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Howards Mob On Uk Tv


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Just a quick note - The word squaddie means a person from the Army, not a Royal Marine
Yup, in support of Beano 2274 (from Yeovil, so I think he has an inside track on the lingo :D eh Beano?) a Royal Marine is NOT a "squaddie", he is a "boot-neck" or a "bootie", from the time when they wore leather collars on their tunics long, long, ago. We Navy guys (and gals) are colloquially known as "fish'eads" by the other services and if your want to upset our friends in the RAF call him/her/it a "crab" (don't ask me why). Hope this helps the discussion.

over-and-out :D

Completely off topic, you knew what I meant :) to us 'normal' people a squaddie is a soldier, a marine is a soldier, he is not a dinner lady :D

Isn't there a thread somewhere for pedants?

What do you mean by 'thread' exactly? :D

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Howards' Group.

I think he made himself look worse here than he normally does elsewhere.

He never once did anything to find out about the people responsible for the tourist's (drunken or not) injuries.

He never made contact with the real tourist police to apprehend and questions those responsible for the Auussie's injuries.

He did not perform the duties of a policeman, and for that reason, what is his purpose?

You are making that assumption based on what you were allowed to see. Or

Do you have evidence to support that statement?

Just because you did not see it within the program in no way says that howard or other police did not investigate it.

It is called editing to cut the program down to an acceptable length, and howard will have had little or no say in the matter. How do you know that they will not give or show some results in a future episode?

Just one more thing howard has previously stated the the real tourist police (as you put it) were there, Overseeing everything they do.

Engage brain before typing rubbish.

Edited by cyb
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You are making the assumption that HE DID DO SOMETHING TO INVESTIGATE AS TO WHO HIT THE AUSSIE OR THAT THE TOURIST POLICE DID PERFORM AN INVESTIGATION but it was not included in the video, but you have not provided any proof to support your statement.

Do you have a complete video, unedited to support your claims? Have you learned of something additional? If so, then please post it for all to see. Or are you only guessing or being creative?

We saw Howard did not perform any function to find out about who hit the Aussie, but instead asked "Why this was done to him?"

Being drunk and obnoxious is not a good enough reason to need what appears to be some stitches in one's head.

My statement is based upon what I saw, while yours is based upon what you guessed.

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hi . jealousy is a terrible thing , <snip>

The day I am jealous of "Howard and his Mob" is the day I put my head in a gas oven. :D

Although your post has been edited, I would just like you to know that I first came to Pattaya in 1973, and have been coming to and living in Thailand for over 35 years, so I think I may know just a little bit about this country and indeed Pattaya.

Unlike so many in this forum, who come here for a year or two and think they know it all, and most of whom don't even speak more than 6 words of Thai.

The longer you live here, the more you realise how little you know about the country and it's people, so I don't claim to be an expert. No farang can.

As for Howard and his mob - I stick by what I say. I call it as I see it, and I have seen it. They claim to be unique - which I have no doubt they are.

What other country would allow a disparate group of foreigners, some of whom have been found to have had very unsavory backgrounds, (there was one 'ex TPV' arrested recently for drug dealing), with absolutely no training or background in police work, and put them on the streets in black uniforms and have them represent themselves as tourist policemen.

I'm sorry but I just don't get it, and probably never will.

If tourism is so important to Thailand and if they care about the welfare of tourists, the government should allocate a budget to specially train Thais to take on this role, which would include intensive courses in English for those with aptitude. They could even employ professional, qualified 'foreign' instructors, with the appropriate skills.

English speaking Thais, with the appropriate education and specialist training would be more than capable of fulfilling this role.

That is my personal opinion.

And you are entitled to yours.

And of course you may well be right.

But I fail to see where jealousy comes into the debate. (or my girl friend's knickers!!! :) )

Go in peace - especially around Walking Street. :D

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hi . jealousy is a terrible thing , <snip>

The day I am jealous of "Howard and his Mob" is the day I put my head in a gas oven. :D

Although your post has been edited, I would just like you to know that I first came to Pattaya in 1973, and have been coming to and living in Thailand for over 35 years, so I think I may know just a little bit about this country and indeed Pattaya.

