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Big Trouble In Tourist Thailand


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Just watched this. The Royal Marines Military Police Captain was about as useful as a chocolate teapot! All that bluster about his lads being ripped off and knowing it was corrupt and shouting its all old damage and all that confrontation and they pay pretty much what was asked for! Good to hear that JJ, the gangster wannabe, has been arrested though.

Be interesting to see what happens with the teenage girl, as I would have thought its unusual, even in Thailand, for a jail sentence for possession of cannabis. Prisons are just too expensive to lock people up for this kind of crime. Probably just ramping the drama up.

The Australian drunk guy was a plonker, but he may have been suffering from the consequences of a head injury and it may not all have been the alcohol. And why was there no interest in the people who actually injured him!

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I'm confused as to why Thai officials allowed this Doc to be filmed in the first place!...did they think it was going to be all smiles and happy happy

holidays?...did they think it was a travel holiday show? Don't think they did there homework on the bravo channel and the type of programs they


Thailand is not going to gain anything from this,only more bad publicity.The only people who are going to benefit are bravo and the tourists will have

a "heads up" on what to look out for :) Ok...they put a message across that if you do anything illegal your going to be punished....and that's a good thing!

Its not only shown in the UK,i know the RoI,france,belgium,holland and maybe other countries receive Sky tv!, and the message most people are getting from this Doc and other recent events is stay away from Thailand!

I'm still curious to know how they did get the thumbs up and how they described the show to the Thai authorities. I also would like to know when the producer says no one was paid who participated as subjects is he knowingly including the "Thai fixer" in this statement? If he can do this show without paying anyone on camera in Thailand than we should get this miracle worker to find a cure for cancer and stop global warming.

The Thai fixer i am sure was paid the only role was to clear things with the authorities involved, But did not appear in the program.

Therefore it can still be said that no one that appeared was paid.

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cop volunteer but you cannot spell ? maybe you should concentrate your time in going back to school to learn basic english ?

Here we go another spelling lesson, Funny i could not spot a spelling mistake. Maybe you could enlighten us all and point it out?

Well a question then: Both of you had capitals missing or present where they should have been or missing.

And I know I did the same in the previous sentence!

Please no more about spelling, its anyway rude to complain about it.

Personally I am surprised the farang's were used to do that sex-sting operation.

Would it not be a lot more useful if they got rid of the many timeshare con men?

I heard quite clearly from one it cost them or their bosses 1000 baht per day to operate... And they were a damned pain!

Personally I am not interested in such a setup anyway as you likely not all know that the normal police etc has to buy all their uniforms etc , have to pay their coffee during the day. I was by accident visiting a police station and was treated well but while I normally speak English to them I can understand what they say. One was asking his boss what he should charge me and it was 100 baht for the coffee which was almost finished; when they figured out I had understood the whole conversation we had a good laugh together and yes, they were welcome to that 100 baht... I just wish that in the villages they would hrab anyone with a hand-phone near his ears, no motorbike helmet, driving on wrong side of the road and lots of similar things!

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First, when I said that intimidation works best when a sense of urgency is used, I didn't mean that victims should sit it out for days. Sure, I understand the idea that a vacation is a limited time, but an hour or two here or there is of no consequence when that time could be spent defusing a situation.

My point was that the boy in trouble capitulated within minutes of being intimidated.

Anyone in similar situations should remember to be cool, keep your mouth shut and try as much as possible to think things through -- where can you get help and how to get it, what are the obvious options, how did he come up with 45K in damages, how can you contact an independent person familiar with jet ski repair, etc.

Remember, the important thing is that these people want your money, not a fight. Of course, there are people throughout the world who are spoiling for violence, but in these situations, money is the prime motivator.

And, in the end, you might find that you have to pay. At least you made an effort to thwart the con artist.

As for the marines, I want to be clear. I DID NOT advocate that they resort to violence (although I wouldn't blame them if they had). My point was more of poise and reactions. The boys acted shit scared and weak. I was under the impression that soldiers were to be not only physically tough, but mentally as well. I'd have liked to see more backbone from these boys. When the guy brought out the firearm, there was a chorus of terrorized groans. The Thais were outnumbered and someone of the Brits could have said: "If you start to use that, you might get one shot off before we kill you. And you know we can."

I just think they should have stood up for themselves more.

As for casting a shadow over the quietude of Thailand, I think that this is a fair piece. How many thousands of travel films have been made on the idyllic settings of the Land of Smiles showing all the wonderful things here? There IS a darker side of Thailand and if for nothing other than journalistic balance, it deserves some air time.

By the way, before the British man in charge knew that the kid had counter-offered 35K, he himself offered 10K. I thought that was strange given that he had just inspected the damage and found it to be old and clearly not caused by the kid. It looked like he was a little frightened himself, in spite of the bravado.

Edited by Mark Wolfe
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Just watched this. The Royal Marines Military Police Captain was about as useful as a chocolate teapot! All that bluster about his lads being ripped off and knowing it was corrupt and shouting its all old damage and all that confrontation and they pay pretty much what was asked for! Good to hear that JJ, the gangster wannabe, has been arrested though.

Be interesting to see what happens with the teenage girl, as I would have thought its unusual, even in Thailand, for a jail sentence for possession of cannabis. Prisons are just too expensive to lock people up for this kind of crime. Probably just ramping the drama up.

The Australian drunk guy was a plonker, but he may have been suffering from the consequences of a head injury and it may not all have been the alcohol. And why was there no interest in the people who actually injured him!

The marines were total pussies, so was their captain.

