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Phuket Acts To Clean Up Jet-ski Woes


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I think the show was a load of BS. It looks all staged and the reaction on here just shows what type of people we have on these boards.

I completely agree! :):D:D

What's it like to be paddling in the children's pool?

Out of your depth? :D

GungaDim... if this were a think tank you would be confined to the shallow end. :D


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Quoting Losworld

Bingo... as much as I find many on this board to be quite well informed and not susceptible to being manipulated I have never seen ... hopefully its simply a bunch of pumpers associated with the show and reason will once again return to Thai Visa.

Quoting GD

As you seem to have great insight. :)

Please list those of us who have been suckered and some proof please.

If I see the word "staged", again, your cred goes down the dunny again....... not that you had much to start with! :D

Quoting LOsworld

I see you have emerged from your cave. :D

PT Barnum would have loved you as a customer...

End quote

Just as I said, you have absolutely no credibility on this forum.

What I type here, I would gladly say to your face. :D

Put up or shut up!

Who pissed in your cereal? :D

You, with your infantile posts.

GungaDim glad to be of service... couldn't happen to a nicer guy... now finish your cereal and back to your coloring book. :D

Edited by losworld
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These documentaries are just a hyped up mainly excauated load of nonsense.

Take a look on Utube at the uncut interviews and scenes. It`s obvious that most of it is semi staged, plus the bar fights and street yob sagas, you’ll find these in any British towns after the pub and club animal chunking out times. Also the story about the young girl facing drug charges and her loser boyfriend. I was hoping she would have gone down for a least a year as an example to those who think Thailand is a soft touch.

That JJ who during an interview admitted that he is not a full Thai, but half Dutch, is wallowing in all the fame and is always guaranteed to put on a good show in front of the cameras.

It`s all done for gaining high viewer ratings, profit and entertainment at the expense of the Thais, damaging the already badly hit tourist industries and Thailand’s image around the world.

I am sure that for the Thais and the ex-pats that helped create and produce this rubbish are looking at a very grim future career wise in Thailand and perhaps even deportation for the Farang police who participated in this without official approval.

It may have escaped your notice that there's a lot of 'staged' movie clips on Youtube but that doesn't mean that the out-takes from this pretty factual TV show were staged.

I am not sure what difference your claim that thay 'JJ' is half-Dutch makes. Are they noted for 'wallowing in al the fame' or what?

Are you further suggesting that such 'reality' TV is wrong for pointing out the bad things that can and do happen to the unwary and uneducated when they come here?

I am sure that your unreasonable defence of the much maligned and impoverished tourist touts, especially the jet-ski operators will be lost on the young German couple I saw frantically calling the Tourist Police on Chaweng Beach around 6pm last night after being PHYSICALLY assaulted for refusing to pay a bogus 9000 baht 'damage' claim to a 'JJ' wannabe.

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I think The Thai authorities have every right to look into it. Why just because our own societies are full of scummy second rate programs, negatively harming our societies and creating unnecessary fear, should Thailand follow suit. It looked staged to me. As for the fights, I think it is more of a damning indication of how revolting some tourists are than anything else. They are guests here and they behave like retards. Those in prison are in there for a reason. They have broken the law.

By the way there are 5,000 foreign prisoners in UK prisons ! Kind of dwarfs the hundred or so here !

The high season is upon Thailand and we are in the world’s worst recession ever in history. People are losing their homes, businesses are going bust and there are fewer jobs. This is the real world. Do you not think it was highly irresponsible and selfish beyond belief that someone should make such a program at this time ? We do not live in an adolescent TV world where no one takes responsibility. How self centered, self indulgent and naive can a human being be. This is garbage television for idiots. In 10 years I have never had a problem in Thailand. I stand side by side with Thailand 100%. Yes they do have problems but does it need spitefully spreading all over the globe; just before holiday season. How clever that is ? What moron thought it was a good idea ?

Try looking at our own countries and if you don’t like it here go home. The poor Thai’s must be so sick of foreigners moaning all the time. Why are you here if you want to criticize it all the time ? I hear so much moaning and criticizing in Thailand but are we not guests here.

The Thai’s know their country is not perfect. No country is; but is it polite to come here as a guest and just moan and criticize ? This is what is so screwed up in Western society and the Brits are the worst. Moaning, negative and unnecessary sensationalism......garbage for garnage minds.... I am English and I am ashamed of my own nationality. Look at the effluent on the program fighting and acting like spoilt retards……..Thank god I live in Thailand. I love the country. This is pathetic garbage TV for idiots who do not have the intelligence to watch something well researched, well thought out and positive. The good far outweighs the bad here. I am so sick of all the moaning whining selfish people who do nothing but moan. Go home. The makers of the film are probably kids who like to sensationalize and read comics. Average reading age of most UK papers is below 15 so guess they don't even know what they did. Thank god most English people are actually quite nice. Shame the bad ones get TV time.

