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Anyone Ever Fed Up By Los And Wanting To Go Back To Thier Homecountry?

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Relationships are not all about the money in the west ? can anyone explain this to me ?

In the west if you stop paying the utility, grocery, etc. bills, property taxes, your wife will just say don't worry sweetie, we'll live on love. Or she'll support you. In other words, you'll likely marry a gal who decides her full time occupation is not just being a housewife. Of course, they exist here as well, but well, you know...

Also, if you get divorced, then it's really not about the money at all. Oh, I guess that's what they mean. When you don't love each other, then you can sue each other.


I like the Thai way, they punish you for being a loser.

When you get divorced in the west, the laws are stacked in the womans favour, so are the child support laws.

Not always, mainly it ends up that the kids can be with both "mom" and "dad" on certain times on and off. The money is mainly also split 50/50. That's why I hate marriage. I think you have to believe in this kind of bond. Real love, doesn't need marriage. But in Thailand, it's still mainly the old way, so almost every girl wants to get a marriage... :)

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every time I get back from Thailand thinking it may not be the best to live, less than an hour or two after unboarding the plane, the reality hits me in the face...

mostly the unfriendlyness of everyone and the cost of not living like a cheapo

begins with the taxi - a turk or an albanian who just grunts and then wants 2000 baht for driving 25 mins...

It's suited to the countries income. What else do you expect, if your not in LOS?

Not always, mainly it ends up that the kids can be with both "mom" and "dad" on certain times on and off. The money is mainly also split 50/50.

That's an awesome deal if happened to marry Britney Spears or Cher. But IMO most splits, if you believe the anecdotes favor the gal.



Only been here a week and a half but today the heat and the constant buzz of the air-con got me down a bit. I felt like putting on the TV and watching some rubbish like EastEnders or Corrie but I could not.

Plus I miss that I don't have any mates here to go for a beer with and chat sh1t like back home.

But I love the gaff, I love the sun and I love the food so far its nearly all been good.


Went back once only, 8 years ago. Had ticket for 2 months at home, but returned to LOS in less than 2 weeks. Never gone back since.

I guess my heart have a new home country now :)

Everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality...."--David Ellner

That, my friend, is one hel_l of a quote! :)

Who is this guy?

Yes, I got fed up with Thailand and went back to Oz. Main reasons:

the climate


no top class rugby or cricket

the traffic

language, culture, and family

financial security

poor quality of television and the media generally (maybe better now, particularly via internet)

I would be avoiding Australia for those very same reasons. Especially the lack of top class rugby or cricket there. :)


Thailand will always draw Westerners, or should I say SE Asia?

I left in 2005 after 4+ years in LOS but when I stop working I will move to SE Asia again. Caught the bug, I guess. I left as I was not going to go back to teaching again and needed a steady income. Said I would never move to my home country again but after 3 years and via 3 other countries here I am. Financially, there is just no competition. So, I save here and will have a good life in SE Asia, hopefully.

Please post reasons why you are fed up by Thailand and want to go back to you home country?

My reasons would be in my home country there is:

More job security

Re: Okay, so I've heard that there is a bit of a boom in the job market of OZ these days. And that's great if you are from OZ (where there are shortages of skilled workers), but where I come from (and other developed countries too) the job market leaves a whole lot to be desired right now. Job security is an oxymoron these days, mate.

Better health care

Re: Well, good on you mate! All I can say is I envy you because there is no right to any type of health care in the USA. People are trying to change that, but I say it'll be a cold day in hel_l before we will see much change in that arena. I'm better off in other countries where they readily provide health care as an employment benefit. It's pretty rare for most employers in America to offer a decent health care benefit at an affordable rate. And forget about the rates if you are self-employed. :)

People are sincere and honest

Re: Really? That's GREAT! I guess the few lying Aussies I met were just rare birds.

Relationships are not all about the money

Re: Okay, but money does have a way of affecting all relationships. Don't you think?

Not many fall for criminal populistic poilticians

Re: Wow! Again, I envy you because we sure picked a real winner (twice I might add) and a lot of people are still trying to backtrack to defend their voting decisions for GWB.