I wouldnt have been intimidated by those punks. The right course of action would be to call the police, get them to inspect the damage, ask for a damage report etc.

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The marines were total pussies, so was their captain.

I wouldnt have been intimidated by those punks. The right course of action would be to call the police, get them to inspect the damage, ask for a damage report etc.

Agreed, I was left wondering where the Pride of a Marine goes.

I've never been one, but some of my friends were Marines and they're really well of proud of themselves. Some idiots who insulted a marine when he was obviously negotiating ought to be punched right in the face hard.

Very funny how Jack stood there, looking calm.

obviously staged.. And BB gun? Marines handle guns too..

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Just watched this. The Royal Marines Military Police Captain was about as useful as a chocolate teapot! All that bluster about his lads being ripped off and knowing it was corrupt and shouting its all old damage and all that confrontation and they pay pretty much what was asked for! Good to hear that JJ, the gangster wannabe, has been arrested though.

Be interesting to see what happens with the teenage girl, as I would have thought its unusual, even in Thailand, for a jail sentence for possession of cannabis. Prisons are just too expensive to lock people up for this kind of crime. Probably just ramping the drama up.

The Australian drunk guy was a plonker, but he may have been suffering from the consequences of a head injury and it may not all have been the alcohol. And why was there no interest in the people who actually injured him!

The marines were total pussies, so was their captain.

I wouldnt have been intimidated by those punks. The right course of action would be to call the police, get them to inspect the damage, ask for a damage report etc.

I agree that as Marines they should have shown more balls, but these Southern Thai quasi-mafia gangs are not to be messed with. This kind of behaviors is exactly what I witnessed during 2 years in the South. They are straight up violent gangsters. Its so sad what Thailand has become. They prey on the foreigners. The police know. The police don't care. They get a cut too. I actually like that this program shows people that its not all smiles here in LOS.

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^Apart from jetski incident - everything was the tourist's doing. So as far as I am concerned nothing really bad for Thailand's reputation except for few visiting muppets getting themselves in trouble.

Then you need to watch it again. The girl is handed cannabis, she turns and miraculously there is a police officer. Oh, and this is a serious crime. Drugs are bad! But... if you have 65,000 Baht, you can be on your way. Phagnan, Samui and Phuket are disgustingly corrupt places and certain Thais there are becoming enormously wealthy.

Edited by ChiangMaiThai
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Just watched it on youtube. Quite entertaining and of course not everything there is good. I don't see why tourist police are helping in drug busts of Thais. You can find that main guy in Pattaya on another youtube video telling some tourist not to video them.

ChiangMaiThai, if you watch more closely you'll see that girl busted with cannabis had the cannabis of her boyfriend, don't think it was really a setup by the Thai police. Sounds like he handed it to her for safe keeping while he went to the store and they saw that and got her. Still, who cares about such small amounts of cannabis? I am still perplexed that there are jail sentences for such a mild drug when the worse drug of alcohol is legal all over the world. Just boggles the mind and really makes no sense.

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British Royal Marines ready to go to ‘war’ over Thai gun confrontation



Andrew Drummond

on September 12, 2009

in General News

. Tags: Andrew Drummond, Big Trouble in Thailand, Bravo, Gavin Hill, Jack Tebbott, jet ski scam, JJ, JJ Naiman, Phuket, Rory Bremner, Royal Marine Police Sergeant, Tim Wright, Vera.

(More rushes from ‘Big Trouble in Thailand)

“Thailand is awesome. The people are good and sound. Today was a bit different” - Marine Jack Tebbott

Link: JJ: My uncle is big Captain in police station

From Andrew Drummond, Bangkok, September 13

Royal Marines who claim they were swindled and held at gunpoint while on R&R in Thailand said tonight that they were ‘ready to go to war’ over an alleged cover-up of the incident.

Royal Marine Face-offThe Marines of Delta Company, 40 Commando, based in Taunton, who were held at gunpoint by a Jet Ski operator on the Thai holiday island of Phuket, said they would take the matter to government to government level, if Thai authorities tried to shift the blame.

And they added that they would stick by a British producer/cameraman, who filmed the whole incident, and who now faces arrest accused by the Thai authorities of ‘setting up’ the scene for filming.

“The Thai authorities should choose to hold an adult approach to this incident. If not, we are willing to raise the level of this dispute to that of a diplomatic incident, though of course we will have to go through legal channels,“ said Marine Police Sergeant and Detachment Commander Tim Wright.

The row follows an incident which happened when Delta Company were on ‘R &R’ on the Thai holiday island of Phuket earlier this year.

Royal Marine Police Sergeant Wright (right) confronts JJ

Royal Marine Police Sergeant Wright (right) confronts JJ

The marines were held at gun-point and surrounded by Thai thugs after one of their number, 21-yr-old Marine Jack Tebbott, from Leicester, was accused of damaging a jet-ski and faced demands of over £1,200 in compensation.

Violence was only avoided when Royal Marine Police Sergeant Tim stepped and agreed to authorise a payment.

Marine Sergeant Tim Wright

Marine Sergeant Tim Wright

The whole scene was captured on film by British cameraman producer Gavin Hill. The Jet Ski thug, known as JJ, has since been arrested on charges of extortion. But he has given a statement saying that the film was set up.

Yesterday Thai authorities began steps to try and block a series currently running on a minor British television channel and they said they wanted to question the producer over the ‘set up’.

They have also countermanded all ‘film release’ forms which were required for the filming and transmssion. Last night Royal Marine Police Sergeant Tim Wright from London said: “From what I gather people in Thailand are trying to impugn the reputation of the Royal Marines and of the producer cameraman involved.