An excellent post on the matter. The documentary was stage managed and scripted.

Take the English girl with the drugs in her possession, at the police station no money

then all of a sudden money is available from "family and friends".

Next day happy as larry the two of them hand in hand to the Tourist Police and at the

entrance two foreigners one very English and one maybe an American.

All very friendly, call the Embassy, that was a quick answer from them 10secs at the most.

One could almost hear the English helper say "dont worry luv, you will feel a lot better

after a nice cup of tea".

The person charged with ATM fraud, seemed to me he was happy there, 2 letters a week

free to roam around and expecting 36 years in the clink! Looked very clean and tidy.

And the documentary voice more or less stating that the Thais could not handle the law

and order problem as they had to recruit 500 foreigners. And all could speak English.

And who would stand there with a camera at such close range when a 3rd party had a genuine loaded rifle with the implied threat that it meant?

Yes scams occur in all countries one has to try to avoid them.

Remember the rule when you borrow, rent or hire in Thailand, "you break it you buy it."

The name of the film company says it all "Black Sheep Productions" for what it is worth.

But what was genuine was the drunken British youths and their disrespect for Thailand

and it people.

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I think The Thai authorities have every right to look into it. Why just because our own societies are full of scummy second rate programs, negatively harming our societies and creating unnecessary fear, should Thailand follow suit. It looked staged to me. As for the fights, I think it is more of a damning indication of how revolting some tourists are than anything else. They are guests here and they behave like retards. Those in prison are in there for a reason. They have broken the law.

By the way there are 5,000 foreign prisoners in UK prisons ! Kind of dwarfs the hundred or so here !

The high season is upon Thailand and we are in the world’s worst recession ever in history. People are losing their homes, businesses are going bust and there are fewer jobs. This is the real world. Do you not think it was highly irresponsible and selfish beyond belief that someone should make such a program at this time ? We do not live in an adolescent TV world where no one takes responsibility. How self centered, self indulgent and naive can a human being be. This is garbage television for idiots. In 10 years I have never had a problem in Thailand. I stand side by side with Thailand 100%. Yes they do have problems but does it need spitefully spreading all over the globe; just before holiday season. How clever that is ? What moron thought it was a good idea ?

Try looking at our own countries and if you don’t like it here go home. The poor Thai’s must be so sick of foreigners moaning all the time. Why are you here if you want to criticize it all the time ? I hear so much moaning and criticizing in Thailand but are we not guests here.

The Thai’s know their country is not perfect. No country is; but is it polite to come here as a guest and just moan and criticize ? This is what is so screwed up in Western society and the Brits are the worst. Moaning, negative and unnecessary sensationalism......garbage for garnage minds.... I am English and I am ashamed of my own nationality. Look at the effluent on the program fighting and acting like spoilt retards……..Thank god I live in Thailand. I love the country. This is pathetic garbage TV for idiots who do not have the intelligence to watch something well researched, well thought out and positive. The good far outweighs the bad here. I am so sick of all the moaning whining selfish people who do nothing but moan. Go home. The makers of the film are probably kids who like to sensationalize and read comics. Average reading age of most UK papers is below 15 so guess they don't even know what they did. Thank god most English people are actually quite nice. Shame the bad ones get TV time.

You're doing the same moaning, whining and complaining about your own country...England, and praising Thailand at the same time. That's a bit odd wouldn't you say ?

And, I don't know if there are 5,000 foreign prisoners in UK prisons but if there are maybe it's time for the Brits to dig up the old mirrors from their attics, remembering them of the good old days of the Great British Empire when they "possessed" so many foreign countries :) It's a nasty heritage the UK still possesses, speaking about "foreign" prisoners.

Thailand never had any colonial countries and never was one also, like other countries in the neighbourhood, India for instance and a few more...

Oh, and about the film this topic is about: it's a relatively small channel so I understood but the impact is indeed quite big but believe me, outside Thailand, Thaivisa and the UK the impact is small, very small.

Such programs are made on a daily basis and there's always a magic button on every television: ON/OFF.

Sensational programs are there to sell and are consumed by blood-thirsty viewers. Nothing new under the horizon.


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The REAL BIG TROUBLE started already looooong time ago when

-yellow produced a turmoil at Suvanabhumi airport

-the red shirt threatened to blow up a gas tanker

-PM Abhisit getting attacked without having any valid security detail

-foreigners get ripped of by at airport to extort money


the list could go on much longer if I just wanted to waste more time on this topic. In fact the only problem is that

nobody seems to be interested in things which are not really covered internationally. That movie doesnt help thailand

at all but shows how aggressive the government can get if they loose face internationally.

Very good that this video went out, or is there another way to expose those low life practices? Since when


The only way to change is to expose it.

