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" The Crash Of The E U R O "

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Whatever the printing media is saying. The EURO will not crash!!!!!

No but if it does not weaken that jeopardises any recovery will be tame if at all.

Italy has a very big economy and appears to be in an even worse position than UK, which is having to undergo a big change, not the least a 30% or so reduction in the pound.

OK Germany and France may be the powerhouses, but surely they can not mask the deficiencies of Italy, Spain, Ireland, Spain and a good few others.

Euroland has yet to take its medicine.

and what, pray tell, is that medicine? :)

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Whatever the printing media is saying. The EURO will not crash!!!!!

No but if it does not weaken that jeopardises any recovery will be tame if at all.

Italy has a very big economy and appears to be in an even worse position than UK, which is having to undergo a big change, not the least a 30% or so reduction in the pound.

OK Germany and France may be the powerhouses, but surely they can not mask the deficiencies of Italy, Spain, Ireland, Spain and a good few others.

Euroland has yet to take its medicine.

and what, pray tell, is that medicine? :)


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Whatever the printing media is saying. The EURO will not crash!!!!!

No but if it does not weaken that jeopardises any recovery will be tame if at all.

Italy has a very big economy and appears to be in an even worse position than UK, which is having to undergo a big change, not the least a 30% or so reduction in the pound.

OK Germany and France may be the powerhouses, but surely they can not mask the deficiencies of Italy, Spain, Ireland, Spain and a good few others.

Euroland has yet to take its medicine.

and what, pray tell, is that medicine? :)

A big clunking fist from the skeptics on TV :D

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Whatever the printing media is saying. The EURO will not crash!!!!!

No but if it does not weaken that jeopardises any recovery will be tame if at all.

Italy has a very big economy and appears to be in an even worse position than UK, which is having to undergo a big change, not the least a 30% or so reduction in the pound.

OK Germany and France may be the powerhouses, but surely they can not mask the deficiencies of Italy, Spain, Ireland, Spain and a good few others.

Euroland has yet to take its medicine.

and what, pray tell, is that medicine? :D

A big clunking fist from the skeptics on TV :D

The article is completely wide of the mark (should I say Euro) then? :)

Perhaps it's the thread title that is the problem, yes no crash, but the suggestion is that German banks have not written down nearly enough and more stimulus needed to avoid the very real possibility of deflation.

And what of Italy? and the others, is that bad reporting too? :D

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I posted a thread early this year about the Euro , I said that the smaller Country's in the EU could not sustain the over priced Euro, Each Country has to put vast amounts of money into the EU monetary fund , with the crash of a lot of banks around the world and the credit crunch i still think that it is likely that the Euro will suffer.

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First of all the Euro is not overpriced. Everyone in the Euro Zone would like a lower Euro. But they simply can not manage it because everyone outside the Euro Zone has more problems then they have.

Next is, what all might forget, is where the crisis comes from.Its overvalued properties and the mortgages giving out for them.

This the Euro Zone does not have accept some countries like Spain or Ireland that are featherd up now.

What the Euro Zone has is a strong production hub. Italy as well as Spain.

The strong production is why, and for many other reasons, the US has a growth scince last time in 2 years, of 3,5 %.

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First of all the Euro is not overpriced. Everyone in the Euro Zone would like a lower Euro. But they simply can not manage it because everyone outside the Euro Zone has more problems then they have.

Next is, what all might forget, is where the crisis comes from.Its overvalued properties and the mortgages giving out for them.

This the Euro Zone does not have accept some countries like Spain or Ireland that are featherd up now.

What the Euro Zone has is a strong production hub. Italy as well as Spain.

The strong production is why, and for many other reasons, the US has a growth scince last time in 2 years, of 3,5 %.

All sounds a bit tame to me, the facts are there. You can't simply dismiss the problems as easily as that can you?

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First of all the Euro is not overpriced. Everyone in the Euro Zone would like a lower Euro. But they simply can not manage it because everyone outside the Euro Zone has more problems then they have.

Next is, what all might forget, is where the crisis comes from.Its overvalued properties and the mortgages giving out for them.

This the Euro Zone does not have accept some countries like Spain or Ireland that are featherd up now.

What the Euro Zone has is a strong production hub. Italy as well as Spain.

The strong production is why, and for many other reasons, the US has a growth scince last time in 2 years, of 3,5 %.