“I have told the producer cameraman Gavin Hill that I and the lads will stand by him. What he recorded on film was the absolute truth. I do not like my integrity or that of the Marines being questioned. I live by my integrity.

“I especially do not like my integrity being questioned by a two bit swindler. If need be we will escalate this to a diplomatic incident. We also would like to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to put out an official warning on their Travel Advisory to Thailand.

“It is quite alarming to see how the film maker s are being treated. The Thais should be dealing with the problem not trying to blame someone else.”

The row over the ‘jet ski mafia’ began after the first of an eight part series called ‘Big Trouble in Thailand’ went to air last Monday on the Bravo Channel. The film shows the Commandos, who had arrived in Thailand on HMS Bulwark after a tour in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province, restraining themselves as the armed foul mouthed gang leader made his threats and demands for money.

Marine Jack Tebbott

Marine Jack Tebbott

Although the channel has only a small audience in the UK, copies have been circulating heavily in Thailand.

In the programme Marine Tebbott is accused of causing over £1000 worth of damage to a jet ski and eventually pays out the equivalent of £627. But Sergeant Wright, who examined the boat, insisted that the damage was old, very old, by examining the stained fibre glass”

He had already had to deal with other cases: “‘You are a crook. You are corrupt,” he tells JJ who replies: “I’m a f….g normal person. I am a businessman”. In rushes released yesterday JJ also claims: “I’m not worried. My uncle is big police here!”

A Royal Marine said later: “We could all have got out of their but there would have been claret spilt.”

The ‘damaged jet ski’ con is widespread in Thailand and complaints have already been made by several Embassies, including the British, Australian and Chinese, to the Thai authorities.

Prior to the film’s transmission the Provincial Governor had been ordered by Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister to act to end the rip-offs to preserve the country’s image for tourism.

Reliable reports say that corrupt police take a 20 per cent cut from all payments.

Gavin Hill - hung out to dry?

Gavin Hill - hung out to dry?

Meanwhile producer Gavin Hill, who was working for comedian Rory Bremner’s Vera Productions, said: “At the moment our relationship has come to an end. They have not given any support. They are also not honouring some promises I made to the Thai authorities or corrections I am making to the scripts.

“They appear to have left me out to dry. The Thai authorities are trying to get the series stopped. But actually if they look at it closely they come off quite well. We were primarily looking at British tourists on holiday.

“I actually love Thailand and would not wish to harm the country at all. The authorities cannot see who is doing the harm.”

The series which was shot with the co-operation of the Thai Tourist Police was originally called ‘Thai Cops’. The title was then changed to ‘Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand’ and the Thai Film Board protested.

“I told the production company that title was offensive to Thailand, but my views were apparently not ‘taken on board’ as they claimed they would be. It’s a mess.

““The situation with the Marines and JJ was real and menacing. It was not set up or scripted. I just recorded what happened”.

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It appears to be a symptom of staying in Thailand for some years that one becomes cynical.

I found the Bravo production to be very entertaining. Which is what a televison production sets out to do. To provide entertaining TV shows. I do not think that JJ's performance was staged. Perhaps half-staged. The director met him and saw that he had an oppourtunity. JJ like most social-paths thought that he was in the right the whole way throught the scam. Bold from his previous scam successes, he thought he could do it for the cameras. What a dick. The mairnes were hungover and scared. Sergaent Magor backed down very quickly, which was a shame. It could of turned into a good bust up.

Good to see some footage from the full moon party. Misha was unfortunate both in the conjuncture of circumstances that led to her demise and her choice in boyfriend. Obviously the thing to do in that situation is to cut a deal, pay the money and get out.

As for the Welsh guy seeking pity for commiting a crime and being rightfully banged up. iI don't have any pity for the geezer. He messed up and he is paying the crime. This was probably the low point of the show.

I thought Howard came across quite well as a plastic cop. Although just finding a bag of ya ba on the road next to a street cart seemed to be somewhat of a happy accident.

But must admit I really enjoyed the show and wait with baited breath for the next installment.

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^Apart from jetski incident - everything was the tourist's doing. So as far as I am concerned nothing really bad for Thailand's reputation except for few visiting muppets getting themselves in trouble.

Then you need to watch it again. The girl is handed cannabis, she turns and miraculously there is a police officer. Oh, and this is a serious crime. Drugs are bad! But... if you have 65,000 Baht, you can be on your way. Phagnan, Samui and Phuket are disgustingly corrupt places and certain Thais there are becoming enormously wealthy.

Her boyfriend admitted that it was his cannabis. There is clearly more to this story than the two of them are telling.

While not always true when foreigners get into trouble in Thailand, one common thread among all of the cases in this documentary is that each one was completely avoidable. Even in the jet ski rental scam, the Naval Police Chief asks the scammer why every time his soldiers do business with him they get scammed. Seems like they would have learned their lesson after the first few times.

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So, now JJ is claiming it was all staged........ he wouldn't lie, would he? :D


Sad to see Rory Bremner's co. dumping on Gavin Hill. :)

Let's hope the dud narrator has learned how to pronounce "Poo-ket" for the next episode.

JJ's relative in the Police........ is it his FIL (in one news report), or his uncle?

Ahh, to be a good liar, you have to have a good memory, JJ lacks that and the brain to go with it.

JJ is just another lieing Thai thug.

BTW, the editing is pisspoor!

