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Tt&t Issues


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Now all of a sudden, international sites i want to access (bbc, facebook, ebay, amazon etc.) are at a snails pace.

......but something "special" seems to be happening to the BBC.

I have not been able to use it properly for many weeks now. I just tried to load it.....wait.....wait.....and I then check other international sites and go......go.....go.

My best guess is there's traffic shaping happening.

I'd like the boss of TT T to know how wonderful the BBC is and how important it is to me.

To the CEO of TT T again, try it yourself:




ps: There doesn't seem to be a total 100% block on the BBC. It sometimes loads up some pages very very slowly. But what I personally want is streaming audio, and this is now impossible. It's not just me, it seems to be ubiquitous, everyone's complaining.

While I've been writing this I've been trying to load BBC again. No go. Nothing.

Edited by sleepyjohn
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I would urge Mr Chamnan to instruct his staff to cease whatever it is they are doing to disrupt access to the BBC. At minimum, I would ask him to explain why his company is tampering with access to this bastion of broadcasting in such a way.

ok so here is what is happening....


Basically last year a Thai person posted something they shouldn't have about the King on youtube. Instead of banning the video or the link.... yep they banned youtube

Trying to read more about it but very difficult, as the only english information is chuffing slow. If there is a valid reason to block a site it will be blocked, otherwise it is illegal to do so (just like prostitution). As they block more and more sites (for no reason at all) they use a smokescreen to confuse people. Instead of saying "this site is blocked" they make it look like your internet is not working.. i.e. this page cannot be loaded blah blah blah...

Also an interesting point (if it is in fact true), if a person walks into an internet cafe etc and posts derogatory untraceable remarks, it will be the ISP who is in hot water, maybe that is why people like TT&T are so unresponsive and unwilling to help.... i by the way ring them everyday and demand a technician to come to my shop, just for funnsies....

Some contact info i got from Prachatai website, will be writing a few emails later in the day... also got their phone numbers too!

Ministry of Information and Communication Technology IT Regulation Bereau: Chief Aree Jivorarak aree@[email protected]

His superior is MICT, Permanent Secretary Su Lo-utai [email protected]

They also have a direct complaint form



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On Friday I couldn't listen to BBC radio on my Maxnet connection, on Saturday I had no problems, loud and clear with no interruptions, on Sunday no way could I connect, so I tried my Loxinfo dial-up connection (which usually works fine), but no connection on that either. Today, BBC radio reception is fine again, both on Maxnet and Loxinfo dial-up. For me, at least, it doesn't appear to be a Maxnet problem

I know that BBC have recently amended all their webpages to include Flash and certain other "improvements" to make it more compatable with the higher speed broadband available in most western countries, maybe this has something to do with it?

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I commend your efforts with this, OP, but think you're flogging a dead horse. Unfortunately, it has got to the stage where Maxnet is totally saturated. They have simply taken on too many customers and don't have the beans to keep them provided. What do they do instead of keep their present customers happy, they keep upping the speeds to entice more signees at the expense of those already locked in, exacerbating the issue further. The thing is, the call centre knows it's a dire, hit and miss service, which is dependent on where you are relative to a given exchange and how it's set up, so all they can do is reel off a load of tripe. It's not necessarily that they don't know what they're talking about, just that there's nothing else they can do... they can't well say 'sorry, it's down to us' which is what they know it to be.

I initially signed on with the 256/128 when Maxnet started up several years ago and currently have Premier 2 meg. Today, it is on par with what it was back then regards consistency (but going downhill on a daily basis) and at times I even find it a slog to open up local sites, and god forbid, pinging a server outside! Never get anywhere near the rated speed even with a local test. There's nothing wrong this end as it'll ramp up at night no problem. Didn't pay last month's bill as it was so off and on and may just leave it until they shut us off. Why pay through the nose for an inept service!! Also have a ToT line here so may give them a go, although hear they're just as bad.

Think it's about time Mark ripped into CAT and opened it out. Oh to have the connectivity on the order of South Korea/Japan? :):D

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there will be 7 or 8 of them. 2 or 3 on their cell phones, one stray dude who wants to play my guitar, one guy doing the work, one watching him and the last guy is running back and forth between nowhere and there. sometimes you'll catch another stray guy just squatting in your garden looking for bugs and shit.


If anyone else ever experienced these bewildering random stray guys, you'd also be splitting your sides with laughter from this very accurate description.

and i just made myself laugh after now reading what i wrote. it's so f'in true, that's why it's so funny. post of the year? i think so...

