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Howards Mob On Uk Tv


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Last night I watched a new TV series starting on UK TV. It does not show Thailand in a good light, and serves as a huge warning to all who go there on holiday. The hour long programmes hold no punches.

Last night showed 6 Royal Navy personel getting ripped off in Phuket with the jetski scam. The owner bought out a gun and threatened all of them with it to get his 44000B. The cheif of Naval Police (UK) turned up and had a big face to face barny with the owner saying why is it you only get damage done when my boys take out your jetski's. And called him a thief to his face. Anyway they ended up paying 33000B.

Then there was the full moon parties. All about drugs and a young English girl who was done for having weed on her. They also featured 2 TPV's, one English lady and one American lady. Head of the TPV's was the English lady. They both seemed real nice and caring people. Helping those who were worse for wear and rendering first aid. Also the British Consular was filmed giving advice to prisoners about paying bond over and saying a lot without compromising himself. There was talk of police corruption and how you can pay your way out of everything.

Then they switched to Pattaya and HM + tribe :) And what a difference compared to the first showing of the TPV's! Shots of them marching up and down WS, patroling in an electric car with flashing lights, jumping out of same to find a Thai foodseller who was selling drugs. Dealing with a drunken Aussie who had been assulted. Complete difference to the first lady TPV.

The series continues next week.

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So how has this shown Thailand and in its true light????

Phuket and Pattaya are tourist areas so there will be bound to be a type of spain mentality sometimes with the farangs.Lets see what the other episodes are like and maybe Howard will be taking some people to the real tourist areas to get a non bias view of the nice things in Pattaya.

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Saw it as well.

Have a bit of mixed feelings about it. It puts Thailand in a bit of a bad light, but only because of things actually happening here. Which obviously will keep tourists away.

On the other hand, it might prevent some dimmer people coming here doing dumb stuff risking themselves several years in a Thai jail. Or make them think twice renting those jetski's

I have to admit the reporting was although sensational, it was also balanced. Regarding the teenage girl risking jail term, they did balance it out by clearly showing the signs at the ferry piers on the islands stating the high risk/jail terms that even small amounts of drugs carry. She was going on about how in the UK they would just book her and then let her go, I think most people know Thailand is not like that, yet they choose to openly flaunt those laws. Som Nam Na...

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I am in the UK.

The programme is called "Big trouble in Thailand"

It is on Bravo channel, which is a satalite/cabel channel.

It really does not show Thailand in a good light if the first episode is anything to go on. But as they say, the truth hurts.

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That Howard guy did a remarkably good job considering some of the idiots he had to cope with. Nothing like the type of person the forum warriors would have you believe.

It just goes to show....don't believe everything you read on the internet. I always live by the following rule: I NEVER judge anyone unless I have FIRST hand information on them and can be COMPLETELY sure I can accuse them of something based on the FIRST hand information received.

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I am in the UK.

The programme is called "Big trouble in Thailand"

It is on Bravo channel, which is a satalite/cabel channel.

It really does not show Thailand in a good light if the first episode is anything to go on. But as they say, the truth hurts.

We have had big trouble in Ibiza,big trouble in Eastern european countries but much prefer Thailand as the population seem to be able to hold their alcohol better,including the women.

For all those who have forgotten what Spain was like 20+ years ago,Pattaya reminds me of many places,and the sex was fee too lol

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That Howard guy did a remarkably good job considering some of the idiots he had to cope with. Nothing like the type of person the forum warriors would have you believe.

Howard is the only professional news guy on tv,the others are so useless its untrue,and that martial arts guy is utter crap and should be taken off the air immediately

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HM is a great lad and very accessible to anyone who knows him. I offered to buy him a few drinks, but sadly HM doesnt drink. :) The thing that irks me the most about his critics, they will not go and talk to him. They would rather whinge and speak rubbish online.

Probably watch the show later online. :D

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That Howard guy did a remarkably good job considering some of the idiots he had to cope with. Nothing like the type of person the forum warriors would have you believe.

I've got nothing against Howard or his broadcasting empire but though the Aussie was off his head our dear volunteers did absolutely nothing to see if the Aussie's tale was true. They took the Aussie to the van at the end of the street and (to be fair) tried to calm him down.

