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Big Trouble In Tourist Thailand


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That JJ (the crooked jet ski Renter) Just got arrested ... on Thai News this morning..

Guess this show might be good for Thailand after all ... shame the cops into doing there job...


It just backfired on us didnt it.... no more back to back tourist visas!

Doesnt exactly make Farangs look good either!

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Bit of a coincidence you would film that interview and then happen to be at the same place when someone "damages a jetski"

That guy is typical of the type of southern Thai pricks you get on the islands, cocky and arrogant - worst type of Thai people IMHO

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Thairath today is reporting that the English sailor did damage the jet ski in an accident. However after the video was bought to the attention of the police and provincial governor of Phuket, they objected to Winai's threatening behaviour and use of a gun to intimidate the sailors, which when seen worldwide would damage Phuket tourism and Thailand's reputation, so they ordered his arrest.


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Cross bones - if you read the article the producer made - JJ called him and sent a mototaxi to collect them. Basically producer asked JJ to call him if an incident occurs.

Basically the producer was asking for an incident to occur :) Who in their right mind would threaten someone on camera with a gun... even though he said turn the camera off, that was after he came out with the gun. Probably expected the producer to explain to the police that it was all an act, which would have been fine... I expect the producer didnt want to face criticism and decided to drop JJ in the sh!t when the police got involved - being a horrible arrogant scum bag bottom feeding journalist that he is.

Just speculation

I dont like either of them, but i think this makes Thais and Farangs look pretty bad!

They have this kind of rubbish on UK tv all the time, usually a bunch of townies/chavs low rent out of control slappers getting their tits out in Benedorm or Ayanappa. Thais are more sensitive to this type of bad publicity. I wouldnt be surprised if this helped to cause the new, no more back to back tourist visa law announced today!

Edited by CrossBones
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I just saw this shitty movie:

How can one believe, that this a not just a fantasy story.

The movie was made with many cameras from many different points of view. So when there is a scene, lets say about 3 minutes long, you can expect, they needed about some hours for the whole scene. So ,you have brakes in between of about - let say 20 minutes.

Even the jet-sky guy: I ve never met someone like him with this kind of job, so fluently speaking English, compared to the normal Thai guys he was speaking nearly sophisticated.

Many people really seem to watch too much TV and are absolutely unable to see the difference between reality and fiction.

Wake up ! Nearly everything you see on TV is fiction !

Only the pictures you see in news are real ! And also these pictures can give you a totally wrong impression

(I cant believe how big is this lack of competence ...)


Edited by dieter1
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Even the jet-sky guy: I ve never met someone like him with this kind of job, so fluently speaking English, compared to the normal Thai guys he was speaking nearly sophisticated.

The reason for that is jj is thai/Dutch and has spent some considerable time in holland.

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Even the jet-sky guy: I ve never met someone like him with this kind of job, so fluently speaking English, compared to the normal Thai guys he was speaking nearly sophisticated.

The reason for that is jj is thai/Dutch and has spent some considerable time in holland.

Was his father Dutch and had a (co-ownership) diving school/boat/operation on Phuket; married to a Thai Muslim girl from Patong ? :)


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Don't want to say most or even many luk krungs that have similar JJ type chips on the shoulders... but I've run into more than a few. They can't all grow up to be models/singers/etc. and and they often run into the glass ceiling here and end up in odd nooks and niches in society, like this JJ dork.


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Cross bones - if you read the article the producer made - JJ called him and sent a mototaxi to collect them. Basically producer asked JJ to call him if an incident occurs.

Basically the producer was asking for an incident to occur :) Who in their right mind would threaten someone on camera with a gun... even though he said turn the camera off, that was after he came out with the gun. Probably expected the producer to explain to the police that it was all an act, which would have been fine... I expect the producer didnt want to face criticism and decided to drop JJ in the sh!t when the police got involved - being a horrible arrogant scum bag bottom feeding journalist that he is.

Just speculation

I dont like either of them, but i think this makes Thais and Farangs look pretty bad!

They have this kind of rubbish on UK tv all the time, usually a bunch of townies/chavs low rent out of control slappers getting their tits out in Benedorm or Ayanappa. Thais are more sensitive to this type of bad publicity. I wouldnt be surprised if this helped to cause the new, no more back to back tourist visa law announced today!

and they just made an announcement clamping down on full moon parties. A coincidence maybe?

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Do admit -can't think of one good reason JJ would want to be filmed if he was doing a jetski scam. Brandishing a bb gun too - just seems too over the top to believe. "I'm just a business man" :)

A BB gun???

It looked more substantial than that to me !!!!!

Where, in any news reports does it say it was only a BB gun?


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I just saw this shitty movie:

How can one believe, that this a not just a fantasy story.

The movie was made with many cameras from many different points of view. So when there is a scene, lets say about 3 minutes long, you can expect, they needed about some hours for the whole scene. So ,you have brakes in between of about - let say 20 minutes.

Even the jet-sky guy: I ve never met someone like him with this kind of job, so fluently speaking English, compared to the normal Thai guys he was speaking nearly sophisticated.

Many people really seem to watch too much TV and are absolutely unable to see the difference between reality and fiction.

