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Checks On Foreign Business Tieups In Phuket

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Stopping corruption is easy. Pay officials a LOT more money, or someone else will. The increased revenues gained by simple enforcement of the law will more than offset the pay increases. :)

SNGLife....I think you are being a little naive if you think that giving govt officials a raise will stop the corruption...The raise will just add to their salaries and the extortion will continue...They will never get enough money to stop the corruption


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As I understand; if you are American (from U.S.A) you can own a company 100% and operate it without Thai staff. It is some special agreement between USA and Thailand.

Sometimes I wish I was American....

You can as any foreigner. Just setup a BOI approved compan. Could be IT, business development etc..

62 million baht invested in 19000 businesses, that is only 3150bt each business. Figures dont sound right to me.

That's the first thing I thought, the original article was obviously written by some form of moron. Complete lack of basic fact checking and in this case intelligence.

That figure must be the declared capital value of the Co.'s, the actual amount of REAL money invested is many, many times higher...


This is for those of you who need to hear it. They will know who they are :) Not directed at everyone or at this specific topic....but as I say.....

Enough is enough !!!! Wow don't you guys realise what damage you are doing to not only yourselves but foreigners who live in Thailand ? I am not sure you mean to, or really think about what you do when you write on here, but the result is so negative and damaging; constantly spreading inuendo, gossip and misinformation via this chat forum. I am not sure who of you live or do anything constructive in Thailand, but you really should go back and check your posts. Chat forums are getting a very bad reputation not only with foreigners living and working in Thailand but with Thai people too. That is not good news for us.

The internet is a great thing and chat forums are good sites but they should not be acting as a truthful news forum telling us constantly bad and negative things. You must be very careful what you write and say. It has a result. Do you think constantly gossiping on here about things many of us know very little about, has a positive effect on foreigners in Thailand ? Do you think it is polite or nice to talk so badly and negatively about a country that many of us live and work in ? Also are you aware now that people are being prosecuted for writing on blogs and forums ? In USA and elsewhere.

How would you like it if Thai's came to your countries and gossiped and spread rumours all over the internet about your country. I know in the USA and Europe, the reaction from us would be....Kick them out !!! The authorities would also look into it for sure too. Is that what you want ? It is not our country and most of you speak or write no Thai at all. Many do not live here and many do not work or have business here. So how do you know what the Thai's think or say. How do you know what governments are doing ? Ohhhhh you heard from the truth machine; the chat forum news snippet......oh dear please get a life. Then there is a translation issue too.

The Thai's are very tolerant but I don't blame them for getting upset. If I was Thai and read this forum my reaction would be "YOU are anti Thai and anti Thailand. For God's sake leave them alone and shut up. If it is so bad, then go back home ! Leave us in peace. You are getting really boring and belive me when I say not just me but all the business community and people I know who live and work here are sick to death of these news snippets and constant digs at the Thai's. Leave it alone why don't you. How weird that people who spend every day talking about Thailand need to do so in such a negative and rude away. If it is so bad why are you so obssessed with it. Find a life somewhere else but leave us alone please.

The Thai's Have every right to look at land deals that are illegal. But there are alot that are not. I have never in all my time here (over ten years) had a problem with anything from visa's to work permits, businesses to having a house built. NEVER ! I am married to a Thai and we have a lovely life here and both of us are very happy. But to hear the mindless trivial and inaccurate information spread around like manure on this site is just so pathetic and upsetting alot of people who live here. You got to stop it lads or you will cause so much damage to foreigners reputation and lives here. Also are your countries any better ? Guess not or you would not be on here all the time.

What are you talking about witch hunts and so on. What a load of rubbish. And if it ever did happen you lot would be a part of the cause due to your constant negative gossip and unkind comments about a country you seem all addicted to and obssessed with. If you dislike it so much why do you come to a forum and constantly gossip about it. Surely if you dislike it, stop talking about it and move away.Thousands of foreigners are married to Thai's and live in a house here. They are happy. Do you think your comments are pleasing them or giving stability to their situations. They are getting cheesed of with this kind of thing. Why do you do it ? Are you bored ? Don't have lives ? Hate Thailand ? What is it ?

If you walk across a road and some guys spits at you every time, day in and day out. You don't cross the road. So if you don't like it here and its so awful: There's the airport....fly home and leave us all alone.

