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Anyone Know If Asia-america Gateway Is Live?


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It has been widely reported in the news that the Asia-America Gateway, a 1.92 tb/s capacity fiber optic cable linking southeast asia to the west coast of the US, would go live sometime this month of August. I have been searching the news and forums for information about this.... there don't seem to be any updates. I emailed the AAG people, without a response.

I am really hopeful that this cable will help improve international connectivity issues in thailand... does anyone in the know happen to know if this cable has gone live or not? And whether it will improve things significantly?


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I was just wondering the same thing. A few trace routs though and It seems most of the traffic is still going through Taiwan/Japan etc. So either its not live yet, or the new routes have not propagated yet, but I don't think it takes very long for that to happen. A brief google search for news didn't turn up anything either.

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I sure hope not as Internet speeds are as bad as ever, internationally...

Yes indeed, I hope not too since speeds with TOT in Chiang Mai in the last few days have got worse and worse till we are back to, I will grow old and die before this page loads.

Why the hel_l this cannot be fixed and kept fixed, god alone knows but ti is total agony at present.

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lol at that picture. there was a similar total mess in front of my old apartment.... i wondered how the heck they keep everything straight, what cable goes where.... looks like an explosion in a spaghetti factory

I'm having so many problem with my connection.......I need to know if it is my computer or some general problem. Will someone living in Thailand please try to access this site:


Can you do it? Thanks.

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www.undp.org down for me too...... Maxnet Indy

Thanks for that post........at first I thought it might be my computer........then I thought now way because other sites are coming in....then the first poster said no problem accessing it (now thinking maybe it is my computer).........and now your post.

I think Maxnet Indy is the problem..............or maybe the govt. doesn't want us reading anything by the UN these days. But I am not getting that stupid "this site is censored by the Thai govt. alert."

Who knows..........I wish Thailand would get a good system in place, but I think that will never happen until they allow real competition to take place. You just don't see this crap in Singapore, Japan, S. Korea..........even China's system seem better to me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

looks like probably not live yet:


<h1 class="contentheading">Fibre-optic link to open by 2010</h1> Tuesday, 22 September 2009 15:01 Nathan Green

Despite setbacks on Asia-US undersea cable, Cambodia will be involved through Telcotech.


A technician holds part of a fibre-optic cable. Cambodia's Telcotech is part of a consortium building a fibre-optic undersea cable linking the US to Southeast Asia that is expected to go live by year's end.

CAMBODIA'S connection to a high-bandwidth fibre-optic cable linking Southeast Asia to the United States is expected to go live before the end of this year, an engineer with the Cambodian member of the consortium building the network said last week.

The engineer, who asked not to be named, said Telcotech was aiming to "synchronise its launch" with the switching on of the US$550 million, 20,000-kilometre-long Asia-America Gateway (AAG) network, predicting a lag time of less than a month for testing and integration.

Mohamad Izani Karim, a spokesman for Telekom Malaysia, one of 17 members of the consortium building the network, said by email that the AAG was due to be launched in the final quarter of this year.

"AAG is physically complete, [but] we are putting it through a series of tests (both by the suppliers and the purchasers) to ensure that the system is ready to carry commercial traffic," he said.

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