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sua yai

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I was in a local hospital yesterday having a wound cleaned and dressed, when I noticed a young English chap being attended to in the emergency room. Couldn't help looking over and trying to work out what had happened to him. My first thought was a motorcycle accident, but the ankle and sole of his foot were red raw.

When I was finished, I got talking to his girlfriend outside and she explained that they had been doing voluntary work on an elephant camp in Petchaburi.

Well, there was a heap of elephant dung that had been set on fire. The English chap didn't realise that it was still smoldering and stepped on it. He ended up with second degree burns on his foot.

Now I don't generally have a laugh at others' expense, but that one just creased me up.The victim seemed OK and his girlfriend saw the funny side as well.

Anyone else know of "strange" accidents?

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:D no, :o:D , :D

oh stuff it :D:D

Grannies are pretty dangerous.

sifting through the stories the one that make me laugh and does not involve human suffering....

She was looking after someone's budgie when she noted that there were some brown stains on its white feathers around the bum. She gave them a little wipe with a cloth and a dab of bleach. Next day it was dead.

Driving everyone home from the pub one sunday lunchtime after a family row, we got pulled over. I told the cop I'd been going at 30 miles an hour but he did not agree. Gran leaned over and said "there's no arguing with him when he's had a drink!"

Dangerous old dear.

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I'm not sure if everyone has one, but I have a friend that is accident prone. If someone is going to get hurt when we go out it will be my friend (nic "Dubs"). I'll relate a few that always make me laugh...hope they make you laugh as well.

1. We were all at the beach on a stinking hot day in Melbourne and everyone was in the water. There had to be hundreds of people in the water and as a result 10 times the amount of toes. Well Dubs just started yelling and grabbing for his foot. A crab had clamped on to his big toe and wouldn't let go. As he was trying to get it off his toe it clamped on to his finger. No one could help him because we were all bent over laughing. The crab finally let go and he didn't come back in the water for the rest of the day.

2. You may be aware that many fish and chip shops have those plastic streamers hanging in the doorway to deter flies coming into the shop. We were at a seaside town and decided to get some chips. This was a popular shop and thousands of people would have walked in and out of that doorway. Anyway, Dubs walked in and happened to step on one of the trailing plastic streamers. The bar it was attached to above the door was pulled down as a result and hit Dubs above the eye and he required stitches.

and to make this Thai related...

3. I was in Thailand with Dubs about a year and a half ago and who was the only one out of our group that got food poisoning and stayed in Hospital for 3 days....yep you guessed it in one

There are many more stories if you thought they were amusing

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