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Rainy Season In Chiang Mai


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After 8 years living and working in Bangkok and used to wading home through flooded Soi's I must say I am surprised by the lack of precipitation in CM this season. Would locals rate this as a normal or below normal season ? Our garden is dry and a chip and frankly I can't remember the last time it rained for more than a few minutes. Bangkok meanwhile is experiencing its usual flooding. Have visitors who are delighted at the lack of rain but hey we live here !We live in Hang Dong.

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It is a well below normal year of rainfall thusfar. The last year I remember like this was about 6 years ago and indeed locals tell me there is some kind of 7 year cycle associated with the weather pattern. Maybe El Nino related? I planted 250 trees this year and I never imagined I'd have to be hand watering them this season, but I am. Sure wish it would rain.

One bright spot. I have to dig a well next year so I'm thinkng about March should be an extremely low water table and if I drill then I should be OK for most any year.

Edited by lannarebirth
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It is a well below normal year of rainfall thusfar. The last year I remember like this was about 6 years ago and indeed locals tell me there is some kind of 7 year cycle associated with the weather pattern. Maybe El Nino related? I planted 250 trees this year and I never imagined I'd have to be hand watering them this season, but I am. Sure wish it would rain.

One bright spot. I have to dig a well next year so I'm thinkng about March should be an extremely low water table and if I drill then I should be OK for most any year.

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I rode up to Mae Ngat dam today (usually the source of Chiang Mai's more serious flooding) and was shocked to see how many METERS the water is below the spillway. I will say the hills surrounding the Chiang Mai basin area are saturated wherever we go Hashing so if a storm came in off of the Pacific all bets are off.

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I rode up to Mae Ngat dam today (usually the source of Chiang Mai's more serious flooding) and was shocked to see how many METERS the water is below the spillway. I will say the hills surrounding the Chiang Mai basin area are saturated wherever we go Hashing so if a storm came in off of the Pacific all bets are off.

I was there about a month ago and it is a real eye opener seeing how low the water level is.

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Having received the report of a major dam manager in northern Thailand, I can only pass along that he said that management this year of water for farmers is "difficult" because of low levels. How significant that is he did not venture to say.

If you want further statistical information from year to year, then Priceless, a TV Chiang Mai regular who does his homework, is your man. He generally knows quite well how to gather data, at least official published data which should not be considered suspect, as some TV posters seem to suggest, about anything a Thai agency or department reports. How to interpret it all is another matter (There, he and I have our differences), but Priceless is the guy "around town" to give you more than casual glances at klongs in your neighborhood, which are opened and closed periodically for various reasons. It is a worthwhile effort to look.

For those of you who like a dramatic interpretation of water matters, get the movie, Chinatown. It is a very enjoyable movie whatever you want tot believe about conspiracies! And there are some documentaries about that historical situation that are more informative if less dramatic.

Finally, this is serious stuff. If you accept the scenario of global warming, that does not necessarily mean disaster for all places. It can mean significant change for some. For Northern Thailand? Like any specific place, other than very, very low-elevation volcanic islands, no one has a really sound model that can successfully predict what's to happen. There is no certainty, after all, is there?

Edited by Mapguy
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I don't understand, I live in Nimmanhaemin and I think it is too wet for my garden!

You must have left the sprinkler on by mistake.

Once again black clouds rolled in over Hang Dong Sunday afternoon and the end result was not enough to settle the dust. Anyone who has lived in a relatively dry country would recognise that this is not a good sign.Maybe we should all wash our cars.

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Maybe we should all wash our cars.

Didn't need that as it just pissed down for 30 minutes here, and the garden is awash. The sun's out now, but ominous clouds just up the way, more due soon I think :D

San Kampheang report; no rain to speak of, blue skies....better wash the car this arvo :)

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Maybe we should all wash our cars.

Didn't need that as it just pissed down for 30 minutes here, and the garden is awash. The sun's out now, but ominous clouds just up the way, more due soon I think :)

Its 6pm Monday here at Hang Dong and still not a drop and I did wash the car !

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'Down here' in Lampang, we are quite bemused by the lack of rain so far. Grey skies are frequent, but no downpours of any length in the last month... and no gorgeous evening lightening displays as of yet either.