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Another good one:

Wanted to pay my bill on Monday evening at Carrefour as I always did. My account is in my company's name, so we have to deduct the Withholding Tax. Sorry, no WHT processing after 5 pm. :)

Come back yesterday. Sorry, no credit card accepted. WHY??? Did work for the past couple of years. Sorry, "they are changing the system".

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Finally some good news about TT&T. After suffering for 4 months with an old scratchy phone line, my wife gave formal notice to our landlord that we were moving out of our home in Chalong if the phone line and internet were not repaired right away. My Thai wife who I have never seen loose her cool, finally got in touch with some manager from TT&T and they actually came to our house and replaced the phone line for about 500 meters to the main road and suddenly for the first time we actually have internet that is somewhat stable. My wife in Phuket can can SKYPE video chat with me in San Francisco and her connection is actually better than mine! I am using T-Mobile 3G with my G-phone tethered to my laptop aboard the ship that I work on and I can actually have decent video and audio signal thanks to TT&T.

We have one small problem in that she signed a new contract with TOT the day before TT&T came to put in the new cable. So, now TOT is asking for money. My wife is trying to cancel but they are asking for a cancellation fee. I hope they don't cut off my new phone line. TT&T is working good now. Thanks....

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Another good one:

Wanted to pay my bill on Monday evening at Carrefour as I always did. My account is in my company's name, so we have to deduct the Withholding Tax. Sorry, no WHT processing after 5 pm. :)

Come back yesterday. Sorry, no credit card accepted. WHY??? Did work for the past couple of years. Sorry, "they are changing the system".

The only positive thing about going to TT&T at the Carrefour Centre is that you can scan the staff for the three lifetimes that you have to wait before being attended to and have a heavy session of 'Spot the Brain Cell'. The girlies there are so dumb that they must be honarary blondes.

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Another good one:

Wanted to pay my bill on Monday evening at Carrefour as I always did. My account is in my company's name, so we have to deduct the Withholding Tax. Sorry, no WHT processing after 5 pm. :)

Come back yesterday. Sorry, no credit card accepted. WHY??? Did work for the past couple of years. Sorry, "they are changing the system".

The only positive thing about going to TT&T at the Carrefour Centre is that you can scan the staff for the three lifetimes that you have to wait before being attended to and have a heavy session of 'Spot the Brain Cell'. The girlies there are so dumb that they must be honarary blondes.

Oh come on, at least one of them is really cute :D

Guess which one :D

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My latest invoice shows Bangkok Bank and Counter Service on it's list of places that we can pay. I assume that they are accepting payment in the TT&T shops again.

The counter Services cannot process the withholding tax papers...

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It is not the first time I did this. I have namecards from VPs and CEOs of Hutch, DTAC, Aytthaya insurance and some others :D ...my experience was in all cases that once you talk someone at that level, your problems will be gone in no time.

Now for starters some points I like to raise:

Call Center:

  • zero technical knowledge. All they can do is referring to the "technical team" which may or may not call back. Many issues could be resolved on the spot by knowledgeable call center staff.
  • "Sorry for keep you waiting" a sentence that makes my blood pressure rise. Scrap it.

Field Engineers:

  • not working in the evening and on weekends, i.e. when you need them.
  • their technical knowledge leaves room for improvements. The guys who came to my house last Saturday had no clue about the settings of a Belkin router.

More issues in this thread - especially the miscommunication between technicians and call center is nicely documented. :D

I have some suggestion ...

There is an e-mail address "ICare@..", when you write a complaint to it you never

get any answer ...

Why not have two adresses, one for those who do not wish an answer (named "IDontCare"

or -maybe- "MaiPenRai", and one for those who wish to get an answer ?


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Interesting Raro and please pass on this link to those 'committed gentlemen' ..also you may suggest they read through the 400 odd posts of a thread in July called 'Maxnet latest problems: Maxnet answer' (I'm sure you can find it on TV). Also numerous others in the last 4 months or so ...pretty much every week :D

Firstly, I have no problem with TT&T now as I quit on July 27th and moved to TOT. Many problems (as outlined before in July) but, my main contention as an Indy user was the huge connectivity drop that occured for me from June 20th to international sites esp. U.S. The biggest problem was pathetic UL and DL and pings in the range of 2000's other than between the hours of 1.30 to 9.30 AM (or thereabouts). Now on TOT, I have never had a ping to the U.S. above 500 ..ever, for now some 6 weeks on TOT. Yes, sometimes the DL drops off but UL is consistently high ...but the ping is never ever as high as it was on Maxnet.

