her older sister stated that she had many "customer but she wait only for you", in broken english which again freaked me out. We danced kissed etc and myself and my female relative walked her and her older sister back to their hotel. The older sister seemed to open up a bit, saying that yes she sometimes goes to bed with foreign men for money but she doesnt like it. Told me how much she got paid, spoke to me about her distaste for thai men and that she wanted to meet a nice foreigner to take care of her and her child. She has a daughter showed us photos etc. It was a pretty in depth conversation for us not knowing them very well. The younger sister said she had never been with a man for money unlike her sister and that she had no job and got money off her sister. They were in phuket to get some money and live in a town in the North east of the country. I had arranged to see her during the day and she asked if her sister could come with her, im not sure if that has any significance but im including it incase it does!

I have kept in contact with her over the last couple of weeks and I have already penciled in that I will be back to Phuket in January. She calls my mobile almost daily, sends me messages and emails on a daily basis. My friends and family think I am gonna get taken for a ride and are making sure I dont fall for this girl! She never asked for money off me even when I offered to give her some (testing the water). My question to you guys is how would I be able to know if I am going to get played. I dont want to get my feelings hurt, nor do I want to hurt hers. I also dont want to miss out on the opportunity of knowing if this girl is actually legit. She said that night she saw me in the club was the first time she had been there.

What should I say to her? Is 5 months too long to hold onto something that was built in 4 nights? Please help me out... this farang is confused :)

Ok you've got some research to do mate!

Thing is, she may have some 'customers' but don't necesarily let that put you off! If you like her and she likes you then you need to establish that honesty is the best policy. go see her again and enjoy yourself :-)

In the mean time try and find out as much as you can about Thailand and everything that happens there.

Some people will tell you you're going to be taken for a ride but if you understand how the game works you can't get burned, just the same as it is in your home contry.

Try and understand how these girls life has been and what has motivated them to end up in a bar in phuket. Get your head around the idea that there may well be other guys in the picture as well but that doesn't have to mean she doesn't have feelings for you.

Read as much as you can and try and get your head around it all.

there will be people on here that tell you they wouldn't touch a bargirl for longer than a couple of hours but you have to make your own mind up, you are both young so just enjoy your self mate. Sounds like she's a lot of fun and she's interested in you as well.

tell me, have you sent her any money?

if you do start doing that then only do it like you would if she was here, like to buy her something for her birthday or send her some flowers or something, don't get into the whole sending her half your wages every month and have her tell you ' honey i not work bar same same like other lady only sell drink and wait for you'

Make sure you get the whole truth and that you can get your head around it.

She might not understand that you value the truth so highly, but talk to her gently and if you can get an honest relationship going then great!

Be ready for the idea that she may well be working in the bar and has customers like the other girls do. It's just a fact of life. Doesn't make her a bad person, just makes her a bar girl.

Hope it goes well and you get some thing out of it, when i say get some thing out of it i mean a beautiful Thai girl who treats you well when you're there and makes you feel good.

Good luck mate :-)

I have heard all this before pal,this is very common over in LOS when they meet a newbe,your friends and family are right,be very careful she will NOT want your cash right now but with the help of her sister she will take you for big £££.If I was you I will pay for her service and do your thing and Fuc* Off out of it mate.But it's UP2YOU as they say in LOS

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thanks for everyones help..

looks like i know what must be done..

just have to figure out how to wire 1,000,000 baht to Thailand

hahah :D

seriously tho guys much appreciated from those who have been around the block a few more times than me

ps. does this sound ok.. not too hurtful or anything.. i dont know thai womens psyche..

I have been thinking about this for a couple of days. 5 months is a long time to wait to see each other. We barely know each other either, so it would be quite silly for us to wait that long alone. I will come back to Phuket in around 5 months, in the mean time I think it would be best for us to just be friends and not get too serious. A lot of my friends and people I know think that this is the best for the both of us. No one gets hurt this way. Take care of yourself

Your having a laugh, She and her will be very hurt cause the (very possible)cash line will not work.Or well they will meet someone els.I get this all the time I ~F pay and RUN U2YOU :)

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So the sister has a daughter from a Thai man she dislikes (sounds familiar no?) and would like a farang to nail so he could pay for the education of both?

Do you know how many thousands farangs got nailed for this scheme already?

I meet a few every time I visit a shopping mall.

The younger sister said she had never been with a man for money unlike her sister and that she had no job and got money off her sister

You believe that line of crap do you? :):D:D

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Sounds like good advice regardless of whether one can live full time in Thailand. Falling in love is wonderful, but the problem is it never lasts, and sometimes you get your heart broken, and sometimes that heartbreak can be more intense and a lot longer-lasting than the love!

But easier said than done... any tips?

What a load of rubbish.... I couldnt disagree with you more dude.

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