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Any Boaters Out Here?


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Does anyone have any sail boat experience on how to lay non slip surface(sand mixed in paint) for a metal bridge ?

Or know of a premixed paint & where to find it? It will be identical to a powercat or a regular sailboat or ships decking. I am building in the Pattaya area. True Value carries the non slip tape but the dimensions are 2.20 meters by 4.0 & will peal in time. the ship style decking would work & look better than Shera or Conwood (fake composite wood) I wanted to use teak till I found out the price & would rather put the funds in the fittings in the new house when building it. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Beardog
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It has been a lot of years but in my last life I had a ketch that I sailed around the So. Pacific Back then as I remember we first put a heavy coat of paint and the simply scattered sand over the paint. Once dry we hosed or brushed off the loose top sand and there ya go Non- slip... happy sailing :)

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There is an non slip paint available, Scott from precision shipyard in Phuket is the importer, he is also selling this to the local boatbuilders, I know of serenity in ocean marina is buying from scott.

If you want to see serenity ask for Jean, he is the owner and tell him I sent you. There are a few more boatbuilders that I know of and if you can come to my place I can draw you a map.


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It has been a lot of years but in my last life I had a ketch that I sailed around the So. Pacific Back then as I remember we first put a heavy coat of paint and the simply scattered sand over the paint. Once dry we hosed or brushed off the loose top sand and there ya go Non- slip... happy sailing :)

After brushing off the loose top I usually give it a thin layer of coating!!

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Thanks guys,

I remember we used white paint & fine sand then swept off the excess & hosed it down & when it dried applied a light coat of paint over the top to keep the excess from wearing down. I always got the glass work & the mechanical & rigging jobs but the posts jogged my memory & remember the method.

Thanks again guys I knew Pattaya had some boaters or yachtsman out there. :)

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