I know alot of people in Thailand and they are all saying how cheesed off they are with chat forums and the people who are really now causing us to be brought into bad light in Thailand. Opinions are one thing but gossip and constant digs at the Thai people and their country is not. Even if there are unproductive things happening or things we do not like, who are we to change it. It is not our country. They have every right to develop in the way they wish to or how it naturally occurs.

My advice is sound: You got to stop lads as it is getting really boring and upsetting a lot of people. Advertisers soon walk away and you are causing those of us (the majority) who live in Thailand to be looked at badly. Also why don't you go on about your own countries; they are hardly bastions of perfection !!! Are they not all nearly bankrupt, both financially, socially and morally ? Guess there must be a reason why we are here. something good.

Enough said. I am sure you do not think maybe when you write stuff and we are all guilty of that. But time for a wake up call.

Or you can ignore this and just write bad comments back. But I think many of you will know I am right in what I say. I don't say this because I want to upset anyone or cause an argument. I am sure you are all good guys and nice people. I am saying it, because someone needs to. This latest land thing and constant over the top panic is crazy and immature, misinformed and causes damage to all us thousands who work here, live here and have chosen Thailand to be our home. So please for all of us and anyone who lives here....stop. Chat about it but don't be so negative, try to be honest and not so unkind to a country that we all love. Opinion is one thing but prejudice is another. Have a great day :D


Well, perhaps the reporter meant 62 billion? Hence 3.15 million/business?

Or perhaps, 62 million is just the registered figure? I register my company in Singapore and I stated the paid capital as S$88; It is completely legal here and my consultant told me that it only affects me when I am attending a tender.

Now what would be really useful is to understand this better! You can register a company in Singapore for S$88? It is legal here?

What does "legal" mean? It can own property without the 49%/51% rule applying? What restrictions are there?

If so, we should be told!

:) whats so funny is the banner adds on this post build a home in Thailand

never been a good idea but its getting worse not only do you have to screen your partner but the Thai government is becoming more anti western month buy month

Vietnam is booming compared to the backward ideas on investment from Thai government

Anti Western indeed.

What is almost laughable is that Thai government officials and lol BIB seem to do little investigation of illegal businesses. I have heard business owners say being legal is just too difficult/costly and find it very easy to function “out side the law.” Let’s face is LOS (Land of Scams) is extremely corrupt.

Will the foreign individuals or business owners ever decide they do not want to experience Thai style exploitation? If it ever happens Thailand will be very different and unfortunately the Thai poor will suffer greatly. But that is of little concern to the rich and powerful Thai.

As I understand; if you are American (from U.S.A) you can own a company 100% and operate it without Thai staff. It is some special agreement between USA and Thailand.

Sometimes I wish I was American....

I dont mean to sound like I am challenging your statement here. Out of sincerity I ask, what do you base that comment on? I have never run across that one before. Would you happen to have access to documentation regarding this? Thank you.


I thought these business gave jobs to Thai people also... hmmm... very smart move, close the business that are actually giving jobs, make them suffer so they have to fire people.

Really, this is not about trying to f*#k foreigners up, nothing against them but to try to follow the law... what a bunch of crap, if you want to start following the law start from the police driving against the traffic and in motorcycles on sideways, small things, it has been proven that going for big things never works. Let's also see if they find some of those business if they won't accept bribes... let's crackdown bribes too!!!

Crackdowns, firecrackers... same crap.

Have a nice day everyone

62 million baht invested in 19000 businesses, that is only 3150bt each business. Figures dont sound right to me.

I was a business editor at the Nation for a few years. The reporters can't be bothered to such complicated math and nowadays their overworked editors haven't the time to check for all of their mistakes.

But a lot of times, these figures come straight from the authorities and Thai journalists are afraid to ask any questions that might embarrass any official.

That's why nothing can be trusted in print at the Nation or the Post.

The 62 million baht figure is much to low for so many businesses.

maybe a 62 billion is correct....small typo

Boy, this is getting worse and worse. It is really starting to feel like they want all us farang out of their country.

The thing about a loophole is, it needs to be closed by changing the law, not by punishing those who used it. By definition a loophole is a legal circumvention to a laws intent. So change the laws but don't punish people because "It might be illegal." <deleted> am I saying, this is Thailand.

And what is the exception for Americans on this 49% rule?

The USA and Thailand have the "Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations" executed in 1966. You can read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S.-Thai_Treaty_of_Amity :)

The problem is, in practice, unless you have a very good legal advisor in Thailand, it can be difficult to get the local Thai offices to recognize (meaning: abide by) the terms of the treaty. Also, it is my understanding that the Treaty has in actuality expired. However, last I checked, both governments had agreed to continue under it's terms until such time as a new Free Trade Agreement could be agreed and executed between our nations. You can probably also check with the US Embassy's office for American Citizen Services. They are able to recommend attorneys in Bangkok for various needs.