A previous colleague of mine contacted me with several questions about Thailand. Her boyfriend, brother, and she had thoughts of vacationing in LOS. After a few emails I received news they all decided LOS (land of scams) was too corrupt for them. They decided to take their money (lots of money) to another location to spend.

I believe corruption continues to choke any movement in improving the quality of life for the average Thai individual. I have met so many industrious/ lovely Thai people who would really love an opportunity for their country to give them freedom from the corrupt and representation.

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Company faces prosecution for Phuket jet-ski show


Winai 'JJ' Naiman on film at Patong Beach, Phuket,

in the first episode of 'Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand'.

PHUKET CITY: -- ... Critics say it will be impossible to find an insurance company willing to insure unlicensed, potentially intoxicated tourists on the vehicles.


-- Phuket Gazette 2009-09-18

Critics failed to address how any insurance company would be able or even willing to sell a much more practical and viable OWNERS INSURANCE policy to a nest of thieves where actual ownership of any jet-ski is a point of conjecture.

Edited by NanLaew
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The Thais simply cannot avoid shooting themselves in the foot. The first mistake they make every day, is to get up

in the morning. Once they are awake, they cannot help making mistakes. Sleep is the best prevention for this. That way

they cannot screw up. When you have fools like the Pattaya Police Chief saying they cannot do anything, that has to mean

we do not want to do anything. Correct? How difficult would it be to charge goons like JJ, and put them away. if they were

not buttering your toast? How transparent. Sometimes the Thais do not even get how transparent their corruption is. I

think they naturally assume all farengs are dumb, and will believe their nonsense. Thailand, is on the lower rung of

ASEAN, with Cambodia, Burma and the Philippines, in countries that are not addressing corruption. Malaysia, Indonesia,

Laos, Vietnam, and even India and China are addressing corruption, admitting it is a problem, making arrests, passing

sentences, and putting away the offenders. What is Thailand doing? When this same scam was revealed in Samui, after

tourists caught the incident on tape, the police levied a 1000 baht fine. When the authorities continue to show that they

are not serious, and are not to be taken seriously, this continues to happen.

Thailand runs the risk of becoming irrelevant down the road, if they do not do something about this. All of the foreign press about

Thailand today, is negative. It is catching up to them. No amount of criticism of the messenger is going to make this go away.

They have spent many years pretending the problems are not there, and now that the international press is making

a statement, and reporting the facts, the Thais are upset. Too bad. Try addressing the problem, instead of pretending

there are no problems in paradise. The Thais have taken the tourist industry for granted for far too long. It may be time

to pay the piper.

Address the problem??

You are absolutely right. Successive Thai governments have believed that suppressing the information is the way to address negative truths about Thailand.

Have a look at the evidence submitted to the UN Human Rights Commission about the lack of political will to address such problems in Thailand.

It is reproduced on TV here.


I have resurected it as it was also suppressed. I would like every reader of TV and every foreign journalist to be aware of the true "law-enforcement" environment in Thailand. Thailand is fast becoming Burma with a veneer of democracy and the veneer is becoming thinner as the press of the free world are getting the message fast.

I invite any journalist or documentary film-producer to get in touch with me for some insight.

I am a friend of Thailand but not of its corruption.

There is absolutely no one to complain to in Thailand (a point also made by the UN Human Rights Commission).

I have personally written to Khun Abhisit the Prime Minister, 4 months ago, about the failure of the Chief of Police and the Attorney General over a period of 2 years, to respond to documented evidence asking for enquiry into the law being used as a weapon of extortion. I have had the same response from him. That is, none.

I asked the PM to "demonstrate that the wrongful conduct of some of its officials and the failure of others to address injustice and abuse of the legal process is not reflective of government attitude in Thailand".

I, perhaps naively, becuse of the way he projects himself publicly, expected a response. It seems that my question has, however, been answered by the lack of response from the P.M.

So, I will ask again. Please Mr. Abhisit, respond to the matters I have brought to your attention.

Do something for the sake of your potentially wonderful country before it is too late.

Sad to say but I doubt this is top of the PM's priority list right now. Perhaps he'll get a round tuit once he gets a police force that is acceptable and accountable to him?

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I think The Thai authorities have every right to look into it. Why just because our own societies are full of scummy second rate programs, negatively harming our societies and creating unnecessary fear, should Thailand follow suit. It looked staged to me. As for the fights, I think it is more of a damning indication of how revolting some tourists are than anything else. They are guests here and they behave like retards. Those in prison are in there for a reason. They have broken the law.

By the way there are 5,000 foreign prisoners in UK prisons ! Kind of dwarfs the hundred or so here !

