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Local Worker Falls From Tree


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On request I gave tree pruning advise to a Chiangmai expat friend a couple of weeks ago. He declined my offer to arrange a crew do the work, he had a local guy who had worked for him before.

The worker climbed a medium size raintree without safety belt or rope, a limb broke out from under him and he fell about 7 - 8 meters to the ground. He broke his back, fracturing a vertebrae and traumatizing the spinal cord but not severing it.

The expat employer sent him to the hospital and paid for emergency surgery and expensive steroid medications, etc., 42,000 baht so far and that doesn't include the intensive care unit required after surgery.

It's a heads up for those employing local workers for potentially dangerous technical work.

What's the best insurance to cover costs for something like this?

  • Is there homeowners workers comp accident insurance here?
  • Make sure they have their yellow 30 baht health card? Let the ambulance take them to the designated government hospital on the card?

Any CM expats have related experiences? don

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On request I gave tree pruning advise to a Chiangmai expat friend a couple of weeks ago. He declined my offer to arrange a crew do the work, he had a local guy who had worked for him before.

The worker climbed a medium size raintree without safety belt or rope, a limb broke out from under him and he fell about 7 - 8 meters to the ground. He broke his back, fracturing a vertebrae and traumatizing the spinal cord but not severing it.

The expat employer sent him to the hospital and paid for emergency surgery and expensive steroid medications, etc., 42,000 baht so far and that doesn't include the intensive care unit required after surgery.

It's a heads up for those employing local workers for potentially dangerous technical work.

What's the best insurance to cover costs for something like this?

  • Is there homeowners workers comp accident insurance here?
  • Make sure they have their yellow 30 baht health card? Let the ambulance take them to the designated government hospital on the card?

Any CM expats have related experiences? don

This makes a refreshing change--a useful, thoughtful and sensible Topic!Thanks Don.

I have no answers to the queries raised but am very interested in anyone who can provide answers to the OP's questions--incidentally, sorry to hear about your ex-pat friend and his local worker. [ When I was building properties in Phuket, some years back, I wondered many times what were my obligations when/if any one of the roof-workers tiling the rooves slipped from the ridge of a two,three storey building--fortunately it never happened, but, as you state safety backup measures are non-existent]

TIT !!

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If you have trees that grow into electric wires then for goodness sake call the electric company to cut the branches, that way you are not responsible if they fry themselves.

As for other scenarios, if you are employing someone full time you can get them into social insurance scheme. That will pay for any accidents they may have.

If employing a company/contractor, make it clear he is responsible for worker safety.

Unfortunately hiring people directly for odd jobs is a bit of a grey area. Maybe try and find one that is already in social insurance scheme for your peace of mind. Many people keep in the system from past employment.

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If you have trees that grow into electric wires then for goodness sake call the electric company to cut the branches, that way you are not responsible if they fry themselves.

I might just need to do this soon. Do you have a number please?

Do you know what the charge might be?


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In my experience this is unnecessary as, at least where I live, some public workers (I assume either Tessaban or Power Company) come down the street every few months ruthlessly removing any vegetation within the proximity of power lines. Suggest a call to your local tessaban would be a good start.

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If you have trees that grow into electric wires then for goodness sake call the electric company to cut the branches, that way you are not responsible if they fry themselves.

I might just need to do this soon. Do you have a number please?

Do you know what the charge might be?


Can't find it at the moment , I will post it when I have dug it up from a likely pile of papers.

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I have as as much sympathy for the person who fell from the tree as anyone on TV (or anywhere else for that matter) and more so his family now that he might be a paraplegic.

But that said the person most reponsible for one's self and one's own safety is that individual himself.

Now if he wants to foolishly disregard known risks so be it.

If he had used his brain he would have considered the consequences to his family before ascending the tree.

Now they might be on the streets and his daughters if he has any forced into prostitution to sell their bodies because he failed to consider the risks and consequences.

I will never ever accept all the crap of Thailand being a 3rd world country (which mind you they at present are still far from attaining) people have gotta start thinking for themselves.

It's got me fcuked :)

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