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Iranian Couple Arrested And Fined For Having Sex On Jomtien Beach


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Amazing Thailand: by that I mean its amazing how tourists come to Thailand and behave outrageously which for the same offence back in their home countries might involve punishment having theirs limbs(or more intimate) parts of their bodies chopped off.

Lucky to get away with just a small fine.

Wow...you have gut to say the Right thing??? ( hit my spot ) Thank you, thank you and thank you. I may not live in Thailand but, I will always respect the Thai and her cultures. Amazing Thailand...My take and opinion.


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While I agree that the couple would not have been let off so lightly in their home country, Iran, I also have to say that they would experience long-term consequences in Western countries. This would have been especially so in the USA where they would have been charged probably with a felony - on conviction they would have lost their right to a passport and other citizen rights, such as the right to vote or to work in certain professions (become a lawyer, for instance). They would most likely have done several years in jail and invariably would be placed on the sex-offender's register. This would make them social pariahs - they would have to find an area to live where there are no schools or parks or day care centres etc. This status and their felony status would most likely be for life - with the exception of criminal activity, it is highly unlikely that they would ever make a good income.

So, sometimes the Land of Smiles gets it right!

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Is there anything about this that doesn't make Thai cops and Thai justice look incredibly naive and stupid???

B500 Fine - A joke.. anywhere else its a night in jail at minimum, plus a court appearance and a fine in the $100's

"didn't know sex in public was illegal" - I applaud the Iranian for at least trying this unbelieveable excuse... and :) at the Stupid cops and justice system that bought it.

The whole thing is beyond reality for me... This surely is the "Twilight Zone"


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Its disgusting, they should have been fined more...

Its things like this that gives Pattaya a bad name, it does'nt look good.

And the Woman should have known better.

Yeah I agree with you those sex scenes are only allowed on stages in certain bars after paying the cops. How dare they, on a beach, where is this world going to.

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I wonder if she was wearing the black cape with peepholes in the hood. In Iran such stupidness would probably result in 60 lashes in public and 12 years of prison for both, so I guess that a 500 Bht fine was kinda cheap.

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Is there anything about this that doesn't make Thai cops and Thai justice look incredibly naive and stupid???

B500 Fine - A joke.. anywhere else its a night in jail at minimum, plus a court appearance and a fine in the $100's

"didn't know sex in public was illegal" - I applaud the Iranian for at least trying this unbelieveable excuse... and :) at the Stupid cops and justice system that bought it.

The whole thing is beyond reality for me... This surely is the "Twilight Zone"


Welllll, seems the BIB can't win on this one. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

4.30am on a deserted beach, in Pattaya... A fine and a ticking off from the Police along with the media humiliation seems like a pretty acceptable outcome to me.

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My concern is that he did not know it was illegal, I could accept that if it was legal in his home country but I am sure it is not in Iran.

As for him being in trouble when he gets home I am not so sure it is normally the women who cops for it, do not forget Iran is Muslim country in the Middle East where some countries punish women for adultery by stoning them to death even if they were raped.

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This couple will be punished severely once they get back home socially and perhaps legally. The best thing they can do is get married quickly down in Malaysia before returning to Iran. Muslims do not allow sex before marriage at all and is some regions can result in the death of the woman. Iranians usually come here as single men to experience sex with ladies for the first time and they go wild with Thai ladies (and men sometimes). Like most of us of course.

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Amazing Thailand: by that I mean its amazing how tourists come to Thailand and behave outrageously which for the same offence back in their home countries might involve punishment having theirs limbs(or more intimate) parts of their bodies chopped off.

Lucky to get away with just a small fine.

I think that in his country they are still a part of the stone age.....the family gets together and stones them...

far cry from sand in the #%&@* and a 500baht fine...oops

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Amazing Thailand: by that I mean its amazing how tourists come to Thailand and behave outrageously which for the same offence back in their home countries might involve punishment having theirs limbs(or more intimate) parts of their bodies chopped off.

Lucky to get away with just a small fine.

I've had sex on the beach in my home country many, many times. No arrests, by the way.

Wow??? Not in Thailand right?? In my town USA the police will bus our tail in jail. We have to pay the price for felony behavior. Because, someone will text his or her message ...within 2 minutes the polices cars will arrive....how about that...let me know where is your Beach? My husband and I would Love to visit and perform our Romantic love. For sure, we will scream for freedom of Sex Act...We stand tall for our personal opinion. Thanks for posting...

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Silly stuff - but I'd guess many of us have done similarly silly stuff in our youth in the heat of passion, in the midst of drinking, on holidays at the beach etc. If you haven't, I pity you.

The reaction from the outraged and offended is amusing - and no doubt they clicked the video link to further insult their conservative sensibilities. The poor buggers hiding their heads from the cameras back at the cop shop considerably less amusing.

Once the cops are there (and there's a crowd) they're pretty much obliged to take action, and fines are reasonable - so no criticism there I guess, though allowing the continued video taping thing is a bit harsh, as is releasing their names regardless of their nationality. But that's the way here...

I wouldn't be surprised to see a futile plea for asylum.

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Last wek Jomtien / Pattaya was in the news for being the "Garbage Dump" of Thailand. This week apparently the Brothel of the country. Must be a terrible hole to live in!

What news?? where?? TV or paper!!. I think Pattaya is great Ok it has it's moments, but many Cities other than Pattaya are worse so come on and enjoy life before you end up in a wheelchair as a miserable git.

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Long time ago, i found a couple having sex in Phuket, but not on the beach, they were standing inside the water. How much fine ? 50% ?

Some time when you are really in a good mood with your partner, we cannot go back to the room. Police should build public sex booths, so that we can do it in a closed area. Do you agree ?

....and later on becomes another, 'crackdown on/in public sex booths'

Also, from a reliable source (questionable !) "found on the scene was a large bag of half-eaten, deep-fried pork rinds".

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Ayatholla come back. The Iranian man didn't know that it was illegal to have sex in puplic place? Are they doing that at home on the market? I don't think so. Som Nam Na....

I had my long day but, after I read your post I laught so hard... forgive me ...my bad???

Thank you...


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My gf and I are incorrigible exhibitionists so we might be up for a bit of this if the fine's only 1000 baht. We've been looking for some new outlets. I wonder what they'd fine you for doing it in broad daylight.


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