... and <deleted> me sideways if it isn't blimmin' hotter in the daytime than in the past few rainy seasons too - daytime heat is on a par with April at the mo!

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  • 2 weeks later...
'Down here' in Lampang, we are quite bemused by the lack of rain so far. Grey skies are frequent, but no downpours of any length in the last month... and no gorgeous evening lightening displays as of yet either.

... and <deleted> me sideways if it isn't blimmin' hotter in the daytime than in the past few rainy seasons too - daytime heat is on a par with April at the mo!

Can some one explain to me what this thing about mis-spelling profanities is about. Is it unique to this forum? Is it some sort of internet etiquette? If you spell it '<deleted>' is that supposed to be more polite or acceptable than 'f u c k'? We all know what you mean,right? It seems kcfgniu stupid to me. Assuming that you're all not dyslexic or anogrammatic, what's the point? I don't really give a cukf, I'm just curious.

Reason for edit - I'm not telling you.

Edited by KevinHunt
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It is a well below normal year of rainfall thusfar. The last year I remember like this was about 6 years ago and indeed locals tell me there is some kind of 7 year cycle associated with the weather pattern. Maybe El Nino related? I planted 250 trees this year and I never imagined I'd have to be hand watering them this season, but I am. Sure wish it would rain.

One bright spot. I have to dig a well next year so I'm thinkng about March should be an extremely low water table and if I drill then I should be OK for most any year.

Maybe you mean 'below average'. If there is indeed a 7 year cycle then this year is normal if the last time it was like this was 'about 6 years ago'!! With all the talk about 'global warming' or 'climate change' it seems that every time there is a drier or wetter or hotter year than last year, it must be attributed to that. If the last floods where the worst for forty years, what caused the floods forty years ago when 'global warming' hadn't even been invented? Just a thought. :)

Edited by KevinHunt
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It is a well below normal year of rainfall thusfar. The last year I remember like this was about 6 years ago and indeed locals tell me there is some kind of 7 year cycle associated with the weather pattern. Maybe El Nino related? I planted 250 trees this year and I never imagined I'd have to be hand watering them this season, but I am. Sure wish it would rain.

One bright spot. I have to dig a well next year so I'm thinkng about March should be an extremely low water table and if I drill then I should be OK for most any year.

Maybe you mean 'below average'.

Yes, that's exactly what I mean, normal.*

If there is indeed a 7 year cycle then this year is normal if the last time it was like this was 'about 6 years ago'!! With all the talk about 'global warming' or 'climate change' it seems that every time there is a drier or wetter or hotter year than last year, it must be attributed to that. If the last floods where the worst for forty years, what caused the floods forty years ago when 'global warming' hadn't even been invented? Just a thought. :)

I'm not attributing it to any of that. I was only lamenting that I have had to work much harder to keep trees watered than I "normally" * would in a normal * year.

* normal

noun 7.the average or mean: Production may fall below normal.

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'Down here' in Lampang, we are quite bemused by the lack of rain so far. Grey skies are frequent, but no downpours of any length in the last month... and no gorgeous evening lightening displays as of yet either.

... and <deleted> me sideways if it isn't blimmin' hotter in the daytime than in the past few rainy seasons too - daytime heat is on a par with April at the mo!

Can some one explain to me what this thing about mis-spelling profanities is about. Is it unique to this forum? Is it some sort of internet etiquette? If you spell it '<deleted>' is that supposed to be more polite or acceptable than 'f u c k'? We all know what you mean,right? It seems kcfgniu stupid to me. Assuming that you're all not dyslexic or anogrammatic, what's the point? I don't really give a cukf, I'm just curious.

Reason for edit - I'm not telling you.

Oh, MY EYES, MY EYES! I'm shocked, dismayed, affronted, and my tender feelings destroyed by reading such profanities. Children's innocent eyes need to be averted! Oh, the horror of it all! :):D:D

Oh, we are talkin bout da weather? It's been lovely and sunny here and the salmon are returning to their home rivers. We anglers have been filling our freezers with their bodies and we are busy canning and smoking the carcasses.

Only too soon will our rivers change from this...


To this...


And I'll have to return to this...


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