No congested streets

Re: OMG, I wanna move to Aussieland right now!

OZ sounds like paradise on earth! Why would anyone from Australia want to live in Thailand?


What I miss is security and stability in a general sense. I've been here 6 years but still feel like I'm walking on egg-shells sometimes in terms of feeling this is my home.

I see a lot of people loose themselves here and hard to dig themselves away from the illusion of what a lot of things are . Smiles are only skin deep. I've met some great Thai's here but unfortunately I've met a lot that really don't care about anyone but themselves. That goes for Foreigners too unfortunately. It's a complicated country in the whole with the education, politics, hierarchies, poverty etc... These days I tend to live in a bubble of what I make my life to be and not care much for Thai society.

There are very few people I choose to engage, because I find a lot of people childish here.. Sorry but it's frustrating for me to live in a giant playground. Yep I choose to live here and now I'm choosing to spend more time in Western countries where possible.

Thanks for listening :)


one of the reasons we travel to other countries is because it is DIFFERENT

you can't expect that to change because you now live here


The OP must be from Utopia.

-No congested streets

-No crooked politicians

As for me, I have NO desire to return to my home country. As my ex-wife (Malaysian Chinese) said about it (my home country). "it's a good place to make money, but there is no life here. I pretty much agree.


I really miss the N.F.L. (Real Football!) and real Pizza !

Also, miss New England from about Thanksgiving to the Day after New Year's Day,

... well, OK, Super Bowl Sunday parties too!

Not ashamed to say that I miss a dusting of snow around Christmas!

I think everybody has their periods of being pissed off with the place that they live in.

True. I know it's a cliche but after about 14 years here the only thing that still pisses me off round my neck of the woods is the driving of the locals. The average skill level seems to vary between somebody who in the west would have just passed their driving test to downright homicidal. I used to love driving back home and riding my motorcycle but here driving is an utter chore. I've noticed some BKK posters complain about the driving habits down there. Whenever I go to Bangkok I'm quite pleased with the driving standards and on visiting Chiang Mai a few times I've found the road users to be quite competent so that just goes to show how sh#te they are round my way. :)

Been thinking about it/planning for it for several months now, Drronnie. My reasons are very similar to yours:

Best schooling (should I have children)

Job stability

More capable law enforcement and consumer protection laws

Customer service quality

Better court systems

More MEXICAN food

More things to do with your free time

Except for the Mexican food and job stability, these are also some of my reasons for wishing to leave Thailand. I have no problem with Thailand generally but feel there are better places out there for me.

Having said that, I'm not planning on returning to the UK but have persuaded the wife to give Singapore a go once our youngest reaches school age.

No doubt at some stage in the future (due to family reasons) we will end up back in Thailand but personally I hope that won't be for quite some time.


The only thing I get fed up about Thailand is the Farang that come and try to change it to their own country and then complain because it doesn't work out. :)

Yes, I got fed up with Thailand and went back to Oz. Main reasons:

the climate


no top class rugby or cricket

the traffic

language, culture, and family

financial security

poor quality of television and the media generally (maybe better now, particularly via internet)

Which begs the question as to why you are still reading Thai Visa :)

Earn in the West, retire in the East, that works if you can afford the Health Care. If you are pre retirement and have kids, forget Thailand unless you can afford an International School.

They should just issue these guys a cheap shirt and tie and a bicycle on arrival.


The thing I've noticed with those guys is they try and convert the most unlikely of potential candidates to see the light. I saw a couple trying to tell a local lad about the perils of drinking and how he could be saved. Said lad was mashed to the tits on 40 degree sporting some rather decorative prison style tattoos. I wanted to advise them that he didn't seem to be the most receptive of possible converts as most of his attention was being spent on remaining in a vertical position.


I don't think that there is anything about Thailand that could ever make me want to return to the UK. What's there to miss, it's all available here only better. Any slight bouts of home sickness can be overcome by a trip back to the homeland and then I am climbing the walls and counting the days to my return to LOS. Cold weather, speed cameras, political correctness gone mad, immigrants, Gordon Brown who needs any of it?


Miss England? Never - it is a pit, full of foreigners, football hooligans, drunks & muggers. Get burgled. Yipee

Besides - I'm warm here & can eat out well & cheaply.