As far as the yaba find was concerned I think that was done for the camera.

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I've got nothing against Howard or his broadcasting empire but though the Aussie was off his head our dear volunteers did absolutely nothing to see if the Aussie's tale was true. They took the Aussie to the van at the end of the street and (to be fair) tried to calm him down.

Agreed. The guy had a huge cut to his head. He was obviously drunk, but no investigation into why he was assulted and by whom. Obviously Thai's assaulted him, so, that's it then? No further action?

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do you brits really say "fooket"?

Not everyone speaks the Queen's English

Ph spoken as an f is common enough: pharmacy, philosophy, phallus -

now had you meant as in fornicate the UK must have more dialects than anywhere else,

do you really understand two Scots chatting together, or Newcastle, even Brummie?

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The winners - the Koh Pa Ngnan tourist police women and Howard who came out if the show looking pretty good for different reasons. I dont think anyone who saw the show could criticise the way they handled themselves at all. Although it did give the impression that the farang volunteers in Pattaya are making drug busts and have powers to arrest people etc just like the real BiB.

The losers - JJ, it might be hard for him to rent a jetski to anyone who has seen the program. The Royal Marine who did a runner after he possibly damaged the jetski and had to call in the naval police guy to sort out the problem for him, looke d a bit of a knob.

Wonder if the young Aussie who was beaten up for some reason is the son of a TV member as he said his Dad, who came to pick him up, lived in Pattaya.

And you feel sorry for the girl who was banged up - especially as her boyfriend admitted that the dope she was caught holding was intended for him as she doesn't smoke.

The chaps from the British Embassy / Consulate just reinforced what everyone knows - they cant do anything to help if you get locked up, other than imply that it's better to pay the police off if you can.

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Wow - that was pretty hard hitting - didn't hear the 'Land Of Smiles' mentioned once. :) I cannot wait for next weeks instalment - I wonder if the Thai authorities will try to block the U-Tube access at least.

People daft enough to 'do' drugs here must be mad - surely everyone who comes here has heard its a no-no and unless you can pay your way out of the problem at an early stage you could end up in a nasty prison. Once you are in the system, the costs just go up and up.

Yes Howard came out of this well. I wonder if they will have the other Pattaya Volunteer Police leaders on as well.

Naturally I have forwarded the U-Tube link to all my friends and relatives. They keep telling me I live in a 'tropical paradise' - they read too many 'glossy' travel magazines. Sadly, this will modify that view a little.. :D

edit: for those people who think the jet ski incident may not be realistic. I witnessed a scene similar to that but not as violent, just shouting and some intimidation, on Pattaya beach. The police were called to 'intervene' and they then took the hapless tourist off to a bar over the road and made him pay. Obviously chums of the jet ski vendor.

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The losers - JJ, it might be hard for him to rent a jetski to anyone who has seen the program. The Royal Marine who did a runner after he possibly damaged the jetski and had to call in the naval police guy to sort out the problem for him, looke d a bit of a knob.


Very likely the damage was pre-existing, and I can assure you, for the 45,000 Baht he was asking, a Thai fiber worker makes an entire new hull.

If the bloke actually inflicted the damage, 10,000 Baht would have seen it repaired with a fair bit of beer money left over for JJ.

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do you brits really say "fooket"?

Not everyone speaks the Queen's English

Ph spoken as an f is common enough: pharmacy, philosophy, phallus -

now had you meant as in fornicate the UK must have more dialects than anywhere else,

do you really understand two Scots chatting together, or Newcastle, even Brummie?

it just seemed strange that the voiceover person said "fooket". you would think they would make sure he used the thai pronunciation for posterity.

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do you brits really say "fooket"?

Not everyone speaks the Queen's English

Ph spoken as an f is common enough: pharmacy, philosophy, phallus -

now had you meant as in fornicate the UK must have more dialects than anywhere else,

do you really understand two Scots chatting together, or Newcastle, even Brummie?

it just seemed strange that the voiceover person said "fooket". you would think they would make sure he used the thai pronunciation for posterity.

What about the PAT-TAY-ER then. It should be said like this (click the loud speaker to hear - you need realplayer)


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