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Driving In Thailand


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How does this compare to some where like Australia? I've heard quite a few interesting stories, but not sure how many of them are bs.

Other than soi dogs is there anything else to watch out for? I've been told with a rear end collision it's the car in front's fault?

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I've been told with a rear end collision it's the car in front's fault?

The opposite is more likely. The question is always, 'who hit who?' Various creative ways for Thai cops to figure that out. Just avoid being in the wrong...

Like you said, lots of stories, because there are LOTS of clueless farang drivers as well as Thai drivers. When a farang driver is in my view, his actions get my attention first, over most any Thai driver.. More so for bikers, but, still..

Just watch out for everything. Don't drive with your head up your ass, strive for cooperation as much as possible.... Accept that Might is Right when it comes to driving, whether you like it or not.

Know what is going on around you, plan for all possible scenarios, including an escape route.

And if you don't feel comfortable driving here, figure a better way to get around... :o

Chanchao wrote an interesting piece about driving here. Try a search...

I also have a few pages on the topic http://asian-links.com/larry/motor.html

Enoy your holiday! :D

Edited by Ajarn
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