I asked a good friend of mine who is a web designer and a qualified computer person with an M.A. . I asked him about this and his opinion was that Maxnet was deliberately manipulating traffic for Indy users (although if you read July post you will see some premier users unhappy too) ...I also thought of the same idea before but i'm no teccy.

Conspiracy theory one may say, but no. It's simple, and according to my friend: too much traffic = limit the cheaper users in peak times. Yes Maxnet was manipulating 'latency' in order to keep their system barely running .... TOT does not but suffers overuse and thus has slowdowns but not via deliberate manipulation ...just the traffic squeezing through the gate.

You can all agree or disagree with this, but I put faith in my qualified friend that this is the case.

To your committed friends: If you want to run this business successfully, stop applying bad business pratices as outlined above. Also take a look at some of the data in the 'Maxnet Latest problems: Maxnet answer' thread of July 2009 ...there you will see some evidence of this ..but I'm sure you know this already. Also improve the competence of your staff ... no more be said! :D

I'll stick with my so so TOT ..at least it works everyday now and I don't have to keep switching my router off and on in the hope I can get a connection that works. I'm happy with TOT and it's so nice now to come home, switch on my router, leave it on, and use it whenever I want, without problems ...nice to have cut out the lottery of 'do I have a connection today?'. Sry 'committed friends' but I don't think I will ever return to take the chance with you again LOL. :)

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YouYouYou, to TT&T's defence, they do clearly publicize the fact that the Indy package is designed for and best used for browsing Thai websites.

It also clearly states that they will manipulate/limit traffic such as P2P and VOIP. They do state that on this package limited international bandwidth is available.

The high ping times you see is basically a result of a very high contention ratio (i.e. your requests are being "queued" until there is capacity available to service your request).

However, ping times as high as you indicate should never happen. IMO after dealing with Thai network "specialists" I think it's simply out of sheer incompetence. Proper load balancing on a big nationide network is not easy, and apparently they are not able to do it properly.

Indicated mainly through the fact that some Indy customers have fast speed/low latency and some don't. Properly balanced systems should see that everybody gets something in between. Every consumer should suffer the same.

Combine that with the utter incompetence of the customer support system and you will be getting massive amounts of disgruntled customers!

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YouYouYou, to TT&T's defence, they do clearly publicize the fact that the Indy package is designed for and best used for browsing Thai websites.

It also clearly states that they will manipulate/limit traffic such as P2P and VOIP. They do state that on this package limited international bandwidth is available.

The high ping times you see is basically a result of a very high contention ratio (i.e. your requests are being "queued" until there is capacity available to service your request).

Yes, and thank you for pointing that out. Yes, you are quite right and yes they do say this on thier website (or words to that effect) for the Indy package. However, it worked untill June 20th and then no more ..yes it could very well be too high a contention ratio ..oversubscribed basically.

But the issue is (and please have a look at some of that data in the July thread) ...the drop was to say the least incredible. I mean come on ..I had a test result to a U.S. site as low as 30kbps down and 10kbps up with a ping of 2000+. Also further issues where you just couldn't even open an international webpage PERIOD ...as in nothing ..the usual 'cannot find website' blue page (not just me!)

Some of the data from me and other users is just hilarious (esp: speedtest.net figs). Please note again that this wasn't the only complaint, just the main one.

But really to the crux of it ...you pay an ISP 590+vat and it works for 8 or 9 months so so ..then it stops working ...you complain ...they look at it ...nothing gets resolved. You change ISP: same price 590+vat ...same DL UL .... no mention either of limitations and there are none (that I can so far find on TOT), and the WWW works everyday, somtimes slowly, sometimes quickly ...but it works 24/7 ...Maxnet clearly did not! That is what you pay your monthly fee for: 24/7, not 8/7 (non peak 1.30 to 9.30 AM)

Agree or disagree ...their 'limiting' came to the point of, and sorry I must swear a little: 'taking the piss' out of the cheaper users. Limiting a service to a degree may be an option for TTT, 3BB, Maxnet (dunno what to call them anymore) but when you grind a users service to a halt ...<deleted> do they expect you to do? . Their attitude is poor and their excuses are weak. Their knowledge of problem resolution only goes as far as 'reboot your router' and things like that. Yes, they manipulate traffic and yes they went too far with it along with all their other problems that lay unresolved too.

Come on 'committed gents' improve it LOL. Read this thread too over a cup of tea or 10! :

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Maxnet-Lates...836.html&hl (Maxnet latest Problems: Maxnet Answer, July 2009)

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Went to a 3BB booth this afternoon and asked if the 10Mb connection was available where I live.Lady asked me to draw a map from my place and said within 7 days technician would confirm if possible.On my question about the guaranteed international speed she told it would not less then 5Mb.