All sounds a bit tame to me, the facts are there. You can't simply dismiss the problems as easily as that can you?

So, what are the facts? What are the problems that i dismissed?

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First of all the Euro is not overpriced. Everyone in the Euro Zone would like a lower Euro. But they simply can not manage it because everyone outside the Euro Zone has more problems then they have.

Next is, what all might forget, is where the crisis comes from.Its overvalued properties and the mortgages giving out for them.

This the Euro Zone does not have accept some countries like Spain or Ireland that are featherd up now.

What the Euro Zone has is a strong production hub. Italy as well as Spain.

The strong production is why, and for many other reasons, the US has a growth scince last time in 2 years, of 3,5 %.

All sounds a bit tame to me, the facts are there. You can't simply dismiss the problems as easily as that can you?

So, what are the facts? What are the problems that i dismissed?

Deflation as reported, the tribulations of Italy. the weak growth if any at all, and German banks in need of further help. I thought the article was fairly clear.

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I guess nobody knows. The arguments presented against a fall in the Euro are not so much nebulous as cosmically unbounded.

In any case if you are routing for the UK it's good that the Euro is so high, it at least gives a chance for a rebuild in exports. So long may it continue!

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Whatever the printing media is saying. The EURO will not crash!!!!!

No but if it does not weaken that jeopardises any recovery will be tame if at all.

Italy has a very big economy and appears to be in an even worse position than UK, which is having to undergo a big change, not the least a 30% or so reduction in the pound.

OK Germany and France may be the powerhouses, but surely they can not mask the deficiencies of Italy, Spain, Ireland, Spain and a good few others.

Euroland has yet to take its medicine.

and what, pray tell, is that medicine? :)


Yeah yeah bernanke, die from the cure and not the disease

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Perhaps it's the thread title that is the problem, yes no crash, but the suggestion is that German banks have not written down nearly enough and more stimulus needed to avoid the very real possibility of deflation.

And what of Italy? and the others, is that bad reporting too? :)

I dont think the krauts are stupid enough to delve into stimulus like the US has. You see, everyone in the US remembers the great depression but everyone in germany remembers the Wiemar hyperinflation

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Weimar, Sokal!

But nevermind the Krauts, as you call them, are lovable people!

Did I get something wrong ? I guess I better brush up on my Kraut history, all I know is that the Krauts had some hyperinflation at some point in time whether it was wiemar or viemar or hiemar i dont know. :)

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I posted a thread early this year about the Euro , I said that the smaller Country's in the EU could not sustain the over priced Euro, Each Country has to put vast amounts of money into the EU monetary fund , with the crash of a lot of banks around the world and the credit crunch i still think that it is likely that the Euro will suffer.

fairy tales don't become reality no matter how often they are told.

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air fares... i fly business or first for half the price i would have to pay in Europe.


This is the most ridiculous statement Ive seen in a long time. Clearly you've never enquired to the cost of an airfare, made it up, or cant do simple multiplication.

In anycase its one of a number of misinformed tidbits from your previous, gently insulting post.

I would welcome any price comparisons to back your claims Naam. Unfortunately CDNVIC has deleted all the price comparisons I provided supporting my previous post, because it was in red.

I won't waste any more time replying to such frivolous nonsense however; as W.C Fields said "Never give a sucker an even break" :D

Ultimately my conclusion still stands; that day-to-day lifestyle costs for Expats in Bangkok are as expensive, or more expensive, than in capital cities in the west, unless you wish, or are willing to adopt a more Thai lifestyle.

Its very simply, Naam is correct and you are completely wrong

I rent an 85 square meter 2bed/bathroom appartment with european style kitchen for 13 495 Baht a month include all costs except electric, include 24/7 security guards. Renting a parking place for your car in Europe cost almost the same.

I drive an 3 liter turbo diesel 4WD automatic SUV, its cost me 1.2 million Baht, a car in Europe will cost me at least almost double.

I only eat European food, an as Naam said going out to dinner in BKK is death cheap compared with any European country.

I pay a cleaning lady in BKK a day 50% less than for 1 hour in Europe.(Belgium)

And I would like to emphazise that I have an European lifestyle.

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air fares... i fly business or first for half the price i would have to pay in Europe.


This is the most ridiculous statement Ive seen in a long time. Clearly you've never enquired to the cost of an airfare, made it up, or cant do simple multiplication.

