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Cheese In Bkk?

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Yeah, Villa Market has a large selection of cheese. Food Land also has some good cheese but Villa Market has much more. I have not seen very many local cheese though. There is one seemingly local cheddar that is merely OK and it comes in a standard package with no brand.. just says Cheddar Cheese and it runs about 80 to 100 baht per package, I think. Only a small step up is the Mainland cheese and it runs about 160 baht... but well worth it.

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There a Danish Blue produced domestically - I've seen it in Villa and carrefour. A good decent cheese and not too pricy.

That Danish Blue is the best of the stuff locally. The rest is incredbally bland. I am willing to pay that high price for the "slap-in-the-face" sharp cheddar. I think this whole cheese issue relates to my Pizza posting rant that I have out there. If a few thai business men can have a monolopoly on the alcoholic beverages brought into the country then they should have the same for good cheese. That is a mafia I would support.

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There a Danish Blue produced domestically - I've seen it in Villa and carrefour. A good decent cheese and not too pricy.

That Danish Blue is the best of the stuff locally. The rest is incredbally bland. I am willing to pay that high price for the "slap-in-the-face" sharp cheddar. I think this whole cheese issue relates to my Pizza posting rant that I have out there. If a few thai business men can have a monolopoly on the alcoholic beverages brought into the country then they should have the same for good cheese. That is a mafia I would support.

I wonder what the import duty would be. Presumably not much, if anything, as it's a consumable. But then ago so is wine and that is taxed to high heaven.

I think a good wine bar/import co, selling cheese, pate, beards etc would do well in Bangkok.

Who's with me?

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try at siam paragon,there is many kinds and brands inported cheese.

OP Is fed up with Imported Cheese.

Hey Kev i hear Macro have Cheddar for 600b per kilo.

I think you mean 600 Baht per 2 kilo block.

That promotion of 600 Baht for a 2 kilo block has ended. The price now is 690 Baht per two kilo block. It is in fact cheddar cheese that is made by the Minor Group and then repackaged under “Makro”.

The Minor Group cheese is also the cheese you will find at Foodland being sold as a generic brand cheese with only the name “cheddar cheese” It is sold at 390 Baht a kilo.

If anyone has large volume needs you can call Minor Group up and they will charge you 305 baht per kilo for cheddar. Minimum order is 200 kilos. They also get 240 Baht for mozzarella cheese; same minimum requirement of 200 kilo applies.

Minor Froup cheese is ok. 90% of the time, we use another supplier called Daisy Valley.


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Foodland makes its own cheese at a decent price. I normally buy their local mozzarella. I don't remember the price difference between theirs and the import ones, but you will definitely save money making a special trip to Foodland just to get their cheese. Makro has cheap cheese, but you have to buy a large amount. Other places like Villa, central, The Mall have only imported cheese.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The only local cheese ive ever seen is the local mozzarella from Foodland.

It hasnt got the qualities of mozzarella as we know it,very fresh,very soft,not at all salty.Is reasonably priced too and ive found it works ok for things i wouldnt usually consider using moz for.

They grate it very fine so ive found its best thinned out on a tray and freezed flat..ideal for pizza or if you are having it melted for mexican or lasagne anyway

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There is the local cheese makers HomeMade-Cheese Co. however they make only soft cheese and feta and such, they good quality product tough and 100% natural they do have the "home made" taste.

No doubt we should have and need more cheese makers and more products to be made here in Thailand and good quality not the expensive un fresh imported cheese in the supermarkets now and hotels.

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