Cinemas are crap, I miss libraries too, but go back to Blighty - no way. Explore S.E.Asia - much nicer

Please post reasons why you are fed up by Thailand and want to go back to you home country?

My reasons would be in my home country there is:

More job security

Better health care

People are sincere and honest

Relationships are not all about the money

Not many fall for criminal populist politicians

No congested streets

I read your post with interest but sorry to rain on your parade but

One other respondent asked you where do you come from. I ask the same which country are you from? Your picture shows Eastwood which of course is American; if that is where you are from then job security in the current economic climate in America surely can not be a reason to go back.

sincere and honest people; well again if you are from America I guess that is dependent on which side of the track your from the people that do the killings, muggings and robberies every single day surely can't be who you miss.

Relationships are very much about money; when a couple break up, what is the most most important thing after the kids are fought over? how much do we each get. Just ask those couples that have either are in deep trouble because one or both of them now don't have enough money the relationship generally suffers. yes or no?

All politicians to some degree have a streak of corruption in them, in the UK for example 96% of the pollies on both sides entered into fraud over many years. It was only recently that a proper audit of the tax system in regards to the Pollies exposed how they were oughting in a massive way the tax system claiming on things like mortgages on houses they didn't even have. And in the states, well politics is rife with corruptions scams. In Aussie, well once or twice a year some body blows the whistle on some corrupt pollies like that guy nu-tall who takes a bribe from business and says he didn't think they wanted anything in return - hes now on his way to prison; so criminal pollies..........

The health systems generally are OK; well in Aussie they are even though many people here are pissed off at having to wait years to get into hospital for an operation on the general health system. It's different of course if you have private health cover; which is the same in Thailand isn't it?

That leaves congestion on the roads: In Thailand, in Bangkok, that is very true but up in northern Thailand its not so true; the traffic flows well and the roads are for the most not congested.

I guess for me to want to go back home, the reasons would have to be more severe than those that you have sighted. :)

Please post reasons why you are fed up by Thailand and want to go back to you home country?

My reasons would be in my home country there is:

More job security

Better health care

People are sincere and honest

Relationships are not all about the money

Not many fall for criminal populist politicians

No congested streets

I read your post with interest but sorry to rain on your parade but

One other respondent asked you where do you come from. I ask the same which country are you from? Your picture shows Eastwood which of course is American; if that is where you are from, and of course we don't know from where you come; then job security in the current economic climate in America surely can not be a reason to go back.

sincere and honest people; well again if you are from America I guess that is dependent on which side of the track your from the people that do the killings, muggings and robberies every single day; surely you can't be missing the risk of being one of thse statistics.

Relationships are very much about money; when a couple break up, what is the most important thing after the kids are fought over? how much do we each get. Just ask those couples that have either are in deep trouble because one or both of them now don't have enough money the relationship generally suffers. yes or no?

All politicians to some degree have a streak of corruption in them, in the UK for example 96% of the pollies on both sides entered into fraud over many years. It was only recently that a proper audit of the tax system in regards to the Pollies exposed how they were oughting in a massive way the tax system claiming on things like mortgages on houses they didn't even have. And in the states, well politics is rife with corruptions scams. In Aussie, well once or twice a year some body blows the whistle on some corrupt pollies like that guy nu-tall who takes a bribe from business and says he didn't think they wanted anything in return - hes now on his way to prison; so criminal pollies..........

The health systems generally are OK; well in Aussie they are even though many people here are pissed off at having to wait years to get into hospital for an operation on the general health system. It's different of course if you have private health cover; which is the same in Thailand isn't it?

That leaves congestion on the roads: In Thailand, in Bangkok, that is very true but up in northern Thailand its not so true; the traffic flows well and the roads are for the most not congested.

I guess for me to want to go back home, the reasons would have to be more severe than those that you have sighted. :)


More job security

I'd have to disagree - I do online marketing and earn more money now than I did back in the UK - but I work for myself so I get out what I put in.

Better health care

Disagree - From the UK so whilst my taxes should pay for most things - Thailand has excellent health care if you have the dosh.