The high season is upon Thailand and we are in the world’s worst recession ever in history. People are losing their homes, businesses are going bust and there are fewer jobs. This is the real world. Do you not think it was highly irresponsible and selfish beyond belief that someone should make such a program at this time ? We do not live in an adolescent TV world where no one takes responsibility. How self centered, self indulgent and naive can a human being be. This is garbage television for idiots. In 10 years I have never had a problem in Thailand. I stand side by side with Thailand 100%. Yes they do have problems but does it need spitefully spreading all over the globe; just before holiday season. How clever that is ? What moron thought it was a good idea ?

Try looking at our own countries and if you don’t like it here go home. The poor Thai’s must be so sick of foreigners moaning all the time. Why are you here if you want to criticize it all the time ? I hear so much moaning and criticizing in Thailand but are we not guests here.

The Thai’s know their country is not perfect. No country is; but is it polite to come here as a guest and just moan and criticize ? This is what is so screwed up in Western society and the Brits are the worst. Moaning, negative and unnecessary sensationalism......garbage for garnage minds.... I am English and I am ashamed of my own nationality. Look at the effluent on the program fighting and acting like spoilt retards……..Thank god I live in Thailand. I love the country. This is pathetic garbage TV for idiots who do not have the intelligence to watch something well researched, well thought out and positive. The good far outweighs the bad here. I am so sick of all the moaning whining selfish people who do nothing but moan. Go home. The makers of the film are probably kids who like to sensationalize and read comics. Average reading age of most UK papers is below 15 so guess they don't even know what they did. Thank god most English people are actually quite nice. Shame the bad ones get TV time.

Absolutely agree with everything you say.

I’ve lived in Thailand on and off for 20 years, now been here permanently for the last 6 years.

I too, love this country and it`s people.

Probably the ones moaning loudest are those who are working here illegally, the behind the scenes illegal business and property owners, fly by nights, in and out of the country on visa runs or not living in Thailand at all. Those types have no respect for the country, the people and it`s laws. The end results being that these so called tourists create a multitude of problems for the authorities, decrease the tolerance levels by the Thais towards the ex-pats living here and a tightening up of the visa regulations.

Many of those tourists are quite frankly, pure scum. These Brits have already turned holiday destinations in Spain and Greece into hel_l holes and now it seems are trying to make parts of Thailand into the playground of the low life, drunken, drug taking aggressive yob that is a complete opposite way of behaviour compared to the Thai way of life.

If these yobs get scammed, than good, let them tell their mates how bad the system is in Thailand, than perhaps if we are lucky, they will go away and create havoc some place elsewhere. As for the dwindling amount of tourists, I use the old saying: better to have an empty room, than a bad tenant.

The short answer is: if you live here and don`t like it, than go elsewhere, otherwise accept Thailand for what it is and make the most of it.

If you don`t live in Thailand, than I suggest you first look into the imperfections of your own countries before considering yourself an expert on what is and what is not, good for Thailand.

Edited by sassienie
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saying Chiang Mai is better than Phuket or Pattaya is like saying a Chinese noodle shop in Cleveland is better than Chinese noodle shop in Podunk Iowa - there's scant difference. Tourists still get surly and sullen attitudes from locals in Chiang Mai, though in Phuket and Payttaya there's a mean-spirited and/or sassy hassling undercurrent, especially from katoy.

As for the video; the Thai authorities' response will only publicize it further. More such footage will be shot, and it may become a freaky genre in its own right - with its own avid following. Conversation of the near future, "hey, I'm bored. I think I'll youtube some of the latest rip-offs happening in Thailand."

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What if the tourists do actually damage the jetskis? Loss of earnings and repair costs. We all know that LOS is the Land of Scams, but I think that the film showed the tourists in a very bad light too, with drunks laying all over the beach. No wonder tourists are not liked. Their disrepect for the Thai culture is deplorable and gives us all a bad reputation.

IF the Jetski is damaged by the tourist, then a small contribution is fair enough. If the jet ski operators are charging 1,500 Bt per hire, they should be making enough to pay for insurance. I seem to remember that a jetski hire in Pattaya is 500/600, so why it is so much more expensive in Phuket, I don't understand.

Do you really think that proper repairs to a fibreglass hull would cost 40 or 50,000 Baht though?

Is it possible that the damage shown in the film was old damage, repaired cheaply and poorly so just broke open again? Those hulls have to stand a lot of pressure when jumping waves.

If JJ is running a legitimate business, why does he need to surround himself with thugs? Maybe because the main business activity is intimidation and demanding money with menaces.

Yes, apart from the Jetski incident, the film seems more inclined to show the bad side of some tourists as opposed to the bad side of Thailand.

With regard to the drunk tourists lying on the beach. Getting drunk and collapsing is very much a part of Thai culture, so maybe these tourists are respecting Thai culture :)

The full moon party is a moneymaking operation, the Thais make money from it, the Thais sell alcohol without regard to how drunk their customers are getting. So maybe the Thais who are only interested in the cash are disrespecting Thai culture.