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Listening to JJ on the programme and on the separate interview he sounds strange. He seems to speak and understand English fluently but he speaks it in a kind of comic opera way, as if he is trying to imitate the way illiterate bar girls and katoeys speak in Patong. He is apparently half Dutch and perhaps attended an international school but is hamming up his speech for the camera. It wouldn't seem so interesting that an international school graduate with a mid Atlantic accent was ripping off British tourists. Nevertheless, he also effects a swagger as if trying to imitate Thai gangsters on soap operas and it is quite credible that he has been extorting vulnerable tourists for years. The con man seems to have been outconned by the slicker realilty TV con man and it is hard to feel any sympathy for the moron.

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Just watched this. The Royal Marines Military Police Captain was about as useful as a chocolate teapot! All that bluster about his lads being ripped off and knowing it was corrupt and shouting its all old damage and all that confrontation and they pay pretty much what was asked for! Good to hear that JJ, the gangster wannabe, has been arrested though.

Be interesting to see what happens with the teenage girl, as I would have thought its unusual, even in Thailand, for a jail sentence for possession of cannabis. Prisons are just too expensive to lock people up for this kind of crime. Probably just ramping the drama up.

The Australian drunk guy was a plonker, but he may have been suffering from the consequences of a head injury and it may not all have been the alcohol. And why was there no interest in the people who actually injured him!

The marines were total pussies, so was their captain.

I wouldnt have been intimidated by those punks. The right course of action would be to call the police, get them to inspect the damage, ask for a damage report etc.

I agree that as Marines they should have shown more balls, but these Southern Thai quasi-mafia gangs are not to be messed with. This kind of behaviors is exactly what I witnessed during 2 years in the South. They are straight up violent gangsters. Its so sad what Thailand has become. They prey on the foreigners. The police know. The police don't care. They get a cut too. I actually like that this program shows people that its not all smiles here in LOS.

I agree I hate those wanna be rastafarian southern Thai pricks you get on samui area.

They are total fakes, I wouldnt trust them at all!

They usually come up to you all arrogant, acting in defiance of Thai culture - slap you on the back "allright geezer". - Hey pal I am 20 years older than you!

They usually end up picking up some insecure 19 year old backpacker girl and bleed her dry, until she goes back home and they find another one and end up with several girls sending them money.

Watch out for these guys girls!

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British Royal Marines ready to go to ‘war’ over Thai gun confrontation



Andrew Drummond

on September 12, 2009

in General News

. Tags: Andrew Drummond, Big Trouble in Thailand, Bravo, Gavin Hill, Jack Tebbott, jet ski scam, JJ, JJ Naiman, Phuket, Rory Bremner, Royal Marine Police Sergeant, Tim Wright, Vera.

(More rushes from ‘Big Trouble in Thailand)

“Thailand is awesome. The people are good and sound. Today was a bit different” - Marine Jack Tebbott

Link: JJ: My uncle is big Captain in police station

From Andrew Drummond, Bangkok, September 13

Royal Marines who claim they were swindled and held at gunpoint while on R&R in Thailand said tonight that they were ‘ready to go to war’ over an alleged cover-up of the incident.

Royal Marine Face-offThe Marines of Delta Company, 40 Commando, based in Taunton, who were held at gunpoint by a Jet Ski operator on the Thai holiday island of Phuket, said they would take the matter to government to government level, if Thai authorities tried to shift the blame.

And they added that they would stick by a British producer/cameraman, who filmed the whole incident, and who now faces arrest accused by the Thai authorities of ‘setting up’ the scene for filming.

“The Thai authorities should choose to hold an adult approach to this incident. If not, we are willing to raise the level of this dispute to that of a diplomatic incident, though of course we will have to go through legal channels,“ said Marine Police Sergeant and Detachment Commander Tim Wright.

The row follows an incident which happened when Delta Company were on ‘R &R’ on the Thai holiday island of Phuket earlier this year.

Royal Marine Police Sergeant Wright (right) confronts JJ

Royal Marine Police Sergeant Wright (right) confronts JJ

The marines were held at gun-point and surrounded by Thai thugs after one of their number, 21-yr-old Marine Jack Tebbott, from Leicester, was accused of damaging a jet-ski and faced demands of over £1,200 in compensation.

Violence was only avoided when Royal Marine Police Sergeant Tim stepped and agreed to authorise a payment.

Marine Sergeant Tim Wright

Marine Sergeant Tim Wright

The whole scene was captured on film by British cameraman producer Gavin Hill. The Jet Ski thug, known as JJ, has since been arrested on charges of extortion. But he has given a statement saying that the film was set up.

Yesterday Thai authorities began steps to try and block a series currently running on a minor British television channel and they said they wanted to question the producer over the ‘set up’.

They have also countermanded all ‘film release’ forms which were required for the filming and transmssion. Last night Royal Marine Police Sergeant Tim Wright from London said: “From what I gather people in Thailand are trying to impugn the reputation of the Royal Marines and of the producer cameraman involved.

“I have told the producer cameraman Gavin Hill that I and the lads will stand by him. What he recorded on film was the absolute truth. I do not like my integrity or that of the Marines being questioned. I live by my integrity.

“I especially do not like my integrity being questioned by a two bit swindler. If need be we will escalate this to a diplomatic incident. We also would like to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to put out an official warning on their Travel Advisory to Thailand.

“It is quite alarming to see how the film maker s are being treated. The Thais should be dealing with the problem not trying to blame someone else.”

The row over the ‘jet ski mafia’ began after the first of an eight part series called ‘Big Trouble in Thailand’ went to air last Monday on the Bravo Channel. The film shows the Commandos, who had arrived in Thailand on HMS Bulwark after a tour in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province, restraining themselves as the armed foul mouthed gang leader made his threats and demands for money.