While I complete understand that the government tries to protect Thai people and Thai culture, there is one point. If the Farangs don't run the show, Bangkok Chinese would do it and still not Thai people.

62 million baht invested in 19000 businesses, that is only 3150bt each business. Figures dont sound right to me.

That's the first thing I thought, the original article was obviously written by some form of moron. Complete lack of basic fact checking and in this case intelligence.

Ha ha - plenty here to choose from :)

Wonder how many of these companies are property owners. Probably a significant amount.

There have been a number of so-called crackdowns announced over the years, scaring owners and harming the property market. And each time nothing has come of it aside from a period of confusion and slow property sales. If they really want to crack down then they'll change the law and (hopefully) grandfather in all previous arrangements. But of course those involved in related businesses wouldn't be too pleased so I doubt much will change.

That's right, normally they do the math after the sensational announcement and find that too many (important) local people do stand to lose. And that's the end of it. Expect minor tweaks to keep everybody happy. And someone who is seriously breaking the law should not whine but get his act together. If you want to stay in Thailand you must follow the Thai law, not dream about the Vietnamese or Malaysian law.

As I understand; if you are American (from U.S.A) you can own a company 100% and operate it without Thai staff. It is some special agreement between USA and Thailand.

Sometimes I wish I was American....

I dont mean to sound like I am challenging your statement here. Out of sincerity I ask, what do you base that comment on? I have never run across that one before. Would you happen to have access to documentation regarding this? Thank you.

Funny thing indeed, many Americans I met don't even know about it.

But on the other hand what do they really know about something that is not in America??

Don't blame us, because you don't know about it.

Actually the whole thing should be illegal according to the WTO (all the members should get the same)

This is for those of you who need to hear it. They will know who they are :) Not directed at everyone or at this specific topic....but as I say.....

Enough is enough !!!! Wow don't you guys realise what damage you are doing to not only yourselves but foreigners who live in Thailand ? I am not sure you mean to, or really think about what you do when you write on here, but the result is so negative and damaging; constantly spreading inuendo, gossip and misinformation via this chat forum. I am not sure who of you live or do anything constructive in Thailand, but you really should go back and check your posts. Chat forums are getting a very bad reputation not only with foreigners living and working in Thailand but with Thai people too. That is not good news for us.

The internet is a great thing and chat forums are good sites but they should not be acting as a truthful news forum telling us constantly bad and negative things. You must be very careful what you write and say. It has a result. Do you think constantly gossiping on here about things many of us know very little about, has a positive effect on foreigners in Thailand ? Do you think it is polite or nice to talk so badly and negatively about a country that many of us live and work in ? Also are you aware now that people are being prosecuted for writing on blogs and forums ? In USA and elsewhere.

How would you like it if Thai's came to your countries and gossiped and spread rumours all over the internet about your country. I know in the USA and Europe, the reaction from us would be....Kick them out !!! The authorities would also look into it for sure too. Is that what you want ? It is not our country and most of you speak or write no Thai at all. Many do not live here and many do not work or have business here. So how do you know what the Thai's think or say. How do you know what governments are doing ? Ohhhhh you heard from the truth machine; the chat forum news snippet......oh dear please get a life. Then there is a translation issue too.

The Thai's are very tolerant but I don't blame them for getting upset. If I was Thai and read this forum my reaction would be "YOU are anti Thai and anti Thailand. For God's sake leave them alone and shut up. If it is so bad, then go back home ! Leave us in peace. You are getting really boring and belive me when I say not just me but all the business community and people I know who live and work here are sick to death of these news snippets and constant digs at the Thai's. Leave it alone why don't you. How weird that people who spend every day talking about Thailand need to do so in such a negative and rude away. If it is so bad why are you so obssessed with it. Find a life somewhere else but leave us alone please.

The Thai's Have every right to look at land deals that are illegal. But there are alot that are not. I have never in all my time here (over ten years) had a problem with anything from visa's to work permits, businesses to having a house built. NEVER ! I am married to a Thai and we have a lovely life here and both of us are very happy. But to hear the mindless trivial and inaccurate information spread around like manure on this site is just so pathetic and upsetting alot of people who live here. You got to stop it lads or you will cause so much damage to foreigners reputation and lives here. Also are your countries any better ? Guess not or you would not be on here all the time.

