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Public Access Computers In Thailand


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How secure are public computers inThailand ?

Are keyloggers installed and is there a program to detect them that will run on a thumb drive.

My concern is security for internet banking, and one has a higher level of security with a

one time token.

One asks this question as it may not be feasable of practicable to run ones own

computer (laptop) as one does not have an internet connection when visiting Thailand.

Perhaps a pre paid dial up internet package may be the answer

Or WiFi, but here again there are serious security problems.

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You should always assume that every computer in any internet cafe is un-secure. I am sure many owners do their best to keep their systems clean but many others do not.

Wifi is probably safer especially if it uses a decent level (WPA or better) of encryption. I would rec omened anybody who uses Wifi for banking or other sensitive tasks use additional software that encrypts your traffic to avoid "man in the middel" attacks. Google iPig for an example.

Prepaid dial up internet is easy to get in Thailand with many shops selling the kits.

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How secure are public computers inThailand ?

Are keyloggers installed and is there a program to detect them that will run on a thumb drive.

My concern is security for internet banking, and one has a higher level of security with a

one time token.

One asks this question as it may not be feasable of practicable to run ones own

computer (laptop) as one does not have an internet connection when visiting Thailand.

Perhaps a pre paid dial up internet package may be the answer

Or WiFi, but here again there are serious security problems.

There are definetley keyloggers in internet shops I had my bank details taken a couple of years and my account was accessed.

The safest way I have found is to use my own laptop with norton 360 installed , I use wireless and also I connect my laptop through my phone on AiS

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Not only Thailand has Internet security problems regarding public places / internet cafes.

If you need to conduct online banking while on the road - do it via your phone! Almost every bank site can be accessed

by phone. So you can bypass the public computer!

Edited by webfact
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if you banking system is modern, you have along with your username and password, a digital device that'll secure the transaction.

the website gives you a key that you type in the device and you type the result in the bank webpage, then nothing will ever happen to your bank account as nothing can be done without this device.

never use a paypal account on a public computer, paypal's security is ridiculous.

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If you must use one for something, you could carry a live CD for one of the Linux distributions. Reboot the computer from that and you won't have to worry about malware from the PC, because you'll be running a different OS that you brought with you.

That just leaves your with hardware keyloggers. I don't know if those are readily available in Thailand or not, but probably relatively rare compared to the nearly ubiquitous malware.

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One has two levels of security, the password and the one time number which must be

entered within a predetermined time.

When carrying out a transaction the following would be entered (as the account you

are transfering to has already been created at an earlier date on your own secure

computer in your home country). For example.

123456789 (the customer number)

987654 ( the password)

546378 ( the one time number)

1000 ( the value of the amount to be sent)

To access the website of your bank one could enter eg "Banks in UK" in Google or MSN

and you will find your bank. Use the mouse and click on the link, this will take you to your

bank home page, and it will show the correct URL which you know.

Click on the "Log In" link.

The Log in Page appears and then you can proceed using the keypad to enter the numbers.

If a keylogger is installed (and you do not know this) only these numbers will be recorded.

Before commencing a transaction on any computer clean the temp.files folder first and clean

the temp. files folders when you have finished, see internet options.

You could use the onscreen keyboard if available, then no keystrokes would be recorded.

Of couse there is still the problem of spyware and malaware on the public computer and if the anti virus and firewall is up to date.

Banks no longer accept fax transmissions as they can not be verified, although HSBC did up

to at least 10 years ago as long as you telephoned your branch office first. But that was

before internet banking.

The other option is to use a laptop with 3G or GSM mobile phone, but that could be unreliable

(dropouts and congestion on the mobile network).

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