Marine Jack Tebbott

Marine Jack Tebbott

Although the channel has only a small audience in the UK, copies have been circulating heavily in Thailand.

In the programme Marine Tebbott is accused of causing over £1000 worth of damage to a jet ski and eventually pays out the equivalent of £627. But Sergeant Wright, who examined the boat, insisted that the damage was old, very old, by examining the stained fibre glass”

He had already had to deal with other cases: “‘You are a crook. You are corrupt,” he tells JJ who replies: “I’m a f….g normal person. I am a businessman”. In rushes released yesterday JJ also claims: “I’m not worried. My uncle is big police here!”

A Royal Marine said later: “We could all have got out of their but there would have been claret spilt.”

The ‘damaged jet ski’ con is widespread in Thailand and complaints have already been made by several Embassies, including the British, Australian and Chinese, to the Thai authorities.

Prior to the film’s transmission the Provincial Governor had been ordered by Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister to act to end the rip-offs to preserve the country’s image for tourism.

Reliable reports say that corrupt police take a 20 per cent cut from all payments.

Gavin Hill - hung out to dry?

Gavin Hill - hung out to dry?

Meanwhile producer Gavin Hill, who was working for comedian Rory Bremner’s Vera Productions, said: “At the moment our relationship has come to an end. They have not given any support. They are also not honouring some promises I made to the Thai authorities or corrections I am making to the scripts.

“They appear to have left me out to dry. The Thai authorities are trying to get the series stopped. But actually if they look at it closely they come off quite well. We were primarily looking at British tourists on holiday.

“I actually love Thailand and would not wish to harm the country at all. The authorities cannot see who is doing the harm.”

The series which was shot with the co-operation of the Thai Tourist Police was originally called ‘Thai Cops’. The title was then changed to ‘Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand’ and the Thai Film Board protested.

“I told the production company that title was offensive to Thailand, but my views were apparently not ‘taken on board’ as they claimed they would be. It’s a mess.

““The situation with the Marines and JJ was real and menacing. It was not set up or scripted. I just recorded what happened”.

OK. from the horses mouth this was a set up "corrections I am making to the scripts. "

So the producer admits there were scipts

The producer is a scumbag. As much as I dislike people like JJ, the whole thing was a set up and the producer did a runner and wouldnt face up to the fact he scripted it, JJ is in trouble that even his uncle probablly cant get him out of and the producer is covering his ass, job etc.

The Jetski incident definatley a set up, who would threaten someone on camera with a gun?

Edited by CrossBones
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I'm sure that the US government would approve of their military personnel committing violence against citizens of one of their major allies in SE Asia and probably provoking a major diplomatic incident rather than allowing the due process of law to take place.

Once someone brings a gun out, the gloves are off.

I suspect the Marine Corps wouldn't agree with you.

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Like another poster wrote, "should've thrown 2kb on the ground and left."

Thats probably the WORST thing to do

Remember all the banknotes have an image of a certain person on them

The phrase "lese majeste" springs to mind, here, and that would have destroyed any "moral high ground" the marines might have been standing on, and would have inflamed the situation even more


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Like another poster wrote, "should've thrown 2kb on the ground and left."

Thats probably the WORST thing to do

Remember all the banknotes have an image of a certain person on them

The phrase "lese majeste" springs to mind, here, and that would have destroyed any "moral high ground" the marines might have been standing on, and would have inflamed the situation even more


Ok then, 50 Squid. :)

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seems some posters here have less brain as the British Marines, which REALIZED there are in trouble. Dont forget these lads are around 20 y.o., not like the most posters here over 50 (60) AND another thing, I bet these members here which criticise the English Marines are never in a situation where someone brought a gun out. But ok, its old John Wayne logic....he can shoot only one of us, before WE kill him......woa. Btw, I know both, British and American Marines, the Brits are able of thinking BEFORE acting,

Someone here writes Trailer Trash..... :D I bet he`s right. But if they had worked out the situation with violence I bet they are not back on their ship right now :) Ever been to a ThaiFarang Fight? .....Thais coming out like rats of a sinking chinese containership and you are overwhelmed before you can count to twentyfive.

Poor Micha or Michelle, but if there is nobody who is paying the bail for her (and I doubt that) she will now after the bravo story experience the full strengh of Thai Law. :D

and @ ALL Farangs which are living in Thailand. You should be aware of one thing. You are always with one foot in the jail in LOS make an accident, guilty or not, have a neighbor which doesnt like you and hide some drugs in your garden before he call the police, say something wrong to somebody wrong......all whats important in Asia (not only Thailand) is money money money....and the easiest way to get it.

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OK. from the horses mouth this was a set up "corrections I am making to the scripts. "

So the producer admits there were scipts

The producer is a scumbag. As much as I dislike people like JJ, the whole thing was a set up and the producer did a runner and wouldnt face up to the fact he scripted it, JJ is in trouble that even his uncle probablly cant get him out of and the producer is covering his ass, job etc.

The Jetski incident definatley a set up, who would threaten someone on camera with a gun?

....the script is what the narrator says between and during each case on the actual program, not a script for the participants in each scene.

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Dont forget these lads are around 20 y.o., not like the most posters here over 50 (60) AND another thing, I bet these members here which criticise the English Marines are never in a situation where someone brought a gun out.

Perhaps you might back up and re-read what I wrote. I never expected anyone to turn into a Judge Dredd and start knocking heads together, but this boys acted like boys. I realize it is not a combat situation where there is some regimentation to what is happening, but where is the poise under stress?