3 hours later I receive a call from the TT&T office that it is possible to have a connection but I have to pay for the additional cable they need.When I ask how much she can't answer but I can go to the carrefour office and pay for application and they will tell me.

I was at carrefour at that moment so I went into the office straight away.Ask the english speaking lady how much it will be for the extra cable.She calls back to the number that called me earlier and says that I have to pay the application fee first and then the technician will check. :) I thought they did already before they called me.I ask her what minimum speed they will guarantee me and she gets hostile right away.Starts sending sms on her phone and refuse to serve me anymore.

I get a bit upset and ask if she has a problem with foreigners or maybe she just hate them.

Her answer is,yes I do when they speak crazy and she gets really aggressive at that point.So asking what you will get for your money is seemingly a crazy conversation.

One of the other lady's notice it and pulls her away within seconds try to relax me.So probably the lady in question has a history for the way she acts to foreigners.

However when I ask that lady about the guaranteed speed she say there is no guarantee at all,so can be 50Kb/sec as well I assume,and also she can not answer me how much I have to pay for the extra cable.

I ask how long it will take to check it out and she say,when you pay the application fee we will put you on the waiting list since your area is full right now.

So what I understand is that they are just trying to collect as much money as possible without even CONSIDERING to give the service they promise.

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My TTT connection has been good for years--now it's almost dead. I'm typing this from work because my home connection is so bad.

Same-same here. For over four years I had TT&T MaxNet with fairly steady and reliable access. This year in June, I think it was, downloads when through the floor. Now I get frequent disconnects (3x today already), as well.

I prepaid a six month package of Indy. When that is finished, I'm going to ask to test Premier. If it's more solid, then I'll stay with TT&T. If not, I'll probably jump ship and go with CAT or TOT. Getting a new phone line is no big deal for me, as I don't use the land line for incoming calls anyway.

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Surely we could all agree that the worst part of TT8T is there customer service, I have been using there service for only about 8 months and I'm appauled by the level of customer support.

Firstly I'm sure that when you sign a contract with then you should be able to select English as a language that you receive correspondance in... not all of us can read Thai. Also when contacting 1103 I see no point to having an automated message to say press 1 for English and when you do the agent that picks up can't speak a word of it... so you spend the next 15 minutes being transfered from pillar to post trying to find an agent that can actually communicate with you.

I experimented with a product of TT&T called global net international calling... I picked up a info at the local TT&T office and thought wow the rates are not bad... so I started to use this service.... what a joke.. The first bill I received I was charged more than double the quoted rate.. so this is where it gets really bad, I braved up.. set aside 45 minutes to make a call to 1103... and not one of the agent I spoke to had ever heard of this Global net... really confused I went down to the local office where they told me they have no access to check anything regarding global net I should call 1103... then I got hold of a contact number listed for Global net called then and guess what was told that you need to call 1103 because we can't access the billing system.

3 Months later and the only responses I have received from them was "our manager will call you back" " Our marketing will call you back" " Our technitian will call you back" " Our head office will call you back" but not once have I ever received a call back. Now I have disputed the payment and refuse to pay more than double of what I was quoted now they have cut the service and still will not respond to my dispute. I would probably even accept the higher charges if it was accompanied by an explantion.

My internet Woes have also been huge but I will not get into that... I have recently though maybe dropping them an email would be better it would give them a chance to investigate and think about the reply... I emailed to query the new contact... upgrading my package... where to locate braches on Phuket and every time all I received back was the same silly automated response



Thank you for using ADSL from TT&T. Could you please give me more information about your telephone number and username for use ADSL and mobile phone for contact you because we will check you problemFor more information, please call 1103 (TT&T Network) 24 Hrs.

Yours sincerely,



I was actually stupid enought to reply to this email once with all my details and guess what I received back... yip the same email came back again... so I'm sure that the person reading these emails can't understand any of them and only has one standard response... shocking really.

Anyway I hope that the CEO is really reading this and is trying to bring about some postive change... it surely has not happend yet as my last contact with TT&T was about a week ago

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Where are the large corporations complaining about the local service in Thailand? I would think they have difficult doing business here. I would not even think about setting up a company here, especially one that must communicate via the internet. I am using triple T.........it is going off and on..........the speed is slower than in the USA when the internet was first developed.........and now downloading torrents has apparently been banned/censored. I am getting zero download speed this week. What is going?

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