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How Is This For Thai Logic


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From what you've described about your employees' wages and fringe benefits, it seems that you treat your staff rather well. So, why the ultimate in the biting-the-nose category? I can think of three reasons. First, could there be a real loss of face of the waiter because you told his wife, and did not confront him directly? (And the corollary, did she really light in to him about it?) The second, which may have greater weight, is that if someone is drinking for four hours during working hours, he might be an alcoholic. That might make him prone to rash and seemingly unwarranted decisions. Thirdly, there might be something going on in his life that is so overwhelming that your word to his wife was the final straw, and he snapped; there's no way of knowing that, of course, unless he told you, and that doesn't seem to have happened. I can understand his wife leaving your employ, to support her husband; but her friend as well? Nope, doesn't make sense. There's more here than meets the eye.

You're fortunate to have a waiting list to choose from. That speaks well for how you run your business.

Don't lose any sleep over it, it's not in your control.

Agreed. For most Thais (and many farangs), the immediate emotional response will over-ride the logic of the situation, and by the time they get to thinking about it (if at all), they see they've painted themselves into a corner and have no easy exit. Thais rarely appear to learn from this experience though, and the next time will produce the same result. Then they wonder why their luck is so bad so its off-to-the-temple-for-some-tamboon-to-get-rid-of-the-bad-luck time :)

Or even go to the ampur to change their name, unlucky name hahaha. That cost nothing and takes 10 minutes and no questions asked. You be surprised how many do this

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From what you've described about your employees' wages and fringe benefits, it seems that you treat your staff rather well. So, why the ultimate in the biting-the-nose category? I can think of three reasons. First, could there be a real loss of face of the waiter because you told his wife, and did not confront him directly? (And the corollary, did she really light in to him about it?) The second, which may have greater weight, is that if someone is drinking for four hours during working hours, he might be an alcoholic. That might make him prone to rash and seemingly unwarranted decisions. Thirdly, there might be something going on in his life that is so overwhelming that your word to his wife was the final straw, and he snapped; there's no way of knowing that, of course, unless he told you, and that doesn't seem to have happened. I can understand his wife leaving your employ, to support her husband; but her friend as well? Nope, doesn't make sense. There's more here than meets the eye.

You're fortunate to have a waiting list to choose from. That speaks well for how you run your business.

Don't lose any sleep over it, it's not in your control.

What got me the most was, they waited until I was in hosp[tal here in Ubon to make their move. I am happy to say though, all the vacancies have been filled, for half the wages. Andall family members.

"And all family members" Oops, be careful for this can work two ways. If one goes the may all go at the same time leaving you high and dry...

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I'm waiting for a thread from a Thai guy entitled 'How is this for Farang management' in which he tells how he quit his job after the management of the restaurant in which he worked decided to reprimand him by getting his wife to do the dirty work and pass on the warning instead of handling the situation themselves. He then poses the question 'Is this how farangs run businesses in their own country? And if not, why do they do it here?' :)

One, your reading abilities are not too good, he was not reprimanded, just advised.

Two. Trying to save his face, was our objective in asking his wife to 'advise' him, as she did not do it in front of his friend, but waited until they were alone.

In fact my wife told her not to say anything in front of his friend.

I also think the thread which you are looking for indeed would be entitled " How's this for Farang Management"

with a subtitle of " How was I allowed to sit drinking for four hours when I should have been working and still got a job?",

because I do not know where you come from writing <deleted> like you have, but almost anywhere else in the World, he would have had his marching orders as soon as he opened the bottle.

Or maybe you are Thai yourself and support this ridiculous behaiviour, in that case as I have rebuked you, and am actually not management ,you might go away sulking and never post on here again.

Sorry FC but "How was I allowed to sit drinking for four hours when I should have been working" is a question you should answer. Step in, don't wait till he's drunk, be the boss they want and need.

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I think the most useful (and insightful) comment on this thread so far was from the Thai lady who noted "When you are dealing with Thais, you are dealing with children". This seems very astute to me with one possible caveat. Thai women are often by far more sensible and pragmatic (mature even) that Thai men, which possibly helps to explain why western men are so popular with Thai women. After all, in my experience, it's the women who still have to feed the kids when the useless Thai husband has quit his job again or spent the money on drink and fags and playing the alpha/beta game with his mates.

The word feckless spring to mind.

Not all but many.

You're right, I now various diamond cutting factories who ONLY hire woman by the hundreds. As explained they work harder and don't have typical Thai male habits such as smoking, loitering, picking fights and even stealing etc.

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