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I'm sure these scams happen; there couldn't be so many people reporting it if it didn't, but in all my time in Thailand, probably 30-40 visits over almost 30 years, I have never been scammed. I've never been jet skiing at the resorts though. I've never had the 'funny money' stunt tried on me when exchanging.

I've never had a cop try anything on me, and have found the Thai police to be more than helpful right across the country.

I did have a soldier who was presumably guarding the ruins in Ayutthaya ask for money going back 20 years or so, long before it became a touristy place. I refused, (pretty gutsy I thought at the time considering he was carrying an automatic weapon) and he wandered off. I've hired motorcycles and cars, driven across a good part of the country, and never been approached by a cop for anything.

I can't say the same for Indonesia. I've spent quite some time there also, and it's not unusual to be picked up by cops half a dozen times in a day when I'm riding a motorcycle, for nothing other than I'm a westerner. The 'funny money' scam is rife there also.

I've never had a problem in Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia either.

Tourists can be rsoles at times, so I'm guessing the locals do become somewhat hardened to their antics. Stealing bar mats comes to mind.

Sassienie, I'm with you.

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Typical muppet response from the TAT. Let's not correct the problem, but blame the media for revealing it. :)

It's not just a typical Thai response.

In the US two film makers posing as a pimp and his lady of the evening girl friend go into several Acorn offices around the US taping how Acorn workers response to their supposed situation as to how to buy a home, evade taxes on prostitution by his lady and underaged imported Salvadorean girls that would move into their home.

The Baltimore and Maryland authorities are considering actions against the film makers as the Acorn people weren't aware that they were being taped.

Funny thing is that most news outlets didn't even mention the Acorn oops as it tends to make the President look bad.

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It's not the "land of smiles" (though there are still a few of these around) it should be known as the "LAND OF SCAMS"

Agree with the idea the LOS = Land of Scams.

And until such time as the realms reputation is known far and wide and tourists stay away in their droves and until they (the Thais) are bitten where it really hurts (in their pockets) these scams will continue.

Possibly tourist interested in culture/ family fun but let's face it the sex tourist will probably never be discouraged.

Two tier pricing for visitors, etc., etc. :)

I usually only buy items that have the prices marked avoiding some double pricing.

I would encourage all TV members to go rent out the video Phrom Phiram (Macabre case of Prom Pi Ram) if you need any verification or convincing of the of the Thai psyche or persona.

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Typical muppet response from the TAT. Let's not correct the problem, but blame the media for revealing it. :)

For the record - TAT is not the Film Office!!! - However, to film in Thailand requires no end of crap and paperwork for permissions and approvals. This also means anyone filming here requires a permit and the Film Office has to have a representative present all the time during filming - cannot see Black Sheep having that happen. Thus Black Sheep have ignored the rules (which so many do) as Media or Press are not required to get permissions! Wrong Visa or Work Permit and the Film Office is being held accountable thus will wait and see what happens. The complaint now is export with getting clearance. Any charge, no matter what, will do to nail a perpetrator. It is how Thailand works rtaher than admit they missed one... lol :D dam_n... imagine having footage of a corrupt person - you should see my footage on Rajadamri and Brown Shirts collecting cash fines (sic) ... But I have not exported it :D - oh yeh and Thai companies do not need permission to film their own material!! Go figure... :D

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I agree with the Thai government that such movie making MUST be controlled.

While Thailand have many smart and well educated people (Mark for an example), most people couldn't even understand a second language. For example, the vast majority of the Chinese cannot even understand Chinese (their mother tongue), not to mention English.

Freedom of speech is a Western concept. The time is not right for Thailand. Thailand must not accelerate herself too much to try to catch up with the Western world or Japan. There will be a time in the future. While waiting for that, Thais have to be patient, and have its media controlled.

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Typical muppet response from the TAT. Let's not correct the problem, but blame the media for revealing it. :)

For the record - TAT is not the Film Office!!! - However, to film in Thailand requires no end of crap and paperwork for permissions and approvals. This also means anyone filming here requires a permit and the Film Office has to have a representative present all the time during filming - cannot see Black Sheep having that happen. Thus Black Sheep have ignored the rules (which so many do) as Media or Press are not required to get permissions! Wrong Visa or Work Permit and the Film Office is being held accountable thus will wait and see what happens. The complaint now is export with getting clearance. Any charge, no matter what, will do to nail a perpetrator. It is how Thailand works rtaher than admit they missed one... lol :D dam_n... imagine having footage of a corrupt person - you should see my footage on Rajadamri and Brown Shirts collecting cash fines (sic) ... But I have not exported it :D - oh yeh and Thai companies do not need permission to film their own material!! Go figure... :D

"oh yeh and Thai companies do not need permission to film their own material!! Go figure.."