Wake up ! Nearly everything you see on TV is fiction !

Only the pictures you see in news are real ! And also these pictures can give you a totally wrong impression

(I cant believe how big is this lack of competence ...)


I've been saying this all along but I am beginning to think many here with recent aliases since JUNE when this was shot may simply be here to defend and pump the show. If the Thais are smart they will reveal this for what it really is - a scripted production!!!

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Where, in any news reports does it say it was only a BB gun?

Surely the marines would have been able to identify it?


It would explain why he never showed the muzzle. Had it been revealed to be a bb gun by the muzzle diameter it would lose it's intimidation value. Many of these bb guns look real otherwise.

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From the Gazette>>>

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Phuket's infamous jet-ski man bailed

PATONG, PHUKET: Winai ‘JJ’ Naiman, the jet-ski operator arrested on extortion charges in Phuket this week, was bailed yesterday.

An officer at Phuket Provincial Court said Mr Winai had posted a land title deed worth 700,000 baht to secure his release.

Footage of Mr Winai, 28, threatening a group of British Royal Navy Marines with a gun was broadcast on British TV on Monday night as part of a show entitled ‘Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand’.


BB gun?


Edited by phuketrex
Link Added. Lite Beer.
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Shouldn't the narrator have learned to pronounce Phuket and Koh Pha-ngan correctly? Instead he said Fookket and Ko Pangyang.

That kind of ruins the credibility of the program after the first sentence spoken!!

Also, who on earth puts Rohypnol in their bucket on purpose? Nobody. They took drunken guys' words as gospel.

When will the media learn??? Get it right or appear ill-informed.

Anyway, on a positive note, perhaps this program will encourage tourists not to leave their brains at home when visiting Thailand.

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I personally consider the show to be complete rubbish, but it is well done in terms of what it sets out to do, and imagine the producer will make a nice profit off of it.

I am not certain what (I am sure parts were) fabricated/intentional, but from the American Marines I know from High School, there is no way in the world this would have played out the same. The moment JJ went and got a gun he would have guaranteed himself the beating off a lifetime.

-Why didn't the expert they bring in come with a Thai police officer?

-After he concludes the damage is old why does he still let his friend pay? He really saved the day showing up...

-Why does the gun just disappear after it is used to threaten the sailors?

I would not want to meet any of these people (besides the cute girl) in real life and that includes the pseudo tourist police who probably have their own huge basket of personality disorders.

Edited by DonJuanDemarco
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Where, in any news reports does it say it was only a BB gun?

Surely the marines would have been able to identify it?


It would explain why he never showed the muzzle. Had it been revealed to be a bb gun by the muzzle diameter it would lose it's intimidation value. Many of these bb guns look real otherwise.

The first time I looked at that gun it looked like a BB gun. A small man with a samll mind and a dick extension in the shape of an air rifle.

Personally I would have just laughed at him and walked away. Theres a camera rolling, he knows that if he shoots me hes going down.

Enjoyed the documentory. Nice memoris of Koh Phangan. And good to see young people enjoying themselves before they get old and cynical like most of the TV members.l.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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Interesting and well done this show is.

I think all else aside, the most important lesson here is: understand the nature of intimidation.

In the jet ski incident, the Thai man is clearly adept at being the bully as tourists are not used to being in this position. Foreigners would do well to remember that there is no timer running; if you know you are in the right, there is no hurry to resolve the issue -- hopefully in your favor. If you have to concede, do so after all other options have been tried and exhausted.

One thing that really jumps out at me is the fact that these are supposed to be British fighting forces? What a bunch of sissies. And stupid under pressure. That guy first knew that he didn't do anything but was ready to flee (it appears that the definition of "run away" is in question here, but there is no doubt that he intended to flee if he could have), and subsequently caved in almost instantly to the Thai's outrageous demand for money. I'm here thinking, "Shit, I thought marines were supposed to be tough. So much for that idea...."

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Interesting and well done this show is.

I think all else aside, the most important lesson here is: understand the nature of intimidation.

In the jet ski incident, the Thai man is clearly adept at being the bully as tourists are not used to being in this position. Foreigners would do well to remember that there is no timer running; if you know you are in the right, there is no hurry to resolve the issue -- hopefully in your favor. If you have to concede, do so after all other options have been tried and exhausted.

One thing that really jumps out at me is the fact that these are supposed to be British fighting forces? What a bunch of sissies. And stupid under pressure. That guy first knew that he didn't do anything but was ready to flee (it appears that the definition of "run away" is in question here, but there is no doubt that he intended to flee if he could have), and subsequently caved in almost instantly to the Thai's outrageous demand for money. I'm here thinking, "Shit, I thought marines were supposed to be tough. So much for that idea...."

I think you're forgetting something, to someone on holiday there is a hurry. They have limited time to enjoy themselves, every hour lost is $$$ to them as they have to make the most of their stay, some may only have a few days, so an afternoon lost is a significant part of their holiday.

Sure for those of us that live here with connections there is no hurry, we can take all day getting everything right so we come out on top, or at the least able to negotiate a face saving way out for everyone.

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