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just finished last of the khioew niouw when about 10 workers from other moshavim and kibbutzim arrived; i was eating outside with three poeple when someone came to say : time to leave, soon its going to get 'messy' i.e. fight /etc (i'm one woman and 20 drunk thais is not good combination)

he said people are 'took jai' and no i cant spell it cause i didnt have time to stand and ask for the spelling or clear meaning.... just that people were , i guess, getting drunker and tones were being raised etc... checked my list of 'jai' words but 'tookjai' does not give me the meaning that seems to fit this context. or i will have to wait until tomorrow to ask....

any general ideas??


ok i got it now; the one guy came out to us, he was 'ทุกข์ใจ ' that everyone is now getting drunk, etc so that's why they helped me go home faster, and why i ate outsside on the patio w/three thai men sort of eating with me so i wouldnt, god forbid, eat by myself.... its like having lots of older brothers

in the book 'heart talk' the definition was not exactly that, which is why i thought maybe it wasnt the same word... i guess upset/concerned maybe does fit...


ok i got it now; the one guy came out to us, he was 'ทุกข์ใจ ' that everyone is now getting drunk, etc so that's why they helped me go home faster, and why i ate outsside on the patio w/three thai men sort of eating with me so i  wouldnt, god forbid, eat by myself.... its like having lots of older brothers

in the book 'heart talk' the definition was not exactly that, which is why i thought maybe it wasnt the same word... i guess upset/concerned maybe does fit...







i was slow on the uptake but realized that the one is the opposite of the other just now!!!


(ทุค-จัย) tóok jai

# [ ADJ ] worried ; distressed ; troubled ; anxious ; concerned


# tóok suffer ;


# jai heart ; mind ; spirit


# tòok jai like ; be to one's liking ; be pleased ; be content ; be satisfied

ย้ง but what is this part?? spellling maybe?? couldnt find in any dict online or not...?


oops sorry for the big letters...

ย้ง but what is this part?? spellling maybe?? couldnt find in any dict online or not...?

oops sorry for the big letters...

ย้ง but what is this part?? spellling maybe?? couldnt find in any dict online or not...?

Should've been "yang" - with a mai han-akat, but snowy's eyes are going - just like mine :o :

ย้ง - has a "mai tho"

ยัง - has a "mai han-akat" = "yang"

หรือยัง ( rĕu yang ): [QUES] or not yet ;

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