So, as the filming was done by a Thai Company, they didn't need permission - is that right?

So the only charge can be exporting the video material without the proper clearance?

I agree with the Thai government that such movie making MUST be controlled.

While Thailand have many smart and well educated people (Mark for an example), most people couldn't even understand a second language. For example, the vast majority of the Chinese cannot even understand Chinese (their mother tongue), not to mention English.

Freedom of speech is a Western concept. The time is not right for Thailand. Thailand must not accelerate herself too much to try to catch up with the Western world or Japan. There will be a time in the future. While waiting for that, Thais have to be patient, and have its media controlled.


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I agree with the Thai government that such movie making MUST be controlled.

While Thailand have many smart and well educated people (Mark for an example), most people couldn't even understand a second language. For example, the vast majority of the Chinese cannot even understand Chinese (their mother tongue), not to mention English.

Freedom of speech is a Western concept. The time is not right for Thailand. Thailand must not accelerate herself too much to try to catch up with the Western world or Japan. There will be a time in the future. While waiting for that, Thais have to be patient, and have its media controlled.

:):D :D

Yeah, right.....

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 Before my first trip to Thailand (December 1989 with the USMC) we were told by our unit not to rent jet skis, mopeds, or vehicles. The reason given was that many of the rental agencies were scams. They would send you out with defective and/or damaged vehicles. thus when you broke down they could charge you absorbent fees for the repair and towing. Or they could wait until you got back to th rental agency and then try to charge you for the damages. Obviously nothing has changed. Except now Thailand is desperate for an increase in revenues from Tourism and the dangers of a vacation in Thailand is being covered by news agencies in countries in which live Thailand's desired tourists. The video does look like it was staged, but even so, it seems like a fairly accurate portrayal. This is just another case of not knowing what you have until it is gone!

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well you gotta be joking about them shitty tourist volunteer police especially baldy who want his lights punching out he questions people who have been badly cut and could concussion he needs to get them to hospital first then ask also get cctv frm them bars or is he afraid of thev real truth and the marine should of stood his ground and told him to suck his c***k :) and walked away or called so called helpful tourist police but thai not the plastic muppets that do that job just to keep in with the police and get ther visa's taken care of

[Fixed your screwed up quotes...]

I asked what wasn't real.

You just responded with drunken attacks of someone not being...up to your standards.

Fine, but that isn't what the argument was about.

So we can agree that it was real, thank you.

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wow, and do they think it will do them more good for tourism than harm by sending the production company to jail? How about using that energy and the courts to I don't know maybe arrest the scammers, put a stop to the tuk-tuk crap, arrest any cop on the take....

WOW is all I can really say.

Myphuketlife, you're 100% right! It's not only the jetski scam but in particular the tuk-tuk maffia, the illegal taxis and the corrupt cop sympathising with these crap whenever you have a complain or a brawl with them. Test it out yourself and hit a tuk-tuk when you're sure to be 100% in your right... and see what will happen! You don't have even to wait for that very long, it happens all the time because they know they are always right when they go to the cops! Whole Phuket is lost for tourism... let's go to Hua Hin!!! :):D:D

and when this also doesn't work, visit Preah Vihear from the Cambodian side (the road is open now!) to avoid crazy red shirt protesters... :D:D

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By the way there are 5,000 foreign prisoners in UK prisons ! Kind of dwarfs the hundred or so here !

The high season is upon Thailand and we are in the world's worst recession ever in history. People are losing their homes, businesses are going bust and there are fewer jobs. This is the real world. Do you not think it was highly irresponsible and selfish beyond belief that someone should make such a program at this time ? We do not live in an adolescent TV world where no one takes responsibility. How self centered, self indulgent and naive can a human being be. .......snip.....

Absolutely agree with everything you say.

I've lived in Thailand on and off for 20 years, now been here permanently for the last 6 years.

I too, love this country and it`s people.


What does the amount of foreign prisoners in UK prisons have to do with this thread?


I have only been coming to Thailand for 10 years and been here permanently for about 6 years.

I mostly love Thailand and mostly love the people. I'm not enamored with the government and the various departments.

Because I love the people, I welcome documentaries like this.

It seems the only thing that stirs the powers that be into any sort of remedial action is when Thailand's failings are exposed on the world stage.

Because of world media exposure, some action is being taken against the airport scammers, now, it seems like they are going to demand that the jetski operators get proper insurance. This has to be a step in the right direction.

If these steps are effective, then it can only be good for Thailand's tourist industry and therefore good for many common people who rely on tourism for their income.

If you love the Thai people so much, you would want good things for them. You would not want to maintain the status quo.

I love the Thai people and I would like to see them have a better life.

I think that it is disgusting that such a high proportion of the population has to survive on such a small income, but of course that is just me complaining in the eyes of all the farang that live in their insulated societies with the hi-so Thais.