What are you talking about witch hunts and so on. What a load of rubbish. And if it ever did happen you lot would be a part of the cause due to your constant negative gossip and unkind comments about a country you seem all addicted to and obssessed with. If you dislike it so much why do you come to a forum and constantly gossip about it. Surely if you dislike it, stop talking about it and move away.Thousands of foreigners are married to Thai's and live in a house here. They are happy. Do you think your comments are pleasing them or giving stability to their situations. They are getting cheesed of with this kind of thing. Why do you do it ? Are you bored ? Don't have lives ? Hate Thailand ? What is it ?

If you walk across a road and some guys spits at you every time, day in and day out. You don't cross the road. So if you don't like it here and its so awful: There's the airport....fly home and leave us all alone.

I know alot of people in Thailand and they are all saying how cheesed off they are with chat forums and the people who are really now causing us to be brought into bad light in Thailand. Opinions are one thing but gossip and constant digs at the Thai people and their country is not. Even if there are unproductive things happening or things we do not like, who are we to change it. It is not our country. They have every right to develop in the way they wish to or how it naturally occurs.

My advice is sound: You got to stop lads as it is getting really boring and upsetting a lot of people. Advertisers soon walk away and you are causing those of us (the majority) who live in Thailand to be looked at badly. Also why don't you go on about your own countries; they are hardly bastions of perfection !!! Are they not all nearly bankrupt, both financially, socially and morally ? Guess there must be a reason why we are here. something good.

Enough said. I am sure you do not think maybe when you write stuff and we are all guilty of that. But time for a wake up call.

Or you can ignore this and just write bad comments back. But I think many of you will know I am right in what I say. I don't say this because I want to upset anyone or cause an argument. I am sure you are all good guys and nice people. I am saying it, because someone needs to. This latest land thing and constant over the top panic is crazy and immature, misinformed and causes damage to all us thousands who work here, live here and have chosen Thailand to be our home. So please for all of us and anyone who lives here....stop. Chat about it but don't be so negative, try to be honest and not so unkind to a country that we all love. Opinion is one thing but prejudice is another. Have a great day :D

Dear Newbie,

Wish you could read your own article within 5 years from now, after the new paint of your new wife has been scratched a bit and the real substance is coming clear... Perhaps then you will understand, not now.

I have said it before, and will say it again! The wording is................"Crackdown on Foreign business" not "Crackdown on Falang business" .

And................................Oh dear !!! not another "Crackdown".

Its about time this government did something real for the country and its underprivilaged population and stopped strutting about like the cockbird in the chicken pen.

These incessant "Crackdowns" are utterly stupid, designed to convince the population that they are being looked after, when its really those in power who are being looked after. :)

but the government IS doing something!

gamn johnnie foreigner is in danger of giving kun thai an income that exceeds day to day living thus empowering the people which could lead to loss of control... aaarggg

We all know who is running Thailand,and their ancesters were certainly not Thai.This group of people will make sure that nobody is going to disrupt their lifestyle by allowing the natives to become educated, or give the foreign investors an even break and create a level playing field.

This is for those of you who need to hear it. They will know who they are :) Not directed at everyone or at this specific topic....but as I say.....

Enough is enough !!!! Wow don't you guys realise what damage you are doing to not only yourselves but foreigners who live in Thailand ? I am not sure you mean to, or really think about what you do when you write on here, but the result is so negative and damaging; constantly spreading inuendo, gossip and misinformation via this chat forum. I am not sure who of you live or do anything constructive in Thailand, but you really should go back and check your posts. Chat forums are getting a very bad reputation not only with foreigners living and working in Thailand but with Thai people too. That is not good news for us.

The internet is a great thing and chat forums are good sites but they should not be acting as a truthful news forum telling us constantly bad and negative things. You must be very careful what you write and say. It has a result. Do you think constantly gossiping on here about things many of us know very little about, has a positive effect on foreigners in Thailand ? Do you think it is polite or nice to talk so badly and negatively about a country that many of us live and work in ? Also are you aware now that people are being prosecuted for writing on blogs and forums ? In USA and elsewhere.

How would you like it if Thai's came to your countries and gossiped and spread rumours all over the internet about your country. I know in the USA and Europe, the reaction from us would be....Kick them out !!! The authorities would also look into it for sure too. Is that what you want ? It is not our country and most of you speak or write no Thai at all. Many do not live here and many do not work or have business here. So how do you know what the Thai's think or say. How do you know what governments are doing ? Ohhhhh you heard from the truth machine; the chat forum news snippet......oh dear please get a life. Then there is a translation issue too.