People are sincere and honest

Disagree - I spent 3 years living in Camberwell London and its a violent run down part of town - didn't see much sincerity and honesty there. I know what your getting at but coming up for 5 years here now I'd say the kind gestures from Thais far outweigh the negatives here. Whether kindness and sincerity are the same, each case should be judged on it's own merit, but the lengths some Thais have gone to help me have been incredible - whether it's because I'm a falang or not it's difficult to tell though.

Relationships are not all about the money

Disagree to an extent - my ex was from Bangkok and we went halves on most things - she wouldn't have it any other way - she was a rare find though.

Not many fall for criminal populistic poilticians

While it calls itself a Constitutional Monarchy and/or a Democracy there is little freedom of press so the UK is streets ahead - but none are perfect.

No congested streets

From London again so have to disagree.

*I'd like to add a few more things.

1) Family - This will be my only reason for returning plus if and when I have kids maybe

2) I'll always be a falang. Doesn't matter how long you stay here most people will always approach you like you just stepped off the plane. Sure speaking Thai helps alot but I you'll never be part of the community, not like relocating to Oz or NZ. Something you have to live with.

3) Fresh bracing air.


I have never lived in Thailand, But over the last few years i have stayed longer and longer. I usually stay for four or five months, I am not a sex tourist so Pattaya does nothing for me, I have strong views about the place but it would cause a lot of responses, But thats another post.This year i only went for five weeks , I have been home about seven weeks and i have not missed the place , Also usualy when i get home ,like a lot of people i suspect start thinking of going back next year , This time i have not thought about it once, Some thing has changed Wether its the place ,people, or me , or maybe just familiarity , Thats just my thoughts ,


I guess that I have a foot in both camps, spending 7 months of the year in Thailand. My plan is to increase this to 9 months over the next couple of years. I want to continue to earn some money in the UK, and I have family responsibilities, so I cannot at this stage envisage burning my bridges 100%.

I am English and always will be. In Thailand I will always be the Farang and I am happy to be a guest of the country. However, I now call Thailand my home, feel more comfortable there and miss it when I am in England.

England offers very little for me. The country has been mis-managed for a number of years and, whilst corruption is not overt, the politicians have no credibility. There are so many regulatory obstacles to doing business that no one seems happy any more. There is more of a freedom of spirit in Thailand and whilst it is far from perfect you can usually get things done.

Mongoose spoke of lack of freedom of the press in Thailand. This is, of course, true but I would argue that the English press have abused the freedoms they were afforded. Their sensationalist clammerings have been responsible for so many problems and whilst I am fundamentally in favour of freedom of speech these b4stards have only inflamed situations - the hounding of Princess Diana, misreporting of Hillsborough, inflaming the Northern Rock situation and credit crisis generally etc. etc.

Relationships - I would have no chance of finding a UK partner 19 years my junior. Frankly, I could not imagine another relationship with a Western woman. I speak not just about sex because I could remain in England and follow the sex tourist route for several months of the year - I refer more to to the challenges and enjoyment of fusing two different cultures.

Finally, the food is good, the beer is cheap, in England my blood pressure is 150/95 and in Thailand 135/87 :)

Can we be "fed up" but wanting to go to a different place than "home?" If so, put me down in that category.

There are so many interesting places to live: Panama, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Dominica, Bahamas, Bali, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Austria, Italy, New Zealand.........to name a few.

For me, it might be better to visit Thailand-Titanic from time to time (to see how far it is sinking) and make my home base in a more civilized, less xenophobic, expat friendly country.

May I ask why you still here?

I wonder why people come on a Thailand forum to bash the people of Thailand.

99% of these bashers will stay here, there contrarian view is just a way of getting attention. They know most of the people on the forum like the place. " hey look at me, I hate Thailand "

Try to look at it from any viewpoint! It's not Thailand bashing really! Foreigners rant and rave because this is the only place they can do it in English!Besides, they know

there is real democracy in here!They will talk about their country in the same manner!

So don't fret!

USA is going to hel_l in a handbasket fast

Never going back

Also i doubt i could go back to western woman

If a wall could talk......USA is surely a better place without someone like you.

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