Or are these "lads" supposed to be the same as the kid working at the grocery store back home? I thought marines were different -- trained for stressful situations, trained to be of tough spirit and so on.

But apparently not.

By the way, the only thing I think that was "staged" was a possible tacit understanding between the filmaker and the jet ski owner that something intersting might happen on the day of filming. Looking at JJ and his attitude, he's been doing this long enough to have all the angles covered and he considers himself a real player. This was clearly, to me, his way of showing off. He knows nothing will happen to him -- fight or no fight. If he has been arrested on some related charges or whatnot, this will only add to his "aura of power" among the locals and now, some foreigners.

Good god, imagine what he's like now if you thought he was cocky in the video...

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Sad to see Rory Bremner's co. dumping on Gavin Hill. :)

Sadly, methinks this will result into some frantic re-editing to take out all the remaining material of a more contentious nature that shows the Thais in a poor light.

It will end up as just another "pissed up youths abroad" series, perhaps?


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British Royal Marines ready to go to ‘war’ over Thai gun confrontation



Andrew Drummond

on September 12, 2009

in General News

. Tags: Andrew Drummond, Big Trouble in Thailand, Bravo, Gavin Hill, Jack Tebbott, jet ski scam, JJ, JJ Naiman, Phuket, Rory Bremner, Royal Marine Police Sergeant, Tim Wright, Vera.

(More rushes from ‘Big Trouble in Thailand)

“Thailand is awesome. The people are good and sound. Today was a bit different” - Marine Jack Tebbott

Link: JJ: My uncle is big Captain in police station

From Andrew Drummond, Bangkok, September 13

Royal Marines who claim they were swindled and held at gunpoint while on R&R in Thailand said tonight that they were ‘ready to go to war’ over an alleged cover-up of the incident.

Royal Marine Face-offThe Marines of Delta Company, 40 Commando, based in Taunton, who were held at gunpoint by a Jet Ski operator on the Thai holiday island of Phuket, said they would take the matter to government to government level, if Thai authorities tried to shift the blame.

And they added that they would stick by a British producer/cameraman, who filmed the whole incident, and who now faces arrest accused by the Thai authorities of ‘setting up’ the scene for filming.

“The Thai authorities should choose to hold an adult approach to this incident. If not, we are willing to raise the level of this dispute to that of a diplomatic incident, though of course we will have to go through legal channels,“ said Marine Police Sergeant and Detachment Commander Tim Wright.

The row follows an incident which happened when Delta Company were on ‘R &R’ on the Thai holiday island of Phuket earlier this year.

Royal Marine Police Sergeant Wright (right) confronts JJ

Royal Marine Police Sergeant Wright (right) confronts JJ

The marines were held at gun-point and surrounded by Thai thugs after one of their number, 21-yr-old Marine Jack Tebbott, from Leicester, was accused of damaging a jet-ski and faced demands of over £1,200 in compensation.

Violence was only avoided when Royal Marine Police Sergeant Tim stepped and agreed to authorise a payment.

Marine Sergeant Tim Wright

Marine Sergeant Tim Wright

The whole scene was captured on film by British cameraman producer Gavin Hill. The Jet Ski thug, known as JJ, has since been arrested on charges of extortion. But he has given a statement saying that the film was set up.

Yesterday Thai authorities began steps to try and block a series currently running on a minor British television channel and they said they wanted to question the producer over the ‘set up’.

They have also countermanded all ‘film release’ forms which were required for the filming and transmssion. Last night Royal Marine Police Sergeant Tim Wright from London said: “From what I gather people in Thailand are trying to impugn the reputation of the Royal Marines and of the producer cameraman involved.

“I have told the producer cameraman Gavin Hill that I and the lads will stand by him. What he recorded on film was the absolute truth. I do not like my integrity or that of the Marines being questioned. I live by my integrity.

“I especially do not like my integrity being questioned by a two bit swindler. If need be we will escalate this to a diplomatic incident. We also would like to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to put out an official warning on their Travel Advisory to Thailand.

“It is quite alarming to see how the film maker s are being treated. The Thais should be dealing with the problem not trying to blame someone else.”

The row over the ‘jet ski mafia’ began after the first of an eight part series called ‘Big Trouble in Thailand’ went to air last Monday on the Bravo Channel. The film shows the Commandos, who had arrived in Thailand on HMS Bulwark after a tour in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province, restraining themselves as the armed foul mouthed gang leader made his threats and demands for money.

Marine Jack Tebbott

Marine Jack Tebbott

Although the channel has only a small audience in the UK, copies have been circulating heavily in Thailand.

In the programme Marine Tebbott is accused of causing over £1000 worth of damage to a jet ski and eventually pays out the equivalent of £627. But Sergeant Wright, who examined the boat, insisted that the damage was old, very old, by examining the stained fibre glass”

He had already had to deal with other cases: “‘You are a crook. You are corrupt,” he tells JJ who replies: “I’m a f….g normal person. I am a businessman”. In rushes released yesterday JJ also claims: “I’m not worried. My uncle is big police here!”

A Royal Marine said later: “We could all have got out of their but there would have been claret spilt.”

The ‘damaged jet ski’ con is widespread in Thailand and complaints have already been made by several Embassies, including the British, Australian and Chinese, to the Thai authorities.

Prior to the film’s transmission the Provincial Governor had been ordered by Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister to act to end the rip-offs to preserve the country’s image for tourism.

Reliable reports say that corrupt police take a 20 per cent cut from all payments.

Gavin Hill - hung out to dry?

Gavin Hill - hung out to dry?

