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G'day all,I want to go from ubon to siem riep, I figured the best way was to go via surin & hopefully catch the main elephant w/end, but I'll be 2-3 days after,My plan was to bus ubon- surin o/nite then maybe taxi/bus to camb border,then maybe change taxi/ bus to siem riep,can I do in 1 day? thanking you all for any help.

regards songhklasid


Hi songhklasid

I cannot advise about your journey ubon>Surin but the rest is do-able. Be aware that hotels are usually full well in advance of the Elephant Festival. Maybe a call to Martin of the Ferang Connection, Surin might be an idea. He's a helpful old fart! :) (details above)


I personally would hire a truck/taxi to drive me to Ubon Ratchithani then fly to Siem Riep on Airasia. That would the be the fastest, 1000 baht for truck and 3 hour drive. The bus is an option if time and comfort are not your concerns.

I personally would hire a truck/taxi to drive me to Ubon Ratchithani then fly to Siem Riep on Airasia. That would the be the fastest, 1000 baht for truck and 3 hour drive. The bus is an option if time and comfort are not your concerns.

If the guy is starting from Ubon, then why would he want to pay 3,000 for a truck when you can walk to the Airport from the town center?

The main road to Siem Riep goes through Chong Sa Ngam in Sisaket province. D the D is right though, a lot of the top hotels are full already and I have a waiting list for the Majestic. I can put you in Jit Sawat or Sang Thong though.

I personally would hire a truck/taxi to drive me to Ubon Ratchithani then fly to Siem Riep on Airasia. That would the be the fastest, 1000 baht for truck and 3 hour drive. The bus is an option if time and comfort are not your concerns.

You can really fly from Ubon to Siam Reb ? I assume that is via Bangkok ?


Yes, you can make it in a day. Leave Surin early. Minivan from Surin bus station to Chong Jom / O'smach (60 baht). Cross border. Haggle with taxi drivers until you get them down to 2,000 or thereabouts. You'll be in Siam Reap by early afternoon barring any unforseen circumstnces which will almost certainly happen in which case you'll still be there before 3 or 4.

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