Unlike so many in this forum, who come here for a year or two and think they know it all, and most of whom don't even speak more than 6 words of Thai.

The longer you live here, the more you realise how little you know about the country and it's people, so I don't claim to be an expert. No farang can.

As for Howard and his mob - I stick by what I say. I call it as I see it, and I have seen it. They claim to be unique - which I have no doubt they are.

What other country would allow a disparate group of foreigners, some of whom have been found to have had very unsavory backgrounds, (there was one 'ex TPV' arrested recently for drug dealing), with absolutely no training or background in police work, and put them on the streets in black uniforms and have them represent themselves as tourist policemen.

I'm sorry but I just don't get it, and probably never will.

If tourism is so important to Thailand and if they care about the welfare of tourists, the government should allocate a budget to specially train Thais to take on this role, which would include intensive courses in English for those with aptitude. They could even employ professional, qualified 'foreign' instructors, with the appropriate skills.

English speaking Thais, with the appropriate education and specialist training would be more than capable of fulfilling this role.

That is my personal opinion.

And you are entitled to yours.

And of course you may well be right.

But I fail to see where jealousy comes into the debate. (or my girl friend's knickers!!! :) )

Go in peace - especially around Walking Street. :D


I respect the fact that you have been here in Thailand for many years and I am sure your "knowledge" of Thai culture and how they operate day-to-day is extensive, however you clearly do not know how the Royal Thai Police operate, which I think is a good thing because this shows that you have had limited contact with them which probably means you are a law obiding ex-pat which I completely respect.

Your comments about employing English Speaking Thai's to assist the Tourist Police is a good idea, however in reality this would never happen. I agree with you, you are not jealous you are just puzzled as to why we need to asist the Tourist Police. Sometimes I ask myself the same question. In reality, we DO assist the Tourist Police and 99% of the time do a great job of doing so (sometimes we mess up, we are only Human!).

I have always hoped that long term residents of Thailand would take the time out to really find out what we do and come to Walking Street and speak with us. I have issued numerous invitations over the years which have never been taken-up.

Mobi, I hereby invite you to come and spend an evening with us on Walking Street. I will personally meet you and be prepared to answer any questions which I am able to provide an answer for. I think that as a well respected member of this board and a long term ex-pat living here in the Pattaya area, your review of what we do would be respected by every BM here on Thai Visa. How about it?


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You are making the assumption that HE DID DO SOMETHING TO INVESTIGATE AS TO WHO HIT THE AUSSIE OR THAT THE TOURIST POLICE DID PERFORM AN INVESTIGATION but it was not included in the video, but you have not provided any proof to support your statement.

Do you have a complete video, unedited to support your claims? Have you learned of something additional? If so, then please post it for all to see. Or are you only guessing or being creative?

We saw Howard did not perform any function to find out about who hit the Aussie, but instead asked "Why this was done to him?"

Being drunk and obnoxious is not a good enough reason to need what appears to be some stitches in one's head.

My statement is based upon what I saw, while yours is based upon what you guessed.

Your statement is this.

"He never once did anything to find out about the people responsible for the tourist's (drunken or not) injuries".

So you are saying you know everything that happened on camera and off camera, My point was that you don't know what happened. So are not qualified to make that statement.

"He never made contact with the real tourist police to apprehend and questions those responsible for the Auussie's injuries".

Again The police were there watching all the time.

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.......Mobi,I hereby invite you to come and spend an evening with us on Walking Street. I will personally meet you and be prepared to answer any questions which I am able to provide an answer for. I think that as a well respected member of this board and a long term ex-pat living here in the Pattaya area, your review of what we do would be respected by every BM here on Thai Visa. How about it?


Howard, that sounds a perfectly reasonable offer, which I accept with the proviso that I am allowed to post my impressions, good or bad, without fear or hindrance, after I have spent the evening with you.

I will PM you to arrange the details.


Edited by Mobi
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