Meanwhile producer Gavin Hill, who was working for comedian Rory Bremner’s Vera Productions, said: “At the moment our relationship has come to an end. They have not given any support. They are also not honouring some promises I made to the Thai authorities or corrections I am making to the scripts.

“They appear to have left me out to dry. The Thai authorities are trying to get the series stopped. But actually if they look at it closely they come off quite well. We were primarily looking at British tourists on holiday.

“I actually love Thailand and would not wish to harm the country at all. The authorities cannot see who is doing the harm.”

The series which was shot with the co-operation of the Thai Tourist Police was originally called ‘Thai Cops’. The title was then changed to ‘Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand’ and the Thai Film Board protested.

“I told the production company that title was offensive to Thailand, but my views were apparently not ‘taken on board’ as they claimed they would be. It’s a mess.

““The situation with the Marines and JJ was real and menacing. It was not set up or scripted. I just recorded what happened”.

OK. from the horses mouth this was a set up "corrections I am making to the scripts. "

So the producer admits there were scipts

The producer is a scumbag. As much as I dislike people like JJ, the whole thing was a set up and the producer did a runner and wouldnt face up to the fact he scripted it, JJ is in trouble that even his uncle probablly cant get him out of and the producer is covering his ass, job etc.

The Jetski incident definatley a set up, who would threaten someone on camera with a gun?

....the script is what the narrator says between and during each case on the actual program, not a script for the participants in each scene.

Scrips are also the words spoken by actors in a move/play/performance. What you are talking about is a voice over script

Edited by Lite Beer
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You moron....the script is what the narrator says between and during each case on the actual program, not a script for the participants in each scene. Think before you write next time!!!

:) ..are you the same Howard Miller* who's working for the Pattaya One News and are you also the same bald "Gentleman" who's in that Bravo movie about Pattaya/Walking Street (Big trouble in tourist Thailand), dressed in black uniform, being the Group Leader of the Foreign Tourist Police Assistants/Volunteers ? :D

If so, you certainly show who and what you really are. You wouldn't be fit and educated enough to act and/or be(come) a foreign police volunteer; you would be a disgrace, since real police officers wouldn't use such words, especially if they are from the UK.

The words you use say more about yourself rather than the ones you address those to. You just showed us your real face :D

If I'm wrong: my sincerest Mea Culpa.

* Howard Miller

Group Leader

Foreign Tourist Police Assistants, Pattaya

From: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/findpost-p2987633.html


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seems some posters here have less brain as the British Marines, which REALIZED there are in trouble. Dont forget these lads are around 20 y.o., not like the most posters here over 50 (60) AND another thing, I bet these members here which criticise the English Marines are never in a situation where someone brought a gun out. But ok, its old John Wayne logic....he can shoot only one of us, before WE kill him......woa. Btw, I know both, British and American Marines, the Brits are able of thinking BEFORE acting,

Someone here writes Trailer Trash..... :D I bet he`s right. But if they had worked out the situation with violence I bet they are not back on their ship right now :) Ever been to a ThaiFarang Fight? .....Thais coming out like rats of a sinking chinese containership and you are overwhelmed before you can count to twentyfive.

Poor Micha or Michelle, but if there is nobody who is paying the bail for her (and I doubt that) she will now after the bravo story experience the full strengh of Thai Law. :D

and @ ALL Farangs which are living in Thailand. You should be aware of one thing. You are always with one foot in the jail in LOS make an accident, guilty or not, have a neighbor which doesnt like you and hide some drugs in your garden before he call the police, say something wrong to somebody wrong......all whats important in Asia (not only Thailand) is money money money....and the easiest way to get it.

Got to agree with you,

read a lot of drivel from some of you internet warriors and old has beens. Looked like a BB gun!, gloves off, cant shoot us all, USMC would have done this or that. Complete load of old <deleted>

Credit to Royal kept his composure till the MP turned up, i reckon he would have got away without paying anything like the amount he did but he had already agreed to pay 35k so that is what he paid. What would have happened if they had ended up brawling and the gun was used international incident nobody comes up smelling of roses after that possible serious injuries, fatalities who knows.

The UK Forces do not have any regular exercises in S E Asia unlike the US with Cobra Gold every year or have any people based in Thailand so do not have the same contacts and regular experience the yanks do. If the guys get in trouble while pissed up on R+R they will have the book thrown at them and everyone is fully aware that if they get in trouble ashore they are going to be in the shit big time.

Pussies, Royal Marines these are the people who strapped themselves to the outside of Apache gunships and landed inside a Taliban Fort under fire to retrieve the dead body of a colleague. These are the same guys who took the town of Al Faw Iraq in 12 hours after the USMC 1st MEU had been unable to hold it. Any real Devil Dogs (not you internet John Waynes who dont know your <deleted> from you elbows!!) out there who have worked with Royal want to comment

rant over

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British Royal Marines ready to go to ‘war’ over Thai gun confrontation



Andrew Drummond

on September 12, 2009

in General News

. Tags: Andrew Drummond, Big Trouble in Thailand, Bravo, Gavin Hill, Jack Tebbott, jet ski scam, JJ, JJ Naiman, Phuket, Rory Bremner, Royal Marine Police Sergeant, Tim Wright, Vera.

(More rushes from ‘Big Trouble in Thailand)

“Thailand is awesome. The people are good and sound. Today was a bit different” - Marine Jack Tebbott

Link: JJ: My uncle is big Captain in police station

From Andrew Drummond, Bangkok, September 13

Royal Marines who claim they were swindled and held at gunpoint while on R&R in Thailand said tonight that they were ‘ready to go to war’ over an alleged cover-up of the incident.