Now so many of the population face losing their meagre income because of the decline in tourism. A decline directly attributable to bad management and doing absolutely nothing about the scamming of tourists. Yes, I know the economy is a factor, but tourism has declined much more than can be blamed on the economy.

I just hope that these last few embarrassing media stories will make the people in charge wake up and start doing things to improve and make Thailand attractive to tourists and do something about the things that deter tourists.

This can only be good for Thailand. And because I love Thailand and its people, I would like to see it happen.

You, on the other hand claim to Love Thailand and it's people, but want nothing to change, because everything is fine as it is.

Maybe, people posting on forums like this one catches the attention of the world, the media takes it up and the people in charge have to take note when the whole world is horrified by what happens here.

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Notice to all foreigners planning a Thailand Holiday.

Why take chances. Protect yourself...

come to Chiang Mai...... not a jet ski in sight...


No don't come to chiangmai we don't want all you tourists up here spoiling our beatiful part of Thailand. Don't have the problems that they have in all the major tourist areas can live peacefully here. If all the tourists pour in then it will ruin the place and become another shit hole like Pattaya full of bars and prostitutes and scammers.

"your beautiful part of Thailand " My arse ! Chiang Mai is 'lifting' pall & is rampant with all of the problems you label other "major tourist areas" added to that it's smelly ! I'm sure your message that Chiang Mai isn't interested in encouraging more tourists to visit is shared by everyone . You narrow minded Dope !

Might one hazard a guess that you live in Pattaya?

One might but one would be so wrong !

Would one like another guess or is one going to remove one's smug head from one's arse and say something relevant ?

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Sassiene i am a brit and i have been a reguler visitor to phuket for 7 years i am neither scum or a drunk. I will not be found waking up on a beach either. In your obviouse oppinion do you think its ok for people like me who works hard for his holiday to come to a country where as soon as the plane reaches its gate there are people trying to remove your money from you be it a taxi or going to a shop and being charged double. Do you accept in your own words that if you dont like the way your treat in thailand go back to where you come from, so you believe then that it is ok to rob somebody be it a scam or whatever it is pure robbery. Answear us all 1 simple question that scum bag jj is in court next week or is that made up to make the thais look bad. what is he charged with we know do you. I will agree with you in 80s We the brits were seen as troublesome in spain and greece but that was then. Times change and it is very seldom we hear of bad troublemakers in these destinations ie there country addressed the problem and stopped the troublemakers. I find your post's both disgracefull and disrepecting of us. What country are you from. If you can't post a thread without slagging people off i sugest you go to another forum, your views are not welcome here.

Edited by mrukman
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Yes, I agree completely. How on earth can Thailand hold its head up when it has a completely stupid law against making a film which shows Thailand in a critical light? Really, how ridiculous is that? The problem is that these influential people are so used to using strong-arm tactics in Thais they really believe they can use them against everyone.

Suppose for instance that the film company managers were fined or jailed. What would the international response be to that? Some of these people just don't think things through very well, and just have a knee-jerk response to everything. For them, to think is to say, to tonk is to do, no intervention at all from the rational mind.

Many Thais I know now remind me of what I have said to them "Kit korn put, kit korn tam" *sigh*. Uphill battle sometimes.

If the company were to fined i for one would like to chip in to pay for any penalty that may be incured, may be this kind of coverage can help clean things up more swiftly

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Why do these type of threads always turn into a comparison to a mythical "western" country where the rule of law and democracy are absolute? Why does it turn into F's dissing F's instead of acknowledgement that what particular item has happened affects all of us who live or visit here?

Scammers will always be in tourist destinations because they're everywhere in real life. Generally, what you don't get is help from the local plod in perpetrating the crimes.

Fair play to the yanks for warning their servicemen not to rent jet-skis, prevention will lead to a much better experience for all who visit here. We do like it here or we wouldn't be here and who really wants all the toursists to dry up to teach anyone a lesson? The people who would be hurt are the ones who are least able to defend themselves against the vagaries of corruption and poverty.

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I think The Thai authorities have every right to look into it. Why just because our own societies are full of scummy second rate programs, negatively harming our societies and creating unnecessary fear, should Thailand follow suit. It looked staged to me. As for the fights, I think it is more of a damning indication of how revolting some tourists are than anything else. They are guests here and they behave like retards. Those in prison are in there for a reason. They have broken the law.

By the way there are 5,000 foreign prisoners in UK prisons ! Kind of dwarfs the hundred or so here !

