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Relationships Between Thai - Farang Couples


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I am surprised this thread has not been closed yet! A lot of disparaging remarks about Thai ladies in general and some insulting comments about those ladies employed in the entertainment industry. There are good and bad in all races and occupations, please don't judge everyone by your own low standards. I have met some very decent young ladies working in the bars and some real hard nosed Bi##hes in my working environment and vice versa.

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Can anyone tell me do thai - farang relationships really work over the long run ?

How many of use either have or know of someone who has come to thailand for a couple of week hoilday and ended up marring a thai girl ? how can people really get married after only knowing eachother for 2 weeks or even 2 months ?

also when you get married there is the whole different culture thing, i am from the UK and i no back in the UK when a couples gets married it is normal for the girls family to pay for the wedding. also both sets of familys also will normally give wedding gifts to the marrying couple. But when a farang comes to thailand it is very different. No wedding gifts forget that you have to pay for all the wedding and on top of that you have to pay money ( sometimes alot ) to your new wifes family ! Are any farangs really happy about this ? I know if i had a daughter and she was getting married and her new husbend offered me money i would say without having to think keep it for there future. Does anyone agree with me ? I have heard of farang who make little money in there own country giving alot of money to thai familys when getting married and on top of that still sending money to the family every month, are some farang guys really that desprate to get married to a thai lady ?

Also see so many thai - farang couples in resturants or where ever. They can be sat there for about 1 hour and not say a word to eachother ! because they cant talk the same language. How can these people be in love when they never talk to eachother ?

please let me no what you think about this and wehats happened to you in these situations.

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Can anyone tell me do thai - farang relationships really work over the long run ?

How many of use either have or know of someone who has come to thailand for a couple of week hoilday and ended up marring a thai girl ? how can people really get married after only knowing eachother for 2 weeks or even 2 months ?

also when you get married there is the whole different culture thing, i am from the UK and i no back in the UK when a couples gets married it is normal for the girls family to pay for the wedding. also both sets of familys also will normally give wedding gifts to the marrying couple. But when a farang comes to thailand it is very different. No wedding gifts forget that you have to pay for all the wedding and on top of that you have to pay money ( sometimes alot ) to your new wifes family ! Are any farangs really happy about this ? I know if i had a daughter and she was getting married and her new husbend offered me money i would say without having to think keep it for there future. Does anyone agree with me ? I have heard of farang who make little money in there own country giving alot of money to thai familys when getting married and on top of that still sending money to the family every month, are some farang guys really that desprate to get married to a thai lady ?

Also see so many thai - farang couples in resturants or where ever. They can be sat there for about 1 hour and not say a word to eachother ! because they cant talk the same language. How can these people be in love when they never talk to eachother ?

please let me no what you think about this and wehats happened to you in these situations.

Most Farangs fall in love with the 1st Thai Woman they meet, One must get to knowThai customs before getting married, Thai men also pay for the brides family, usally 100,000,baht. The family and friends along with the newlyweds, usally help with the wedding, the guest give money to the couple at the reception.

A Thai girl does not grow up thinking ,I want to marry an old man half my age. Most have been married and have children to support, both a bar girl and non-bar girls. Most are looking for financial security for their children. One must look long and hard at a women before making a commitment to the women. I am married to a women 32 years younger them me we live in a rural Thai village, with her two teenage children, I get along quite well with her family and I did not pay ,the family for my wife. My wife has come a long way in speaking English and our oldest girl is a University student with an English major.We have built a house and purchased land that belongs to my wife. She has a ex husband (Thai) that continues to support his daughters, the mother has given use 22 rai of land ,that is growing rice. My Thai friends and family are the best in the world. I do not know what the future holds for us ,We have been together 4 1/2 years and married for 2 1/2 years. I am happy and hopes she is too. my life now sure beats being in a old folks home back in the old country.

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Hi all, My oppinion on this is that marrying a Thai women is no differant to a falang.

Looking back on my first visit to LOS I did the typical stupid falang thing, came over thought I was god because of all these fit women showing me attention. Even now I can never get enough of a girl shouting "Hey hansom man" I know it's <deleted> but still makes you feel good.

I met my wife at the hotel I was staying at on the last week of my first trip to Pattaya, at first she didn't really want to know, due to the fact of how many differant women were leaving my room in the morning. Anyway I thought she was a nice girl etc etc and in total spend 3 days with her before flying back to Blighty. We kept in touch via phone and email etc,

I started sending money for the sick buffalo, mum dad etc we never mentioned getting married or being BF/GF although I always hoped she'd ask. I flew back 5 months later surprised her by telling her that we're getting married and did so the next day, looking back that probably wasn't wise because at that point I didn't know whether she was a lady boy or not!!!!

I spent 10 days with her before I had to go back to the UK and then waited another 5 months before I could get her the Visa to come to England. We argued over how much money I had to pay her mum they wanted I think 100k baht I gave them 40k baht.

We've been married for 7 years now we've got 3 wonderful boys and spend our time together in the UK and visit Thailand twice a year if possible. I'm happy, she's happy it's a good relationship for us, I know that I would never find a wife like that in the UK. All the blighty birds I've had the unfortunate opertunity to go out with have been more ruthless and money grabbing than any bar girl or "regular" girl in thailand.

The point I'm trying to make is that there certainly are a lot of money grabbing thai women who want to extract every last penny out of a poor c**t struck farang (meant love struck) but no more so than in any other country.

I think Thai women do make better wives than their western cousins. I can remember an english girl I use to see. I knew that If I didn't blow my wages on her wardrobe and nights out, then I knew that I would be using my hand. I think all women the world over are the same, no more and no less than thai women.

Not sure about the age thing I got married to my Telak 4 days before my 20th birthday, I thought at the time she was 19 but it turned out she was 22.

I think if your toying with the idea of marrying your thai GF then go for it, if it doesnt work never mind, move on. I'm pretty sure that if decided not to get married because of all the stories you hear you'd regret it and spend the rest of your life wondering what if.

All the best. :)

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