The Thai's are very tolerant but I don't blame them for getting upset. If I was Thai and read this forum my reaction would be "YOU are anti Thai and anti Thailand. For God's sake leave them alone and shut up. If it is so bad, then go back home ! Leave us in peace. You are getting really boring and belive me when I say not just me but all the business community and people I know who live and work here are sick to death of these news snippets and constant digs at the Thai's. Leave it alone why don't you. How weird that people who spend every day talking about Thailand need to do so in such a negative and rude away. If it is so bad why are you so obssessed with it. Find a life somewhere else but leave us alone please.

The Thai's Have every right to look at land deals that are illegal. But there are alot that are not. I have never in all my time here (over ten years) had a problem with anything from visa's to work permits, businesses to having a house built. NEVER ! I am married to a Thai and we have a lovely life here and both of us are very happy. But to hear the mindless trivial and inaccurate information spread around like manure on this site is just so pathetic and upsetting alot of people who live here. You got to stop it lads or you will cause so much damage to foreigners reputation and lives here. Also are your countries any better ? Guess not or you would not be on here all the time.

What are you talking about witch hunts and so on. What a load of rubbish. And if it ever did happen you lot would be a part of the cause due to your constant negative gossip and unkind comments about a country you seem all addicted to and obssessed with. If you dislike it so much why do you come to a forum and constantly gossip about it. Surely if you dislike it, stop talking about it and move away.Thousands of foreigners are married to Thai's and live in a house here. They are happy. Do you think your comments are pleasing them or giving stability to their situations. They are getting cheesed of with this kind of thing. Why do you do it ? Are you bored ? Don't have lives ? Hate Thailand ? What is it ?

If you walk across a road and some guys spits at you every time, day in and day out. You don't cross the road. So if you don't like it here and its so awful: There's the airport....fly home and leave us all alone.

I know alot of people in Thailand and they are all saying how cheesed off they are with chat forums and the people who are really now causing us to be brought into bad light in Thailand. Opinions are one thing but gossip and constant digs at the Thai people and their country is not. Even if there are unproductive things happening or things we do not like, who are we to change it. It is not our country. They have every right to develop in the way they wish to or how it naturally occurs.

My advice is sound: You got to stop lads as it is getting really boring and upsetting a lot of people. Advertisers soon walk away and you are causing those of us (the majority) who live in Thailand to be looked at badly. Also why don't you go on about your own countries; they are hardly bastions of perfection !!! Are they not all nearly bankrupt, both financially, socially and morally ? Guess there must be a reason why we are here. something good.

Enough said. I am sure you do not think maybe when you write stuff and we are all guilty of that. But time for a wake up call.

Or you can ignore this and just write bad comments back. But I think many of you will know I am right in what I say. I don't say this because I want to upset anyone or cause an argument. I am sure you are all good guys and nice people. I am saying it, because someone needs to. This latest land thing and constant over the top panic is crazy and immature, misinformed and causes damage to all us thousands who work here, live here and have chosen Thailand to be our home. So please for all of us and anyone who lives here....stop. Chat about it but don't be so negative, try to be honest and not so unkind to a country that we all love. Opinion is one thing but prejudice is another. Have a great day :D

Amen Brother. A salute to the one with balls enough to voice the sentiments of the more quiet farang populace in Thailand.


Boy, this is getting worse and worse. It is really starting to feel like they want all us farang out of their country.

Speak for yourself Scoobie. I for one never have that feeling, to the contrary I feel welcome by the majority. But I do follow the rules, I live here 34 years and have a proper business and pay my taxes. It are the huslers who feel uneasy and rightfully so.

As I understand; if you are American (from U.S.A) you can own a company 100% and operate it without Thai staff. It is some special agreement between USA and Thailand.

Sometimes I wish I was American....

I dont mean to sound like I am challenging your statement here. Out of sincerity I ask, what do you base that comment on? I have never run across that one before. Would you happen to have access to documentation regarding this? Thank you.

Funny thing indeed, many Americans I met don't even know about it.

But on the other hand what do they really know about something that is not in America??

Don't blame us, because you don't know about it.

Actually the whole thing should be illegal according to the WTO (all the members should get the same)

First off, you write with a chip on your shoulder. That is a rather ignorant and prejudiced comment about Americans not knowing something not in America. Mai Pen Rai, its your opinion youre entitled to it. Opinions are as we say in US, like the oriface between the gluteus maximi; everyone has one and most of them stink, and they only fit the one wearing them.

