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Paedophile Handbook


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I have noticed recently; to my concern, that a flurry of paedophile arrest stories have appeared on this forum. I want to ask you to take a second to concider whether these stories are apropriate for Thai Visa. I know they are Thai related and very popuar threads. But.

ThaiVisa.com is registedred with all major search engines. This means that threads on here are also included in those searches. I found with one search 21 paedo threads and from those thread was able to glean information any paedophile would love to know.

Where children are available.

How much they charge.

and even a few pictures.

I am sure with a few baited questions I would be able to find out also which hotels turn a blind eye and where my fellow perverts hang out.

This is the internet, a paedophiles favorite haunt, the more threads running on this subject the bigger the virtual signpost proclaiming "child sex info here"

What I am suggesting is that if we must have these threads at all that we keep them confined to one area and limit the risk of attracting these people to Thailand and thus perpetuate this crime. I for one find these threads repetetive and unproductive.

I am all for freedom of speech but with freedom comes responsibility. I would just like you all to think twice before answering this clarion call of outrage, you could be doing more harm than good.

Comments please.

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Where children are available.

How much they charge.

and even a few pictures.

Comments please.

Also one guy was giving tips on how not to get caught. Where are the mods/admin?

I personally would like to read just the story and have it closed for comments.

Edited by RDN
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Where children are available.

How much they charge.

and even a few pictures.

Comments please.

Also one guy was giving tips on how not to get caught. Where are the mods/admin?

I personally would like to read just the story and have it closed for comments.

That is a good compromise, All these threads are usually just.."he should be hung....hack off his penis...or have him gang raped" replys, not what I come to thai visa for.

Edited by RDN
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