The high season is upon Thailand and we are in the world's worst recession ever in history. People are losing their homes, businesses are going bust and there are fewer jobs. This is the real world. Do you not think it was highly irresponsible and selfish beyond belief that someone should make such a program at this time ? We do not live in an adolescent TV world where no one takes responsibility. How self centered, self indulgent and naive can a human being be. This is garbage television for idiots. In 10 years I have never had a problem in Thailand. I stand side by side with Thailand 100%. Yes they do have problems but does it need spitefully spreading all over the globe; just before holiday season. How clever that is ? What moron thought it was a good idea ?

Try looking at our own countries and if you don't like it here go home. The poor Thai's must be so sick of foreigners moaning all the time. Why are you here if you want to criticize it all the time ? I hear so much moaning and criticizing in Thailand but are we not guests here.

The Thai's know their country is not perfect. No country is; but is it polite to come here as a guest and just moan and criticize ? This is what is so screwed up in Western society and the Brits are the worst. Moaning, negative and unnecessary sensationalism......garbage for garnage minds.... I am English and I am ashamed of my own nationality. Look at the effluent on the program fighting and acting like spoilt retards……..Thank god I live in Thailand. I love the country. This is pathetic garbage TV for idiots who do not have the intelligence to watch something well researched, well thought out and positive. The good far outweighs the bad here. I am so sick of all the moaning whining selfish people who do nothing but moan. Go home. The makers of the film are probably kids who like to sensationalize and read comics. Average reading age of most UK papers is below 15 so guess they don't even know what they did. Thank god most English people are actually quite nice. Shame the bad ones get TV time.

Absolutely agree with everything you say.

I've lived in Thailand on and off for 20 years, now been here permanently for the last 6 years.

I too, love this country and it`s people.

Probably the ones moaning loudest are those who are working here illegally, the behind the scenes illegal business and property owners, fly by nights, in and out of the country on visa runs or not living in Thailand at all. Those types have no respect for the country, the people and it`s laws. The end results being that these so called tourists create a multitude of problems for the authorities, decrease the tolerance levels by the Thais towards the ex-pats living here and a tightening up of the visa regulations.

Many of those tourists are quite frankly, pure scum. These Brits have already turned holiday destinations in Spain and Greece into hel_l holes and now it seems are trying to make parts of Thailand into the playground of the low life, drunken, drug taking aggressive yob that is a complete opposite way of behaviour compared to the Thai way of life.

If these yobs get scammed, than good, let them tell their mates how bad the system is in Thailand, than perhaps if we are lucky, they will go away and create havoc some place elsewhere. As for the dwindling amount of tourists, I use the old saying: better to have an empty room, than a bad tenant.

The short answer is: if you live here and don`t like it, than go elsewhere, otherwise accept Thailand for what it is and make the most of it.

If you don`t live in Thailand, than I suggest you first look into the imperfections of your own countries before considering yourself an expert on what is and what is not, good for Thailand.

To Both quotes above!! I think you both should engage BRAIN and look again at Thailand as both of you are way off the mark at what this thread is all about.

Most of us love Thailand and are only here to comment on the Different news Threads as it happens. This particular Jet Ski Scam is being used as a scapegoat for the Rest and I mean there are alot more Scams. Thailand has more than its fair share of Tourist problems and it doesn't know how to deal with it because the only people the Government can trust are the Police which are Corrupt themselves. So we have a duty to report these Scumbag Scams so hopefully the Tourist will have a happen time and go home to return or pass on to friends to have a holiday here too. The more Tourists, the more jobs, the more money and Thailand Tourism picks up.

As for Davidcc who is ashamed to be English I am ashamed of you as the people scamed were British Marines who make up the United Kingdom Arm Forces who were there on R&R. Nobody were drunk!!!!!!!!!!! to the idiot of the second quote.

Having ThaiVisa Forum is a blessing to all as some of us has and will be scammed and writing here will hopefully share our thoughts and feelings to all and friends plus giving advise. I truely hope Thai Government will harden up and put a stop to alot of problems it has and I only write about thailand as I live here too. But as we are going through a recession, and the Political upheaval these past 3 years it'll take along time to get itself back on track. So please lets have constuctive views here and pray thailand finds a solution to these scams

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Why do these type of threads always turn into a comparison to a mythical "western" country where the rule of law and democracy are absolute? Why does it turn into F's dissing F's instead of acknowledgement that what particular item has happened affects all of us who live or visit here?

Scammers will always be in tourist destinations because they're everywhere in real life. Generally, what you don't get is help from the local plod in perpetrating the crimes.

Fair play to the yanks for warning their servicemen not to rent jet-skis, prevention will lead to a much better experience for all who visit here. We do like it here or we wouldn't be here and who really wants all the toursists to dry up to teach anyone a lesson? The people who would be hurt are the ones who are least able to defend themselves against the vagaries of corruption and poverty.

Because it is a trait of many people to point the finger at others to excuse their own failings.

I hear it every day with my kids. "But he did it too", is such a frequent excuse, which I have to say, I didn't hear so often in my childhood.

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