Point 2, I blamed no one for my not being aware of the treaty. I only inquired about it.

So with all due respect, Mr. Som Chai, kiss my opinion, Sir.


This country should be avoided by all businesses. Nobody should make significant investments in Thailand as the elite are well known for damaging the investment climate. Having themselves major interest anywhere abroad they use the courts and the officials who are on their payroll to make rulings against foreigners which are in general baseless.

It is very common practice to use nominees worldwide. It is a little less common practice to hire blue shorted people to beat the hel_l out of protestors with an other color who become angry and occupy venues. It is even less likely to see an army shooting with sharp, courts being instructed to rule against democratically elected people and parties and it is unseen worldwide that one cell organisms are allowed to occupy an airport just before the holidays so that tourists and exporting countries alike are presented with huge bills.

The Thai elite need to live in a cocoon. They are unsuitable for the world economy, therefore their nationals should be subject to the same absurd rules as foreigners investing in Thailand. Only when the decision makers pockets are targeted something might happen.

The greed of Thais are so overwhelming that former army leaders and appointed prime ministers encroach on national parks, or monopolize beaches like in Hua Hin, Pattaya or other resort towns so nobody is even able to see the sea anymore. It is not the foreigner who is the problem in this Xenophobic country it is the Thai elite and the semi elite.

The whole problem here lies in the fact that even if you are married with a Thai it gives you no special status whereas in the US for example you're given a green card.

ABSOLUTELY not true, wrong information. I received my Thai citizenship because of my married status. Get the facts before writting.

"Crackdowns" on "Crackdowns" same <deleted> different month!!!!!!!!!!! Boy they are making it hard for Westerners and easier for the "Ckinks"

I think I get the message hope everyone else does and there'll be more to come for sure.

Derogative language shows your class besides that what you write is not true. And yes I trust you get the message, Vietnam perhaps?


Internment camps, public flogging, subdermal GPS implants, and a big frigging "closed for business" sign at the airport. Farang probelm solved.

You know, it's too bad they don't spend as much time "cracking down" on corruption as they do squeezing a few extra baht out of Foriegners.....whatever loopholes exist are a product of poor law making and lousy interdepartmental communication.

You can lead a horse to water, but you don't beat him over the head cause he took a drink!


Actually myself, like a lot other farangs business becoming very careful in investing or spending more money for our businesses because of these laws and witch hunts, so I can’t see how these will help Thai people or rise new taxes.

I also have reduced the number of employee I have and again same result.

Overall is not helping when will these clown release that making things harder reduces the investment and only hurt the economy, but again Elite runs these country and they don’t give a sh,,,,t about common Thais anyway Said Givenall

Now put on your Red shirt, receive your Baht 500 and be on standby to come to Bangkok. Thailand truly needs minds like you hahaha


maybe they read thai visa sight also, and just post these stories to give everyone here something to piss and moan about. seems that is all i see here! :)


I really dont understand you guys always complaining about this and that.

Icant understand why move to Thailand and work , maybe only thing that I can see in Phuket

To rip of Farrangs and cut gold with a Penn knife, because no normal person would like to work here.

Thats why I dont work here only spend money and take the day as it comes and live in a small house owned by my wife.

And no worried at all !

Cheers :)

I have said it before, and will say it again! The wording is................"Crackdown on Foreign business" not "Crackdown on Falang business" .

And................................Oh dear !!! not another "Crackdown".

Its about time this government did something real for the country and its underprivilaged population and stopped strutting about like the cockbird in the chicken pen.

These incessant "Crackdowns" are utterly stupid, designed to convince the population that they are being looked after, when its really those in power who are being looked after. :)

amen to that.

was going to move full time to Thailand.. but have decided on a much more foreigner friendly country.... Malaysia... just way too many restrictions on us in Thailand... they hardly throw out the welcome mat to foreigners... and by the way I was looking to invest heavily in my new country. Pity, as the beaches are wonderful.... will continue to visit as a tourist..

Had a look at their 10 year visa program, seems to be rather restrictive and a lot of cash needs to be tied up particularly if there is a couple, minimum purchase price for property, compulsory local health insurance etc.

Not so, check your facts. I plan to move there next year when my house lease here is complete and have done all the research. It is a better deal than here. This is not the topic here so I will end, just wanted to point out that what you are saying here is incorrect. :):D :D

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