In anycase its one of a number of misinformed tidbits from your previous, gently insulting post.

I would welcome any price comparisons to back your claims Naam. Unfortunately CDNVIC has deleted all the price comparisons I provided supporting my previous post, because it was in red.

I won't waste any more time replying to such frivolous nonsense however; as W.C Fields said "Never give a sucker an even break" :D

Ultimately my conclusion still stands; that day-to-day lifestyle costs for Expats in Bangkok are as expensive, or more expensive, than in capital cities in the west, unless you wish, or are willing to adopt a more Thai lifestyle.

Its very simply, Naam is correct and you are completely wrong

I rent an 85 square meter 2bed/bathroom appartment with european style kitchen for 13 495 Baht a month include all costs except electric, include 24/7 security guards. Renting a parking place for your car in Europe cost almost the same.

I drive an 3 liter turbo diesel 4WD automatic SUV, its cost me 1.2 million Baht, a car in Europe will cost me at least almost double.

I only eat European food, an as Naam said going out to dinner in BKK is death cheap compared with any European country.

I pay a cleaning lady in BKK a day 50% less than for 1 hour in Europe.(Belgium)

And I would like to emphazise that I have an European lifestyle.

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I start to read this topic from the beginning (I've" been away awhile) and I have the feeling that many of the comments who predict the crash of tbe EURO are not based on economic od financial insight but mearly of people who can't accept that the almighty $ era and US economic and military domination is comming to an end. In exactly the same way as the domination of the Spanish ended. Costly wars and an over-consuming domestic market.

IMHO the EURO will not crash at all, because the fundaments of the EURO zone industrial production is more healty and the EU commision is more controling the financial and banking system.

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The Euro remains the most overvalued of the majors against the US Dollar, trading 3735 pips above its PPP-implied “fair” exchange rate. While priced-in yield forecasts have oscillated substantially to give either the Fed or the ECB the advantage at a given point, the primary catalyst seems to be risk appetite. To that effect, a glance at equity markets to hint that a downward correction is around the corner: the MSCI World Stock Index fell the most in since February while the VIX index of US stock options volatility that is often seen as a proxy for investors’ risk aversion rose the most in a year in October. While it would be premature to say that a full retracement to the PPP exchange rate will materialize, some correction of the current valuation gap certainly looks plausible at this point.

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I posted a thread early this year about the Euro , I said that the smaller Country's in the EU could not sustain the over priced Euro, Each Country has to put vast amounts of money into the EU monetary fund , with the crash of a lot of banks around the world and the credit crunch i still think that it is likely that the Euro will suffer.

fairy tales don't become reality no matter how often they are told.

Beg to differ Not fairy tail fact, Ireland cannot keep putting large amounts of money in along with a lot of other small countries.

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I posted a thread early this year about the Euro , I said that the smaller Country's in the EU could not sustain the over priced Euro, Each Country has to put vast amounts of money into the EU monetary fund , with the crash of a lot of banks around the world and the credit crunch i still think that it is likely that the Euro will suffer.

fairy tales don't become reality no matter how often they are told.

Beg to differ Not fairy tail fact, Ireland cannot keep putting large amounts of money in along with a lot of other small countries.

you might reconsider your view. see below the EU "net payers". all other countries are "net receivers". no such thing like "vast amounts of money".


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I posted a thread early this year about the Euro , I said that the smaller Country's in the EU could not sustain the over priced Euro, Each Country has to put vast amounts of money into the EU monetary fund , with the crash of a lot of banks around the world and the credit crunch i still think that it is likely that the Euro will suffer.

fairy tales don't become reality no matter how often they are told.

Beg to differ Not fairy tail fact, Ireland cannot keep putting large amounts of money in along with a lot of other small countries.

What are you talking about? The crash of the Euro?

Sounds to me like everyone likes to see this.

It will not happen.

The GDP in the Euro zone is rising. In the US as well nowadays!

The Euro is not overpriced!

A strong zone has a strong currency.

I personally think that there are a lot of Uk citicenzens that simply are angry about this development because they didn't want the EURO.

Mai pen rai krap.

It is getting up in the EURO zone! Slowly but up!

Ireland are the beloved ones in the EURO zone! They will be featherd up!

that are pretty angry about the development of the GBP.

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