Royal Marine Face-offThe Marines of Delta Company, 40 Commando, based in Taunton, who were held at gunpoint by a Jet Ski operator on the Thai holiday island of Phuket, said they would take the matter to government to government level, if Thai authorities tried to shift the blame.

And they added that they would stick by a British producer/cameraman, who filmed the whole incident, and who now faces arrest accused by the Thai authorities of ‘setting up’ the scene for filming.

“The Thai authorities should choose to hold an adult approach to this incident. If not, we are willing to raise the level of this dispute to that of a diplomatic incident, though of course we will have to go through legal channels,“ said Marine Police Sergeant and Detachment Commander Tim Wright.

The row follows an incident which happened when Delta Company were on ‘R &R’ on the Thai holiday island of Phuket earlier this year.

Royal Marine Police Sergeant Wright (right) confronts JJ

Royal Marine Police Sergeant Wright (right) confronts JJ

The marines were held at gun-point and surrounded by Thai thugs after one of their number, 21-yr-old Marine Jack Tebbott, from Leicester, was accused of damaging a jet-ski and faced demands of over £1,200 in compensation.

Violence was only avoided when Royal Marine Police Sergeant Tim stepped and agreed to authorise a payment.

Marine Sergeant Tim Wright

Marine Sergeant Tim Wright

The whole scene was captured on film by British cameraman producer Gavin Hill. The Jet Ski thug, known as JJ, has since been arrested on charges of extortion. But he has given a statement saying that the film was set up.

Yesterday Thai authorities began steps to try and block a series currently running on a minor British television channel and they said they wanted to question the producer over the ‘set up’.

They have also countermanded all ‘film release’ forms which were required for the filming and transmssion. Last night Royal Marine Police Sergeant Tim Wright from London said: “From what I gather people in Thailand are trying to impugn the reputation of the Royal Marines and of the producer cameraman involved.

“I have told the producer cameraman Gavin Hill that I and the lads will stand by him. What he recorded on film was the absolute truth. I do not like my integrity or that of the Marines being questioned. I live by my integrity.

“I especially do not like my integrity being questioned by a two bit swindler. If need be we will escalate this to a diplomatic incident. We also would like to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to put out an official warning on their Travel Advisory to Thailand.

“It is quite alarming to see how the film maker s are being treated. The Thais should be dealing with the problem not trying to blame someone else.”

The row over the ‘jet ski mafia’ began after the first of an eight part series called ‘Big Trouble in Thailand’ went to air last Monday on the Bravo Channel. The film shows the Commandos, who had arrived in Thailand on HMS Bulwark after a tour in Afghanistan’s Helmand Province, restraining themselves as the armed foul mouthed gang leader made his threats and demands for money.

Marine Jack Tebbott

Marine Jack Tebbott

Although the channel has only a small audience in the UK, copies have been circulating heavily in Thailand.

In the programme Marine Tebbott is accused of causing over £1000 worth of damage to a jet ski and eventually pays out the equivalent of £627. But Sergeant Wright, who examined the boat, insisted that the damage was old, very old, by examining the stained fibre glass”

He had already had to deal with other cases: “‘You are a crook. You are corrupt,” he tells JJ who replies: “I’m a f….g normal person. I am a businessman”. In rushes released yesterday JJ also claims: “I’m not worried. My uncle is big police here!”

A Royal Marine said later: “We could all have got out of their but there would have been claret spilt.”

The ‘damaged jet ski’ con is widespread in Thailand and complaints have already been made by several Embassies, including the British, Australian and Chinese, to the Thai authorities.

Prior to the film’s transmission the Provincial Governor had been ordered by Thailand’s Deputy Prime Minister to act to end the rip-offs to preserve the country’s image for tourism.

Reliable reports say that corrupt police take a 20 per cent cut from all payments.

Gavin Hill - hung out to dry?

Gavin Hill - hung out to dry?

Meanwhile producer Gavin Hill, who was working for comedian Rory Bremner’s Vera Productions, said: “At the moment our relationship has come to an end. They have not given any support. They are also not honouring some promises I made to the Thai authorities or corrections I am making to the scripts.

“They appear to have left me out to dry. The Thai authorities are trying to get the series stopped. But actually if they look at it closely they come off quite well. We were primarily looking at British tourists on holiday.

“I actually love Thailand and would not wish to harm the country at all. The authorities cannot see who is doing the harm.”

The series which was shot with the co-operation of the Thai Tourist Police was originally called ‘Thai Cops’. The title was then changed to ‘Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand’ and the Thai Film Board protested.

“I told the production company that title was offensive to Thailand, but my views were apparently not ‘taken on board’ as they claimed they would be. It’s a mess.

““The situation with the Marines and JJ was real and menacing. It was not set up or scripted. I just recorded what happened”.

Err, HMS Bulwark is a ship .... Afghanistan is landlocked :)

Anyway, just had a look at the first 4 episodes. People who come from their home countries to an unknown foreign country, especially one as 'laid back' at Thailand sometimes tend to get themselves too 'relaxed'. From what I saw from the 'victims' on that program, it was nothing but first time visitors who had very little idea how this country works getting themselves into trouble with things that would possibly be 'overlooked' in their home countries. The naive Cumbrian girl, the inexperienced 'marine' and the pished up Ozzy guy all fell into a trap that I'm sure many many newcomers to Thailand find themselves in, year in, year out but for them, luckily or not, it is not captured on film. A severe learning curve for them and hopefully very good lessons for others who want to grace these shores.

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